Let your freak flag fly

Let your freak flag fly

  1. My 4 inch vertical weeps at the sight of Arnold gliding through the air

  2. Man if this secondary is what we hope it can be, that will totally change the outlook for this team imo. I’ve been very conservative with win total estimations for the upcoming year, but if these guys ball out, we could be in for a treat.

    This may be recency bias, but I can’t remember hanging as much hope on first-round pick as I am on Arnold. Last year I was surprised by the Gibbs pick, and knowing that we had D-mo at RB meant that I didn’t feel the urgency for Gibbs. Jamo was injured when we drafted him. Sewell you just knew was going to be good, and also the franchise was nowhere close to being one player or even one unit away from being a contender at that point.

    Last year it felt like even with our mid pass rush, solid cover corners could have really pushed this team to a number one seed. Our first round pick directly addressed an area of significant need, and is a talent we weren’t expecting to be available to us. This feels like it could be a historic pick for us.

    I know, I know, Okudah. This feels different. Trying to not pin my hopes too much on this kid as that is a recipe for disappointment, and I know it takes CBs a while to adapt, but — man. Imagine if he is who we want him to be (even if it takes a while to get there).

  3. I still can’t get over how clean our new unis look. The blueberries will be lethal.

  4. Terrion, Davis, Branch as our 3 corners with Iffy/Kerby at safety… this secondary is so young and exciting

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