Building a DYNASTY with the Indianapolis Colts | Madden 24 Franchise

Building a DYNASTY with the Indianapolis Colts | Madden 24 Franchise

for for for let’s see here interesting okay okay getting P nice little upgrade here go get him up to 90 on playmaker get a big boost right there yeah I like that like that a lot so obviously I did some work on Pitman uh wanted him to be better I thought he deserved to be better push him all way up to 97 is that accurate I don’t know again I’m just trying to have fun um but at the end of the day I thought he was better than mad made him so I made him better we have Jonathan Taylor give him some elusive back see if we can get some speed no we getting agility though that’s good plus one juke move that’s good all right rayquan Davis go ahead we just throw a run stopper on rayquan I don’t know if he ever even gets in the game honestly but just in case go ahead do that the rookie give him some pass protector Tanner balini also going to get some pass protector here then Grant Stewart who’s getting massively disrespected by Madden with the 64 overall okay so we did that now we also need to go turn up the difficulty um I guess we’ll just see where it is you yeah there we go so we need that to be on all Madden been on all pro needed to be on all [Music] Madden last couple games has been too easy you know figuring out the game getting better at the game look at that brand iuk 52 catches 808 yards and nine touchdowns just dominating Rashid rice had one massive week to help put him up there but 11 touchdowns all right I think we’re good to go into the next week get a look at our numbers so we’re good on offense we figured it out enough to be good at everything except for passing defensively we’ve also been able to figure it out the last couple weeks done really well um and we’re one of the best defenses all of a sudden all right we’re not the worst team in terms of giveaways anymore that’s great news we’re now the second uh second worst so still got to not turn the ball over had one last game got to be better on third down not bad only allowed nine touchdowns for seven weeks it felt worse through those first few weeks honestly we have 10 takeaways which is good 17 sacks we do a good job getting out their qu back so let’s go I expect us to uh be able to beat the Saints here but again going up to all Madden we we’ll see what happens color rush I like those helmets like those helmet a lot yeah we’re going to keep them in those color rush so was pretty cool um then for us screw it let’s just go color Rush uh let’s see what uh yeah yeah yeah I don’t think that’s the move alternate classic though I really like the helmets with the little horses in the back that are mostly white right there I think that’s just a super clean look super clean look so that’s what we’re going to roll with we’re going to go in we’ll see what happens man need another big game here Jonathan Taylor is having a monster Year want to keep him in contention for the MVP only one carry for 20 plus all right now it’s obviously going to be tough it’s going to be harder to run the ball as we get some Thunder making the making the dog bark the kick will start at the 25 Saint all right got Derek Carr in the center let’s go fluster him lay down tried to get there with Z but got blocked and he hit the hole all right carries yard League Rush all right now’ be nice if we could force a turnover I tried I tried he do for it but I missed let’s just go invert hard here simple cover two let’s go able to stop him missed him with zir right there I was able to get through the hole but I forced him to the outside my guys clean it up they think they’re going to be able to continue running the ball we’re going to be on Grove here oh a Derek Carr actually throwing the ball to the correct spot they’re driving on us right now got to stop the bleeding right now you feel me good job SE lby all over that one little three yard game but this is where we need to stop him right they’re at the 29 can’t give up more yards need to make it at least a hard field goal for him ah Julian with a nice tackle but third and one so I think yeah I’m gonna come just engage a going send everything got the sack that’s huge let’s go taking him back to Fourth and nine at the 31 beautiful doing too much with the play action right there love to see it all right so they end up with three that’s all right they drove on us a little bit they end up with three points we’ll take that so just there on the first drive for them like noticeable the move from all proo to all Madden um and how the computer plays so you know got to make less mistakes gotta be more sound in what I’m doing I’m gonna have to do the same thing offensively as you can see through the passing um not very good so that’s one thing we’re still going to have to work on but we’re good running the ball so that’s something we’re going to end up doing a lot of in this game bottom line that’s why defter like doesn’t them in B situations ah linebacker was all over that one probably gonna be a lot of that now the computer actually reacting the right way TR way Play No it works in real life let’s see if it ends up working it’s worked really well in years past and then there are other years where it doesn’t work real well in Madden Jonathan Taylor being Jonathan Taylor able to get up the field a little bit that was all right you know I don’t think that one’s anything special I don’t know if it’s really designed to be anything special honestly but uh we’re just going to keep it simple here Jonathan Taylor is the guy gonna keep giving Jonathan Taylor the ball okay yeah I can see how it’s going to be much more difficult uh to break runs I’ll be able to run the ball because it’s Jonathan Taylor but it’s GNA be harder to really break runs [Applause] no I thought 20 was covering kylin and I threw it to JT I didn’t know JT was going to run downfield I thought JT was just going to leak out and turn around that was just all bad right there all bad going with another Blitz here the strong safety Blitz see if it works out for [Applause] us ran to the opposite side stay in three4 here but we’re going to do some coverage a I just straight missed him so right Sean was there to help me out after the mistake and throwing the interception this is going to be another one that’ll be really real nice if we could hold him to a field goal that’s already the end of the first quarter so fast we only ran what three plays so their first drive took way more time and I thought it did okay getting my own interception would be real nice let’s go Juju good tackle all right I’m GNA go with nickel two tra it work force before could be different here on all Madden but let’s try it out no we had everything locked up that whole time and he ends up getting them and then we push him into the endzone wow sent the Blitz and we couldn’t get there man that’s the big difference on defense right now is the rush not getting there already had the engage a on their play action and got there first sack but at least that time that Blitz just didn’t work out got way too much time we had everything covered up Oh I thought that was going to be it had a kickoff return for a touchdown in the last game all right let’s go read option feel like I want to hand this off nah y just get out nothing crazy 20 yard gain for AR lovely all right ah wow they were all over that from all all angles everything I wanted to do they were all over that all right let’s see if JT can get us some yards we’re running right into what should be in pretty open hole to Mario Davis so man galani Woods could not get there I see if we can get the SC to work I’ve only gotten one screen to work this season but see if we can get it to work here oh they’re impressed no way pits dropping that no way pit is just letting that touch his hands and fall to the ground oh my goodness I can’t believe that just happened ad’s dropped a couple and it’s like okay well he’s a rookie in the game like not made great right but pit dropping that bro what’s up fellas what’s up what’s up what’s up somebody in chat on my screen isn’t showing up I gota look at my phone for it go outside linebacker fire here nice tawon tawon making a nice play Let Me pause this real quick see if I can’t get chat to pop up I don’t know why I can’t see my chat right now so we’re going to reload that there we go now I can see you guys okay let’s get back into it oh Julian nice pick second game in a row with the pick get away from me yeah let’s go huge play by Julian it’s exactly what we needed we need him to get two interceptions in this game and there’s one right there getting one in the first half hopefully he’ll get a chance to get one in the second half or at some point uh during this game cuz I don’t know if we’re going to be able to hold the Saints to under 150 yards s uh through the air ah that stretch just didn’t work they were all over that one tried to cut back and it was too late all right this exactly what we want they’re in press coverage right now pit for the touchdown baby getting past this guy easy pitch and catch not dropping that one pit gets in for the touchdown needed it could not give the ball back to the Saints without scoring right there beautiful pass from AR put it in the perfect spot I should have done a possession catch on that instead of run after catch that was dangerous but nonetheless pit getting the touch let’s go 107 this is another Redemption game here where the Colts last year gave up a bunch of points to the Saints and lost that game at home so on this one we’re looking to not only come back take the lead but I’d like to to really put it on the Saints here it’s like um I think it was uh Texans game one of the games we played recently was 7 s going in the fourth quarter I won that game 3514 if we can do that kind of thing in the second half um and really kind of abuse these guys that’d be great what we need to do is have the pass rush get home and start bothering Derek Carr like we went and got Den Neil Hunter and I feel like he hasn’t had much of an effect for us uh since we got him contre so we’re going to go with the cloud like this just this anytime there’s a bunch formation or trips formation that’s what I’m looking at I don’t know if they’re going to give that to him yeah looks like they gave him the first down thought I popped him right before he got to the line maybe we could get him in a vicarious situation all right so I want to go Blitz on the first play if it stays in bounds and they hurry up we’ll just go cover three Sky let’s go latu getting there for the sack that’s huge doesn’t look like they’re going to hurry up so let’s go ahead burn a timeout right there lotu getting there man needed that I think he’s now officially the sack leader on the team oh looks like they want to run the ball just plug the holes yep let’s go damero is gonna slip out on that one bro all right I form I don’t want to do anything cute Let Go cover two have our guys just rally and Tackle that’s all we need to do here rally and Tackle let’s go and on the offens we’re just going to have to be smart right use all our timeouts be smart on the offense the right side is usually where we have more success on punt returns so that’s what we’re going to try come on Julian how’s everybody’s Fourth of July I work my day job during the day um got home about 4 o’ did a stream on here played a game they’re in press coverage again bro and I thought I was going to be able to Yak that one to the outside side there all right now we’re going to go with what we were going to do the first time um yeah then the rest of the night man I was just chilling you know got a dog at the house so it’s kind of taking care of him trying to make sure he was all right and comfortable freaks out over the fireworks you know we’re chilling to watch Godzilla minus one on Netflix uh thought that that was a good movie not what I wanted I really just picked the wrong play bro all right let’s go wide receiver under here see if we can’t nice let’s go great route by Josh DS great throw by AR that was incredible nice man now let’s try to get a screen to work let’s go oh Q I needed you to block him brother [Applause] let’s do double post here dude they’re pressing Pitman again so we’re just GNA run him straight and he beat his guy quick no he threw it too far in front no unbelievable man that’s where I got to get used to it um on all men right he pushing the analog too much even on All Pro there’s a little bit of a correction they don’t give you that on all Madden I got to remember let’s go we need to hurry up [Applause] [Applause] here come on galani yes yes yes yes yes sorry controller disconnect yes I can’t believe that worked that was so [Applause] dangerous let’s go man love to see it exactly what we needed man taking the lead the end of the first half we have to get the ball back to him actually no they started with the ball right I think we get the ball back okay so let’s do run inside um let’s Also let’s try to contain their inside run yeah we do get the ball okay my my connection right now with the cord I’m using to connect to PC is messed up I’m going to go grab another one real quick I’ll be right back okay let me let’s plug that [Music] in boom boom boom unplug that this cord apparently doesn’t want to work with it there we go right lit up but I don’t think this one’s going to work I think we’re just going to deal with what we had there hope that it works no way I’m about to play on mouse and keyboard ain’t no way it likes this cord I don’t know I don’t know what’s different it likes this cord though it’ll work with this one so just need this one to keep working thought I was going to be able to get him to the outside make him run into his own guy give me some space and I was gone okay so of course now that we’re in the lead like this is all about just not doing anything crazy no they’re trying to bait me into doing something in that press covers man they keep pressing pit like I’ll keep running them on goes if you want to keep pressing pit all right let’s go read option work last time let’s see if we can get it to work this time just hand that off ah no wo JT fumbling yeah [Applause] right just go inside Zone nothing fancy pick up the first down here huge burst right there from JT getting through the line there we go 10 carries 50 yards so even on no Madden we’re making the Run game work which is great news right it’s not as powerful as it was um before I picked the wrong play again dude that’s okay we’re just going to do this have galani run the drag let’s go he overshot it again man that one wasn’t even close that’s the most common thing with ar so far in this game is the overthrows on the Deep passes like that it might be my fault it might be my fault but it happens so often that I feel like it’s kind of just how he was made in the game you know going be aemp let’s go AR good little spin move his spin in his Juke or trash but we’re able to make it work for us right there run the double post I don’t really like the the Deep Prout um for Mitchell so we’re going to shorten that and get them to come more under for us we’re just going to hit JT in the flat keep it safe let’s go little niney pickup right there can’t really complain about that you know we just need to keep the ball um try Surman in now thing I do want to do is play action slide um Downs can’t get open then uh we’ll probably throw it under maybe pit gets open let’s go that works too everything open right up pit um that slant that I put pit on uh kept the defense in that deeper part of the field beautiful that really couldn’t work better right the pass rush uh was coming up field we just found a spot where we could get through see we can get JT to finish this drive off for us o it’s all right down at the two yd line L yeah let’s go from this formation inside Zone split big boy football right here a getting stopped I don’t want to pull somebody we’re just going to switch it a y I was hoping they were going to send every I missed it I was hoping they were going to send everybody and I could get galani woods but they sent everybody from the other side and cover galani and then of course missing field goals that’s what we do man miss field I think last game was the only time uh the only game where I didn’t miss a field goal that’s a 20 yard line car first La is not getting away from Z Franklin it’s just not happening sorry but that’s not happening as your you got be care as you your go might all right this where we need a big tackle for loss the forest Buckner has been quiet in this game he’s going to stay quiet thank goodness first re off pass uh from Derek Carr and with it being all Madden he’s been a lot better uh than he probably would have if we stay on our Pro I’ve never run this play let’s see how this works kind of like a strong safety trap it’s a cover two play so that’s oh just needed Den Neil to put his hands up I tried and it didn’t it just didn’t do anything we’re out playing them but we put ourselves in danger of them taking the lead we got to be able to stop him on this drive oh they got me with the play action 100% got [Applause] me just can go regular cover two have a Luby cover the middle of the field just too much space [Applause] bro I don’t know how it got so wide open like we’re running cover to there’s supposed to be somebody in that area we just didn’t have anybody drop back I guess I don’t know I don’t know but that’s not cool 524 plenty of time right there’s plenty of time to go down and score just can’t make the same mistake I did last time should just kept it on the ground with Jonathan [Music] Taylor let’s go Ashton pushing up to 31 a little better than a Touchback so this where yeah just got to be smart with the ball right don’t do anything outlandish and I threw a pick [Applause] six I mean covering the drag routes like crazy in this game bro like for what I just threw right to him all because I didn’t give Jonathan Taylor the ball man we could have been up 2114 and now what was it 2110 could have been just fine I get greedy oh that’s okay I don’t need it I just need yeah right man that’s crazy okay Chris is getting away from zy Franklin but JT is just gonna get pulled down like that right right right right right right let’s try it Pitt’s done a good job of getting open on these uh press coverages let’s go man finally got one let’s go AR another first down get out of bounds let’s see let’s see go play action read here I want to put pit on on a slant to get him to the opposite side of the field Josh Downs for a touchdown let’s go way to hold on to the ball Josh need it that’s our guy Josh Downs baby now also not only did I not score a touchdown on that one drive I missed the field goal right so it could at least be tied up even if I do make the same mistakes can at least be tied up put myself in a tough spot we’re just G to have to find a way to get the ball back I was this exactly what we were talking about on all proo it had gotten too easy so we switch it up actually I’m just going to go nickel bro I don’t trust I don’t trust my 34 defense I know my nickel defense has the guys that I want so we’re just going to keep it simple he got me with it again man obvious running situation and they pass it out of a running formation dude like they just got me I got got that’s really all that is exactly what we didn’t need to have happen there come on yep thank you huge sack to Neil Hunter first big impact that he’s made since he joined the team that’s huge right there didn’t exist that was so big second and 22 they’re obviously going to be trying to take time off the clock here no man so they’re going to take this to two-minute warning in okay we’re just going to go press coverage here and hope that we’re right let’s go DeForest buner DeForest quiet all day it makes a huge play when we need it most huge stopping him there that gives us a chance even if they hit the field goal it gives us a chance nickel cover to invert oh they’re actually going for it no [Applause] dude I thought they were kicking the field goal and we were picking a coverage for it I’m such a bot why didn’t I look and make sure unbelievable man I can’t believe that just happened I’m such a dummy for that that just made things a lot harder for us Julian with a nice [Applause] play they’re actually going to pass this no they ran it okay fourth and 13 we cannot stop the clock [Applause] anymore this where we got to hope for a miracle all right I hit the field goal we got to go down and get a touchdown that’s our only option you go outside the of put the dog outside real quick all right let’s do this mesh spot yeah they are right on top of pit that pick covered up galani I think he caught that wow what a play by galani What A Catch um yeah screw it we just got to go no he was going he got caught up in the Press but he had it no way bro no [Applause] man I just need time to throw man I just need you block your guy for two seconds like how can we not just just block that just block your guy it’s like he did I don’t think he even touched him block your guy we don’t even have enough time do we trying to pick the right play for the situation like what are we doing man I was exactly where I wanted to be now I lost I don’t know what formation I was in nice bro I’m so glad that the game did that for me Square bro it won’t this game is ridiculous bro right Anthony Richards can yak the ball 60 yards off one foot but that’s what we’re doing that’s frustrating bro mad frustrating it’s what we wanted right we wanted a challenge my own mistakes really cost this but game mechanics like AR not being able to throw 60 yards on the run in this game is like actually very frustrating it’s every game I’m trying to throw on the run and I can’t all right Julian getting an upgrade Julian also not going to uh I assume the little upgrade thing we we were going to get an upgrade to Superstar I don’t think that happened Saints had to have had over yeah because they had the one big pass so they for sure got the yard as they needed yeah that’s unfortunate Julian had an interception still not able to get an upgrade all right so at least we know on all Madden this definitely going to be more of a challenge going forward got the Panthers that’s great news first away game in a little while there’s nothing new coming up see the league leaders here Jonathan Taylor second in the league in rush yards and what it looks like Rush touchdowns Brandon auk Rashi rice going crazy at receiver Max Crosby has 10 or no that’s 10 tackles for loss TJ watt has 11 sacks Julian Blackman leads the league in interceptions let’s go he has four picks this year already nice let’s go man at least we got somebody on the defense putting in work so apparently the Panthers have one of the top defenses huh oh yeah points per game number one pass yards per game number one rush yards per game third or fifth second can in first so don’t take the ball away they don’t get out the quarterback much they I assume just play sound defense they’ve only allowed seven touchdowns all right so this is definitely going to be a challenge um but we’ll be up for it so we’ll see about uh coming back and playing later um I think right now that’s going to be my plan is to come back and play later um I do want to play some other games I want to play on my twitch Channel um if you want to you know come hang out there watch me play uh on Twitch that’s going to be mfam Hefe NY J FF n o r d y77 um actually let me just go ahead I’ll put that in the chat from my alternate account out he77 boom boom right there if you guys um you know want to come hang out with me on the other channel um you know I’m thinking probably gonna play um probably gonna hop on fortnite I think I want to play some fortnite reload I feel like people in fortnite usually have mics um when you’re playing with them so be able to you know get into a duo or Squad and have them have microphones so uh GNA do that uh here pretty shortly uh come join me over there follow me over there U trying to grow that channel you know grow the gaming channel um so I appreciate you stopping by and uh with that said take care of yourself take care of each other

Building a DYNASTY with the Indianapolis Colts | Madden 24 Franchise

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