Reaction to Red Wings’ Signings in Free Agency So Far, Fabbri Trade & More | THW Grind Line

Reaction to Red Wings’ Signings in Free Agency So Far, Fabbri Trade & More | THW Grind Line

[Music] it’s time for the hockey writers grind [Applause] line a weekly show covering everything Detroit Red Wings Detroit brought to you by our own iconic Top Line of wings Riders sit back and enjoy the grind [Music] grind hello everybody and welcome to another episode of The Grind line here at the hockey Raiders I’m your host Matthew zor and as always joined in by linemates Devon little and Evan Sabin guys we’ve got uh free agency not in the books yet but a few days in and the Red Wings looked like they weren’t going to do much on the first day Eisman didn’t do anything and then uh and then he got busy in the next few days with a few signings some interesting ones some potentially major ones that could make a difference this season but uh Devon how’s it going that’s good I you know we did this show not even not even a week ago uh like five days ago um and it feels like it’s been like two weeks because much stuff has happened yeah I’m ready to dig in let’s go for sure and Evan how’s it going good man it’s a crazy week dude I I just I got back from the draft last week I thought I was all done hocked out and then here I am at Kings two days this week I just got back from Ducks camp like an hour ago uh but I think I finally hit it like all right maybe it’s time to step back from here I am again with you guys so yeah I still love Yeah Eisman gave us some some stuff to talk about so uh if he didn’t do anything we’d be like well there’s not much to go with but he did a lot and uh we’ll talk about it but let’s get going with our one good one bad not to give away too much with our good and bad because we’re going to talk a lot about all this but uh Devon I’ll start with you a good and a bad from this past week like you said we are going to be digging into all of this so I’ll try to not you know we we’ll scratch on the surface uh my one good is honestly going to be the $1.2 billion dollar that was spent in free agency um at least to this point uh so far uh that’s a lot of money and that’s at least to me that’s a sign of uh a sign of growth uh in the league obviously the salary cap jumped up uh for the first time in a long time in a major way this year um I think we definitely saw the the effects of that um and yeah I mean some of the deals that were handed out were kind of crazy maybe we can talk about that a little bit but um hey if teams are spending money and making moves that makes the NHL a more exciting league and uh that helps us out because the redings play in the NHL so um my one bad is going to be honestly just kind of the uh the bummer the the the overall bummer that was felt when um Stam Coast signed with Nashville like right away basically um I know on this on this show um we kind of closed out the last episode with you know maybe Stam Coast is Redwing the next time we do the show you know there’s there’s that chance and there wasn’t really a chance or means we’re never signing that deal so um maybe a little of a bit of a bummer because that would have been really cool to talk about but um at the end of the day he’s a Nashville Predator so um well let’s let’s focus on the guys that they did sign right yeah it was pretty quick that that signing too everyone was like Nashville I I was kind of question mark I don’t know I I wasn’t really that wasn’t the team I was picking up that he would go to but um it happened uh Evan over to you a good and a bad um I think my good this week was really cool seeing uh pavl datsuk in town uh at development camp with the kids I mean some of those kids were just you know Star Struck uh and I love seen him get involved with the team you know you get him you have ledstrom you have all these players you know from The Glory Days of the Red Wings who still want to be a part of this team and it’s it just feels right to have have our young kids learning from him uh and that’s my segue here too because I forgot to tell you guys last week that I did run into paddle datsuk at the draft I did get to take a picture with him and I did almost Lose full bodily control when it happened um did not at first he didn’t really want to take a picture with me because he was getting just uh just getting bombarded by fans um to me it was it was it was you know one of those holy you know like MC Jagger moments you know this uh I think as soon as he saw my phone case which of course is covered in Red Wings logos uh he was a little more apt to uh take the picture with me and you know if you know so I didn’t start wouldn’t start crying because I think he could tell that’s where it was heading so that that was amazing uh for me if you go to my Twitter page it’s on there but um uh my bad is uh you know I I I kind of was looking forward to this trouba deal and now I kind of feel like it just it’s just not gonna come to fruition and I get it uh part of my bad too is you know people just murdering this guy on Twitter for his decision to stay with you know his wife obviously we know about her residency as a doctor in New York hey people these these that’s the reason these things are put into contracts so he has that decision and his decision you know and from apparently what you read about the guy he’s a good guy he does well in the charity off the ice and you know this is something that’s important to him you know his family he’s got a young kid uh and and his wife you know going for a residency that’s that’s a big deal and so uh as disappointed as I was for you know team Wolverines to keep adding to their their Michigan BRS uh it was great um I’m a little sorry I’m a little bummed that uh you know he’s not GNA I don’t think he’s to going to be coming here unless something changes but I was kind of looking forward to some some of that brutality on the back end that this team desperately needs you know I’m he’s the kind of guy and I like I said I can’t ever forget about that flying elbow he missed in the playoffs and Martin nees I mean that’s the kind of thing we needed when when Zoo took or whoever took down to Lin last year Matthew Joseph that’s the kind of thing I wanted to see a flying elbow to someone’s head if they messed with the captain so uh yeah I mean I yeah we we’ll get into it a little more are here but yeah that’s that’s my bad for now yeah well I mean we got to remember all these guys they’re they’re human they’re they’re not right we watch them play hockey and all that but in the end they’re they’re human beings they have to they have to deal they have families they have kids and and they want to make the best decision for them and you know that’s what trouba is doing so all right I let’s get into it our free agency you know lots of players signed five players so far has signed uh let’s start with we’re going to leave the bigger names till later on we’re going to start with Eric Guston H you know he he signed a two-year deal at two million and you know he”s been been bouncing around a lot since he had that ridiculously good offensive season with uh with the Blackhawks where looked like a all World offensive defenseman he’s been a pretty solid guy over the last few seasons um playing with a multip a few teams so Devon I’ll start with you what do you think about guson signing with the Red Wings I mean there’s another veteran getting added and he going to take ice time from the young guys but he could potentially fill a role here you know I think Steve irman has like a weird like bet going with somebody where every year he can bring in a former Blackhawk um because just to sends that guy this year um last year was de brinka and Patrick Kane year before that Dominic kubalik the year before that Pew Suter you know it’s it’s it’s becoming a weird Trend um but anyways I think guston’s kind of your um your diet gas topair so to speak um I think it kind of fits right into that hole where he’s kind of an offensive guy um he doesn’t have the same offensive ceiling as Shane go Spar does um but I also think that guson is maybe a little bit better defensively um now don’t get me wrong um I wouldn’t want guson on the ice when you’re you know trying to preserve a one-goal lead but uh maybe I trust him a little bit more than I trust go despare um and that’s saying something because I’m you know go despare was one of was um one of the more leaky defensemen uh on the redings blue line that’s for sure um but at the end of the day I I think I think he’s kind of the the perfect the perfect type of offensive defenseman for the Red Wings to Target because he is on a relatively cheap deal 2 million that you know that’s that’s not um if that is sitting on your in the Press Box that’s not as big of a deal as like the 3.4 that Justin Hall’s making right it’s a little a little bit easier to stomach if that’s in the Press Box um and also I think that he’s good enough to where he can play games but also he’s not so good and so you know well respected or whatever that like he’s going to block you know Simon Edinson if Edinson proves he can be the PowerPlay guy or you know whatever I I I think that he’s a good standing for guys to spare but I think that because he’s not as good as gas spare he’s not as much in the way of some of their younger defensemen and I know for my part that makes me excited because I want to see a lot of growth out of the youth this SE this season yeah no that’s very true I mean gson is not going to take up top four minutes he’s not going to do that um he’s not the best defensively so I mean you’re you’re not going to want him in a lot of situations but definitely he’s going to be probably second power play unit uh type guy that could maybe step in and maybe healthy scratch at times and you know he he can be just a utility guy coming in and out of the lineup uh Evan what do you think about guson signing I mean I’m not it’s I’m neither here nor there about it I’m glad it’s it’s you know he’s he’s better defensively than ghost of bear let’s just say that although I will miss the air ghost of bear I still watch that gift over and over I mean still can’t believe it happened it looks like Michael Jordan um but I mean it’s it’s it’s a low term low lowc cost deal so I’m fine with it if it replaces ghost I mean that what what I saw ghost go for in Carolina I thought the Red Wings could have done very easily but at the same time I mean ghost is you know ghost is Ghost there’s a reason he’s been all around the league you know you mentioned Gustin coming off that 60o season back in 201819 that that’s kind of a crazy year that he had and he has really topped a barely top 35 points ever since so uh there’s some offensive potential there it’s definitely going to be uh you know it’s definitely not going to be what ghost brought offensively but I think it’s enough of a stop Gap that you know again I I think a lot of these moves that Eiserman is doing is is basically just to bridge the gap to the youngsters you know we complained all last year about bringing the kids bringing the kids up bringing you know what now we’re finally going to see it but we’re we’re we’re also we’re going to see a bunch of kids this year but we’re also getting the these One twoyear deals that are give us two more years to these guys uh to get to our prospects and uh I think that’s very important um same thing with some of the other signings that I know we’re going to get into so I mean it doesn’t really it’s not going to move the needle for me uh augustas but it’s at the end of the day it’s it’s a it’s a good quality signing at low term low cost yeah he’s not here long I mean two years he said Bridge do the gap which is great uh you know for some of the younger guys to come in and he’s a veteran I mean he he he’s been around and uh he’s relatively low maintenance I mean he yeah he is better defensively than cost to spare um but he’s still not the best defensively I probably wouldn’t be I wouldn’t have him on the ice Edge during the last minute that’s for sure but he’s Swedish though so there you go that that adds to it all right let’s go to forward and this is one of my favorites Tyler m i i i loved him in Vancouver I hated it that they traded him to the Rangers I would have taken him back as a canu on the fourth line um but he’s a Redwing which is the second next best thing so Evan what do you think about Tyler M being added to the team I mean it’s it’s just it’s a Christian Fischer almost 2.0 type player for me and those kind of the guys that you love you know I always check on social media you check the other team’s re uh the team they came from his reactions about where when they sign elsewhere you can see that a lot of people were like you know a lot of Red Wings fans who weren’t familiar with Tyler M were bashing the Sun and this and that and you see the the the Lightning’s reaction about or fans reaction saying hey you’re going to love this guy this guy’s you know tooth and Nails grit this is the kind of players you know you need come playoff time you know he’s not going to he’s he’s not going to give you much offensively but he’s going to fight and play that 200 foot game that Stevie y loves and that we all love that you know tooth he’s going to fight tooth and now for us and those are the kind of guys you have to have on your bottom on your bottom six so I think he’ll he’ll fit in nice probably in a fourth line role but uh I I like the signing again low term low cost and you know again you got to have these kind of players come play off times so I’m I’m I’m happy with it well you don’t have to read a bunch of Articles when Tyler M was with the kanaks you’ll know how much I like him so I I love the signing uh great penalty killer I has a bit of speed he can score I mean he has I mean doesn’t score a lot but you know he’s good for for n six seven goals per High nine I mean if he does get the opportunity he he can score it’s just the biggest thing he brings is that energy and that that great yeah two-way two-way game to the bottom of the lineup and you don’t have to worry about him H when you put him out there which is great Deon he makes the better defensively and that’s exactly what they needed in their bottom six it’s it’s signing for me and also former University of Michigan there’s add too how I forget that part the most important part had 32 goals in his uh another last season there so if they can get Kyle Connor now they can reunite the CCM line so and go Kyle Conor I’m in Devin what do you think about M see now I this is this is that time where I’m on the other end of um you know having everything basically already be said uh even down to the CCM line that that finally got brought up right I got you there in the last second dude a buzzer beater um yeah I mean I’ll just Echo everything that’s been said uh you know bottom six honestly four flying guy that um like you said Matt you just don’t have to worry about um as you said Evan makes the Red Wings better defensively that’s what they that was kind of a prime or a primary objective for them um this this offseason and he he does that um and also you know he’s another one of those Michigan boys he’s from St Clair um just another one of those guys that it’s easy to cheer for just because he’s from Michigan right I’m sure he’s very excited to wear a Red Wing’s uniform for sure like like yeah great signing I was happy when that happened all right next up and this is their biggest H biggest profile signing is Vladimir tereno uh the last of the top 30 list on the hocky Raiders top 30 uh that was signed all them were signed on the first day tereno was signed on the next one but uh he brings a lot of offense to the lineup probably top six coming off a Stanley Cup so I’m H I love it I love the signing so uh Devin what do you think about teras senko being added again not a long-term deal two years uh two biggest things that um you know stand out to me is yes the term it’s only two years um that’s very easy to just to to just digest really um he’s he’s a good player you’re not paying him a ton of money like you’re you’re not paying for the tereno five years ago yeah that’s like the biggest concern you have with a player like this is that you’re paying him for who he used to be um you’re paying him like perfectly for what he is now um really solid uh middle six scorer maybe he can Moonlight on the top line uh if need be you know you got to shake things up whatnot the big thing that I personally am really excited about um is just kind of you can play with the lineup and see how he could fit with different players does he play on the top line with Lin and Raymond that could look really good does he play on the second line across Patrick Kane Patrick Kane dish to uh teras senko if again if this was five years ago that’d be that’d be some crazy stuff um but even now I think that could be some good stuff I I think this is a huge addition for their power play as well um and also just you know like I said who he used to be right tereno um used to be a premier player in the NHL he’s still a really good one but he’s kind of a name brand player and it’s another one of those things where it’s like oh wow Vladimir tereno is a Redwing that’s really cool um and I guess the last last little thing I’ll throw out there is what number does he wear because he’s worn number 91 um his entire career and we kind of know the uh the interesting status of 91 in Detroit yeah yeah and and it’s funny reuniting uh with Patrick Kane from the Rangers because they were both with the Rangers before they well just not that long ago and uh yeah they’re back back together and Tyler Mt and Tyler Mott all these Rangers here trying to they’re trying to convince trouba man I’m telling you Evan what do you think about tereno coming to the Red Wings well dude it’s like get your popcorn ready because now you got showtime and the Terra SN show so I I you know I I really like this signing again it’s it’s a it’s a it’s a can’t lose situation here because low term uh low money and you know what if it doesn’t work out there’s your trade deadline chip you know if this season doesn’t play out the way we do or way we hope uh you know that’s somebody you can move at the deadline and you know two-time Cup winner uh you know you had 55 points last year 23 goals 32 assists and time split between Ottawa Florida um that would have put him fifth on the Red Wings in scoring and just one point off of where ghost of spare was obviously he has the pedigree uh he adds a little more size too to the top six you know he’s he’s he not like a huge but you know six foot1 2 228 is you know reasonable size uh I I like it I I’d like to really like to you know it’s going to be interesting to seeing him if he does mesh well with Kane on the power play I think this was the perfect move for them I think this really um you know it’s really helped Revitalize a lot of Red Wings fans who were bummed about uh how free agency started and to see him in a top uh you know top six role with this team could be really fun and again you know these are the kind of deals that I love the low term low dollar that just helped bridge the gap to the Marco caspers the Nate danielson’s The Carter masers you know these kids can come in now and you you’re learning from Patrick Kane we’ve beat that horse to death about what Kane did for Raymond now you have Kane and tereno there’s there’s what five Stanley Cups there together that’s invaluable experience for the kids uh I think they’re not they’re doing this the right way I’m very happy with the signing um I I do worry a little bit about his injury history but uh you know everyone HS this is NHL everyone get gets hurt at some point but uh I’m very I really like this signing and I think it went well uh uh around the NHL people really did you know like this signing and again going back to Devon’s Original Point with all the money that was thrown out this year I mean I I can’t stop looking at that Chandler Stevenson deal in Seattle with uh you I’m just glad 1.2 billion dollars in one day is crazy and I’m glad Steve isman didn’t didn’t sadle us with any contracts you know because Ken Holland would have thrown like a 8 by eight somewhere in there I’m very happy I’m happy with it um it’s I think it’s going to make our top six even more I mean teraso is a much better fit in the top six to me with those kinds of players that we have as opposed to David Pon who I don’t think at times you know I like pan I thought he was a good player but I don’t think his skill his skill set meshed as well with you know with the guys that we have now so terce s show I’m all about it and I like it yeah I when I saw the terce going to the Red Wings I’m like that’s a great signing and you know at first I’m like okay how much and how long and then then I like ah great that’s that’s good two years is fine and 4.5 is also fine not not a crazy amount like or 4.75 4.75 not a crazy amount for a guy that could potentially score 20 goals or more I mean if he meshes with some of the guys and stays healthy he could I mean he still has it in him to score 2530 I yeah I I could see it I think he’ll have a much bigger role with this team too so it’s it’s uh it’s good for the Red Wings right now yeah well he’s and he’s got two years right so like it it makes sense for him to you know get comfortable basically you know it’s it’s not a one-year thing like last season where he maybe didn’t know where he was gonna be you know with Ottawa and then you know yeah and I mean he was really good in the playoffs too I mean he didn’t score a ton but he scored some key goals in every series and that’s all they really were looking for uh from him and that’s what he did all right let’s get to some confusing potentially signings here and goenda we’ll start with him H cam Talbot getting signed two years 2.5 million not bad H he was pretty good for the Kings not like he was horrible he he was their starter for most of the Season H but it does throw a little bit of you know question marks of what this goon is going Billy huso still here we got you know we got a a bit of a log Jam again and then we’ll add the other goalie later on I Evan I’ll start with you since you wrote an article on this I what do you think about Cam talbat being added here H well I he just turned 37 the other day I believe or this week so he’s getting up a little long in the tooth uh he’s still very effective goalie I mean he was one of the better goalies last year in the first half of the Season uh played really well for the Kings he was even even their All-Star selection yeah uh but it kind of down the stretch kind of faltered kind of almost like the same thing we saw with uh Alex lion because he did start 54 games last year and for me for a guy his age uh it’s it’s probably a little too many probably too many starts and then the Kings went with the journeyman riddit a little more down the stretch but I mean talbat had a you know a ninth 13 care uh sa percentage uh last year I think he’s like over a 900 for career so I mean it again it this is the bridge to to kosa you know low term low low term low dollar uh I still feel like another move coming I don’t know if it’s going to be the goalie though Eiserman mentioned in his press conference before uh I think it was before the draft even that uh you know he didn’t see himself envisioning himself carrying three goalies like he did last year so that’s where I’m interested it just it feels like there’s a lot of goalies man I don’t you know Jack Campbell we haven’t gotten to yet we I’ll say that for later I don’t want to ruin that but um yeah I mean if you can if I mean if you can platoon him and Alex lion can we rely on whoo I mean there’s so there’s that’s the million-dollar question is what what direction are they going to go and I think even hockey writers or whatever like I don’t think I have the what their plan is I I don’t know what the plan is with whoo yeah I still think they’re going to try to unload him I don’t think they buy him out especially in his last year of his deal but I think they’re going to try to move him and maybe it’s a share with lion and and talot but I I think Max you know talit is you know 35 40 starts I think it’s going to be a real 1 a 1B if that’s what they do but I think we’re going to find out in the next week or so because it just feels like there’s so many goalies and they traded and they traded for the Anaheim Prospect Gage Alexander fa so goalie Central here you know one of one hit right so and they drafted another big one too so one of them’s got a hit you know one out of seven or whatever how many there are so um yeah it’s it’s gonna be interesting yeah there’s a lot of goalies uh Devin what do you think about talet being being added to this uh potential goal tender Carousel as we see here yeah you hear of go tending tandems let’s Detroit’s about to introduce the carousel yeah can you start can you start two goalies at once and that would make sense if you if you pull a goalie to add an extra skater do you subtract a skater to add a second goalie is that how that works right um we’re rewriting the right the the rule book now so I I do agree with Evan I feel like the the the big thing with all of this is vuso what’s what’s going on with him is he is he staying is he going what’s what’s going on with him uh Steve Eisman did say he expects him to be healthy and ready to go uh when training camp gets here um and you know until we see a move of some sort I I agree with Evan I don’t think it makes sense to buy him out in the final year I think you know worst case scenario you just kind of bury him in the AHL and wash your hands of it in the offseason um doesn’t make sense to draw that out an extra year at least in my opinion um but yeah I I agree also you can you know find a trade if you can you know move him out in in that sort of way then absolutely but as it stands right now I see cam talbet basically slipping right into the James Rhymer um spot from last season we talk about uh guson replacing gosip spare well I think tbet you know very similar profile right older goenda been around the block a few times um has never been well I think talbet has a bit more experiened being like a a true one um than Rhymer did but um still throughout his career has been more of a tandem guy um but yeah I think the biggest thing for me is that I think he’s as crazy as this is I think I’m the most confident in talbat as I have been in any goal lead the Red Wings have signed since maybe since like Jonathan berer back in the day like I as as you know like you say Talbot’s a little bit up there in age but so you do have to monitor his starts but when he start he gives you good numbers so um I I like him as a member of the Red Wings goal tending Carousel um I’m eager to see what they’re gonna do with this um I do think that it’s gonna be talber or lion that gets the most starts I don’t know if it’s like a majority of starts or it’s just a plurality of them but uh as it stands I think talet makes their go tending death chart better so um can’t really fault it and it’s only a two-year term and it’s a cheap cheap AV so um can’t be too upset with it no I me I think held for a bit too and maybe we don’t see him move till later maybe even earlier in the season or early in training camp if someone loses a goer so I think they might they could start out the season or preseason with all three to the gold talk about Jack cell getting signed this one confused me the most because he h get got bought out by the Edmonton Oilers became a free agent and like horrible horrible time in Edmonton he did not fit at all zero percent and uh ends up being now used to be a really good goenda Maple Leafs their starter and one of the highly coveted free agents in on the market Market a couple seasons ago and now he’s an AHL goenda starter or a backup in Detroit unless you guys think so but I Devin what what do you think about Campbell getting added I mean this one for me I was like I don’t know what’s happening with this it so immediate reaction was you just signed did you accidentally offer him a contract too and like you didn’t realize you signed cam to alet what happened um but uh I I I will say I wondered if this was gonna happen after Edmonton bought him out he’s a port here on Native he’s from Michigan um he obviously needs a little career rehab um just because of how things went with Edmonton it just I I wondered I I didn’t know in what capacity but I wondered if he was going to look to come home um I think that I agree I don’t think he’s playing in Detroit at least I don’t think he’s signed with the intention of playing in Detroit I don’t think that he I think there’s a chance he plays in Detroit injuries maybe he kind of rediscovers his Toronto form you know that I mean that’s that’s best case scenario um but I think what we’re looking at is I think we’re looking at a really good uh partner for Sebastian kosa and Grand Rapids um I think you know you think of Jack Campbell as an NHL golender maybe you’re a little H I don’t know but then you think of him as an AHL golender you’re like oh sign me up he’s good enough to be a good AHL golender and he was this season with the the Bakersfield Condors and I think he’ll be this SE or last season with the Condors this season he’ll be with the Griffins um and he’s gonna push Sebastian kosa I think you want kosa to be pushing for NHL minutes by the end of this season I think Campbell is the caliber of goenda partner for kosa and I guess the last little thing I’ll throw out there too is Campbell’s a former first round draft choice himself he was uh the 11th pick of the 2010 draft so he kind of knows what it means to be a highly drafted goenda uh drafted in in a draft and kind of have all that pressure and maybe you know not take a conventional route to being you know an NHL goenda he’s he’s a great tandem partner for kosa in a performance sense but I also think he’s going to be a really good partner just from a mentor persp perspective I think he’s going to be really good for Sebastian kosa honestly in a similar way that Kane was for Raymond this year yeah I the best case would would be us sitting here and he’s the starter like Alex lion was yeah that also means Cam talat and and all that didn’t work out either but who knows Campbell had was a good goenda had it hard to believe that all of a sudden and he just becomes so bad he did though he did I mean that that he’s just not a good goenda he had a bit of good time and then and then all of a sudden this is what he actually is I Evan I have a feeling Devon took everything you said oh my facial reaction yeah de got me back so now actually I’m gonna read this tweet because Devon actually mentioned this too uh and it’s a shout out to Red Wings die hards I put it out this weekend and it kind of blew up with social media were you born in Michigan do you play the sport of ice hockey you may be entitled to a standard player agreement with the Detroit Redwing talk uh yeah these these Michigan signings keep coming and I’m fine with it it’s it’s you know whatever Michigan’s a hockey hot bed it’s you know so some of the games great come from the state of Michigan so I think people read a little too much into that but at the same time you know it’s it’s easier to get players that to want to come back and play in Michigan you know it’s it’s we keep talking about these state income tax uh teams now about players wanting to play there well you know what we’re going for guys who want to be in Michigan who want to be in the Redwing uniform um that was definitely an interesting one Jack Campbell is really you know is really struggled these past few seasons uh and Devon did mention yes he was a top pick so I I think uh from an expectation standpoint he can help uh kosa uh in the AHL I I and here’s the thing why I think it was a decent signing is it’s is if our goalies do go down and they did go down last year as we saw uh he’s a guy you can come up there and he’s not going to be overwhelmed by you know by the um you know ideal realistically maybe you want to see five to seven games out of the guy this year assuming people you know I no no no goalie is going to stay healthy for the whole season so if that’s the case then I I I’m fine with it but it it’s you know it’s a a league minimum deal he you know what you’re getting with him which is not going to be you know some Elite goenda to Mentor kosa like we said and that’s that’s fine with what it is yeah I mean like I say best case scenario he he does re you know re you know ReDiscover his form and becomes a a solid NHL golender again I mean that could happen who knows go are goalies are a Fickle Beast you never know yeah you never know you take a gamble it’s very low risk you never know what’ll happen all right quick off the rush it should always be quick um not always show but I I want to ask so Devin of the guys that the that Red Wings lost in free agency or trade who do you think they’re going to miss the most uh we got Pon uh obviously signing with with the Ottawa Senators you’ve got gos of spar with the Hurricanes fabri went to the Ducks I believe those were the major ones that laughed unless I’m missing someone I I’m gonna give two answers I think that the fans are going to miss Jake Walman the most yes wman and I think that the team is going to miss David Pon the most uh pan was an alternate Captain um it was kind of well documented that he talked a lot um both in the locker room and on the bench I think that he very much had a presence in that locker room um and they’ll kind of feel his his um his absence right um but at the end of the day I think that the team is better um at the end of the day Detroit couldn’t pay Pon four million for two more years um I I don’t think that was possible so it is what it is yeah I had D Daniel sprong in there too he’s a free agent he could potentially still come back but doesn’t look like it uh Evan what do you think uh who are they going to miss the most from those uh major guys I think I’m just going to go with air bear man just to switch it up um I think what he brought to the power play especially the top unit uh you know had 56 points last year that’s that’s pretty solid I definitely think we’ll see uh you know I I I it’s it’s got to I gotta think that cider is going to be you know quarterbacking that top power play now um I just I I don’t think ghost of sparez we just discussed earlier brought much defensively but you know for power play he he was a pretty good quarterback and I really liked him in that role even if he is just kind of like a specialist but um I I definitely think him and like Devin said with pan you’re going to lose a lot of leadership you saw uh he’s the kind of guy that wears his uh you know heart on his sleeve he was the guy you know went even if that was the wrong guy it would still great to see someone go B crazy on Dylan Lin getting hurt so uh they’ll miss him but again as I said earlier I I think you know I don’t think his skill set messed with the top six as much as terce anos is going to so I think we’re going to see Improvement there and I definitely think we’re going to see more goals from guys like terce anko than we would have seen with pan uh I wish pan all the best in Ottawa but um I like I I’m pretty happy with it I’m okay with it it was interesting that pan signed with Ottawa you know yeah yeah like how’s that first when he walks in the locker room and sees you know Tim zo How’s that gonna go hey buddy sorry about that there there was a joke because they like sent Matthew Joseph away like right away it was like Wow David pan went right to work when he that it was interesting timeing on that for sure all right now before we move on talk about a couple at trades and what irman could potentially still be doing in free agency um maybe free agency or trade he could still be doing some stuff uh we got to pay the bills and talk about our substack here at the hockey writers uh great it’s a newsletter you get three times a week at detail all the top articles at we have at the hockey also got the premium tier that you can sign up for it gives you all the best premium articles um from whole bunch of topics from our writers here at for the the substack make sure checking that out in the link below all right let’s talk about a trade I he did Ryman did another cap dump and traded away Robbie fabri to the Anaheim Ducks and uh you know fabri we talked about him potentially being a trade Target or trade bait um I believe at the deadline and then even it was around the deadline I believe we were talking about fabry potentially being traded and he was so Evan what do you think about AB getting dealt to the Ducks I mean he was pretty good uh this past season offensively once he got back from his latest injury yeah I mean we’ve talked about fabry for years now with the injuries and it’s God the guy’s been through he’s busted up both knees I mean it’s it’s been a tough go for him but when healthy man he he he’s an effective third line you know scoring Winger and you know he great attitude he’s has a decent skill set but again it’s it’s hard to justify paying him that kind of money in a in a third line role especially for someone who who does Miss time um I like the player uh I like seeing him get a new opportunity I mean he’s going to a Ducks team that is I mean in the future this team again I saw them today they’re just loaded with young Talent so you know a guy like fabri can you know offer them some you know just some kind of experience leadership roles and I think he’ll be good in the locker room for that you know young upcoming team you know sad to see him go I don’t I don’t think the fans felt one way or another about him um but uh you know he was he was a solid role player in his time here in Detroit and uh you know I think that was when we traded for him it was a good move but uh I wish him all the best but uh I I think that was a move that had to be made if you know if you’re looking to dump term and uh contract money that was the one that was probably you know the most like likely to happen did and then teras basically pretty much replaced it so y and that’s pretty good tradeoff I think I would think so Devin what do you think about fabri uh being traded to the Ducks uh I think two things uh two two big points one uh obviously we know that he was dealt to Detroit by the St Louis Blues big biggest reason why they did that is he they wanted to give him more opportunity he was kind of depth charted out in St Louis so he goes to Detroit where um he’s going to get more of an opportunity and yet here we are uh to this day in his career best season is still his rookie season of 20156 where he had 37 points in 72 games now a lot of that goes back to injuries um preventing him from outproducing those numbers I mean he had uh 31 points in 52 games with uh the Red Wings and when he joined them that season uh he had 30 points in 56 games in the 2122 season um you extrapolate those numbers over a full 82 game SE or yeah 82 Game season he beats 37 points pretty quickly um but I guess that kind of goes back to his tough go right he can’t stay healthy um and it kind of is what it is I do think he’s a really kind of sneaky good depth scorer I think that Anaheim will like him because um you know you kind of know what to expect from he’s he’s just good sneaky you know depth offense and every team needs those guys um I hope he scores 20 because he’s capable of it he just needs to be able to play all 82 games um and then my last point on him is that he uh him leaving or him departing the Red Wings makes Dylan Lin the last player remaining from that 2019 that abysmal 201920 season so when we talk about the scope of eisman’s rebuild the first team he had as general manager he’s completely nuked it and the only thing left is Dylan Lin um that’s a lot of turnover that’s a lot of um that’s kind of just shows that what he inherited wasn’t great right um to that where really only have one player left over from a from your first team um I I think that’s why a lot of people are still very patient with this rebuild despite how long it’s been going on um because just that fact alone shows how little he really inherited when he took the job yeah that’s a great point I mean there he’s really completely remade this team and of course Lin’s the only one left because he’s their best player and he’s the core of this team and uh of course he’s still here but yeah the rest of the team has been reshaped and hopefully now it’s reshaped into a playoff team and it’s gotten close but uh we’ll see if it’s this season all right for the rest of the off season because Ryman pretty much did everything within a few days he does have a lot to do though he’s got to resign Lucas Raymond he’s got to resign Mor cider uh two big names are probably on his next on his list here that is gonna get have to get signed um but in terms of new faces uh Devin do you think there’s going to be anyone new coming in either via free agency or a trade because I mean both things could happen let’s get some predictions what do you think will be happening here I I think he’s mostly done with free agents um I think that’s why he felt like you know he felt comfortable talking to the media yesterday um because he he signed all the guys he was looking to sign or at least most of them um I do think that there might be another trade there might be a trade that happens that’s not just them moving money um I do think that um the trouba thing is unresolved uh and what I mean is that they they they wanted to add Jacob trouba they wanted to add that right-handed defenseman um that could potentially play in their middle pairing or you know whatever just add that depth behind Mor cider and obviously we know that trade didn’t happen um and they didn’t really get anybody that is trouba esque or that that anybody else that could fill that hole so I think that they’re still looking for that U maybe Jacob trouba is the guy maybe it’s just kind of a weighted out thing um or maybe end up going after somebody else I do think that if they make one more move it’s on the blue line um I think they just have to give that a little bit more of a facelift than just signing Eric gustofson um and it’s just a matter of if it’s the guy that we’ve been thinking about for two weeks at this point or if it’s going to be a different option that maybe we haven’t considered yet Evan what do you think about some other moves that Eisman could make here I definitely think that moves coming there’s too many defensemen and as we talked about this goalie situation which is absolutely Bonkers but I definitely but I think we might like I said ear I think we might see something closer to training camp I think maybe eisman’s playing the long game here and just waiting it out and see what he best deal that he can possibly get and things will change over the summer uh you know it’s it’s just it’s part of the business but there’s definitely there’s there’s too many defensemen and there’s too many defenseman that can’t play could when’s When’s the buy out I mean could you still buy out Justin Hall at some point if you can’t find a taker because you’re obviously going to have to probably add some kind of sweetener if you try to move him that’s also an option but I I I think we’re going to wait and see what happen closer on once the season starts or early in the season again man I talk to your buddy verbi dude bring in rco gas here at a one or two deal let him destroy some people you know uh I still think they need that I still think they need that hard-hitting crazy ass defenseman that can you know do that playoff grind and we saw gutus do it so um that’s just that’s just me wishful thinking not I’m not saying that’s going to happen but with e you never know I mean you never know what this guy I didn’t see tereno coming that that was completely off my radar um so you know it’s I I think there’s another move I think it I think it’s coming but I think we’re going to have to be patient it’s going to it might be a couple weeks or so what what I will say to add on to that um tro didn’t trade for Alex to Brink it until July 9th yeah of last year um and then they didn’t trade for Jeff Petri until August um so you know he just looked to last year to prove that you know just the the roster on July 5th is not necessarily the roster they will have even a week from now yeah and they didn’t sign Patrick Kane until during the season so yeah there you go uh all right well I I think there’s moves coming I mean I don’t think any more free agents unless there’s maybe some low-end bargain deals maybe um you know that always happens these guys get signed later in the off season and then they turn out to be one of the best signings that that you can make I mean that’s happened a few times so um that could happen trades I think will I think the biggest ones we ought to be waiting on is those rfas getting resigned and see what money has to be put forth for those two cuz it’s going to be a lot so that may change things I think Eiserman that’s why he’s moving money out he wants to have he needs to have that space to do these things so even after signing those two you should have somewhere close to between three and a half four million true those and that’s if they’re going 8 by eight so I don’t even know if they’re gonna go that high or Bridge deals or whatever yet I I hope they’re I hope they’re 8 by eights for me I don’t want to see either of those players leave this organization but um yeah I mean there there’s still there’s still work to do man it’s I I think he’s gonna enjoy this holiday weekend enjoy some time off everyone’s going to hit the hit the Lakes this summer but then later down the road it’s uh I think we’re going to see some moves something significant yeah I I think so too all right quick off the rush before we we uh end this episode I I talked Mor cider his partner was gone and Jake wallman’s gone Devin who is his partner to start the season and either someone on the roster or someone to be acquired so you can either take the easy way out and say someone to be acquired I I I don’t know if this is the I don’t know if this is the easy way out because uh it hasn’t always looked pretty but uh I think they might go back with Ben shirat honestly if they don’t add anything else um I know a lot of people are eager to see Edinson next to him but they’ve they’ve kind of slow played him every step of the way I don’t see them all of a sudden throwing first pairing minutes at him to start the season so um I think they’ll work their way up to that and I don’t know anybody else that could fit next to cider outside of sherat I don’t know that anybody else really you know can handle that and at least shat has experience besid her true Evan what do you think yeah I I 100% agree with Devin there um yeah I I don’t think can put Evanson and CER together yet although I think at times this season we maybe will see them get get some minutes together especially in crunch time but um yeah I think you’re GNA go with Ben sherro and you know sherat played a lot it was a lot better had a lot better second year than he did the first year in Detroit but uh you know still the cider’s still gonna see those hard minutes he’s still gonna see that toughest ice time so uh yeah I I I think Devon hit it on the head that he will play end up starting with shat we got to hope that Justin Hall has a good bounceback season if he’s not bought out or whatever and and just that’s what sherat did have has a good season you gotta play to have a bounceback season that’s true too yeah if if if Hall just has a regular spot in the line up he had a sh that’s a good one right all right on that note I thanks Devon thanks Evan for coming on another grind line I big packed full episode talked a lot I and lots of stuff to come hopefully but I’m probably not a lot it’s probably be pretty quiet for a bit here but you never know isman you could throw a bombshell out here sometime um but make sure check out everything at the we got lots of stuff coming for articles even if there isn’t any news we will still be having stuff out on the website so check that out check out the substack and um make sure checking out us every week as you always do so until our next episode we’ll see you on another episode of the friend

In this episode of The Hockey Writers Grind Line, Detroit Red Wings writers Devin Little and Evan Sabourin get together with producer Matthew Zator to discuss the Red Wings signing Vladimir Tarasenko, Tyler Motte, Erik Gustafsson, Cam Talbot, and Jack Campbell in free agency, the Robby Fabbri trade that sent him to the Anaheim Ducks, and more.

0:00 Intro
1:40 1 Good, 1 Bad From the Past Week
7:05 Reaction to Red Wings’ Free Agency So Far
35:17 Who will the Red Wings miss the most this season?
39:07 Yzerman Trades Robby Fabbri to the Ducks
44:15 Is Yzerman finished with his offseason moves?
49:17 Who will Moritz Seider’s defense partner be in 2024-25?

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Evan Sabourin –

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  1. Looks like the Wings will be losing Veleno. There won't be enough cap space left to sign him after the arbitration ruling as they need money for Raymond and Seider. I worry that because the Wings are taking so long to develop this team, their first line center will be into his 30s, and they will be starting another mini rebuild again.

  2. Everyone is talking as if albert johansson should be bottom pair or rotated, he played big minute with the griffins (i know its not the same as the nhl) but he was defensively reliable, so put him with moritz which will free him up to be more offensive while still being defensively solid.

    Leave edvinson on the 2nd pair so we at least have something reliable on that line.

  3. Tarasenko and Kane will be very fun to watch for a full season. Love Kaner, so happy he stayed. I don’t want Stamkos, he’s a PP specialist and slowing down significantly. Not worth that money at all.

  4. I think you guys are underestimating Vlad. Yes, he’s not scoring 40, but with our top 6, and what vlad still is, we can still see close to 30 and like 30 assists. He is still a very good player. ELITE? No, but he knows how to score, and still has all of skill sets still in tact. If he had started the year on a team not OTT, I’m sure his counting stats would be better.

  5. Great show as always. Excited to see how our top 6 produces. We can possibly have 5 30 goal scorers this year. Raymond, Larkin, Kane, cat and tarasenko

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