CeeDee Lamb WASN’T HAVING IT! CLAPS BACK At Former Cowboys WR!

CeeDee Lamb WASN’T HAVING IT! CLAPS BACK At Former Cowboys WR!

hey man it’s one thing for show and two things for certain one this team will never have a lack of news going on in the offseason and two CD ain’t completely ducked off because he had enough time to pop out and kind of go off on one of the former Cowboys wide receivers let’s jump into this be sure to subscribe for more Dallas Cowboys and Dak Prescott related content we are so close to 18K I can almost taste it please go ahead and subscribe for your boy all right so let’s go ahead and and jump down the rabbit hole a little bit here this is this isn’t actually like news news this is more so just being messy and we all share a laugh together all right but either way Cole Beasley has some comments about one of the workout videos that wide receiver CD lamb shared on his social medias or on the social medias of one of his trainers I should say right and CD lamb was shown doing workouts that were going to help with his change of Direction creating separation and yards after the catch and Cole Beasley wanted to chime in on this cuz I guess he kind of disagreed with the training methods of one sedarius lamb Cole Beasley said man just do some heavy squats and power cleans bro and I guess that what Cole Beasley is saying here is he just doesn’t really buy into the new age of training and drills and stuff that these players are doing and he’s probably one of those guys that has more of an old school mindset obviously we know some of his political views so we know he has more of a traditional mindset and he’s just he’s just not into all the Wizardry of Modern Age age training right but it didn’t really stop here CD lamb someone that hasn’t really been prominent on social media at all outside of workout videos we haven’t really heard from a man at all and what’s funny is a Cowboys fan responded to Cole Beasley’s comments concerning CD lamb and he said is Cole really trying to tell CD how to train Beasley has literally never eclipsed a thousand yards lamb is averaging 1286 yards a year and 599 yards short of Cole in 4 years versus 11 okay couple of things here I really don’t like what fans draw these kind of comparisons because we’re not going to act like Cole Beasley was a scrub with the Cowboys in the limited role that he had Cole Beasley did his thing with us and when he went to Buffalo the dude played at a really really high level for at least a season or two so we not about to sit here and act like Co Beasley as a scrub he had a completely different role on his team he was not an ex he worked with his god-given abilities his god-given stature being a shorter guy and was a really really good slot receiver so let’s let’s let’s simmer down on the Cole Beasley disrespect as especially since I don’t really think it’s you don’t need to do all of that bro I don’t think that Cole was saying anything here that we as fans should be so damn sensitive about it’s just it’s amazing to me how the most mundane and most harmless comments can send Cowboys fans into a tizzy sometimes but I digress that’s not really the point of this video but either way the reason that that comment was important was because Cole responded to this comment and I think this is the part of the comment that CD kind of took some offense to here right Cole Beasley said give me 180 targets off the couch and I Eclipse a th000 stop looking at Stats and check the tape as far as getting open goes I’m confident I did that with the best of them and keeping it a buck bro Cole Beasley if you needed somebody to get open on a real quick little whip route or something Cole Beasley was there bro we can’t act like Cole Beasley was a scrub bro actually Cole Beasley is responsible probably for one of the most impressive Dak Prescott highlights in Dak Prescott’s career when he threw a touchdown at the back of the end zone to take the lead in a clutch situ situation and Cole was able to get that knee down so we’re not going to sit here act like Cole is a scrub bro I get it CD is Our guy right now we all support and love CD but damn bro we don’t have to start burying people just cuz we trying to get pats on the heads from current day players all right but either way like I said this was the part of the comment that I think kind of bothered CD lamb a little bit because of how Cole kind of framed it a little bit he said give me 180 targets off the couch and I can get past the th000 and this is where CD said I don’t need 180 targets to touch a band pull up tap I’d match you route for route on getting open just chill and then keep in mind Cole bizley commented down here and said I never said you did just some perspective for the fans and that’s facts Cole didn’t say anything wrong why are we being so sensitive bro and I I love CD I support CD bro but this was kind of an unnecessary head shot here because Cole wasn’t necessarily attacking CD here he was just saying like damn bro had I had the same opportunities I would have gotten a th000 yards as well and Cole is probably dead on with this I’m sure if you threw that ball at him 180 times that man B show would across a thousand yards receiv in at least one of his Seasons right so I don’t think that’s just crazy or anything that’s super disrespectful to say and I don’t really I’ll be real I don’t really see why CD kind of took this opportunity to go off at Cole maybe he was a little bit sensitive taking it personal as far as Cole saying what he said about the 180 targets off the couch and I get it but C shouldn’t take it offensive if he really got targeted 180 times last year which I mean he did he did get targeted quite a bit bro you can see he had 135 receptions so I mean you would hope that a guy can get a, yards receiving so that’s not anything crazy to say and I don’t think it should have been taken as like a as a jab I don’t think CI should have took that as a jab towards him or anything I’m just being honest y’all I’m being honest bro but that was just kind of funny to me and CD had to pop out and show him I guess he was on his Kendrick Lamar time and and I think CD’s at the point I think a lot of these current day Cowboys are at the point where they’re just not amused they’re just not amused with the what former Cowboys have to say about the team anymore I don’t think they really care to see or hear any critiques or the criticisms from former Cowboys or anything that has a negative connotation to it I think the current day Cowboys are just over right um they get extreme scrutiny from the fans they get extreme scrutiny from the media and they get extreme scrutiny from pretty much anybody that ever wore a star on their helmet that came through Dallas Texas and these dudes are just they’re just tired of it bro and you can tell it’s kind of bleeding through a little bit because they’ve gotten a lot more spicy and they just have had a lot less tact when it comes to addressing different situations and and being kind of on guard with what’s being said about them right but either way I just thought that was something funny just a nice lighthearted Saturday video nothing crazy here nothing for you guys to take too seriously or anything I just let me know down in the comments below do you feel like at time times we as a fan base and some of our players can get a little overly sensitive um with things that are said about them or said surrounding them because again I don’t think that Cole was trying to like necessarily attack CD lamb right here I think that he was just more or so kind of making a joke about like damn bro just do some power lifts and squats or whatever it may be I will say this though you can’t really knock what cidd is doing when he’s been getting better and better and better every single season and he 100% is in rarified air right now as it pertains to wide receiver production for the first few seasons in their career right so whatever CD is doing I will say CD keep doing your thing screw Cole Beasley got to say keep doing your thing uh and we need to keep the star onar violence to a minimum because it’s it’s been getting kind of out of pocket lately either way appreciate you guys tuning in until next time we stay same old C call paging me asking me am I still inol y’all usually check on me listen listen listen Len I’m still [Music] them I’m still them boys

CeeDee Lamb seems like he isn’t tolerating anymore disrespect, even if it’s from a former Dallas Cowboys WR.


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  1. I been saying players that record their offseason workouts is purely for clicks and views it doesn’t mean you’re actually getting better

  2. Cee dee FRAGILE mentally!! Let’s keep it a buck.. we all saw his MENTAL breakdown against Green Bay.. boi got down 14 0 and started looking for a EXCUSE instead of looking to make a play.. boi a front runner jus like Parsons.. dude super fragile and emotionally weak when he has to face REAL ADVERSITY!! notice his mouth gonna actually curl up and start moping if he doesn’t get his way after 2 drives.. why Dallas really needs another stud mfer to step up to keep that EGO of cee dees in check.. Dak makes a superstar out of EVERONE!! Go do ur research mr LAMB

  3. I don’t think Beasley was going after lamb but at same time there is no comparison between the two players. You won’t have to worry about lamb quitting football bc his heart ain’t in it, and Lamb could do what Cole did but Cole can’t do what lamb does. There’s levels to this and I loved what Cole gave when he was healthy.

  4. 😂😂😂😂 Cole Beasley.. Never in his life could he dream of being in Ceedee's universe.. Don't defend Cole's bum ass.. He was saying he can do what Ceedee does.. Thats horse shit

  5. He's lying. Route for route,Cole wouldn't have the number of dropsies…if we're being honest…
    That meltdown and spectacle on the sidelines just soured me on CD. Between Him and Micah,their confidence in talking the gane and things like leadership are by far better than they perform. IMO

  6. With their contracts they need to learn to take criticisms(which Cole wasn't even doing). Happens in every line of work.

    Cole was elite at what he did. People just cant separate the player and person with politics anymore.

  7. I don’t think what Cold Beasley said was disrespectful but to say he can do what Ceedee does “off the couch”! Now that’s disrespectful

  8. I respect what Cole did as a player, but hes taken shots before. If that was KaVonte Turpin who's of similar build or gane to Beasley, I can understand offering a little advice. Lamb has Dez, Irvin, and Pearson at his disposal if he wanted any advice.

  9. Fans are fans, but some WORSHIP certain players.

    Lamb and Paraons are VERY IMMATURE, but great athletes. Not LEADERS, just great athletes.

    Compare Blands demeanor/maturity, versus the other two. Don't forget Bland set records last year.

  10. But your not being honest my boi Cole got on ceedee platform and chose to not say anything positive he tried to minimize ceedee's efforts to be great, he reminds me of Jerry Rice and his work ethics, and it's not like we don't have enough negative mofos at the cowboys camp now we have former players also chiming in too, Cole had his day it's CEEDEE and Company now. COLE stfu

  11. nah, I understand it. Personally I wouldn't have took it as a jab but I can see how Ceedee would. Cole already watered down his training regimen then doubled down by making it seem like he can do what ceedee does now off the couch and thats simply not the case. Borderline disrespectful even, I still respect cole and what he did for us 100% but I understand ceedee on this one

  12. Nahhhhhh….Cole has been coming for the Cowboys since he left so I definitely feel like that was an attack!! I don’t blame CD for taking it that way!!

  13. It can be dicey writing your opinions, because they can be interpreted differently than intended. Mix that with a public forum like social media, a dash of pride, and you’re eventually gonna have a disagreement.

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