Daily Discussion Thread | July 07, 2024

  1. About Wiggs and him being the obv “how can we move him to uncomplicate 2025-26.” There’s always the perfect scenerio where he returns to good form and helps the team alot… to the point where teams ask about him.

    Where is that point?

    Probably if Wiggs can outperform Jeremi Grant that’s probably the intersection in trade valuation where it becomes a favorable situation. Everyone knows Grant is an on the block player. 2020-2022 Andrew Wiggins at 26M for 3yrs is more appealing than Jeremi Grant given his contract and defensive apathy (one of the worst defenders his height in the league).

    Then again if he were that good. We probably wouldn’t wanna trade him. All that is wishful thinking. But just wanted to toss it out there.

    There are 3 wings that are solid available “but that contact” guys. DeAndre Hunter are 22M. Wiggs at 26M. Grant at 30M. If Wiggs is the best of the three it’ll at worst open up next offseasons possibilities. Go Dubs.

  2. Starting lineup options

    This lineup was REALLY good last year but I get you don’t wanna grind Dray down… unequivocally the best performing group.

    Steph Podz Wiggs JK Dray

    This lineup wasn’t great but it’d feel like it makes sense based on the fan vibe-age.

    Steph Podz JK Dray TJD

    This lineup was good but fans are so down on Wiggs I don’t think it gets the support it realistically my have.

    Steph Podz Wiggs Dray TJD

    Sleeper lineup…

    Steph Moody JK Dray TJD

    I’m agnostic about the ‘isms’ of starting as long as the right players get the most minutes.

  3. We should go grab Highsmith and Cedi Osman. Both hight motor player and bigger wings

  4. Moody/GP2 for Olynik or WCJ think I think are solid consolidation moves. Being at 15 with so many off-guards and Loon still as the only backup big screams for one more move even striking out on bigger names.

    Also….#FreeMoody I actually hope Moody is so good Hield and Waters just don’t even play. If we ain’t gonna play him give him a chance somewhere else.

  5. Better go with the plan b. if lauri is that expensive nah, ainge can keep his player.

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