ESPN NFL LIVE | Philadelphia Eagles AJ Brown DEFENDS Saquon Barkley From New York Giants Staff

ESPN NFL LIVE | Philadelphia Eagles AJ Brown DEFENDS Saquon Barkley From New York Giants Staff

we lose saquon right what’s our identity going to be on offense now and what’s our plan to what’s the next step of that we got to upgrade the offensive line and you’re paying the guy $40 million it’s not to hand the ball off to a $12 million back now take a look at this because this tweet has on X’s since been deleted from AJ brown but he said quote the sequan video fired me up and it wasn’t even about me I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure you get yours fam um so here we go uh Nick give me your thoughts first of all on this exchange I mean I didn’t see what was so like upsetting about it I guess AJ Brown never really said that he felt disrespected but it seemed like he’s trying to protect this guy which I love I don’t see how you could get offended by this but I guess if it works for them it works for them and sequin seems like he’s doing pretty pretty well right now yeah gr he did get 12 million yeah I I right AJ Brown he got his like like he’s good right 26 million guaranteed uh for a running back I I I wish that someone at some point in my life would disrespect me to that extent uh Joe Shane is like I don’t the mistake on the Giants is that they’re paying Daniel Jones 40 million a year right but I mean they did that so they’re they’re sort of stuck with it for one more year I don’t think the mistake is not paying a running back like Sequon Barkley was on that team for six years they averaged 5 and a half wins a season but I I I you ask what your identity is going to be like your identity since saquon Barkley has been there is you stink so maybe it’s time to try something different Mike T what your thoughts I disagree with gr I think they weren’t successful had nothing to do with saquan Barkley I think he was part of the solution and the fact that a division rival pounce on him as quickly as they did we’ll see how it plays out but when you have a Ling quarterback like Daniel Jones who has trouble staying healthy holds on to the ball the best way to help that is to get rid of the ball quickly and when the many things saquan Barkley does well is he is great out of the back field as a receiver and look I love Hard Knocks I’ve been on it but when you see these vignettes I’m sure the Giants are concerned some of these things have gotten out and I know we’ll get into a few other things over the course of the show Brian but I’m just hardpressed to think that the Eagles aren’t better with Barkley and the Giant are worse especially with Daniel Jones and to me now you have Devin single ter how is this offense going to be more productive this year than it was last year go ahead gr I’m curious if we could find any video of Mike T on Hard Knocks I don’t know if we’ve ever seen any of that on this show but maybe somebody could I don’t think we have okay listen what a dumb comment by him saying oh their identity stinks and you know and pretty much implying that saquon Barkley is a contributing factor to that that’s insane to me absolutely insane obviously the reason why the the Giants were have not been good are for many reasons but mainly because they struggled with coaching until they got dble and Daniel Jones not being a very good quarterback and a terrible offensive line no other weapons I mean we could go on and on and on but this idea that saquon Barkley deserves any of the blame is inane I mean that’s just that’s just that’s just absurd to me so absurd to me Sequon Barkley is such a dynamic and exciting uh running back that it’s just to to put any blame on him it’s like what else do you want him to do but we’re going to put that aside because I’m going to talk about Sequon Barkley in a different video um uh with first things first um but with this I want to talk about so AJ Brown got all upset apparently R they deleted the tweet and I think it could be a couple different things um that video fired me up let me see if I can ceue up the quote okay um you’re paying Daniel Jones 40 million it’s not to hand the ball off to a$1 million back and because now they’re like shocked CU now they’re saying well why did he react that way this is why this is what I believe because they’re downplaying saquon Barkley’s greatness just referring it to him as handing him off like this is this is twofold I’m not saying that AJ Brown needed to get as worked up as he did and that’s why he deleted the Tweet but it’s twofold because if you have an amazing running back right now everyone thinks that chrisan mcaffrey is just the bees knees and amazing do you think anyone is going to call out the 49ers for handing the ball off to Christian mcaffry no one’s going to say that no matter how much you’re paying your quarterback even if it’s Patrick momes they’re not going to say well we don’t need to why would we want and we’re not going to just have Patrick Mahomes hand the ball off to a $12 million back also one not even using the name of the of the running back AKA saquon Barkley the example that I was trying to make up uh Christian mcaffrey it’s insulting in a lot of ways because you put some respect on that name it’s like calling Patrick Mahomes Josh Allen Joe burrow just a quarterback when it’s like are you kidding me these guys are legends right now these are the best in the NFL these aren’t just Average Joe’s right now so to me it’s insulting kind of from both sides of of however you want to look at it one it’s a dig at Daniel Jones cuz it’s saying we’re paying Daniel Jones money he needs to be able to do more than just hand the ball off that’s number one and number two it’s just like well we’re not just going to hand the ball off to a $12 million back and expect to be great it’s like you’re downplaying the greatness of Sequon Barkley right now right like you like you’re not even saying his name you’re just referring to him as a $12 million Back and You’re and you’re insinuating that that’s not a good play to get sequan the ball like a an actual intelligent conversation around this would be what are we doing it’s like well Daniel Jones is a $40 million quarterback we expect him to be able to spread the offense more to have better pre-s pre- snap reads you know whatever it may be um and yeah you know obviously we have saquon unbelievable back we want to get him the ball in open space and take away some of the burden from on him and and try to you know put him in a better situation to succeed right like I just totally made that up and again it’s more of like a balance like respecting both sides of this conversation not just being like danor Jones needs to play better and what are we going to do just give the ball to saquin it’s just so dismissive and I think again that’s what AJ Brown was responding to right now because right sequan Barkley is on his team and when you hear other players um or when you hear other people just talk about some of these other great players it’s usually if they don’t hear anything but like praise or just like respect it’s just it’s just taken as an insult right like you’re like I think Christian mcaffry is such a perfect example because you’re just not going to hear anyone anyone in the 49ers front office coaching staff players refer to Christian mcaffrey I don’t know how much money he’s making exactly so we’ll just say $12 million back even if Brock pie was getting paid $65 million a year no one from the 49ers is going to make a statement like that they’re not going to just downplay the impact that chrisan mcaffrey has even if Brock pry relies on Christian mcaffrey they’re just not going to downplay what he contributes so this this whole segment was quite bizarre and weird quite honestly and that if you’re Daniel Jones you should be kind of like annoyed body if you’re saquin you should be kind of a little bit annoyed by it and it’s just it’s just like a weird segment but the fact that the guys on the media were just saying like oh he hasn’t been disrespected or he got paid all this money yeah the Eagles paid him that money right the the Eagles did that the Eagles went out and got him and and showed sequan respect the Giants consistently did not and you can see that they refer to him as just to to my to my eyes and ears it sounds like they’re just referring to him as like an expensive running back essentially and that that and that they already overpay for Daniel Jones and they want the Jones to do more so this whole thing was kind of bizarre to me and weird um and a little bit messier than it needed to be and it’s like these guys know they’re on TV they know they’re on Hard Knocks and yet they just lack the the social skills like it’s just not hard to say we want Daniel Jones to play better we rely too heavily on um sequin and you know it’s it it it’s a bummer we lost him but we expect Danel Jones to be good enough where he should be able to overcome some of the deficits that we may have or something like I I don’t know you could just give a a lot more balanced of a take rather than whatever the heck this turned into but it is interesting that AJ Brown got mad posted this and then deleted it like ah man people always it it’s just always funny because then it’s like did he delete it because he like misheard something did he delete it because the Eagles were like bro delete this like what was saquon like yo yo yo man I don’t I don’t need this come on man I respect it I love you thanks for having my back but like delete it like it just gets Messier I don’t know why I mean I do know why these professional athletes have their social media and stuff because it helps build their brand and their money and stuff like that but it it ends up it feels like it ends up just making things Messier for them than actually um helping them out in the long run but either way I want to emphasize I don’t think that this is like a big deal where I’m like I can’t believe that the that the VP and GM you know said this that’s unbelievable I don’t mean it to be like that but it is like subtly insulting that if you if you read between the lines you’re just like I don’t know man you can put a little bit more respect on sequin you know like I don’t know but again at at the same time you’re also kind of reaching to a degree as well so I feel like I’m probably talking out of both sides of my mouth because it’s just like a weird bizarre story that I feel as though only happens in July right we’re less than a month away from having preseason games where there’ll actually be like some legitimate football to a degree still preseason but at least we’ll be able to move on from stories like these and I know you all can’t wait and I certainly can’t wait so we’re just about a month away and then we finally have some actual real football news to deal with but those are just my thoughts I would absolutely love to hear yours what do you guys all think um you know what do you think they were trying to say about Sequon what do you think about AJ Brown’s reaction why do you think he deleted the the Tweet or post or whatever the heck it was let me know in the comments below I read every single comment so whether you agree with me or disagree with me either way let’s get in some discuss questions let’s get in some fights but ultimately let’s just have some fun and please do consider subscribing we are building an amazing Community here and I would absolutely love to see you part of it I want to build something that we all genuinely feel connected to something that we’re really excited to be part of I think we’re well in our way to doing it and please don’t forget to give this video a thumbs up as it really does help with the visibility and the algorithm thank you so much and see you next time

ESPN NFL LIVE | Philadelphia Eagles AJ Brown DEFENDS Saquon Barkley From New York Giants Staff
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  1. The media at large is really trying hard to push this narrative that Saquon is overrated and not a winning player. Dan Graziano and Nick Wright have been pushing this for months, but it's complete BS. No player (and I do mean NO player) is "winning" with a supporting cast as bad as the Giants have been. It's a team game. Even PATRICK MAHOMES isn't. We saw what he looked like with a bad O Line. We have to stop with these kinds of narratives that tear down players who either can't overcome objectively flawed situations or that ARE successful with "too much help". Both trains of thoughts are absolutely stupid. They do it with Josh Allen all the time. Same with Purdy. Same with Barkley. Can we stop it ? It's annoying

  2. Don't blame SaQuan, maybe get a better qb and weapons. No need to be mad, Barkley should be happy he's not with that dumpster fire and horrible qb.

  3. I agree with you overall but disagree in some points. No running back can save a franchise on their own. It doesn't happen. They can put a franchise over the top, like CMC in SF. But historically you need at least a decent O line, a decent to good defense, a true number 1 receiver, a true number 1 RB or a very very complete committee and some intangibles like great special teams or kicker or TE. You can win with a competent but not top tier QB if you have the other pieces. If can limit their exposure they can do the job or come close. Jimmy G was one bad open pass away from beating the Chiefs, for example. Giants had no receivers of any ilk. They had a bad O line. An ok at best D. A good TE and a generational RB that defenses could stack the box against and take away the TE who needed to block a lot for the RB. The one good year Jones had he had to run a lot. He threw ok. No receivers. Zero. Nada. O line so so. He ran or dumped to Saquan or got sacked. It's easy to dump on Jones. Where is Carson Wentz? Where is Nick Foles? What were people saying about Matthew Stafford before he went to the Rams and immediately won a SB? Not saying Jones is Stafford. But it's how he was viewed prior to going to a legit franchise. Look at Goff, a castoff, now in Detroit under a better organization than when he first got there. Saquan could not overcome injuries and the deficiencies of the Giants. Jones couldn't either. It's insane to have that expectation of either one given the franchise. Is Bryce really a 2 win QB for life or is he on a really bad team? Would Stroud have made the playoffs if he went number 1 to Carolina? Giants now have a number 1 receiver. Is that enough? History says no. But look at why it says no.

  4. I've come to terms with the media and these analysis. They don't like the eagles, I don't know, they just don't like them.🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️ I've come to terms with that.

  5. This should be an eye opener on how the Media and specifically ESPN with does the dirty work for the NFL by discrediting a guy like Saquon to justify not paying the RB position as a whole.

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