The Secret Weapon for Dallas Cowboys Offense

The Secret Weapon for Dallas Cowboys Offense

hey [ __ ] hey [ __ ] look at me I’m the well good Sunday morning friends Mark Holmes here of course with my buddy Cowboy joob bu and as always I want to say thank you all for watching commenting subscribing and being part of the Jo boo sports report without you guys as well as you ladies you know that this literally does not work I hope everybody’s having a great holiday weekend today is the day you got to get your ass back home and get ready for work that’s right the new week is upon us and it’s not all bad news because two weeks and two days from today in fact 60 days from today the NFL season kicks off training camp the players will start reporting in two weeks and two days and actually some of them like Dak Prescott usually doesn’t take the team flight he’ll probably be in Ox nard in two weeks and I don’t know about you I am so ready uh you know it’s been a disappointing offseason because we haven’t seemed to have done anything we haven’t signed our own players we brought in Eric Kendricks we brought in Zeke Elliot and that’s about it so you sit here and you wonder what the hell is going on and so on but we will be discussing this today at 5:00 Eastern if you are are one of our great Channel Members First of all let me say thank you all so much for being part of the Joe boo sports report and being a channel member all the support from you guys has just been amazing if you are a channel member 5:00 Eastern you can join in on the conversation because you can give us your perspective of how you feel about the Cowboys are the Cowboys headed for that 5- 12 season like Dan C Leo says or the Cowboys as Jerry Jones thinks you know all in and ready to make a run for the Super Bowl uh we’ve been hearing rumors about the Cowboys maybe selling to the Saudi Arabia of course uh you know America’s team being then owned by a Saudi uh country of course we don’t take a whole lot uh we don’t have a whole lot of belief in that but then again nothing would surprise us um we don’t know where we stand with Dak CD or um Micah Parsons as far as contract goes all I can hear is from a good source is they’re going to get them done they’re going to get them done at their time when they are ready so we’ll see what happens we’ll see what we’re going to see beyond that you guys can chime in you know we’re going to have uh my my main buddy there of course Leo Bridgewater who him and I had a great conversation the other day it might be something that we do on a regular basis that way maybe he’ll slow his roll when we have our conversation so as we sit here this morning I’m going to tell you the biggest key for the Dallas Cowboys offense to really rock and roll now that’s not to say that they haven’t been rocking and rolling they are one of the top scoring teams for the last several years with Dak Prescott at the helm it doesn’t matter if we loseing Mari Cooper doesn’t matter if we lose Zeke doesn’t matter if we lose edric Wilson doesn’t matter if we lose Tyron Smith you know all of these things keep changing doesn’t matter if we lose Jason Garrett or Kell Moore this offense always puts up points to keep this thing to take it to another level I am going to say basically I’m a broken record okay listen it’s the off seon it’s the dead time okay so a lot of shit’s going to be repeated all right just deal with it be that as it may the biggest key and the biggest person we need to step up to go to another level is Jake Ferguson if Jake Ferguson can continue his rise to the top that my friends is one of the biggest keys out there Jake Ferguson as a rookie 19 receptions 174 yards 9.2 yard average two TDS Jake Ferguson year number two 71 receptions 761 yards 10.7 yard average he’s not going to take a jump that big he’s not going to take the jump like he did from his rookie to his sophomore year but if he can take a 25% step 25% step if we can get him to about a th000 yards to about 85 catches what that will do for this offense will be amazing okay he literally has to become Dak Prescott’s go-to guy much in the way that Jason Whitten was Tony Romos security blanket or we can go back to Jay novich the original security blanket because see here’s the thing with the tight end and this is I guess tight end is the ultimate position Flex for Stephen Jones who loves position Flex you know we want a guy who can play multiple positions tight end is the you know the the ultimate when you talk about position Flex because they really too big to be a wide receiver and slow but they’re too small to be an offensive lineman typically what you call that is a tweener that’s a guy who’s in between positions and see the thing is is you’re a mismatch tight ends generally are taller you know 6’4 66 and things like that then your cornerbacks you’re going to be working in the middle of the field so you know linebackers are usually a little shorter or you end up seeing the cornerbacks and the safeties they’re smaller guys so you’re a big Target you are easy to be found in the middle of the field and usually when things break down you want a big Target something that you can see something that you can put up in the air and he’s going to go up and get it because he’s a big Target and when things broke down for the Cowboys Jay novich was the guy when it’s a blitz coming Troy aan where is Jay Nova let me get the ball to him we’ve seen our back broken by George KD down the scene tipping up a pass Boom coming down with it getting big first downs when it should have been knocked away or possibly intercepted but be that as it may those are gamechanging players and here’s the thing that’s kind of crazy is you know everybody chicks dig the Deep ball chicks love deep passes but when we go through the list of Super Bowls let’s just go for about the last 10 years or so okay because the names that are out there when you start thinking about every one of these teams has had an outstanding or lights out tight end Kansas City of course Kelsey okay the last two Kelsey one of the best in the business without a doubt the Rams um Tyler higgy he’s not as great as KD but he’s still a really good one but they also had a lot of people to go around with with that that that team was just loaded every position but again Tyler higgy definitely a very good tight end before that Tampa Bay grank then you go back to Kansas City Kelsey go back to New England grun Eagles I would say Zack hers was his Pinnacle and he was a pro bowler That season yeah go back to New England GR trunk when you go to Denver Denver it was Virgil Green Virgil Green was a was a good I’m not going to say he was an outstanding tight end but that Super Bowl team it wasn’t predicated on the offense pton Manny only had like 13 touchdown passes that was all about the D right there you go back to New England grank so you see the correlation here all of those teams you didn’t have the number one wide receivers on there I think maybe New England didn’t 2015 maybe New England may have they may have been the last one to have a number one wide receiver leading the league I may be wrong on it but I think that’s the only one but you see every single one of those had with the exception of Denver had an above average and dare say an elite tight endend and that’s where you have to get to because here’s the thing anybody knows me it’s very personal with 12 Personnel 12 Personnel is using two tight ends and using those tight ends they can be receivers or they can be blockers and in today’s NFL unlike the 90s where we could just be bigger stronger and faster because there wasn’t um a salary cap Cowboys could stockpile talent and we could literally just say we’re running the football right here right here this emt’s coming right here try and stop us today’s football is so water down and balanced you don’t have those advantages so you have to be where they’re not going to be or you have to keep them guessing typically when you’d line up in 12 Personnel two tight end sets that tells the defense this is a running formation typically short yardage because they’ve got seven guys to block defense counters by eight men in the box but one thing we actually were doing really well is we’d line up in 12 Personnel one running back and then you all of a sudden put the running back in motion to an empty Back Field you end up shifting and the tight end goes out wide now with the defense caught with bigger slower people on the field with eight guys in the box with single high safety and two cornerbacks I’ve got five people that are going out in routes Advantage offense if the defense says a you’re not going to fool me on that one if I’ve got a good blocking two tight ends you’re not going to go ahead and get in eight men in the box then we will just run it we’ll just keep running it running it running till you shift and when you shift then we’ll shift and this gets it to the point where whatever the defense does it’s a no- win situation because you can’t counter all of it if you have a gamechanging tight end that is the key dton Schultz was a good tight end but dton Schultz was not a great tight end dton Schultz can get the ball and go out of bounds dton Schultz was not a game changer or game breaker we started to see bits and pieces of that with Jake Ferguson and if he can continue doing that it will bode well for this offense next year they said um Dan Leo when I was on a show on Wednesday he wanted to know on the over or under if I take 32 over or under for Dak Prescott’s touchdowns figuring that Zeke Elliott was going to be back that Zeke Elliott would be more of a short yardage goal line uh running back to get us in the end zone and that does have have a a point there but I also believe that Jake Ferguson who got five TDS last year is going to become a Red Zone Target for Dak Prescott and I can’t wait to see how that Dynamic grows if he can develop into one of the top tight ends you know being there the conversation with the KD and the Kelsey and guys like that this offense would be phenomenal and this is where people look and they’ll say well your running game is going to take a step back because of um Zeke coming in instead of Tony Pard um our running game was not good last year but this is where the tight end can help take some of that pressure off the running game if the Cowboys are effective with CD lamb and Brandon Cooks and Jake Ferguson in there that’s going to stretch the field and as it stretches the field because teams are having to worry about stopping a jake Ferguson it was opposed to say a Jason Whitten who when Jason Whitten would always catch the football but Jason Whitten wasn’t breaking any tackles Jake Ferguson can go and if you have that Dynamic teams can’t just say well we’re just going to you know single cover these guys and we’re going to keep everybody in the middle no they have to be honest and you’ll stretch the field and as you stretch the field it will make the running game opened up so that’s where it’s the cause and effect some teams will run the football to set up the pass the Cowboys with Mike McCarthy’s philosophy will be we’re going to pass the football to set up the run and I think it’ll actually work very very good but the Lynch pin on all of that is Jake Ferguson having a great season so of course you know we have our Talking Heads that are of course always talking about what Dak PR Prescott and everything else so this was their their update from yesterday about Dak Prescott and his uh ankle now last night he D posted pictures of him walking around uh in Mexico uh enjoying and relaxing with no boot on so it seems to be that there’s no there there and I’m actually thinking did Dak do this to keep people on their toes did Jerry call up Dak say hey hey Dak Dak how you doing man I know you’re on vacation and stuff but you know right now there ain’t nothing going on but the rent right now we we need something to talk about here and deflect some of this [ __ ] that’s going on how about you go ahead I’m I’m G to send you one of those soft cast I know I know you’re fine and everything else but let’s give people a heart attack let’s give the the networks out there something to talk about just take one p just one picture one picture with you with that boot on and and and watch that [ __ ] just go viral you know let’s do this as a little experiment to see if we can literally control the media and trick their emotions you watch okay yeah and I I honestly think that’s really what happened that’s really what they did so let’s listen into them as well and that’s where we’re going to start gentlemen because an injury scare for the Cowboys quarterback D Prescott recently suffered a minor foot spring that temporarily required a walking boot he was pictured there wearing the boot while on vacation in Cabell you know Dak is entering the final year of his contract Cowboys will hold their first training camp practiced July 25th now Dak addressed the picture in a text message to the Fort Worth Star Telegram saying quote I’m great said the boot was for precautionary reasons because quote the last time I went deep sea fishing my ankle swo up Prescott said quote the ankle same ankle same issue that he’s been dealing with since undergoing season ending surgery for a fractured ankle four years ago in 2020 okay gr I guess the big question here is what more information do you have on this because you know there were unconfirmed reports of an MRI what more can you tell us Dak Prescott broke his ankle in the 2020 season and had surgery to prare it and and look I mean I think once that happens to you the thing is never 100% the same right so he has as he mentions there been dealing with you know managing it off and on since then and the sense I got yesterday calling around on this was that there was not a high level of concern that this is the kind of thing that he does from time to time what to to either prevent uh the ankle from bothering him or to react when it does and that they are not concerned he he did everything throughout the offseason uh we’re three weeks from training camp if he shows up in training camp and he’s not on the field because of the ankle then I think we sound the alarm but as of now given the fact that he’s been able to manage it and play at a high level uh for three seasons since returning from the injury I think you know we we sort of are left to take him and and the team at their word uh that they’re not concerned about this and this is normal management of the issue Mike T I know former general manager what do you think Jerry Jones level of concern is with this news well look they’ve had him for a number of years since the injury as gr pointed out and to me you know Old Coach parcel’s line here is we go by what we see and this guy has answered the Bell post injury so I wouldn’t be that concerned but I would tell you as a GM briyan I would say to Dak hey if the last time you went deep sea fishing your ankle swoll for whatever reasons they they swolled up don’t don’t do it let’s find something else in your tax bracket there’s no shortage of activities you can do over July 4th so let’s just stay away from deep sea fishing yes expect to make 29 million here uh final year of his contract speaking of that contract NE from a player perspective how much should it injury risk weigh into dax’s contract decision making you think I mean Dax from his experience it shouldn’t weigh very much as um gra pointed out but I don’t know I’m not as risk as I’m a lot more risk averse than Dak Prescott if there is a quible over a couple million here or there I’m going to go ahead and take that money when I can also think that I don’t know much about deep sea fishing like I’m a city boy I grew up in cities and that’s where I spend my time now but uh I don’t think you actually go deep in the sea I’m confused that what you are doing in the water that makes your ankle SW maybe you should take uh Mr T’s advice and stop doing whatever it does that make your ankle swell until you’re done when you’re done playing football swell that thing up as big as a balloon but until then go ahead and do things that don’t involve getting your ankle swollen uh I got to go to you here gr from an perspective hold on when you go deep sea fishing okay you’re not like swimming in the water you’re on a boat out deep in the sea so if you’re out into the ocean let’s say 10 miles offshore you got good size waves maybe you got three five foot waves you’re on a boat that is rocking up up and down with the waves in which case your weight is shifting from side to side back and forth which is all on the ankle it’s flexing left it’s flexing right it’s putting more stress on it that’s what’s happening when you’re out deep sea fishing you’re not saying oh he didn’t say skin diving fishing in which case there wouldn’t be any stress on it unless you got a shark that ate you are you serious people you guys are literally here talking about the guy and you’re supposed to be sports analyst and you don’t know deep sea fishing seriously seriously okay there and the contract especially when you talk about the contract decision making here give me your thoughts on that for Dak well I I don’t think Dak is concerned because again it was a contract year in 2020 when he broke his ankle five games into the season and he still ended up the following spring with sort of the mother of all quarterback contracts this is what we’ve been talking about all year right like he’s got all the leverage he’s got you know they’ve got a 40 plus million doll cap hit on him for 2025 regardless of whether he’s on the team he has a no trade clause they can’t franchise him so he clean following a season in which he suffered a significant season ending injury so I don’t see why he would fear that uh given the way it went last time he gets hurt he probably his worst case scenario is he’s unrestricted free agent uh and other teams besides the Cowboys can bid on him this time from the Cowboys standpoint they still want to sign him I wouldn’t be surprised if talks picked up here between now and training camp whether that results in a deal or not ultimately is up to Dak again he’s the one holding all the cards and Brian fundamentally as gr pointed out because you can’t franchise him if he’s within 20% of how he played last year someone’s going to pay him a lot of money you know let’s focusing on a team like the Raiders who have so many good skilled players Brock Bowers Devonte Adams imagine what they would be with somebody like Dak Prescott so I’m sure in the back of his mind he’d love to work out with the Cowboys drafted by them and his career with them but if he’s even close to last year I really do think that number is going to begin with a six next march 60 million a year someone’s going to get to that level Trevor Lawrence is at 55 million and if he’s anywhere close to his performance last year that’s where he’ll be next year yeah you know it’s funny because we’ve been talking about $60 million all off season and it’s like now it’s a surprise we’ve been talking about $60 million all off seon all right good people we will see you all at five o’clock I got some work I’m going to be doing here at the redbrook house and uh let me say and I I need to go ahead and get a list together uh shout out out to a bunch of people who have helped us we are doing a brick campaign for the red brick house because we are working on getting it uh on the National Registry it’s about a $3,500 fee application fees uh for that and hopefully we can actually get it registered and so we’ve had some people who have donated and they’re purchasing bricks that will be customized for our walkway that will be here permanently I’m Mark Holmes and I appreciate each and every one of you guys and we will see you soon

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  1. If Jerry called Dak and told him to put on a boot so that the team could go viralโ€ฆ.Dak shouldโ€™ve told him to PAY him and theyโ€™d really go viral ๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. Having a real GM AND FOOTBALL PERSONEL is the secret weapon for the COWBOYS. The JONESES have continue to conduct business the same way for almost 30 years, haven't come closed of sniffing a SB but there job will always be secured without having any accountability, get rid of Prescott if you want and get another QB, the JONESES will still conduct business the same way.

  3. This team been stacked for two decades and they always need more… Let's face it cowgirls fans, winning more Superbowls isn't your thing… You're very relevant tho, Jerry Jones makes sure of that so y'all fans keep making him wealthy while yo team keep getting bounced in playoffs ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

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