Everyone is down on the Colts secondary except Chris Ballard

Everyone is down on the Colts secondary except Chris Ballard

  1. On the one hand, Ballard’s been able to find gems for the secondary in the past without over paying. And building up the pass rush will go a long way to help the secondary.

    On the other hand, this secondary is trash until proven otherwise

  2. Remember when everyone but Ballard was down on our WR room except Ballard, and Luck throwing to Chester Rodgers/Marcus Johnson/old broken down TY eventually wrecked our season?

    Remember when everyone but Ballard was down on our LT situation but Ballard, then Davenport/Fisher whiffing block after block after block wrecked our season?

    Remember when everybody but Ballard was down on our DB’s last offseason, and that group wrecked our season?

    How many seasons do we need to repeat this exercise before we get a GM who doesn’t completely ignore EXTREMELY OBVIOUS problems with the roster going into every single season?

  3. I like our guys too but doesn’t mean the room can’t get better. Being a great person doesn’t make you good at your job. I learned this as a manager in my career field.

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