LeBron – “If Bronny wants to stop right now or never played basketball or just wanted to be a gamer or whatever, he could have done that.. the commitment for him to be coming out of heart surgery less than a year ago, for him to be able to be in the NBA, the kid, he’s special.”

LeBron – “If Bronny wants to stop right now or never played basketball or just wanted to be a gamer or whatever, he could have done that.. the commitment for him to be coming out of heart surgery less than a year ago, for him to be able to be in the NBA, the kid, he’s special.”

  1. Full quote –

    “Just imagine if you were a kid, you were born into a situation where your dad was super famous, super wealthy and you the kid still had the drive to want to be able to accomplish things for yourself,” LeBron continued. “I personally don’t know if I would’ve been able to do that if the roles were reversed. …

    “When I was coming up, I had no choice. I literally had no choice. … I had to make it out for me. My mom, my family, my hometown, my city. Bronny has all the choices in the world. If Bronny wants to stop right now or never played basketball or just wanted to be a gamer or wanted to be a chef or wanted to be nothing to whatever, he could have done that. … People don’t understand how hard that is and the commitment for him to be coming out of heart surgery less than a year ago, for him to be able to be in the NBA, the kid, he’s special.

    “But he doesn’t care. He doesn’t. It doesn’t bother him.”

  2. Wait wait wait….so you are telling me the son of a billionaire sports icon who has access to all the money, trainers, advice and opportunities ever , who then gets selected to an NBA team through sheer nepotism is more special because of all that…. Choosing not to just eat off generational wealth but to actually use that wealth and influence to take up an NBA spot that you don’t deserve is where we set our expectations for special person now?

    Dude… I am a Bron fan but I never realized how far disconected from reality these rich people truly are.

  3. I really doubt Bronny turns into a decent NBA player but honestly props to him for trying. The amount of scrutiny I’ve seen for the 55th pick in the draft is fucking insane.

    For comparison we drafted Max Lewis at 40 last year. He was similarly unproductive in his first summer league, struggled today, but I haven’t heard shit about him. The nepotism is undeniable but the amount of non-stop scrutiny and harassment is also undeniable

  4. This was already discussed during the first Summer League game (with non Lakers commentary). Bronny’s stats are not any different from others drafted around him. He belongs.

    There’s too much hating going on.

  5. If he could just be an average player on this team, even for just 3-5 years, I’ll be so happy for him.

  6. I hope he becomes at the very least a solid rotational piece. Screw the haters. Go Lakers!

  7. For those that may not watch the call of duty scene much. Bronny is DISGUSTING at COD and could definitely go pro if he wanted to. 

    He would make a fortune on streaming on twitch and getting into the comp scene if he really wanted to. 

    He’s that good 

  8. Can’t wait for Bronny to prove the haters wrong when he and his dad drop double doubles in game 4 of the nba finals this coming season and they combo lift the Larry O’Brien. It’ll be a spectacular moment for the Lakers, you heard it here first.

  9. Biggest fleece would be if lebron master plan was to play until he could get bryce James on lakers and play with both his sons. Only need wait like 2 more years for him ne eligible.

  10. great perspective from bron. idk what all this obsession is about, and the unprovoked mention of his name in almost every thread here & that other awful sub that shall not be named

    he’s a 55th pick, no one cared before and no one should care now. with that being said, for disingenuous fans who are fake concerned with playing time – minutes are earned in this league. development, skills, & opportunities dictate who plays and who doesn’t. bronny is late 2nd round pick who’ll spend the overwhelming majority of his time playing catch up with his development after the cardiac arrest setback. bron sort of accidentally alluded to this during his team usa interview. so let’s stop the fake crying and concern.. and I pray that these “reporters” move the fuck on

  11. He’s the son of a billionaire. The fact that he wants to still play basketball and get paid like the lowest paid guy on the team tells you that he was raised right by his parents.

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