EP. 434 – Duffle Bag Boy – Orlando Magic Podcast

EP. 434 – Duffle Bag Boy – Orlando Magic Podcast

this is the sixthman show an Orlando Magic podcast with your hosts Luke Sylvia and Jonathan Osborne covering all things Magic Basketball by fans for fans go [Music] magic what’s going on Orlando Magic fans you guys are back with the six-man show today is July 8th 2024 Jonathan Osborne here as always joined by my co-host Luke Sylvia now go and get your money German Duffel Bag Boy fron vogner with the five the fiveyear $224 million Max extension they said it wasn’t going to happen it happened Luke how do we feel fron vonner getting paid I I tweeted this out after it happened and I essentially said if you are a magic fan meaning you paid attention you watch watch Magic basketball this year and you didn’t think fron Vagner was getting the max I don’t know what to tell you there was no reason not to uh it’s deserved and people want to nitpick and they want to say his three-point percentage and they’re scared it’s going to stay that way forever well we have other data points that suggest it’s not going to stay that way forever he’s he’s simply getting used to the the role that he’s got he’s got poo B Caro by his side now you add a guy like kavus calwell Pope to the mix fron isn’t going to have to force as much he won’t be shooting as late into the shot clock now ideally everything points to you’re paying fron vogner not for who he is right now you’re locking him down for the next five years and if you play your cards right he’s going to continue to develop and he’s going to continue to play in the men pen stripes so for me you’re you’re you’re paying what he’s going to become and people can talk about it such an overpay but wait till you see the contracts these guys start getting it just happened to be Fran’s time to get the extension but we’re this is just going to become normal for players that are that a team believes in fully and also to couple that with the magic don’t have a choice fron Vagner wants the rookie Max you give him the rookie Max and obviously he’s going to on it you have to keep him you’re not going to piss him off you’re going to continue to to have this great relationship with him and you’ve just gained more trust from him by giving him this rookie Max and you pretty much have guaranteed fron is going to give you continue to give you 110% effort because he he sees this organization trusts him so the the extension will actually kick in after this season so he still makes $7 million this year and then with the way the cap is projected to go up he he’s going to make basically 25% of the cap moving forward unless he wins a league MVP or makes one of the all NBA teams and there’s some like award base incentives that can push that up to 30% of the cap but starting next year he’s projected to make 38.6 million 41.7 44.8 47.9 and 51 million dollar in 29 uh uh 2920 uh 30 and then when he’s an unrestricted free agent in 2030 his cap hold is going to be 7 74.7 million so like don’t get mad at frons for for signing the the the contract there this is just the State of Affairs when it comes to finances in the NBA these days due to these crazy TV deals that the the league is signing like 76 billion over the next 10 years yeah the players are going to get their cut and I want to read this really quickly from clutch points uh who put out an a you a post about the magic being the only NBA franchise um so basically I’ll read I’ll just read the caption every single NBA franchise has had a player earn at least 100 million well except for one the Orlando Magic are the only team in NBA history to not have a player earn at least 100 million with the franchise according to Hoops hype the current record holding Max Max earner for the magic is Nicola vich at 91.8 million in second place is arguably the greatest player in franchise history as we call him the first uh in franchise history Dwight Howard who finished his magic tenure having earned 83.2 um and then it goes on to say you know now the magic have signed France Vagner could be up to worth to you know 270 million if he does make an all-nba team regardless the magic have their first hundred million player and franchise history and it’s only going to take Vagner six years to get there so that’s the difference in today’s landscape right it’s only going take him six years to get there whereas you’ve got guys like Vu who were was in the 90s took him more time and then obviously Dwight Howard like fron Wagner is it’s just the landscape like he for the day and ages in like fron Wagner is is lucky that like this is how the pay scales are going right now that’s the case for every player in the NBA you’re making so much money to play basketball and fron Vagner is the beneficiary and the well-deserved beneficiary I’ve been banging like the fron Vagner Max drum for like the past I don’t know it feels like 5 6 months and there are people that have you know argued against that and so a few weeks back I went to Brandon Brandon Jones who does like a lot of like analytical stuff like when I I went to Brandon I said hey man do you believe that fron is a Max guy because if you do I need you to do some some work for the agenda if not I’m not going to force you to to you know help me push my agenda but Brandon went to work and and we retweeted it I think earlier today or yesterday if you’re not following Brandon first of all you can find him _ analytics on Twitter does analytic breakdown mostly for the magic but really for Guys across the league uh but Brandon put together a 15 tweet thread making the case for fron vonner to be a max player and I just wanted to throw like some of those um like numbers out there to give people an idea so he went and looked at box sum which is the like sum of their points rebounds assist Steals and blocks in his rookie year France had a box sum of 23.9 over the last 10 years there were 26 players to have achieved that number or more in their rookie season only five did not receive a Max extension so 21 out of the 26 players did receive a Max extension when we go to his rookie year he had a box him of 27.4 in the last 10 years 38 players reached this Mark only nine players did not receive a Max extension and then in year three he had a box sum of 30.2 34 third-year players had reached that number in the last 10 years and only four did not receive a Max extension I’m not going to go through the entire thread if you want to go check that out for yourself it’s it’s awesome but that just goes to show you that like upwards of 80 85% of these guys over the course of the last 10 years to put up the numbers that France has been putting up those guys have got Max extensions the third-year players who did not receive Max extensions were John Collins Colin sex and Tyler hero and Jabari Parker I think most of us would agree that fron clears all of those guys right like maybe you could make the argument for Tyler hero guy who’s had you know some more playoff experience but um like for the most part I think we would all agree that frons is is better than those guys and fits more into the category of the guys that did receive the max extension and there are people that are saying why would you do this now you could have waited a year basically in my opinion what it came down to is the magic weade the financial benefits of pushing this this extension for fron to next year where he does have the opportunity to go into restricted free agency if he wanted to and go out and get an offer and or maybe the magic just max him outright whatever the case may be you have to weigh that which the magic at this point are not going to have cap space next season regardless of whether or not they were to sign fron Varner to this extension so you had to weigh like is it worth it financially versus what I think people are underrating is everybody on the the team this offseason like almost literally everybody on the team got paid this off season and there’s a human element to this right like you want to feel like you’re valued and that you know the the the team that you’re playing for U sees the potential that you have and you want to feel compensated for that so the Mt just decided hey let’s not even take the risk of ruffling any feathers here let’s go ahead and get it done I don’t have a problem with it I’ve always believed that France is a Max guy I believe that he’s going to be a Max Guy moving forward like we can talk about the three-point shooting one of the the stats that Brandon talked about in that thread is how three-point percentage is not quote unquote like a sticky stat your last year’s production doesn’t always correlate to the following year so first couple years shot the ball pretty well last year he didn’t shoot the ball so well next year just because he didn’t shoot the ball this year doesn’t mean that he won’t shoot the ball well next year talked about like three-point attempts in the volume of Threes that you take um is is much more a sticky stat like it’s a your previous three-point attempts is a good indicator of your future three-point attempts and you just look at fron and the way that he’s been able to shoot from behind the Arkham previous Seasons way that he’s been able to you know be efficient from the free throw line the indicators show that he should project as at least a League average three-point shooter moving forward and if that’s like if if fron shot 34% from behind the arc this year nobody is questioning whether or not he’s a Max guy some people are even trying to bring up his poor shooting performance in one game in game seven in the playoffs this year to try to justify him not being a Max guy and all of that to me is just ridiculous it’s the same Narrative of people who would just Troll and I guess they’ve convinced themselves that it’s like the reality and all the volume and and data sample sample size they need as the people who say like Klay Thompson went 0 for 10 and whatever it was the elimination game and it’s like we all know good and well that doesn’t mean Klay Thompson can’t shoot the crap out of the basketball and he’s not one of the best Shooters of all time we know that so with fron Vagner you said you mentioned something like these players there’s a human element they want to feel valued that’s exactly what this is right this is not how much does another front off value fron vogner this is in their opinion none of that matters it’s how much do the Orlando Magic value fron Vagner how much do they value him on the court how much they value him as a presence in the locker room as a relational piece within the organization they value him across the board he seems to be an incredible dude he works his butt off the numbers are there he wasn’t supposed to be this good and I think we’ve quickly lost sight of that now do not get me wrong this absolutely means there is a higher standard to hold France Wagner too moving forward this trajectory has to increase at the pace that it’s gone his entire career thus far in like his early career right he has got to continue to go up and to the right rapidly otherwise there’s going to be a lot of people that come out of the woodwork talking about oh I knew he wasn’t worth the max but let’s be clear as long as the magic and France Vagner raise a banner contend for championships it won’t matter right because his contract all of that plays a piece in the roster that’s constructed it’s going to a not you know the front office won’t be able to to do as much now that France Vagner is highly paid like this moving forward obviously starting the next season but now like the the magic are all in on fron Vagner and he’s going to have to continue to progress and I think he will yeah to me this was a absolute no-brainer um just just funny to see some of the conversation around not magic social media necessarily I mean some of it magic social media magic fans saying some magic fans like a small percentage of magic fans saying this isn’t a good move this is an overpay so on and so forth but just like really around the NBA like there there’s a good you know contingent of NBA people saying like no like France is you know one of the most like impactful guys in the league at his position and size and what he’s able to do defensively and there’s the other side that you could tell like there I don’t want to draw attention to the guy you know his name or anything like that because I just don’t even feel that he deserves the attention but there was a a video that went semi viral on Twitter the other day after the extension was announced and this guy’s talking about how fron isn’t worth the max because he you know went one for 15 in game seven and when he’s talking about the magic front office you know how I know he has no idea what he’s talking about he kept showing clips of Anthony Parker yes Anthony Parker is the general manager of the magic but we all know he is not the lead decision maker when it comes to basketball operations you know this guy just went to to Google and typed in Orlando Magic GM saw Anthony Parker and said okay I’ve got to find clips of Anthony Parker and probably has no idea that Jeff welman is the president of basketball operations for the Orlando Magic but it just what we tell you all all the time is when you see this stuff going on in the the national discourse don’t like put too much like emotion and energy into this kind of stuff because time and time again these people talking about the magic they just always show you the fact that they don’t actually watch the magic so why would we pay any attention to what they’re saying because they don’t know what they’re talking about but at the end of the day happy for fron and to your point Luke like yeah this trajectory that you’ve been on you’ve got to continue to be on that like fron has got to start flirting with you know 23 25 points per game a season the three-point shooting needs to come back a little bit but he just needs to keep doing all of the other things that he’s been doing well yeah should would like to see a little bit added to the game each year yes but again if fron is anywhere near League average from three this season nobody is questioning this contract whatsoever so happy that it got done had a had a feeling that it would get done it seems like you know the magic had other things that they were had to take care of things that were sort of more pressing because you could get this done anytime between now and the start of the season so they’re like okay let’s get all these sort of time sensitive things Tak care of first and then we’ll come back around and take care of fron and next up is is Jaylen but we’ll talk about that in a couple minutes yeah and I want to add one more thing and it kind of is taken from welman’s presser about kcp but applying the same principle which was in in that presser he says continuity only matters I’m paraphrasing or just like not getting it entirely correct but continuity only matters if you’re winning the magic are winning we saw and have seen that the this past season the magic are winning and on an awesome trajectory in order to keep the continuity you had to do this with fron vogner as well like we talk about this is how much the franchise values as well and and y y y you had to do this there was no other option if you want to keep fronze Vagner happy and clearly some people were like I was hoping he’d take a Team friendly deal the dude’s making 7 million like in in the grand scheme of thinks yes that’s a ton of money but in the NBA landscape it’s a respect thing your what your salary is your contract you don’t start taking pay cuts until you’re LeBron or KD getting to the age where you’re like I just want to win again I want to taste the championship again or you’re a ring chasing and you take a vet minimum somewhere fron Vagner was never going to take a pay cut and he shouldn’t as well like I so keeping the continuity was so important and that was the goal and they’ve been able to do that so congrats to fron Vagner and the magic did what they had to do and and congrats to the magic and one just other note something that I’ve seen just over the course of the last couple of years and I don’t want to start talking about like the magic ownership and people’s opinions on on them but something that I’ve seen from time to time around you know magic Centric social media is that like we have cheap owners the the the owners don’t pay guys yada yada they absolutely paying fron Vagner and they paid everybody this season to to bring a big piece of this team back they still have you know long-term Financial flexibility um but they they went out they’ve now exceeded the cap you know I think they’ve done every all the spending they needed to do this season to try to keep this team together and uh we’ll talk you know more about some of these contracts but like guess who else is getting an extension like jaylen’s extension is not going to be that far away I feel pretty confident in saying that and then Paulo’s extension is Paulo will end up being like the highest paid player in the history of the Orlando Magic by the time that it’s all said and done and like within the next five six years you know that’ll that’ll be the case for pao so um when they’re confident that we have a a winner and we can floor like a winning team ownership pays like they’ve shown that throughout the Dwight Howard era you know paying you know Rashard Lewis and and bringing in guys like Vince Carter and Gilbert Arenas now those moves didn’t necessarily all work but they’ve they’ve proven in my opinion that when hey it it’s time to pay and it’s time to go all in on a winner um they will do that now you can argue I think a lot of it just comes from like the negotiations with Shaq you know back in the 90s and that is totally understandable but you know this is some evidence that I think States otherwise now um with like everything being official you know once the moratorium ended we got official signings for cavius cwell Pope Trevin Queen uh back on a two-way Tristan D Silva signing his rookie scale contract uh Gary Harris is back officially MO vager is back officially um I think it was Keith Smith or I it might not be Keith Smith but it was one of those cap guys tweeted out that both Gary Harris and mo Vagner their second year on those deals are both team options so if the magic want to get out of those deals after this upcoming season they do have the ability to do so Jonathan Isaac uh he’s resigning and some of the numbers that we gave and those were all estimates obviously on the last episode didn’t exactly end up being correct so um this is you can find all this on spot track but Patrick Arsenal who you can find at P Arenal 19 on Twitter he tweeted out really the way that Jonathan Isaac’s contract is going to be working out um so they use the full amount available as his guaranteed value for 2024 2025 of $25.1 million then the 40% maximum decline to year two would be 15, 61,2 54 and then the rest of the contract would go as follows it’s in 2024 2025 again the $25 million fully guaranteed then the 40% Max decline 20 25 2026 he’ll make 15.1 and there’s a 5% standard decline in the 2026 2027 season where he’ll make $14.3 million 8 million of that will be guaranteed then there’s a 5% standard raise to bring him up to 15 million that is non-guaranteed in the 2027 2028 season and then there’s another 5% standard decline to the 2028 2029 season for $14.3 million and that is non guaranteed so the last two years of that deal basically the magic have an out to get out of that and the third year of the extension is only $8 million guaranteed so there are partial guarantees after the first two years after really after the next two years there are partial guarantees and then just like complete non- guarantees in those final couple of Seasons I haven’t seen any specific language like we saw in his last extension where it was like minimum games played and then there you know or different guarantees at that level it just seems like that third season is going to be partially guaranteed and the last two seasons are non- guaranteed years so credit to John uh Jeff welman I went to say John Hamond there Jeff welman and Anthony Parker um in structuring this deal so that hey if ji plays and he’s healthy this is a heck of a deal for us but if he’s not healthy they have Protections in place so they can sort of get out of that Luke and that’s the name of the game with this front office they’re always covering them eles they’re always somehow able to get their players to take team options on their contracts they’re always able to get them to do things like descending contracts a majority of the time they Jeff welman is just he puts on a master class with these contract negotiations does what he has to do honors the player respects the player but also looks out for his organization’s best interest as well which is uh super important obviously yeah at this point like and you and I talked about this you know everyone knows how much faith we and belief we have in this front office and I feel like we’ve talked about it like almost at nauseum but this is just to me again did the offseason was it the Home Run offseason that we necessarily wanted no but like it was a it was a triple and they were round and third and there was just a a heck of a throw from the the right fielder at the plate and made you go back to third like this was a really good off season for the Orlando Magic front office and when we’re looking at like every time a deal comes out we’re like oh man is that going to be structured in our favor and it almost always is so them putting trust in fron Varner and signing them to that Ma signing him to that Max extension like I just don’t have any doubts or any worries about this front office because once they came in and cleaned up everything they have acted so responsibly with the cap that I I’m just not going to lose sleep at night over any of these deals at this point like every time we get the details it’s like oh wow like that really it works out for the player and if things really don’t go great the magic have ways to get out of this kind of stuff so I’m just really happy with the way that the the front office was able to structure a lot of these deals yeah all right a couple other things to talk about but we’ll get to that in just a moment want to give a quick shout out to our patrons that that help make each and every episode possible they help support the show if you would like to help the support uh if you would like to help support the show you can find us at patreon.com the6ix man show whenever we have brand new patrons we give them a very special shout out so shout out to Jen JN RI who joined the patreon uh at the elite tier level really appreciate the support and we give a special shout out to all of our Hall of Fame and Elite tier patrons each and every episode so let’s start by shouting out the court cousins Drew Gooden Armen Carson tulo Jonathan borgas normal magic player history Gabe gains willle Michael Martin Jamal Miller Michael salop pong Donkey Punch da Palin Fran Warth Pierre a Dylan Holden Mr Mikey Eduardo Sanchez DaNell Bobby Skinner goie 93 Teddy Sylvia Dak Lopez fuchsia Bill Folton Emon lone Jose squealing cayb Pete cannibalism time Mr TV ESPN really sucks gear 95 shred Junior Bruce afreen shahan 177 Bobby the Don himo b hro r improv 221 rap Arron and magic kit 714 mysterious Mosley Irish Magic Mike Austin lampy random hustle only frond Maria Keith wall Fritz BR s Case green Santi Leon Kane Eckler the distract Amad timsa chantu Tom Gadson dead air Richard Tuttle Jeremiah Cano magic wire Debo 1980 magic Matt Michael Thompson Mama Richmond next Nappa what’s up playoffs 2024 Dylan Fay David Duffy Smith Sheiks ship sinks Bueno times Suggs mugs Daniel Anderson Barry mcy and jayn RI again if you would like to support the show you can find us at patreon.com theix man show some additional moves that uh were not officially announced by the magic but uh were reported uh the magic have renounced the cap holds for Marquel folz and chuma okk basically what that means is um the magic no longer have their bird rights like they gave up that cap hold um no longer have those guys Bird right so it’s not like they can go out and sign them to like a massive extension like exceeding the C um some people have said that there are some like uh room like exceptions and mid-level exceptions I am still trying to get better when it comes to the cap I feel like every offseason I get a little bit better when it comes to the cap stuff but um just in terms of those different exceptions I know there’s like the uh by annual exception non- taxpayer you know midlevel exception that kind of stuff it seems like some of those may be available so there is still a route for marel folz to come back to the magic um but it seems like I think a mid-level exception for Marquel Foltz at this point for this team would be bit of an overpay and wouldn’t make a lot of sense it feels like if you wanted to bring Marquel back you would have just kept his bird rights and signed him to like a you know one inone almost like a prove it kind of contract potentially and then chuma okk Tristan D Silva you know once he’s drafted that he seems like the chuma okk replacement so I’m I’m pretty confident that chuma is 100% gone Marquel FZ I’m probably at like 75 to 80% sure there is still a route but at this point it does seem pretty unlikely that he’ll be back yeah and and really nothing else to add there we talked about fults the last episode enough the other thing with now truma KK seemingly gone is that if he were to come back he’d have to choose a new number because there’s also that which just sort of adds evidence that he’s gone been put out there that cavius colal Pope chose number three selfishly for me to be able to sleep better at night I wish he was choosing number 20 uh but come on man come on that’s not that’s not you’re you’re out of line no not at all not at all they’re going to let you know in the YouTube comments for sure let oh well let me have it um I stand by that um but yeah so so chuma yeah the the door seemingly feels like it’s slammed with with kcp just taking that that number three number so yeah that was the other piece of Magic news we got is that he will be rocking that number for the magic this season I I wonder if it’s too late for Kevin who has the chuma okk IR Jersey for a couple of years ago to get like kavus Caldwell Pope on the back of that funny enough Kevin and I both have the NN Jersey he has chuma I have marel so but I think like the Marquel Foltz will age a bit better than the the chuma Jersey if if I had to guess another piece of just Earth shattering breaking news that Keith Smith had tweeted out end of an era he says the Orlando Magic renounced the first round draft rights for Fran Vasquez Orlando drafted Vasquez with the 11th pick in the 2005 NBA draft the 41-year-old Spanish big man retired from playing professional basketball after the 1920 season someone asked why haven’t they done this before and then Keith Smith said never had a reason to like for me it’s it was just like can we just can we get this guy off the books like for for magic fans that were hoping and praying that one day Fran was going to come over you know from from overseas it’s just like just just just do this get rid of the bad blood it’s never happening the guy’s a billion years old at this point um but yeah the end of an era to finally uh renounce the the draft rights to Fran Basquez would be crazy for him to come out today and be like I was about to come over like finally after all these years that that would have been pretty funny but um yeah sad but it’s it’s past time 19 seasons is what he played uh professionally so hats off to him I’m sure he made great money playing international basketball you do make relatively good money especially leagues that you know that that he’s playing in yeah 19 Seasons like he stuck around for a reason and uh finished his his year his career with averaging seven and four but 19 Seasons like there’s something to be said about that that is a long freaking time to play any type of professional basketball yeah but uh riping peace uh Fran Vasquez and Vasquez and uh his time with the Orlando Magic yeah Legend okay uh one thing that we haven’t talked a ton about just yet I don’t think we’re going to spend that much time talking about it but it is pretty revent we’re revent relevant good Reef the Revenant Leo Leonardo DiCaprio where are we going with this no um I think it’s relevant um and the only reason that I feel like it’s it’s not really worth the time to spend a ton of time talking about is because I feel like it’s an an un inevitability I cannot speak tonight what is going on um jayen Suggs obviously has not signed his extension just yet and Jeff whatman was asked about the status of Jaylen Sugg’s extension and although he said you know jaylen’s super valuable to us he had a great year he’s you know a big piece of what we’re doing you know moving forward he’s not going to speak on contract negotiations which Jeff welman never does so that’s not like a red flag by any means but Jaylen Suggs um I’m goingon to look at it was Theo Lawson who is um in Vegas covering uh Team USA he tweeted that Jaylen Suggs was getting some three-point shooting work in with the USA select team after the Olympic Training Camp Suggs wasn’t playing in the scrimmage near the end of practice but has been out here shooting for roughly 20 minutes now Jaylen not playing in the scrimmage to me says that his representatives are still working out the terms of the extension with the Orlando Magic earlier in the week Germany was set to play France in like a pre you know Olympics uh friendly Mo bronze neither of them played in that game because the extens and the the resigning of the contract for Mo were not official yet so Jaylen not playing in that scrimmage there’s either some type of minor injury that we haven’t been made aware of or just given the timing I think it makes a lot more sense that the magic are probably working out the terms of that extension with his representative so I would hope you know jaylen’s going to be here at at the USA select team he wants to really fully participate in everything going on with the Olympic team with the USA select team like let’s get this this contract you know hammered out and get that finalized so he can really get the full experience or otherwise like he’s just there to hang out which I don’t think he wants to be doing again unless there’s some type of minor injury that we haven’t been made aware of but um it I I would be surprised if that was the case yeah not not much to to add there for me I also agree it’s it’s got to be on the horizon with with sugs yeah really should be done hopefully any day now you know again it seemed like they were going through like the more pressing um you know time sensitive items that we’ve talked about a little bit earlier and then had to figure out like the max stuff that’s going on with fron but like jayen is absolutely GNA be taken care of and and fr’s just like making the amount of money that he’s going to be making I’m hoping that we see jayen somewhere like 28 to $30 million a year I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s you know in the ballpark of 35 million a year but for the magic and like again to their credit the way that they’ve been able to negotiate these contracts like seeing jayen under $30 million would be a heck of a deal I think yeah yeah under under 30 would be great I am anticipating like above 30 31 32 just above it that’s what I’m anticipating we’ll see what they come out to but I mean it it all goes into continuity doesn’t matter unless you’re winning magic winning you’re going to get it done one way or another that sugs extension is going to happen all right last thing that I want to go over um is that this weekend we got the official presser from Jeff welman just talking about the moves that were made uh you over the course of free agency and also the media got to meet with kabius cwell pop for the first time um really the the major takeaways for me with Jeff obviously you know he’s never going to talk about contract negotiations or contract details any of that stuff um but he talked about Jonathan ISAC and how uh the fact that they had this left over cap allowed them I’m reading between the lines but what it sounds like to me is that it allowed them to overpay ji this upcoming year to be able to get him on a pretty favorable deal you know over the course of the the following you know the the next four years you know where he’s making you know 15 and4 million a year for the level of production that ji is going to give you like that’s that’s great value as long as he’s able to stay healthy um and then obviously talking about how great fron is and obviously they believe in France moving forward and how good he’s been and how he’s still only 22 years old um but then just talking about cavius cwell Pope and the things that he brings made a big emphasis talking about durability and how he led you know or was close to Leading both of the championship teams that he played for you know in games and in minutes played uh obviously the the shooting that he brings talking about like over the course of the last few years there’s only like six guys that have made the amount of Threes that he has made at the percentage that he’s made it’s a a really short list there again put the emphasis on the durability but also talked a lot about like the championship EXP experience that kcp is going to bring to This Magic roster and uh like a new standard really like for this team that he’s gonna be able to say like hey if you guys really want to get to the next level this is what it’s going to take and canavis cwell Pope we thought was the Gary Harris replacement he’s really like the Joe Engles replacement it seems like and although I love Joe Engles and what he brought to the team from like a a chemistry perspective and yes an accountability perspective I think like kyp’s words are even going to carry a little bit more weight than Joe Eng Les because one kcp is still doing it at a high level and having that Championship level experience to back that up I think goes a long way and Jeff welman made it seem like you know cavius cwell Pope was was their main target he he wouldn’t come out and explicitly say that um but from everything that that we’ve heard and everything that’s been reported it seems like kyp was like their guy this off season Jeff games gave some interesting insight someone asked him about Paul George obviously he was not going to say too much about it but he said a little bit more than what I honestly anticipated and he just gave a peek behind the curtain furthermore about just you know Ju Just because we call an agent about a player doesn’t mean we’re interested and that should go without saying but it was just interesting to me like him saying that off the back of like a Paul George question and him essentially like him laying out like hey just yeah just because we make contact doesn’t mean anything at all we just want to know like we’re everyone’s talking to everybody and and I’m sure that there is there was something to the Paul George conversation but may clearly not enough or something happened as we’ve discussed before on the show but they pulled the trigger pretty early on kcp for there to be much there with Paul George anyway way and he he sort of like said that to to emphasize that like we’re trying to get a feeling for like what other players are doing but what other teams are doing as well so by talking to a a player’s Representatives you can kind of piece together what other teams are trying to do as well without having to go to the team and say hey what are you guys trying to do you can also get that like through a like the agency that represents a player so just because the magic we’re in touch with Paul George’s Representatives doesn’t necessarily mean they were going after Paul George you know I think is what uh Jeff was was sort of dancing around the fact because again you know he doesn’t talk about uh you know negotiation strategies and and so on and so forth but no I I I thought that that was um that was a big takeaway from the the presser as well that like in the future like hey just because we’re talking to somebody doesn’t mean we’re looking at at somebody I I guess is the way to to put that and then the the cavius cwell pope press number one the guy seems really excited to be here which I I think is huge and was sort of tongue and cheek asked about like hey are you are you looking to get your third title here and sure what like what is he going to say like oh no I’m just here to get a bag like of course he’s not going to say that but I don’t think that’s the case either I do think he sees the possibility of this roster growing into a contending team and you know he has the ability to to grow with that team and and contribute and be a big piece of that but he said hey like I’m just as excited to be here as they are to have me and he did talk about how it was difficult for him to leave Denver and he sort of waited to see if they were going to come back with an offer so there were some other reports early in free agency after the kcp signing was reported that like hey like there is a similar offer from Denver it doesn’t seem like there was a similar offer from Denver I I would guess that if there was a similar offer from Denver he would still be a nugget but that doesn’t seem to be the case um but he talked about like all the young Talent the young stars that we have here in Pao and fron and he seems super excited to be here and I I just can’t wait to see that guy on the floor in the starting lineup next to Jaylen Suggs and fron and um obviously Pao Wendell uh he he’s gonna be a big difference maker for this team I have no doubt that that duo that tandem on the defensive end is going to be ridiculous also another thought about kcp if people are anything like me and in terms of looking at like kcp is 31 he’ll be 32 come New Year basically think like February he’ll be 32 is he getting going to be at the point very soon where like his production drops at all or is he still going to be good the way I look at it with him is just you going back to that durability piece I just get the feel like him talking about the magic winning a third like being the the team that gets him as third ring I truthfully think that he thinks that like you said he believes in this roster that they can get there but I think he thinks he could probably be a part of it and that’s exciting and not just the fact that this team has so much promise but it’s like who’s to say if KY P remains as durable as he is and keeps up production or at least efficiency then who’s to say he doesn’t sign another team friendly deal and that’s when the Magic win a title right like it it’s or contend and and make themselves known as like the threat here in the next couple years but then getting to the point where his contract’s over you could see him doing kind of what Gary Harris has done where he’s like I just I’m bought into this team I love the city I love what they’re building I want to be a part of it any way that I can I’ll sign team-friendly deal and and ride into the sunset here in Orlando which is kind of what it feels like Gary Harris is going to end up doing um long term like Gary’s still young like younger than kcp but just the fact that he’s already taking team friendlies tells me the magic given the cap situation are still in good situations to resign these guys to lower amounts and kcp in a few years could be another case of that as long as Orlando’s still building and the culture is still there in chemistry and talking about Team friendly something that I I forgot to mention when we were talking about Gary Harrison and mo vadner like those second years are are U you know team options but Keith Smith reported you know uh for a league source that told Spa track that both Gary Harris and mo Vagner waved their implied no trade Clauses in their new contracts with the Orlando Magic he says players who are on a one-year deal or a two-year deal with an option receive the ability to block a trade unless waved so what that says to me in order to bring those guys back at the numbers that they were brought back at the magic said hey we’ll bring you back at this number but we need you to wave your no trade clause that’s even more Team friendly the fact that these guys who typically on a deal that is structured like theirs are would not be able to be traded if the magic want to trade those guys they can do that so Gary Harris Midway through the year if he’s you know playing pretty well but you know maybe the magic want to get more minutes for jet Howard or Tristan D Silva they can move Gary to a contender if they need to be able to do that right if there’s a team shopping for like another veteran Wing who who can defend and still shoot the ball at a pretty efficient level the fact that they have the ability to do that like again just another feather in the Hat you know in terms of contract negotiations for for Jeff welman but yeah back to canabus callwell Pope just like if you go to his basketball reference these are the number of games played in this guy’s career 80 82 76 76 74 82 6967 those were both covid shortened Seasons 77 7676 like that dude has missed more than six games once in his career and he missed eight games and that was seven years ago so this dude is like the epitome of durable and you know a 37% three-point shooter over the course of his career in which he’s improved drastically since the beginning of his career like his last five seasons 38.5 41% 39 % 42% 40% last year like this dude is the epitome of durability three and d and like Elite level defense like this is a guy who got all defensive team boats last year and is I think Jeff wman I’ve seen it across social media but Jeff welman quoted it in the presser is that this dude is like 96 or 97 percentile in terms of matchup difficulty so like guarding the best player on opposing team night in and Night Out basis you I you and I were just like chatting before the show and just the thought of like a guard like an elite level guard coming into Orlando on like a Tuesday night on either like a back toback or like their third game in four nights and they’re like man I got to deal with Jaylen Suggs and cavius cwell Pope tonight like that is the epitome of guard hell like there is no way around that and the upside here as well with with kcp being able to stick the best player on the other team is freeze Jaylen sugs up to be even better offensively than he was for us this past season to play a bigger role use more energy on the offensive end Jaylen sugs is still going to give his all but if he’s able to lighten up a little bit on the defensive end and put more in offensively because kcp has his back on the perimeter that’s that’s all that that you need if you’re the Loa magic turning defense to offense as well with kcp to jayen Suggs whatever ever it looks like Jaylen Suggs is is going to be able to Feast much more offensively this year y Luke I I really think that’s about it like this is a a great off season for the magic there is still one roster spot left obviously when that roster spot is filled we’ll talk about on the show we’ll tweet about it post it to social media um yeah I’m interested to see what is is is going to happen there I don’t expect it to be a big move at this point in the the off season but looking forward to to see whoever you know they bring in again I do think there are worse options uh than bringing back marel Foltz although uh again doesn’t seem likely wouldn’t be my first choice at this point um yeah anything else that you want to add before we go ahead and wrap this up no no nothing left all right that’s going to do it for this one folks for Luke Sylvia this has been Jonathan Osborne you all have been listening to the six-man show and we will catch you guys next time see you thanks for listening to the Sixth Man Show be sure to subscribe on iTunes and Spotify to get new episodes downloaded directly to your phone if you enjoyed the show please take a minute to give us a five-star rating and a review it helps out the show a lot follow us on Twitter Instagram and Facebook @ 6man show we’ll catch you guys next time go magic let’s go mag let’s go [Applause] let’s go

Jonathan & Luke react to the Franz Wagner extension and the Magic make all the offseason moves official.

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0:00 – Intro/Franz Extension
18:58 – Magic make signings official
23:51 – Patron Shoutout
25:53 – Markelle & Chuma
28:34 – The Fran Vazquez era is over
30:24 – Jalen Suggs extension watch
34:18 – Jeff Weltman & KCP pressers

#OrlandoMagic #OrlandoMagicPodcast #PaoloBanchero #BlueWireVideo

  1. People that didn't watch the Magic thought Franz totally shit the bed this season. But those who watched know he was just getting used to his new mattress, finding his sleep number, fluffing the pillows, tossing and turning a bit. But next season he'll be fully awake, and I fully trust in his ability to bounce back. (But not on the bed, no jumping on the bed. I feel like I lost the analogy somewhere…)

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