Indianapolis Colts – Drafts not fruitful! 16 days to Camp! Caitlin 1st rookie triple double in win!

Indianapolis Colts – Drafts not fruitful! 16 days to Camp! Caitlin 1st rookie triple double in win!

good morning we’re going to talk about Colts drafts because the Indianapolis Colts under Chris Ballard build almost exclusively through the draft so they can’t miss if you miss in the draft and you augment your roster with free agents you got a chance if you’re all draft no free agents man do you really need to hit and the Colts haven’t done that we’re going to talk about that a little bit in a specific way because Stars when you and I’m not talking about brand Stars I’m talking about the kind of stars that win you football games guys who go out and produce on the field at a high level those Stars win you division championships and those stars are absent the Indianapolis Colts by and large we’ll talk about that a little bit and we’ll talk about how this isn’t terrible news because very few teams over the last five drafts have have put together rosters with a bunch of pro bowlers from those five drafts uh we’ll talk about Camp which is approaching 16 days until the opening of Camp when veterans report get their physicals all that stuff we are 17 days away from the first workouts on July 25th we’ll talk about the Indiana favor Kaylin Clark with the first ever triple double by a WNBA rookie she did that most important importantly in a win against the New York Liberty on Saturday that’s a really good win the New York Liberty are in first place in the WNBA and so the fever competing at a level that beats the New York Liberty you know what they’re starting to play some pretty damn good basketball and that’s a good thing we’ll talk about the Chicago Cubs yikes Cubs they took two of three over the California Angels but when you’ve got an idiot like Colton Brewer on your on your franchise on your roster you got problems and Colton Brewer he’s got a big problem that’s a broken hand wrist kind of thing he punched a Dugout wall after a not so good outing and you know what when you got that kind of stupid roaming around your Clubhouse you got real problems and the Chicago Cubs have real problems this is breakfast with Kent for Monday July 8th 2024 brought to you by the great people at my bookie hey at my bookie when you use promo code Kent you got you will open up a sign up bonus make available to you a signup bonus amount of up to $1,000 how about that for winning before you even play that’s fantastic and with my bookie you can bet on anything anytime from anywhere again promo code Kent how’s that for Action uh want to remind you you need to subscribe in order to uh put yourself in the eligibility bracket for prizes we haven’t had a prize in a while we’re going to start having prizes again soon I bid on a couple items last night at pristine we’ll see if I wind up winning good thing I like bidding on things I like getting stuff in the mail that’s fun and then I like putting stuff in the mail those are the prizes that I just might send to you if you’re a subscriber make sure and like the video that’s a thumbs up icon it’s just the polite thing to do it’s who’s your hospitality and all that it cost you nothing hit the little Thumbs Up Button if you want to make a donation make sure and include a comment or a question and we will share it with the class we took Thursday off last week uh took like a half day Friday I haven’t done that in forever but some things just get important in life and you got to take time to do some things and so I did on Thursday and then on Friday as well we are back with a full raft of shows all week long Monday through Friday to a day 6:40 in the morning uh like 4 in the afternoon can’t wait to talk to you then in fact I’m so impatient to wait to talk to you then I’m going to talk to you right now how about that let’s talk about the Indianapolis Colts and their drafts all right uh got the hour Lads post-draft kind of recap guide in the mail and and look through it and and you see that the Colts what the Colts have done over the last five drafts is really be very very average and you can’t be very very average if you want to compete in the NFL and you’re not going to sign a bunch of free agents look I get the strategy of not signing free agents signing free agents is a perilous Venture you saw that with Ryan grigson in 2015 you go deep into Jimmer say pocket to pay for guys hey they better Pony up they better show out they didn’t Ryan grion held accountable 88 and 1588 and 16 on the street in 17 that’s the way the NFL works you overspend for a lack of talent owner is going to hold you responsible so the draft is where Chris Ballard tries to get this roster right over the last five drafts the Colts have done well and it depends on how you look at this they have drafted 46 guys in those five drafts of those 46 13 have become starters now that could be both good and bad like I was saying it it it’s great to have 13 starters that were drafted however how good are those 13 starters that you somebody’s got to start you can’t start nine guys you can’t say you know what we really don’t have a a starting quality free safety so we’re not going to have anybody back there that’s not the way it works you’ve got to have 22 starters Colt 13 of those starters drafted in uh in the last five drafts uh pro bowlers none no pro bowlers in the last five drafts now that’s that’s nothing but bad right that’s terrible uh but the Colts aren’t alone in that there are 19 teams that have not drafted a pro bowler those include the Jaguars and the Titans the Texans have drafted two the Lions have drafted two the Seahawks have drafted two what’s all that mean well you know what pro bowler what is pro bowler a reasonable definition a reasonable line of demarcation for somebody who’s helping you win games Gardner menu was a pro bowler last year that tells you a little bit about the quality of pro bowlers sometimes being a pro bowler doesn’t mean a whole hell of a lot uh kiwi’s big adventure says Barrel should be in Indie by Wednesday hell it’s going to be here Tuesday it’s a day in advance it’s early early early Barrel Tuesday Wednesday we’re going to get like 1 to three inches of rain that’s life and you know what this this uh spring not to get all weather oriented and then into the summer what we’ve gotten is about one substantial rain a week and that we can live with like rain on Tuesday little bit on Wednesday and then Sunny the rest of the day Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday that that’s routine that works for us thank you for the meteorological update uh but it you know what it doesn’t mean a whole lot for the Indianapolis Colts because the Indianapolis Colts the the pro bowlers it Bernard Ryman Maybe playing at a pro bowl level right uh Michael Pitman could make a pro bowl Jonathan Taylor could make a pro bowl Jonathan Taylor was a pro bowler in 2021 wasn’t he I haven’t thought of that I I just took the uh the hours guys at their he led the league in rushing and touchdowns for goodness sake so uh I may have to recheck some of the statistics Ed by the ours guys cuz there’s no way Jonathan Taylor didn’t make the Pro Bowl that’s kind of weird anyway uh the what the Colts are is a team that has not won an AFC South through 20 thou or back to 2014 that can’t stand the the AFC South is not very good has not been very good and as a result you would think that a team put together would W with an eye toward talent and with quality coaching would be a division champ at least once in the last uh back to 2000 hell it’s that’s almost 10 Seasons That’s nine seasons for God’s sake Colts have got to get off the schneide under Chris Ballard but we do know this unless fans hold the franchise accountable with her pocketbook you know what what is the motivation for ownership to provide a winner to go deep into their pockets spend up to that fixed cap and and bring winning to a city the Colts that I think they make an honest effort to try to win they have been on the precipice of the playoffs twice in the last three years they have gone to the playoffs twice in the last six years and so you know what they’re they’re kind of on the doorstep and that’s enough to bring hope isn’t it it is uh 16 days to Veterans reporting it at Grand Park we’re getting closer um you know running it back right Chris Ballard running it back all 22 starters return all three Specialists return the new blood almost entirely from the draft rayquan Davis Joe flacko excluded you know what this this is a franchise I I think it’s balls here for Chris Balor to have I think it’s pushing chips all into the middle of the table on the guys who are coming back that Chris balard said yep we’re going to have those guys back the two losses menu and Zach Moss can you withstand those losses yeah you can withstand those losses uh we’ll see if they do uh and there is Reason for Hope right there’s always got to be Reason for Hope the Indiana Fever they beat the first place New York Liberty on Saturday they are now 9 and13 they’ve got three games until they hit the Olympic break uh those three games Wednesday against the the mystics at noon Mystics are five and actually Four until the Break um Mercury 10 and 10 that game at gamebridge Fieldhouse on Friday Sunday at the links the links are 15 and six and then Dallas 5 and 17 next Wednesday you ought to be able to win three of these games and if if you win three of these games you’re 12 and 14 headed into the Olympic break and you’re really playing pretty good basketball they’re 8 and5 since June 1st Caitlyn Clark with the first triple double in WNBA history by a rookie that’s a meaningful deal she had 1912 and 13 and and maybe most importantly only four turnovers that’s a good thing that’s a step in the right direction against the best team in the WNBA arguably she turned it over four times Aaliyah Boston with 18 points in that game the NBA Summer League starts for the Pacers Friday night against the Nets that game on NBA TV 8:00 then they play Tuesday against Phoenix that game at four o’clock uh you’ve got jarus Walker Ben Shepard Kendall Brown uh as veterans playing in the uh uh rookie league then you’ve got Dakota Maas and Lance Jones a little Purdue flavor on the roster Johnny Fury Tristan Newton and Enrique Freeman are the rookies uh the rookies who were drafted going to play for the uh Pacers rookie league team also summer league whatever um Cubs beat the Angels 5 nothing yesterday okay good Orioles uh they’re at Baltimore for the next three that begins tomorrow and then they’re in St Louis for four this week weekend including uh two on Saturday Cubs reliever Colton Brewer broke his hand after a rough outing on Saturday uh he came in allowed a couple earned runs got a couple outs came in punched the Dugout wall you can’t coach that level of stupid out of a guy that’s what the Colts are or the Cubs are they are a stupid stupid baseball team and that’s why they’re in last place in the National League central they are terrible and they are a team you look at the Indianapolis Colts and you say my god when of the Colts going to win why doesn’t ownership do what’s necessary to bring a roster to Indianapolis that is likely to win you know what the Colts are are really good stewards of that franchise compared to the Chicago Cubs and the rickets the rickets have destroyed the roster on that franchise they have hamstrung Jed Hoyer who doesn’t need to be hamstrung in order to create a bad Rock this is a bad group of ball players playing bad baseball and it’s pathetic and the City of Chicago should somehow revolt against the rickets and what that means is keeping your money in your pocket and deciding you know what this summer let’s not go to Wrigley Field let’s not pay homage to those who came before us and and you know shepherded us into this family of cubs fans let’s not do that let’s sit on our cash not by slag not buy tickets and and let’s see what the rickets do then what they will do then is they will invest in the roster and they will build a a team more likely to win if Jed Hoyer can do that that’s what the rickets will do to respond to people sitting on their wallets instead of opening them and Colton Brewer what a disgrace what a how about a little bit of in impulse control just a little bit don’t smash your hand against a Dugout wall are you you a crazy person what the hell is the matter with you what an idiot uh let’s celebrate some birthdays shall we on this Monday in Central Indiana as we await for the remnants of hurricane Barrel to barrel down upon us uh Bill Henry happy birthday Cody James McKay Lisa Williams Jason Presley Scott wner Happy Birthday uh the great jeene beglin celebrating her birthday Julie Schwarz the great Julie Schwarz uh Shannon Nichols Albert Donado and Jerry Lee Ward happy birthday if today’s your birthday you celebrate like hell if it’s not your birthday you celebrate somebody else that is best done with an honest and specific compliment just say something nice to somebody look him in the eye as you’re in the grocery store look people in the eye give a little nod a little wave sure you look crazy but that’s okay that’s a good kind of crazy around the neighborhood wave at people when they drive by I wave at everybody I go for a walk I say you know what I got to clear my head I walk around I wave at people on the sidewalk people driving by delivery guys I’m always waving where’re a neighborhood that waves I the one who knocks I’m the one who waves that’s the way it is have a great day the radio show coming up in about 7even minutes at wgcl it’s awesome and uh then later this afternoon about 4:00 we will talk about sports again and we’ll talk about the the HS we’ll talk about the hoers football program which is continuing to make great strides toward something that might be pretty damn decent let’s go

Colts drafts have provided sparse stars under Ballard! But one more than reported!
Fever’s Caitlin Clark makes more history in win over Liberty!
Pacers Summer League play starts Friday, and there is some Purdue flavor on the roster!
Cubs reliever Colten Brewer becomes the worst of the worst as he is added to the 60-day IL!
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