Memphis Grizzlies make major coaching staff changes as Summer League begins

Memphis Grizzlies make major coaching staff changes as Summer League begins

on this Monday edition of lock on Grizzlies we’re sorry it’s been a while but don’t blame us blame the Memphis Grizzlies we were going to talk about a summer league roster reveal that didn’t happen until Sunday on this Monday Edition we will discuss the roster a major overhaul of the Grizzlies coaching staff as well that’s what we’ll lead off with today and we’ll close out this episode with a preview of the hot Grizz summer to come summer league basketball the Memphis Grizzlies play tonight let’s lock in you are locked on Grizzlies your daily Memphis Grizzlies podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day I guess I need to be honest technically the Memphis Grizzlies play tonight but it’s not exactly the Memphis Grizzlies if you’re new to this whole summer league thing be ready for people to be a lot more excited about glorified Jes league basketball than they should be but hey I’m one of those people I’m Joe Mullen I’m joined by my co-host Michael Cole of the Commercial Appeal there in Memphis Tennessee and you are locked in with lockon Grizzlies thanks for being with us and starting your week off the right way with lockdown Grizzlies today’s episode of lockdown Grizzlies is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as the playoffs are now over across all the major sports sports stop sportsing like we want them to but you still have the WNBA obviously Major League Baseball and this summer FanDuel was hooked hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit to get started we are free and available wherever you get your podcast as proud members of the locked on podcast Network your team each and every single day like comment rate review subscribe on YouTube Apple Spotify Amazon literally anywhere you get a podcast you can check out lockon Grizzlies and I mentioned my partner to Michael Cole of the Commercial Appeal there in Memphis Tennessee he is the Memphis grizli beat writer for that publication and you’ll have to forgive to Michael we talked on our fourth of July episode yeah that it it might be a little bit late but there’ll be a show on Friday because surely they’re going to announce the summer league roster not a lot of teams right nope yet negatory however else you want to say no the Memphis Grizzlies waited until the absolute last moment basically to not just announced their summer league roster we’ll talk about some surprise uh inclusions and omissions on that later on in the show but we’re going to lead off today to Michael with surprising Announcement by the organization we had heard Rumblings and rumors obviously there have been reports of a couple of coaching hires we talked about L Ro on here before uh they’ve announced the hiring of a guy that’s pretty intriguing I’m not going to pretend like others that I’m some expert on Euroleague basketball uh but a rising coaching star from Europe coming over to be it sounds like the lead assistant for the Grizzlies you’ll have uh better information on all this than me but point being at least four or five coaches that the Grizzlies had on this staff this time last year are now gone that might mean more to Taylor Jenkins than it means to anybody else it’s a whole new staff essentially he has to break in I mean Joe they pretty much cleaned house it’s not great there are a lot of ways to look at this you know this this is one of those glass half empty glass half full you know type of conversations you typically have as the glass half full says oh wow you know shout out to Taylor Jenkins he he he’s doing what all the great coaches do right they they realize their weaknesses and they work to correct them right that’s that’s what the great coaches do but then there’s the glass half empty if you need to make six new assistant hires geez what what is that saying about you like because what if these hires what if the results are pretty much similar to you know the previous results with the other assist now the finger is going to get pointed somewhere else and uh that’s going to be you and Taylor Jenkins and uh he won’t be here much longer in Memphis if that’s the case so uh I think in a simply just to put it simply uh this does put more attention on the the job status of Taylor Jenkins going forward like that that becomes a bigger deal and I think me and you have already talked about it being you know a crucial season for him but now it’s even bigger one because you you prettyy much just overhaul the staff and um to get more into the philosophy of tayor Jenkins like let’s explain really quickly why this is important so Taylor Jenkins comes from the Greg pic Mike buen hoser coaching treat everyone knows that but here’s what some people might not know as it pertains to that I would argue to say that Taylor Jenkins Mike Mike buhos Greg pavic those type of coaches give assistance more leeway than anyone in the NBA anyone uh I’ve heard about Co coach papovich booser and I’ve seen up close how Taylor Jenkins kind of constructs his practices and in the simplest form Joe what what those coaches have done is uh they pretty much give those assistance position groups and those are your groups and players work in groups with those coaches uh more than with the head coach for the most part uh like in Memphis you know we used to talk about Co worked closely with Desmond Bane Z Williams uh those Wing guys who kind of had playmaking rooms uh vital Peno who was just relieved of Duties worked very closely with the bigs Blake Ahern you know worked closely with j and in shooting and things like that uh scony pin who’s also relieved work closely you know with the guards so Taylor Jenkins gives these guys a lot of leeway but here’s here’s the difference here’s the big difference Greg poic could do that because he had Mike boser as assistant he had money Williams as an assistant and other notable guys we know about the Mike boser staffs in Atlanta he could do that Joe because he had Darvin ham as an assistant because he had Quinn Snyder because he had Kenny ainon because he had Taylor Jenkins Taylor Jenkins so far and it’s still super early to say this because you know those guys who were assistants on those staffs became head coaches in large part because of the freedom that you have on the staff of papovich and Boos that is not on the NBA that’s why dark o kovic became a head coach as well because of the freedom that he’s had in Memphis but the Grizzlies uh those assistants it feels like they didn’t feel like those players I mean those coaches uh were the best for the player development side and if you look at these assistants and we’ll get more into them in a second I’ll just let you follow up on that joke but the assistance a big emphasis for most of these assistance as you’ll realize is Player Development that is a huge key in Memphis right now it matters a lot because they’re kind of hamstrung right their roster you know demard de R Roan going to the Kings and you you watch longingly from afar like Squidward Squidward watching Patrick and SpongeBob play out the window the window yeah those types of moves aren’t possible now like you are essentially what you are roster wise give or take some periphery moves these guys got to get better you got to get better from the inside because getting better from the outside is going to get harder and harder and harder as time goes on uh I’m I’m intrigued Red by the overturn because you made the point about the job status of Taylor Jenkins there’s two things that I talked about last year that were unacceptable to me obviously injuries explained a lot the the home record was abysmal and that’s unacceptable that never should have been that bad and also the start without jaw when they had jiren and they had Bane and they had Marcus Smart to be you know whatever that nine and 16 or whatever it was six and 19 six 19 you gave him too much credit I gave him too much credit to be six and 19 of those first 25 games with those guys there that’s unacceptable so I I think bringing in some fresh eyes some new blood so to speak shake things up a bit and get the attention of Jenkins right like this is not something that you can take for granted but obviously we can’t break down five or six new coaches in two or three minutes but you could just maybe highlight a couple of the things that these new guys are bringing to the table again we’ve talked about lar Ro before Noah L Ro I think is his name um some some interesting offensive perspective there and that’s kind of the overall theme right it’s continuing to shake up the offense under Taylor Jenkins the Grizzlies defense has been pretty stout his entire time it’s been the offense that’s lagged behind two things are are the main reasons for these hires it’s Player Development and it’s off offensive imagination they need to be more Innovative you know on the offensive end so uh with with AC and and St Andrews they are the only two coaches who were retained Anthony Carter is AC Anthony Carter was retained and if you’ve heard you know me and Joe talk about Anthony Carter you’ve heard me talk about how GG Jackson basically said this guy is the reason for the greatest basketball shooting season of his life you know reworking his shooting form put more arc on his shot leading to you know better success from three-point range Patrick St Andrews was brought to Memphis before last season in large part to reimagine the offense uh that was kind of one of the big keys to bringing him along and you know we didn’t really get to see that much last season but I think the uh the J still out there on what he can be with a healthier roster going uh into this upcoming season but yeah so with these guys uh what stands out is one they’re assistants with more experience than the previous previous staff uh I think that is something that immediately stands out whether it’s Jim whether it’s uh you know boand whether it’s uh Tomas whether it’s no roach whether it’s Jason March all these guys Patrick mutambo as well Eric Schmidt is the one guy who’s the younger uh guy on who’s gonna be the youngest guy on the staff but even with him he’s been around the Grizzlies for a while as a you know he was a video coordinator but beyond that uh he’s at practices all the time this someone I see all the time at the practices he’s basically very involved you know in those practices he’s like one of the guys who’s usually helping out with practices and things like that so you you you get the familiarity you get coaching experience a couple guys that stand out to me more than the rest I would say Joe or simply with Joe boand uh you get a guy who again experienced play he was with the Minnesota Timberwolves most recently and again Player Development that’s what you know uh Chris fch and and and the guys when they talk about boiling they talk about Player Development his key Patrick NBO same way with Toronto Raptors a few years back uh recently with the Milwaukee Bucks and and the other guys the two guys Noah Ro has been you you talked about it you know from his imaginative side as an offensive coach but then there’s the other guy uh Tomas uh I’m gonna mess up his last name uh but uh he comes from Paris basketball right and that is they play in the uh the top league in France top top league in France and over there he led the top offense in the league and he also turned that team into a championship team they finished second in the French league finals but they won you know other tournaments as well and he did so pretty much going against high level NBA Talent like the top French league has produced a lot of NBA players you know Nicholas baton Boris di paid over there Victor W beama it’s recently his last season uh so the these coaches have more experience than the previous staff when they came in uh the offensive imagination side development where emphasis and that’s what a lot of these guys are known for it’s it’s reason to be optimistic if you’re Taylor Jenkins because you have assemble the staff that is going to put you in a better position to be successful you combine that with a healthy hopefully roster and things should go relatively well but this is a feather in the cap of the Anthony SS and the others in the world and whether it’s Media or on social media that that have pointed out you know Taylor Jenkins is should not be comfortable you know I remember having conversations about what is a hot seed anyway right I I think that this reinforces that those guys were right and that this is a situation where Taylor Jenkins has a season basically and again that does make sense because you are in a position now where you are expected to win Player Development Matters from an in internal Improvement range you’re not talking about looking at guys and trying to put more youth around them you’ve got your team they have to get better how much better are you GNA get between now and opening night you know that’s that’s paraphrasing Bill belich he would talk about that a ton with New England Patriots how much better you get week to week month-to month year to year compared to the opponents on your schedule that determines Championship level play it’s not major trades I would say in NBA it’s a little bit different like if they were able to go out and trade for wanyama then yeah that might impact things but let us know what you guys think in the comments how you feel about these coaching changes again we couldn’t possibly break down all six of them officially being announced uh in 10 minutes we talk more about these guys as offseason goes on for sure absolutely and especially one guy in particular who’s not that new shout out to Jason March old friend of grizzly bear Blues live back in the day uh coach March has been around the Grizzlies for a long time looks like he’s getting a chance to move on up and and get to the big club and we’ll talk about another pseudo promotion he got here later on in the show uh but let us know what you think of these coaching changes in the comments when we come back here on lockdown Grizzlies the summer league roster has officially been revealed as well finally uh we’ll break down again an impressive inclusion and an impressive Omission that’s GNA be the way we focus on this coming up next here on lockdown Grizzlies but first this episode of lockdown Grizzlies is brought to you by fanuel I love sport I love them so much I never want them to stop but the NHL and the uh NBA playoffs are over fewer games are going on we still have the WNBA amazing performances each and every night we have major league baseball of course but Sports aren’t Sports in the way that I would like them to I don’t know about you FanDuel lets me keep the sports going whenever I want all I have to do is open the app dream up bets anytime I’m in the mood dream them you freaking dreamers this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a booster bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long head over to right now and start making the most out of your summer with FanDuel an official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball when we come back here on lockdown Grizzlies we are talking summer league roster a major inclusion and a major Omission stick with us welcome back to lockdown Grizzlies I am Joe Mullen joined by my co-host Michael Cole of the Commercial Appeal there in Memphis Tennessee he’s the Memphis G’s beat writer for that publication and award-winning Memphis Grizzlies beat writer dichael uh we we left our audience hanging a little bit be it’s not our fault the Grizzlies did not announce their summer league roster until literally like 12 hours ago essentially y um it’s official though Zach Edy is playing GG Jackson is playing we talked about Scotty Pippen we talked about C Spencer y Jaylen Wells but there was a surprising name on the roster that I didn’t expect and that would be Jake laravia and that’s where we’re gonna start all right you’ll cover the Omission I’ll cover the the addition Jake laravia playing in this I believe he’s going into year three so he’s kind of getting the zire Williams treatment in a way um you know it’s it’s time to figure out what in the world you are right it’s time to you know get off the pot or go somewhere else you know poop somewhere else whatever phrase want to be um Jake laravia has had injury concerns we’ve talked about his shooting stroke Forever on this show he looks the part can he actually be a dominant player because if you are going into your third year in the NBA and you are playing summer league basketball you should be dominant and that is my biggest thing I’m looking for from Jake laravia a surprising inclusion it feels like it’s an important next couple of weeks for Jake and his future maybe not just for the Memphis Grizzlies but in the NBA yeah uh it is you know and and you you mentioned Z Williams and and I remember last year around this time Z was going into year three and uh the expectation was for him to play in Summer Le league but then he didn’t and you know everyone was just like why is why is zier Williams out here it was a little different this year because I don’t think people expected you know Jake laravia to play as much as they did with Z WS only because also you know uh Zack kman or Taylor Jenkins one of them said it you know at the end of the season that Z was gonna be in Sumer League last year before he ended up not playing because of injury stuff and maintenance or whatever it was the reason a load management I think but uh Jake laravia playing is uh is is important I think again you were right he has to dominate you know he’s going to be around quite frankly I think a roster that compliments him better than the previous two years in summer league like I I just the whole David Rody Jake laravia thing was was was real it seemed like they both were were better you know uh at playing the four you know than than the three to me and and Jake lvia you see he’s he’s a bigger he’s a plus-size three like I I feel like eventually he’s going to be he’s going to settle into a more of a four type of role and David Rody that it was the same way for him but uh I I think Jake laia’s Skillet will comp be complimented better by these guys he’s played with Scotty Pippen GG Jackson and those guys before so uh yeah I I’m I’m I’m on the same lines it’s a good decision for the Grizzlies think it’s a good decision for him now um moving on to the other guy uh Joe tar bovic uh is the guy that you are referring to that is not uh at summer league and that’s probably not the most shocking news if you followed us here because we we’ve talked about the idea that it is very doubtful that he’ll join the team in summer league uh this summer and also if you’ve been following uh he’s been playing for fibach out there uh in the Euro league so uh it’s it’s funny because Grizzly’s new assistant uh coming from Bar Paris basketball was going to probably be playing against uh you know t b well it’s going to be coaching against t b roic next season but that’s not going to happen now but with all that being said B roic had a terrific season you know the Euro league uh in Turkish basketball league as well um terrific shooter you know he he patterns a lot of his game after bdon bonovich I don’t think he’s to that level uh right now by any means but that’s who he patterns his game after and you know people uh from that side of the country you know uh they he wears the same plays for the same you know Club as well so uh his Omission is is noteworthy simply because you know it’d be good to see where he is now on the in terms of playing with NBA talent I think that would have been important because some people said to me well D Michel why why isn’t he coming over yet like is he expected to come over this year and no he’s not the expectation is not for him to join to Grizzlies this season if it happens it’ll surprise me uh I I think it’s more next year or when that could happen but but if you look at the jump he’s made from when the Grizzlies drafted him and it was like oh yeah he’s definitely a drafting stash guy and he was barely playing minutes to this pass season he was one of the top shooters you know in the Euro league which is easily the second best basketball league in the world he was one of the top shooters he was going against a lot of guys that uh you as NBA fans would be familiar with or if you’re big college basketball fans so it would have been good to see him over here but I don’t think it’s the worst thing in the world because I mean he’s quite frankly he’s going to get much better competition you know over there than the summer league competition so the Grizzlies can still get a good gouge of what he uh brings to the table just by watching him and you know next year I think that’s when you start to have the conversation of bringing him over uh so not really surprised by that admission more so in another reason Joe’s like I mean they’re stacked the roster the summer league roster is stacked and we’ll get more into that in the next segment but I mean they gota summer league you don’t just want to have guys riding the pine like it got to be minutes available for these guys yeah and you want guys that are more immediately going to help you right like I maybe would like to see him on the summer league roster next year if they are if the plan is to bring him over and perhaps play him that that would be my my goal because you want Wells to get those minutes now because he just signed a standard contract right as you predicted that happened over the weekend too so he is a full-blown roster member he is not a two-way guy you want to see what he physically can do in these minutes you obvious viously want to see what cam Spencer can do as a two-way guy there are other guys in the more immediate future you know bovic may have his time in Memphis it’s just not now so it makes sense that he’s not here and I agree with you I would rather him be playing in the best league second best league in the world and playing that level of competition than summer league anyway because we get all every year is the same and we’ll talk more about this we get excited for summer league basketball and then we sit down and we watch it and we go uh right like it’s actually not nearly as fun as you think we just love basketball right we’re Hoops guys gals that’s that’s why we uh we get excited for summer league speaking of Summer League when we come back here on lockdown Grizzly we’re gonna preview the roster we’re g to talk about guys that were interested in watching GNA talk about uh pairings Duos just overall takeaways going into game one tonight against the Utah Jazz we’re not going to talk much about the Jazz summer league team this is lockdown Grizzlies anyway H we’re gonna focus on the roster now going into the next seven guaranteed Summer League games that Memphis has over the next couple weeks we’ll talk about that next here on lockdown Grizzlies but first friendly reminder that lockdown sports today is the first of its kind 247 streaming service over on YouTube you can also check it out on Amazon fire under the free TV channels app it’s amazing all the great content of the locked on podcast Network the Michael and I pop up on over there every once in a while but if it’s hot news in the World of Sports chances are it’s on lockdown sports today and you’re not getting screamed at like you do uh with the talking heads over at ESPN Fox Sports so check out lockon sports today on YouTube or Amazon Fire TV this episode of lockdown Grizzlies is brought to you by better help we all have burdens right we’ve talked about that before with better help and we we all also know that one of the reasons we carry these burdens is because we compare Our Lives to others right uh you look at what somebody else has the joy that their family is displaying on social media I see that all the time as a father of three somebody posts pictures of them with their adorable children and I know for a fact they’re not actually that happy because somebody pooped their pants earlier somebody screamed and hauled off and slugged the other one you look at the lens of somebody else’s life the way that they want to show it not what reality is but that’s hard to interpret it in your mind and you sometimes can get caught up wishing your life looked like somebody else’s comparison is the thief of Joy though and therapy can help you focus on what you want instead of what others have so you can start living your best life if you start thinking of starting therapy give better help a try it’s entirely online designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule fill out a brief questionnaire get match with a license therapist and switch therapist at any time for no additional charge stop comparing start focusing with betterhelp visit lockon MBA today to get 10% off your first month that’s better help locked on NBA when we return it is hot Grizz summer once more taking a look an early look at the roster going into the Jazz game tonight stick with us welcome back to lockdown Grizzlies I am Joe Mullen X joined by demichel Cole of the Commercial Appeal there in Memphis Tennessee he is my co-host for this here podcast I am thrilled to have him with me uh demichel on Tuesday show you’re going to be flying solo because everybody that’s an everyday of lock on Grizzlies knows that old Joe Mullen X is about as washed as it gets right so I looked at the start time for the game against the jazz tonight and it says 9900 p.m. eastern time and I’m out like if I if I’m out for regular season games that started that time you can bet your bottom dollar that I’m not staying up for a summer league game I’ll watch I’ll watch the recording of it the next day yeah um but I I’m curious to Michael obviously Zach’s there he’s an easy answer I think he’s an early kind of favorite for Summer League MVP uh he’s the second betting favorite for rookie of the year right now it’s just hard to see a summer league Center a summer league big being able to defend that guy and it’s going to be an interesting window into how they kind of early on want to use him we mentioned Jason March earlier on in the show he is promoted now he is an assistant coach on the grizzly staff he was with the Memphis hustle he’s also coaching the summer league Grizzlies so shout out to Jason for that opportunity yep as the head coach so that’s really cool to watch him and again he was on one of my podcasts gbb live eight years ago now so it’s really cool to to see him kind of rise up the ranks and wish him well he’s a genuinely good dude on my interactions with him um obviously you have the other draft picks Jaylen Wells cam Spencer Scotti pipp and Jr and Trey Jimson are there we mentioned Jake laravia earlier GG Jackson this team is stacked and there’s names Beyond those names that we haven’t even had a chance to talk about so there’s a lot of story lines that we can talk about throughout this week and the next couple of weeks but what first glance are you excited about seeing on the court tonight as Grizzly basketball returns sort of the most important thing here’s where the Grizzlies will stand out in summer league and quite frankly why they should if they’re not successful in Summer League games I know it’s just exhibition meaningless games or whatever but they should be more successful than most teams in large part because of guard play uh if you look at the last couple years Talent on grizzli summer league rosters has been there you know right last year I mean they had David Rody Jake laravia Vince Williams uh Jacob Gillard was out there Kenneth Lofton Jr uh they had a lot of guys you know playing you know last year even the year before that you know I think pretty much all those guys I just said except Jacob Gillard you know was playing and then you had Z Williams you know as well and all that but at the same time neither whether it was last year here you know uh you had Jacob Gillard as your point guard but I I would argue that Scotty pipman is is a is a level up you know from my guy Gilly and then uh the year before that you had zy Williams playing on the ball a lot because you were trying to turn him into this pseudo playmaker his playmaking forward or whatever and it was ugly like it was it was real ugly to watch it’s G to be ugly for a lot of teams because it’s simple you’re you’re throwing a bunch of guys who’ve barely played together before I and rolling the ball out there and say hey you know find out when that guy likes to cut find out where that guy likes the ball and get him the ball and run good offense no Sumer league basketball is ugly it’s Scrappy it’s a lot of scoring Off Of You know guys making mistakes and guys throwing the ball where they expect guys to be and just stuff that you won’t see Midway through the regular season game uh at least you know consistently but the Grizzlies have a leg up on most of their opponents and the league because they’ll have Scotty pipman Jr who knows you know G Jackson’s game Jake laria’s game to a certain degree Trey jimson’s game Zack Ed it ain’t hard to figure out hey that boy 74 and he’s going to post dudes up just throw the ball to his hands and get out of the way that’s easy to figure out easy to figure out oh Jaylen Wells he can shoot cam he can shoot throw it over there all right get out of his way let him shoot the ball uh Scotty pipman is is a willing playmaker I like that they have him on this roster and then you mentioned there’s some other guys uh the thing about this past Grizzly season where we saw 33 34 guys suited up is Timmy Allen who played with the Memphis hustle mostly but he played four or five games with the Grizzlies De John uh dicki jro played decently well with the Grizzlies and I mentioned him last because here’s another guy who thrives as a playmaker who can be behind Scotty pivot Jr so even when Scotty PIV Jr is off the floor you got decki jro you can throw out there and he can make plays for his teammates and himself so why that makes sense to me more than the fact that they’re gonna have guards out there the point is it’s going to make the game easier for everyone else like Jake laravia if you look at the last two years of summer league basketball and David Rody uh too like we would see them you know doing a lot of isolation stuff in summer league and Joe it used to quite frankly because I was there and I’d be looking I just shake my head because you’re not going to see these dudes do this in the regular season so when I see stuff like oh you know guys doing turnaround fadeaways that they won’t do in the regular season I just I mean congratulations on the two points but johnar Desmond B those guys will be on the floor like you you got to get spot up three-point shots you got to get one dribble pull-ups you got to attack Closeouts things like that with Scotti Pippen Jr orchestrating things it’s going to put everyone in a similar position as to what they’ll be playing with the real Memphis Grizzlies which means you’ll get a better eye on what this team will look like going forward for me if the Memphis Grizzlies win a summer league championship if they go undefeated in Utah if they go on a run in Vegas and it will mean absolutely nothing except and my accept builds off of the point that you just made if it’s Jake laravia going off for 30 points doing things he’s never going to do in an actual Memphis Grizzlies basketball game I could care less genuinely just could not care less if the Grizzlies win this because we see Zack Edy be a better passer out of double teams and on the elbow off of direct handoffs and those kinds of actions if we see spot up shooting from laravia and spend in Wells we see great facilitation of offense from Pippen we see drop coverage around Ed as a massive defensive anchor if it looks kind of like what the Grizzlies have looked like in the past and they’re having success within those systems and again offensively things are going to look different in part because there’s a new there’s a new staff now obviously a bunch of change isn’t going to happen that quickly Jason March being the head summer league coach kind of tells you that right he’s been in the system there’s going to be a lot of similarities a lot of continuity but I I am with you 100% you can go like this is I’m a football coach this is the time of year where everybody goes on like these seven on seven travel Camp tours and oh look I I won a summer league or summer seven on seven Championship High School gonna be really good this summer no that’s not how it works you can win a summer league seven on seven championship and then not win a single actual football game right because it’s not real the summer league is basketball but it’s not the real roster I am much more interested in how guys that are on the real roster like Zach you can be fooled yeah right I mean and Memphis Grizzlies fans should understand that better than anybody Josh Selby hello Jordan Adams looked really good at times people got fooled by what was the guy doing 2019 2019 was it Dusty Dusty uh Dusty Hannah oh my gosh he was cooking love oh my gosh I will never forget people arguing for a a main roster spot for Dusty Hannis you’ve lost your mind you’re insane it is summer league basketball Josh Selby was a summer league MVP and was never heard from in the NBA again A year later this is about how they execute scheme within their skill set and if you really care enough to watch every game which you know demichel and I get paid to but if you really care enough to do these things you need to look for guys like laravia Edy Wells how are they competing within what we perceive as of now their roles in the offense their roles in the defense are they executing at a high level and then beyond all that you mentioned the scrappiness of summer league basketball to Michael are they competing are they getting after it like I’m excited to watch cam Spencer because all the highlight film I’ve watched and all the stories I’ve heard he’s a dog right I’m told he’s a dog um I I’m intrigued by Wells because I just don’t know as much about him but I I think that both of those guys how they compete because as you mentioned earlier this Grizz roster overall is stacked much less the summer league how is Wells going to find minutes in this rotation it’s possible he doesn’t but can we see flashes of him being that spot up shooter that Memphis desperately needs that will be intriguing for me Jo give who who’s your starting five for tonight just put each other let’s put each other on this SP real quick I mean what’s what’s your starting I mean it might not be the grizzly starting five but what based on the summer league roster what’s I’ll tell you mine but I I you want me to go first or you go first I think I’m GNA go first and I I think we might actually be on the same page I don’t know now Scotty Pippen Jr okay Jaylen Wells at the two GG Jackson at the three Jake laravia at the four to your point from earlier in the show yeah Zach Edy at the five that would be my starting five I’m I’m I’m I’m with you I think the one spot that’s I I think Jaylen wells will start but I I won’t be surprised if they start cam Spencer and and and try to keep Jaylen Wells more three type of role since he’s 68 um but I think it’s highly unlikely they have Jake laravia as a third year player playing summer league and he not start no no Jake R is starting for sure I think so so not starting no I’m saying if if Jaylen Wales at the two versus cam Spencer at the two that’s where I’m Jaylen Wells I think if if he’s if Cam Spencer starting I think Jaylen Wells is coming off the bench that’s what I’m getting to so but but yeah we’re pretty much long I I do think the other four guys Scot pin Jr uh GG Jackson you know Jake laravia Zack Ed will be stared so that means try Jimson Bey jro basically the Grizzlies from the end of the regular season will be coming off the we’re gonna be having PTSD watching that stuff um the the negatives of being paid to watch grizzley’s basketball is you have to watch Grizzlies basketball when when they’re really bad like they were at the end there um it’s gonna be a lot of fun hang out with us check out lock on Grizzlies tomorrow deich will have you talking all things Grizzlies Jazz he’ll probably go deeper into the roster maybe some names that you have no idea who they are that sort of stuff it’s GNA be they got some they got some highlight guys on this roster you know yeah you’re talking about some guys that I’m talking about some guys that might make you want to stay up a couple of these games yo you oh I’ll stay up and watch the other two it’s just nine o’clock I’m in bed by 10 usually I’m I’m an old man at this stage um but that’ll be our Tuesday episode continuing on obviously Memphis plays three games in a row there’s no way to expect uh that Edy will play that second game almost a certainty he won’t Gigi Jackson laravia will likely sit the second one as well this first one and the final one are the ones that will probably get the best look at what these Grizzlies actually are uh heading into uh the rest of Summer League thank you so much for being with us on this episode make sure you’re checking out lockon sports today over on YouTube streaming service 247 great locked on podcast Network content make sure you’re checking it out on Amazon fire on the free TV channels app as well make sure you’re an every dayer coming back every time an episode drops to lockdown Grizzlies whether it’s on YouTube Apple Spotify Amazon like comment rate review subscribe make us a part of your summer league experience not just with the Memphis Grizzlies but with the NBA as a whole for demichel I’m Joe demichel will have you for the Tuesday episode I’ll be back Wednesday looking forward to a great week as always here on lockdown Grizzlies again Amazon YouTube Spotify Apple however you get podcasts make us a part of your summer league we’ll catch you later

All this time, the Memphis Grizzlies were not standing still this summer – they were simply lying in wait. This past weekend Memphis announced several coaching staff changes, plus their 2024 NBA Summer League roster – which included some surprises. Hosts Joe Mullinax and Damichael Cole react to that and much more on this episode of Locked on Grizzlies!

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  1. I don’t get why y’all don’t f with GG, he’s one of the best young players in the league and y’all get more hyped for Jake something

  2. Tweet from Damichael Cole regarding coaching changes:

    "Now that we got that out of the way, maybe people will stop suggesting that there’s complacency here because of the lack of roster movement so far this offseason. This franchise wants to win."

    Finally changing the coaching staff when it was evident that was needed 2 years ago isn't a winning mentality. Some of us even had questions about the staff in '20 – '21.

    Letting a 4th string, one-dimensional SG (who's afraid to shoot) hold your team hostage, when there were better and more versatile fits that could've been acquired isn't a winning mentality.

    Not adding veteran depth to strengthen the top 8 rotation for the playoffs, while keeping at best, fringe NBA players, who wouldn't crack any other playoff team's rotation on the roster isn't a winning mentality.

    Holding onto Dillon a year too long when it was clear he needed to be moved, and not getting much value back for him is a moneyball mentality, not championship mentality.

    Stating the luxury tax wouldn't be an issue, while not using the MLE and quadrupling down on youth, which was an admitted mistake, isn't a winning mentality.

    GG and Vince Williams Jr. not being in the rotation until the roster was decimated with injuries, though it was always clear they were better than some of the fringe NBA players playing ahead of them isn't a winning mentality. Championship organizations play the best players, they don't play favorites.

    Truth is, thus far this organization, GM & HC don't have a title mentality, but a let's hope for the best mentality. The leap this team took in '21-'22 showed it was go time, and time to put a vet roster around the young core. But their actions since then have proven winning a title and advancing deep in the playoffs isn't a priority, they're fine with winning 50 games and 1st/2nd rd playoff exits. That and/or they're extremely arrogant.

  3. Unfortunately it looks like the Grizzlies will have the most summer league player minutes during the regular season among all the teams that are considered contenders. Because they rely way too much on young, unproven players and refuse to get rid of LaRavia, Ziaire, etc.

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