Steelers Could Bring Back Familiar Face | QB, RB Predictions!

Steelers Could Bring Back Familiar Face | QB, RB Predictions!

[Music] what is up Steelers Nation thank you so much for jumping on to another episode of all Steelers talk I’m no shpine joined always by my man in the corner producer Nick bsky find us on all Steelers talker subscribe anywhere you get your podcast the Pittsburgh Steelers we continue to ride the wave of July but we are getting closer every week we are officially what two weeks out three weeks out of training camp which is wild times exciting times for the Pittsburgh Steelers and there’s plenty to talk about whether it’s the cornerback position a quarterback battle that not everybody believes is as real as others do and then a very bold prediction for the Pittsburgh Steelers running back situation as we head into 2024 as we say every single episode please make sure that you’re dropping in all your questions because at the end of the show we would love to answer all of them as we go through I don’t know the dry time but there’s still plenty to talk about and there’s still plenty to know so if you need anything if you want anything answered please make sure that you drop it in the chat Nick it’s a beautiful day here in the Burke Fourth of July weekend has come and gone how you feeling my friend I’m feeling great and you mentioned Fourth of July weekend it was it was a warm one so I’ll throw that back to you I know you’re not somebody that likes these extreme heat temperatures it was 90° at 901 at my house the other day so how are you feeling because this feels like it might be a weekend that might have melted you a little bit Yeah I uh I spent a lot of weekend inside I will I will say that I’ve walked outside you know and I I go for walks every day but those walks are are rough my problem is and nobody cares about this but I’ll say it anyways my problem is that I go for a walk in the morning every day in my house like on a treadmill do 30 minutes a car a little walking you know get the Articles edited and and do what I got to do that’s how I start my day but then I’m in a sweatshirt and I go outside and I’m like wow I’m ready to die and it’s it’s awful the day just gets worse from there so no 90 degrees it could go away I’m ready for not cold but just like a firm crisp 75 that would be football weather football weather would be nice would be nice and on those days where we get it it’s truly a blessing it’s truly a blessing let’s talk some Pittsburgh Steelers football here plenty to dive into especially a busy weekend when it came to hot takes some insiders tossing out I don’t know some names that could come some names that might be a little overhyped and then obviously some bold predictions when it comes to those on the roster we’ll start with the familiar face a familiar name that could make its way or his way back to the Pittsburgh Steelers the Athletics Pittsburgh Steelers Insider Mark kaboy said that he believes that quarterback Patrick Peterson might be a name to watch as the Pittsburgh Steelers go through training camp this is what he said on 937th fan quote I think he could be it all depends on what happens in training camp see if Cory tce can can be able to play see how Dante Jackson plays see if anybody gets hurt he’s one of those guys where you can easily make the call and say come on in here and we need you but if you don’t need him then why grab him right now I think that goes with a lot of those guys across the board those are guys who are not top of the priority list right now but they may become pretty important here come late August Patrick Peterson has been a name that everybody has tossed out asked questions hey can the Steelers resign him should they resign him he was probably very close to the top of the list when or before Cam sutt and signed or resigned with the Pittsburgh Steelers he’s still a free agent there are a lot of names that are still a free agent on the quarterback Market that you look at and say um maybe the Steelers could consider them because they are a former all proo former pro bowler I mean Stefon Gilmore is still floating around out there Patrick Peterson’s still floating around out there there’s some big names out there 35 years old I don’t know how quickly you’re touching these names this is my thing with Patrick Peterson I think it makes sense and I think if the Steelers want Patrick Peterson back why not go get Patrick Peterson back he’d clearly like to come back to the Pittsburgh Steelers but he said before that if he’s going to come back he’s not going to come at come back to be a backup he wants to be a starter that’s where things get very interesting and the conversation I believe starts is very simply if you’re going to bring back Patrick Peterson even at the end of August let’s say that Corey Trice is still a developmental piece that Darius Rush is still a developmental piece and you’re looking for a really strong backup in Patrick Peterson it has to come with the conversation that Patrick Peterson could get passed up during the season that you have to inform the veteran that Cory tce and Darius Rush are not ready to be a cornerback three right now if that’s the case to come August that doesn’t mean that they won’t be ready to be a quarterback three by the end of the season and if they are ready to be a quarterback three by the end of the season Patrick Peterson is the name that takes a back seat because you’re not going to Halt development for guys who are ready you could halt development for guys that are going to hurt your football team and that could be Cory tce and Darius rush if neither of them are ready by the start of the season but by the end of the year where they go how far they come is going to be the conversation that you have to have with Patrick Peterson because quite frankly unless he’s out there five six interceptions he is a lock down Corner Off the Bench you can’t stop 34-year-old Patrick Peterson there’s no point in him maintaining any sort of role if you have somebody younger ready to step in that’s my argument that’s my only conversation that I think this Steelers need to have in this it has nothing to do with hey Corey hey Darius we’re signing this guy you’re going to take a back seat the conversation needs to be hey Pat we’re GNA sign you you’re going to be our quarterback three you’re going to provide depth on the outside and the inside the second that Corey Trice or Darius rush or beanie Bishop is ready to take on a bigger role is the second that you take a step backwards I hope you’re okay with that if that’s the conversation that is had with Pittsburgh and with Patrick Peterson do you think that it works out do you think pat p comes in here with an open mind like that and do you think the Steelers have any shot of having that conversation and bringing a guy like Patrick Peterson back or does that close everything off and it’s all up to Patrick Peterson at this point because if you look at the Steelers you know that’s exactly the line of thinking that they have otherwise they would have brought Pat Pete in before mini camp they would have brought him in during OTAs and said all right we don’t know if these guys are going to be ready we want you here just in case as of right now it’s it’s these guys are in the Steelers eyes these guys are ready until proven that they’re not and of course the big thing is going to be in L trobe when they put on pads what does Cory tce look like what does Darius Rush look like whenever things start to get a little bit more serious whenever practices start to get a little bit more intense and that’s going to be the determining factor and once they do and if they look fine they’re I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if the Steelers still reached out to Pat Pete and said hey do you want to be the miles Jack option if if something goes wrong if these guys you know go a little bit further and they still need a little bit more seasoning are you that Miles Jack option for us or you know nobody’s holding you up from going somewhere else so I think it’s all in Pat Pete’s court at this point in time because I think the Steelers know what they have at the moment and they know where they stand and that is with Patrick Peterson being a luxury item that they really don’t need at the moment yeah I agree I think Pat PE can go anywh I think the market for a cornerback will heat up come August when teams realize that they need somebody here need some body there there are a lot of guys out there and there are names outside of Patrick Peterson I mean Aela Witherspoon’s still sitting in the free agency market and I’m sorry but I’m a big aell fan like I think that he deserves a shot somewhere but that’s where we are is guys are not going to get an opportunity until that opportunity presents itself later in training camp Patrick Peterson will make the most sense for the Steelers if they need somebody and I have to take a guess that they’re going to I mean Cory tce we didn’t get to see anything in team during otaa mini camp Darius Rush looked good the first week of OTAs he started to die off by the end of mini camp they’ll both get strong opportunities but the Steelers don’t have that solid number three behind Joey Porter Jr and Dante Jackson and they also don’t have an inside option behind cam Sutton and Anthony Everett yeah hopefully he turns into something but he wasn’t impressive during OTAs or mini camp beanie Bishop wasn’t impressive during OTAs or mini camp I look at it and say Patrick Peterson fills two roles because he could be versatile and play the inside and the outside and if the Steelers look at him as that backup piece it makes a lot of sense and you’re gonna get him for cheap I mean in come August Patrick Peterson’s not going for anything he’s just excited to play football again rack up a a million two million bucks and come to the Pittsburgh Steelers and at the same time you get a very reliable quarterback three which is what the Steelers want if Patrick Peterson was their quarterback three last year and they had somebody else besides Levi Wallace opposite of Joey Porter Jr that cornerback room would be phenomenal and that’s where they are now and if you could help Cory tce develop that’s the other part of Patrick Peterson is if you could help Cory tce and Darius Rush develop with a guy like that that certainly helps and I mean I remember talking to Darius Rush last year the day after he showed up in Pittsburgh and he was telling me that Patrick Peterson already was breaking down tape with them and staying late after practice and that’s who pat p is being said you have to be open-minded to the point where the Steelers want Darius rush and Cory T to be those guys moving forward and they have to give them opportunities at some point to toss themselves into the fire it’s just a matter of you know you’re not going to risk having a bad defense or missing piece to your secondary because you want guys to develop that might not develop you’re taking a shot in the dark there that’s where uh it gets if iy with Patrick Peterson I think he’s still on the table I think Cabo’s timeline is spoton end of middle to end of August is where I predict that that going down when they do make a move if they do make a move and you know we’ll see what happens from there got more to talk about including the quarterbacks very excited about this hot take but first I want to answer Michael’s question here appreciate you as always do you think this year’s rookie class can make a bigger impact than last year’s rookie class he thinks so Troy and Zack Frasier are going to be studs people sleeping on both Payton and Roman Wilson I don’t think it makes a bigger impact than last year’s I thought Broger Jones and Joey Porter Jr were as good as it gets and Keanu Benton is even better and their impact was massive and maybe overlooked because the Steelers struggled but I thought all three of them were so big and then Nick Herb’s development I just I don’t know I thought I thought that rookie class was one of the best I’ve seen in Pittsburgh in a long long time I don’t expect Troy Fano to be a starter in week one where we currently sit right now that could change come training camp but where we currently sit I look at it that way Zack Frasier I think is going to have a massive impact Roman Wilson and pton Wilson are still to be decided especially Roman Wilson he’s got a lot of development in front of him how far can he go before the start of the Season pton Wilson people are sleeping on that guy’s going to be a monster I’m still gonna go last year’s rookie class I’m I’m thinking this year’s rookie class I have good impact last year’s rookie class is hard to match though do you uh you feel differently the same what’s your thoughts there no especially whenever you look at how quickly brck Jones was able to assimilate to the right side last year and how important that was for the Pittsburgh Steelers because chukes was we talked about Dan Moore on the right side and how bad that looked ches I don’t know what happened to him last year because even when he was playing it was worse than we had seen before so the need and the immediate you know Ascension of rodri Jones was so massive for the Pittsburgh Steelers offensive line last year and he saw a couple of games where they ran for 200 yards on the ground and that was a large part due to the fact that brck Jones was able to step in and be a plus starter from day one on the right side which is on his offs side so I think it’s going to be hard for them to match simply because like you mentioned the level and the bar is set so high from last year’s draft class yeah I agree I agree what they did last year was massive I’m going last year’s rookie class I hope I’m wrong but I’m going last year’s rookie class it would be nice it would be nice all right let’s talk about a a hot take from uh Pittsburgh Steelers Insider when it comes to the Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback competition this is from Pittsburgh Post gazettes ray fit aalo team Insider guy who’s got plenty Insight on this team but also at the same time has tossed out a couple hot takes this Summer that I hate talking about on this show because I love Ray and I’m a big I want Ry Ry has offered to come on this podcast more than once and we will get him on this podcast and I hope that he drops some bombs like this I hope that he does uh speaking on 937 The Fan again he said quote a lot of the quarterback competition has to do with agents and what they feeli to the na what they feed excuse me to National reporters I think Justin Fields agent wants people to believe that Justin is in this and that he’s still a viable quarterback on the open market whatever happens this year whether he’s sitting on the bench all season I think his agent wants to keep his name hot it’s only National it’s only natural for your rep to do this part of this is on the Ste Steelers too right because Wilson and fields are both only signed to one-year contracts the Steelers quarterback competition an agent produced competition let me tell you why I agree with that and why I do not agree with that because I think there are both sides here I do agree with that because I don’t think that Justin Fields is really in the running for a quarterback one spot in Pittsburgh this summer I think we will talk about it I have already been instructed to track every single pass that both of these quarterbacks throw during training camp which I’ve done in years past and it is awful it’s fun for the first week by the end of it you’re going all right dude I get it Justin Fields went eight for 12 and Russell Wilson went eight for 11 I don’t care neither does anybody else but that’s how nationally important this quarterback competition is going to be if you ask Mike Tomlin in closed Quarters off the Record in a dark room where no one else will ever hear the conversation that you two are having he will likely tell you that there is no quarterback competition and that Russell Wilson is your week one starter and they already know that because Kevin Dawson knew four months before the regular season that Mitch trabitz was going to be the starter no matter how many times Mike Tomlin and Mitch trabitz and Kenny picket and Mason Rudolph tried to convince you otherwise that’s the Steelers that will remain the Steelers I don’t think that fit aalo is wrong there I think Justin field is a guy who’s 25 years old and wants an opportunity to play in the NFL after the season and start somewhere and even if it’s not Pittsburgh his agent is trying to keep his name as relevant as humanly possible so that he doesn’t become the next guy who falls off the map and becomes a lifelong backup in the NFL he’s going going to try to avoid that and it happens no matter how big your name is in the NFL I mean RG3 is a perfect example injuries I get it but even when RG3 fell off it was injury-ridden his name was still big enough where chances are he should have got a shot somewhere he didn’t happens all the time why I disagree with this is that I don’t think the Steelers are giving up on Justin Fields as much as this somewhat makes it sound I think that the Steelers want Justin fields to develop this season I still think that the Steelers want to get an opportunity to see what Justin Fields can bring to the table in the next two years not just this season and their plan might not be for a real quarterback competition this season but it might be for Justin fields to compete against whoever next season and be in pole position to win that job over rookie or offseason signing or whoever that’s my expectations and yeah Justin Fields agent wants to keep his name hot but I don’t think that in the grand scheme of this isn’t a real quarterback competition it’s as dramatic as it’s sounds because I do think that the Steelers want Justin fields to take steps forward even if this is not a real quarterback competition and their head there are objectives for him to hit he’s not just a waste of space here in Pittsburgh who’s not going to do anything so I think there are two sides to this a side that I agree with the side that I do not agree with um but I do think that Justin Field’s time in Pittsburgh is does not technically start in my head until next offseason because if he signs an extension that’s when becomes a real competition for the Steelers or a real competitor for the Steelers this year it’s more of a you know keep his toes high and I get it his agent’s got to do what he got to do but I I just I look at him as a piece of the puzzle for the future for the Steelers this season more just a test subject to see what they got am I spitting nonsense go ahead yeah through no fault of his own Justin Fields is going to be the loudest backup quarterback in the National League this year and it’s not again none of it’s going to be because he’s out there saying anything because not only do you have his agent who is doing his job and making sure that hey we’re going to keep Justin’s name and the national Spotlight so he has options next summer if he doesn’t like the way that Pittsburgh is treating him as this situation goes forward then he has somewhere else that he can land and he’s not just stuck trusting that the Pittsburgh Steelers have you know his future at top of mind and then also you also have to think about hard knocks and how much that is just going to make him one of the noisiest backups especially at that point of the Season we’ll know is Russell Wilson good or is Russell Wilson bad and if Russell Wilson is struggling and yet still starting it is only going to get louder as the season goes on I don’t think that’s going to happen but again that is still a possibility so yeah it makes sense that they’re going to continue to bring this up they’re going to continue to leak that oh this is a competition we’re going into this uh there’s some open minds in the Pittsburgh Steelers front office that want we’re going to see all of that and I think ites and I think it’s expected especially when you Foster the environment of having both guys on one-year contracts at vastly different points in their career yes that is spot on he they are going to be the N the loudest loudest quarterback compet all season long Russell Wilson will throw one interception and the national media will be talking about should the Pittsburgh Steelers turn to Justin field Stephen A Smith will be screaming on first take arguing with somebody probably agreeing that Justin Fields should overtake Russell Wilson after one loss guaranteed takes one loss and there it is the Steelers start on one in Atlanta it’s over it is over they have to go undefeated for Russell Wilson not to feel the heat and the pressure of the national media I agree with that 100% that being said the Pittsburgh Steelers aren’t going to care because it’s different you know last year you looked at the Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback competition or year in years past last here definitely to some degree but let’s go Mitch trabitz he starts the season everybody wants Kenny picket and the fans are booing and you know with Matt Canada last year to fire Canada this year it’s not going to be that dramatic nobody’s gonna sit in the stands and go oh man dude Russell Wilson just threw an interception get Justin fields on the field right now no they’re going to look at both of these guys and say they have two competent quarterbacks let’s see what we have in both of them and Justin or Russell Wilson gets his fair share and his fair shot I I don’t think I think it’ll be outside noise not inside noise this year which will be much better but I agree it’s going to be loud very loud when it comes to the Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback competition and what they bring which is I mean exciting for us but at the same time there’s going to be a lot of hot takes that we just don’t want to address let’s talk about the Pittsburgh Steelers running back situation here former player Terence G Garvin excuse me I always pronounce his name wrong hopped on the Arthur Mo Moes experience the other day and talked about Jaya Warren and Naji Harris and he believes this is his bold prediction that Jaylen Warren is the guy he is the future of the Pittsburgh Steelers running back position and that by the end of the season he’s going to be the guy that they turn to and say yep nope we have our guy we don’t even have to think about it moving forward this is what he had to say quote he’ll turn it up a bit he’ll turn up a bit more than he has I think he does I think he does because of business and I think he does because of this running back play I think the business element will allow him to allow him the success that you’re looking for to where you’ll be able to say we got the running back we need and we’ll get another one to follow him I agree with that I think by the end of the season Jaylen Warren is the Pittsburgh Steelers running back one that is no knock on Naji Harris I have full faith Naji Harris will have a great year and continue to be a guy and hit free agency and earn some cash flow and hopefully a big contract somewhere else but it won’t be in Pittsburgh jayen Warren will be cheap he will be younger he will be just as electric and he will be a running back one for the first time with minimal miles on him which is always a good thing and an opportunity to find another Jaylen Warren for the Pittsburg Steelers which is equally as exciting because getting a first round running back is awesome finding Jaylen Warren finding Connor haywards or not Connor haywards excuse me James Connors those types of guys those backups that turn into starters are what makes the NFL go round and what makes the Pittsburgh Steelers go round and you could turn Jaylen into a running back one by the end of the season as long as you have a good running back two people are going to talk about his size people are going to say things like hey guys at this point you’ll be in year four is that really the future yeah I think it is I think Jaylen is much bigger than his size says I think he plays like a monster he’s as physical as they get he is proportional you know like there’s Maurice Jones Drew is you know that’s who I remind that’s who he reminds me of as a guy who could last eight years in the NFL being a successful running back because he knows how to utilize his body correctly and he plays with more strength than everybody so I’m a big Jaylen Warren guy I think Jaylen Warren is the running back one by the end of the season and at that point you go out and you go find another Jaylen Warren which is just as exciting for the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2020 2 meanwhile nii still does his thing but at some point the Steelers understand that jaylen’s the future and that he will be the the top goer by the end of the year too uh too much not enough I will say the one part of of your rundown of the Steelers running back situation there that I think is is easier said than done is go find another Jaylen Warren because it’s not always that easy I mean Jaylen Samuels uh Benny snow football is not too far in the rearview mirror it is not an easy thing to find Jaylen Warren that’s why it makes it so exciting watching him play and and exciting seeing him succeed and I do agree with you that I think that whoever leads the Steelers when it comes to carries this year it is not going to be a wide margin it might be 52% to 48% but I do think it’s going to be a much more even split going into the season and that’s the difference between this year and last year last year you went into the year and everybody was excited about jayen Warren but at the same time it was fully understood that nii Harris is a Workhorse running back and he’s going to continue to do that and then they’re going to get Jaylen Warren in whenever they can this year I think it’s going to be a much more concerted effort as you alluded to to from week one on to split those carries as evenly as possible and then at the end of the day by the second half you’re riding the hot hand who has been running the ball better whose plays have been working better I think that’s what Arthur Smith’s gonna end up doing and I do think that at the end of the day it’s going to lean more towards Jaylen Warren being the guy that gets the bulk majority of the carries and again bulk majority being 52 to 48% of the touches yeah I agree it’ll look just like hey who are we playing we’re playing very offensive heavy teams very dominant running teams cool you could play a certain style of football and slow things down and that’s what the Pittsburgh Steelers will do but at the same time you’re going to want some explosiveness you’re going to want a guy who could catch the football out of the back field as reliable as anybody else that’s Jaylen Warren you’re going to want those guys you’re going to want to have to keep up or you’re going to have to keep up with teams like the Kansas City Chiefs on Christmas and Jaylen Warren’s the guy that keeps up with the Kansas City Chiefs on Christmas and the Philadelphia Eagles and all of those teams in the second half of the season I I see a couple of comments in here about how Jaylen Warren is not Maurice Jones Drew I please don’t take that literally I just I just meant body size L comparison yeah like it was not a jayen Warren is as good as Maurice Jones Drew it was jayen Warren when you watch him play you could comp comp his the way he utilizes his body to Maurice Jones Dro go watch Jaylen Warren light somebody up as a blocker and then go watch Marice Jones Drew lights somebody up as a blocker and tell me that you don’t get a little nostalgic watching those two highlights not saying that he’s as good as Maurice Jones Drew perfect play go back to the Bengals game and watch Calvin Austin’s touchdown that’s all you need to see exactly exactly perfect example perfect example I I think that the the switch happens very gradually I don’t think that Nai takes a backseat to anybody I still think this is a onew punch but if the Steelers are thinking just in the terms of where Garvin is going with this as in the Steelers need to know where they’re going in the future I just say by the end of the season Jaylen Warren gives them a reason that they don’t have to negotiate with niji Harris they could just tender jayen Warren and then try to draft somebody or find somebody in free agency or something to where they have a running back too but they’re pretty confident and Jaylen could be the guy and just watching Jaylen in practice man like we get some glimpses of it in games we get a lot of glimpses of it in games if you go watch this man practice they used to say this about Antonio Brown like if you watch Antonio Brown practice you know how great he’s going to be if you watch Jaya Mo in practice you understand how much more is in front of him than behind him um and I think that we’re going to get it this year because he looks even better this year than he has in years past that’s that’s where I stand with Jaylen Warren I again please don’t say he’s please don’t take Maurice Jones Dre comparison seriously I’m just using body size and and where they are all right with that said that’s all I got to talk about let’s answer some questions if you guys have more of them please toss them in the chat we love answering all the questions we could possibly answer before we head out of here um what do we got let’s start with potato salad who says are you worried about maybe a soft from jpj now that teams have an offseason of film or do you think our addition of PQ and the pressure rate will keep slumped to a minimum yeah I think that the slump will be a minimum I I I don’t know how much the rest of the defense is going to benefit Joey Porter Jr as much of as much as an offense is going to benefit Joey Porter Jr I I look at Russell Wilson and Arthur Smith and an offensive line as the building blocks to improving your defense because the Steelers defense all year last year had to answer questions of for the last two years really last three years really how tough is it to just watch your offense go four and out or three and out how exhausted are you by the end of games this year if you have an offense your defense is well rested they’re playing with a little bit more oomph they got more gas in the fourth quarter Joey Porter Jr will benefit from that so will the rest of the defense I also look at the pressures like you said as something that is going to help greatly I look at Minka Fitzpatrick not having to do as much going to help Joey Porter Jr I look at Dante Jackson as a viable option which is going to help him as along with Cam Sutton I I just look at the defense as a whole and say this all benefits Joey Porter Jr I still expect him to Shadow wide receiver once which will put a lot of pressure on him but he’s a lock down Corner in my eyes until proven otherwise and I’m I’m going to stick with that expectation so I’m saying minimal slump Z says is dear leal’s only option for a roster spot at Edge rusher 4 if Marcus golden doesn’t resign what’s most likely for a guy like Leal I don’t see Leal bumping to the outside right now he hasn’t shown that he’s going to bump to the outside as of otaa in mini camp he’s put on some muscle and he looks a little bit leaner but he looks just as big the Steelers are going to try to make him a defensive tackle and utilize him as a pass rusher behind a guy like Larry Ogen jooby or Cam Hayward and hope that he takes a step forward it’s more of a matter of can he than finding the right position is HE capable of taking a step forward on the inside if not I don’t know if the Steelers have a place for him I don’t know what the future holds for demarvin Le I think dearin Le has a lot of potential I just don’t think it’s working out in Pittsburgh I would like to see it work out in Pittsburgh because he has a lot of potential but I also think that if you’re in late August and Marvin Leal isn’t a guy that’s going to contribute more than 25% or or is not going to contribute more than 20 25% of your defensive snaps a game you’re probably looking for a trade so that you could fill that position with somebody who could you could utilize and also get something back for somebody that just isn’t working out Pittsburgh Hornets wants to know with your early predictions who do you think is going to be the most improved player for the Steelers this year oh that’s a that’s a tough one all right let’s I think candidates will we’ll go candidates first Pat far mut’s definitely on there I think he might be top of the list but he’s definitely on there Calvin Austin is also certainly on there oh the defensive side of the football let’s think defensive side of the football here who we got I would say Minka most improved from last year to this year but you’re dealing with injuries at the same time that’s a massive one I would say those are Nick herbick Nick herig is another one but year one to year two I mean that’s more of a rookie jump there I’m gonna say Pat futh is my most improved player Calvin Austin is number two and then Minka Nick herbick and that’s like they’re all like one two three four should be phenomenal um but I’m gonna go those four Chad wants to know will Calvin Austin get a legit shot at being a number two receiver at some point this season I do think he gets an actual opportunity to be wide receiver too I think Calvin Austin will go into training camp with some opportunity to earn that wide receiver two spot if the steers don’t make a move before training camp which I don’t think that they’re going to until early August late August depending on when another team is open to discussion but for right now yeah I think Calvin Austin does get an opportunity I hope he takes advantage of it I think this is a big growth year for Calvin Austin I think in a good offense he’s going to have more opportunities the Steelers held him back last year for a number of reasons they liked Allen Robinson Matt Canada didn’t really know how to utilize a guy like Calvin Austin his offense was n complex enough for a guy like Calvin Austin this year in an Arthur Smith offense you’re going to be able to be a gadget guy you’re going to be able to be a deep threat and you’re probably gonna get used like cord darl Patterson all over the place so I think Calvin Austin has a legit shot to be a wide receiver too I don’t know if he’s going to win it or not but he’s goingon to get an opportunity Aaron ball wants to know what is the best training camp practice to go to in your opinion I mean Friday Night Lights is is the obvious answer because you get everything going on and it’s the you know it’s under the lights and they usually do a little scrimmage at some point and it’s it’s a good I mean last year Kendrick green ran through a couple of dudes as a fullback which was awesome to watch um that’s always a good time the energy is always really Lively the first week of pads is is my go-to like the first petted practice of training camp which is I want to say the the first practice of week two so you go Thursday Friday I believe it’s like the Tuesday or Wednesday of the next week that’s that’s my favorite one because everybody’s hyped up it’s the first time you’re putting pads on you’re doing backs on backers you’re doing wide receivers versus Corners that’s when the Joey Porter Jr versus George Pickins rivalry started in training camp last year that’s my um that’s that’s my that’s my favorite practice of the year after that you’re kind of guessing on whether or not they’re going to have pads on so it gets a little iffy Friday Night Lights they always have pads on they always make it as explosive as possible so that’s a good one I would say one of those two is is my go-to I’ll add to this here what is your one training camp tip for anybody that hasn’t gone so far in their lifetime to lrob bring sunscreen bring a lot of sunscreen bring sunscreen make sure that you’re hydrated like it’s it’s hot it is hot in L trobe it is that the sun is beaten down there is never a day where you’re coming home going oh that was nice and refreshing you know you’re you’re it’s one of those times where you’re sitting there pouring sweat so bring some sunscreen and uh bring some water but ultimately have a great time because they have the whole fan section set up at the top and it’s it’s training Camp’s awesome it’s the best time of the year that’s a wrap on the questions we have for today awesome with that said guys we are going to head out of here thank you guys so much for jumping on to another episode of all Steelers talk make sure to subscribe to us on YouTube allers talk check us out anywhere you get your podcast and as always please find all of our work at NFL Stealers we will be back tomorrow enjoy another beautiful day in the Burk peace [Music]

The Pittsburgh Steelers could bring back an old friend to their roster. Meanwhile, Justin Fields and the quarterback competition.

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  1. Excited for this season I can’t wait to see them run a pro style offense ! And I’m in favor of fields but not right away I hope they get him to extension asap lock him up long term

  2. Please stop with the Pat P option. He can't tackle, and wasn't a great cover guy anymore. Just develop a young guy with some upside, isn't that why we got 20 assistant coaches?

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