Raphael Lavoie re-signs with the Edmonton Oilers | Oilersnation Everyday with Tyler Yaremchuk

Raphael Lavoie re-signs with the Edmonton Oilers | Oilersnation Everyday with Tyler Yaremchuk

e you’re watching Oilers Nation everyday with Tyler REM your One-Stop shop for all things Oilers we’re back it’s a Monday edition of the show and the Oilers even gave us some news let’s get into it with the lead uh yes welcome into Oiler station everyday live from the sports closet Studio three locations in the Edmonton area check them out online at Sports closet.com in Monday edition of the show hope you had yourself a good weekend um I see the YouTube chat is Alive and Well I said in the lead we got a little bit of news today and it is this the Oilers have agreed to terms with rapael lavois on a one-year contract it is a two-way deal worth the minimum 775,000 I believe that’s the minimum at the NHL level a couple of things just to kick this conversation off I suppose and we’ll talk but it’s a small potatoes thing it’s surprising a little bit and I’ll get into that but Yer sign lavois he’s back the two-way side of this it’s important to remember because I know it’s something my boy Liam gets confused with that has nothing to do with waivers that he still has to clear waivers next spring that is still a thing the only thing with a two-way and a one-way deal the difference is two-way deals mean there is a separate salary at the NHL level and the AHL level a one-way deal is same salary whether you’re in the NHL or the AHL so lavois is on a two-way deal his capit is his NHL salary when he’s up with the team so again $750,000 I didn’t see any report on what his American League salary is I’m sure it’s like there we go minor 200k guaranteed $225 so if he stays in Bakersfield the entire season at the end of the year he’ll have 200k then the Oilers will chip in another 25k to get him to his minimum guaranteed so that’s the deal it ends up coming in at you see here in the tweet from puckpedia which has an exciting new tool up on their website as we did you Tinker with it a little bit I did a little bit nice it seems like it works now perect they announced it a couple days ago and then so they retweeted and we’re like hey now it actually works bug fixes Tinker yeah I’m becoming more and more familiar with our friends at puckpedia um anyways 28 goals 50 points and 66 American League games last year for Raphael lavois why this is surprising to me and we’ll have Bruce klock on today he’s our guest Liam’s on vacation so it’s just me ab and then we’ll have Bruce swing by to give us his take on this and a few other things but it’s surprising because it it was starting to feel like maybe he had ran his course a little bit as an Edmonton Oilers Prospect again last year he goes on waivers he clears waivers I remember you know in the moment it was a big deal and it’s one of those things that within you know this fan base the team you follow on a day-to-day basis like yeah it’s going to feel like a bigger deal than it well in in all actuality is like every team for the most part has one or two Raphael laois kicking around and he’s 23 years old now he turns 24 in September it felt like maybe he had run hist to the point where it’d be like hey look at our top nine seems relatively loaded we haven’t been giving you opportunities at the NHL level so there’s really no reason for him to think that a massive opportunity is coming unless there’s injuries I thought this was going to be one of those situations where the Oilers just say hey we’re trading you too insert team here Utah San Jose whatever Anaheim some team with cap or with with roster spots or with you know more of an open competition for roster spots at least I thought he would have wanted that too yeah it felt like there was maybe going to be like a mutual split coming where Lao would be like I don’t want to sign here because I don’t know if I’m going to play and the oers would go yeah look at who we just signed Aron’s on the right side now they’re young pieces ahead of you in the lineup like now Matt seavo is all of a sudden going to come in and guess what he’s a right shot who probably projects more as a Winger than a centerman so does he already come up above a guy like lvoa on the dep chart so yeah I I don’t know um that’s why I was surprised I’m happy he’s back back because again organizational depth is good this is a guy who is a second round pick and at worst he’s a valuable member of the Condors where he’s produced really well 25 plus goals in back-to-back Seasons now down at the American League team now what stands out when you look at his numbers is the seven NHL games and and no goals but and I see muck who great to see all the regular commenters sticking with us through the summer here in the chat but muck said like he needs top nine reps and it’s like he does and maybe you can Flash Up ab can you give me stoffer like projected lineup yep for next year just so I can have the visual but yeah he needs top nine reps like I don’t agree with bringing up Rafael lavois to sit on the fourth line and play seven minutes a night right um where does he slot in here though in your top nine I think you know obviously McLoud is yeah I mean yeah um you know you have your third line set to start that’s obviously going to change a bunch of times throughout the year but and Joel says lash should get looks over Perry in my opinion I agree with you I again that’s honestly part of the reason why I another part of the reason I didn’t love that Cory Perry signing is because I think one of those okay I’m back back with just audio back with the whole thing okay we’re good to go we’re back um anyways I Lavo has upside and again you you gave a lot of money in not a lot but more than you needed to to a guy like Cory Perry when what’s better lavois and $400,000 to cap space not even considering the bonus money that you’re now going to have to pay him in All likelihood a year from now or just run with lvo run with L that extra little bit of money I don’t know um my thing you could RAF laa be a fourth line type player he doesn’t kill penalties so and I know he went down to B and original posar gave us gave me this Insight in uh in the DMS but he went down to boo they were like hey he’s going to penalty kill and he penalty killed for like a minute and then it was like hey it’s taken away from the other parts of his game he’s never going to be a PK guy so I don’t think we can count on that but again Perry’s not a PK guy like you I feel like you could have made the choice to get younger depth is always good though and again the Oilers did stay pretty healthy last season and you can’t always Bank on that being the case so organizational depth good but as I outlined there’s a handful of reasons why I was surprised that this got done like when you look at this forward group here Top Line looks great second line looks great third line you know maybe no avander Kane and maybe that’s a spot where where you look and go okay lavois has the ability to slide into uh into the lineup there because I I like the look of that fourth line you know they’re going to be doing some things and moving around some pieces I doubt we see these three centerman I think they’ll start with NJ on the wing this year um but maybe Lis cracks this team as a you know even if it’s as a 13 or 14th guy and he just comes in his guys get hurt again organizational depth big thumbs up on that front from me this signing was surprising but not disappointing I guess is is the way I’ll I’ll recap 775 I got no issues brother yeah Kane lavois NJ question mark from Tyler muck yeah I mean again that’s that’s if you can afford to keep a Vander Kane in your lineup and he’s not just LTI from the start of the Year onwards Gregor had a little bit on that today on a new episode of the DFO Canon how would you run your lines next season uh I was talking about how I got the new rosters and shell yeah so I need your opinion you’re test driving I the top six that’s on your screen right now is is what I’d be doing um I think that’s excellent I like the way that that all kind of shapes up I want them to just staple hallway to dry Cid’s wing for 20 games and let him just run wild and then yeah I guess I guess maybe I am talking myself into the idea of Newen Hopkins being a center again with the proper support pieces around him but who is that because I think like as it stands right now Kane is gonna be an ltir guy I think that’s the only way unless they trade CCE that they can get this thing up in cap compliant so you know is it is it NJ maybe on the left side with Henrik and brown I think I’m bringing Rico up if it that’s what I’m do it in chill and then you go Yan Mark with one with Lane Peterson and Cory Perry on the right side Kane’s on ltir and yeah I think that’s maybe how you run it I know a lot of people are going to sit there and like whoa whoa whoa you can’t break out brown and Yan Mark like oh they were so good listen long season those guys are not going to play 82 games together like recency bias yeah it’s recency bias a little bit they had a good couple of week that is awesome I love the fit good PK guys all of that but I’m not if I have the ability to you know play henrique and N together I actually thought they were a good Duo now thinking back to when they did play together so I like that um similar smart hockey IQ R nen Brown actually sounds like a really good third line to me and then fourth line Yanmar Peterson Perry can that be a good Puck possession line for you that just kind of pushes the other team deep sure why not so okay we’ll probably do we’ll do projected lines a zillion times from now until the end of the year uh um was there something about Kane two monuts put something on I don’t give yeah I’m I’m not worried about that I know Kane does do like some I think he like played beer league with those guys a couple of years ago so they might have some Intel on it they might have a direct line to a Vander Kane but again I’ll ride with Greg on that for now what did they say no they it hasn’t been oh based on the reports last 48 hours Kane fully yeah I think that also might be Vander Kane kind of wanting to get that out there I don’t know what to believe dude I don’t I’ll I’ll believe the he very well could be on ltir and who knows how that hip hips going to respond right Gregor’s point was kind of like hey if he has a hip thing and he wants to avoid surgery for now he wants to go through his offseason a training and then boom you jump into training camp and it’s like oh not quite there and then it’s surgery well I think that kind of lines up best for everyone Kane does everything he can to avoid surgery if he eventually does need it then the Oilers put him on ltir um all right seavo should start in boo absolutely and we’ll talk with Bruce klock about that in a little bit but a couple of things that we need to get to let’s kick things off it’s a Monday show let’s do a little weekend recap for our friends over with the Edmonton Stingers who had themselves a pretty nice weekend I know our guy BM was in attendance but The Stingers have now won two in a row the best team in the league only team in the cebl with 11 wins and you are actually lowkey running out of times to go see them like the season always Zip by um was very happy was it coach Norm that we sent uh sent last game he won Liam’s game he got two tickets to go see the yeah um so what do we still have here they play today’s the eighth oh they’re in action tomorrow seven o’clock so we’ll give away maybe we’ll give away some tickets later today on the show once I get uh sorted out on that or we’ll do it on real life but um anyways they play tomorrow back at home 7 o’clock and then after that it’s only one other home game and it’s not till July 29th so they go on a bit of a road trip here and then the season’s over listen they’re going to make the playoffs but still it’s a great time $5 beers a whole concession menu under $5 as well it is a great great Vibe out with the Evon Stingers next home game is tomorrow night as they’ll be looking to extend their winning streak to three games so giddy up on that front uh elsewhere weekend recap shout out to Detroit Junior Red Wings ended up winning the briak Jimmy Howard was on the bench the uh that was one of our better April Fool’s Day jokes as a company in terms of the traction it got online I there was like the most read article that year or something yeah it was our most read article that year is our spoof post on April 1st saying the Oilers had convinced Jimmy Howard to come out of retirement and play in net anyways congratulations to Jimmy Howard and the Detroit team that was at the brick tournament first time ever that that Detroit program has won the brick tournament Aon you were out there those kids are bananas first time I’ve ever been to this tournament I’ve Liv I’m going I’m going all the time it is there’s only one word it’s electric I just mentioned you Brett had to remind me several times eron these are 10-year-olds because I was getting so into it they’re so good they skate so well their Puck handling skills you’re just like geez and then there’s of course the classic with us Sports you can tell the kids that hit puberty at the age of 10 and who haven’t and the large discrepancy that you got going on always highly entertaining yeah it’s uh really good stuff I used to do play byplay for uh the brick tournament always one of my favorite weekends because the games are like super fast you just sit there one after another after another a cute thing is that you see then the kids running around West Ed and you see they’re literally 10 years old and they’re having the time of their life out there in West Ed go to the water park good for them elsewhere around the city riverhawks having their best season ever Red Hawks brother I believe they are 19 and 11 now overall in the season I believe fourth in the wcl we’ve never finished above 500 so being eight games above is fantastic you see if you follow the riverhawks on socials and it’s a party there every single we’re doing like 4,000 5,000 a night now dude between them and The Stingers like you can have three to four really good sports nights a week in this city like it it is really good to see that secondary you call it secondary because it’s just not the Oilers but that secondary Sports Market really pick up in this city showing that they are a uh that they’re a sports town man um we have a soccer team we don’t anymore right I don’t think we do it’s gone yeah Chad let me know um muck says I was there on Saturday it was Unreal saw muck crush a drive yesterday on his Instagram story get that golfing I want to go golfing again this week I’m a big fan of the early morning tea time I think this Friday I’m going to go like 700 am before our show just do like one of the courses here and then boom come right in do the show you see how hot it’s gonna be this week I love it it’s like all 30 yeah I don’t have AC in my house um I know I have the AC unit I like that yeah um so I I slept in my basement last night threw my mattress down the stairs and I slept in my basement it was the only way to do it um I was also out I didn’t get a chance to sleep on my Douglas mattress this weekend cuz I was camping um I’m not a camper that is I do this thing once a year where we go to Bashaw met a couple of nation citizens out in Bashaw it’s out by Camrose playing in a Bok tournament is where you throw little artificial horse ankles at other artificial horse ankles um it is a really good time me and my buddies put in a whole bunch of teams yeah you grabbed a pick of it there you go that’s what it looks like so you need to throw the red ones and there’s the two the pits like 20 part I want to say um that might be a bit much might be like 18 anyways you what’s the average age of these things uh dude it’s actually wild because you will have teams of like 70 to 80 year olds who’ve been doing this thing forever you got they gotta be the best they’re usually pretty good I lost to a team that’s average age was probably in the mid-70s um but then you have like me and my buddies who are like in our mid 20s and then you’ll play a team of like 11 year olds and like you don’t know who’s good and who’s not especially as the Saturday moves on and the middle-age group just gets like absolutely hammered out at the campsites and then the young kids all of a sudden have a massive advantage and the older people have a massive Advantage um but anyways it was fun I my team went out with a whimper but shout out to my buddy John and uh John and Connor and their girlfriends they came second in the whole thing out of 72 teams G that is impressive it is it was it wask right yeah it was Kirk it was a magical run too it was great to sit there and watch um and you saying you’re not a camper is like the least surprising thing I’ve ever I know well like again I like I love camping I was talking to my buddies about this when we packing up because like you know you’re folding up your tent you’re putting all the food back in the coolers like all your clothes are disgusting it I hate that part of it I hate being like hung over packing up all my stuff I like sitting around and drinking I like drinking games I like that aspect I like the social come like yeah I like to come up I like the social aspect of camping the flip side of it the tear down the first night I like my mattress automatically deflated so I like woke up on the ground my back hurts it’s like pump if you don’t have power it’s like there’s nothing like the Sunday morning when you all wake up you slowly come out of your tents nobody really talks yeah everything’s a mess the fire still going and you’re like all right let’s get out of here as quick as possible pack that car get me home yeah California Oilers fan Tyler is an indoor cat dude I and I don’t pretend to be anything butar that yeah I again this one weekend of the Year where I go camping maybe a second weekend if I do another Bok tournament but like I camp for Bok related reasons only and that is it and the people who do it like Lance say like I got a sweet camping setup you know what if I like maybe invested money into it and or if I was one of those people who had a trailer like yeah camping in a trailer I’m talking about like in a sleeping bag like that is absolutely not for me uh Davin did you fix your fence yet no but James who’s a listener of the show is my fence guy he just talked to me I’m currently going through the really tough I went to my neighbor the first time and I was like hey we need a new fence man and he was like yep but then he was very short with all his answers so I’m like God going to this guy being like so that means you fixed the fence yeah and I did I got James came out he gave me a quote but I haven’t bumped into my neighbor naturally yet and I keep waiting for that now that I’m back from all my travel it’s like okay I need to talk to him about the fence but I haven’t bumped into him naturally and I really don’t just want to like go to his house and like ring on the doorbell and be like we doing this fence thing or not so I am going to get a new fence and I have already found the guy who’s going to do it I got the quote it’s all lined up I just need to go to my neighbor be like you got to lean on your fence for like two hours till you hear and be like oh oh yeah I will yes yes I’ve seen the fence yeah um so anyways my the fence situation we’ll have an update on that soon enough uh all right there’s your weekend recap for our friends over at the Edmonton Stingers uh Bruce klock’s going to join us in a couple of minutes but let’s get back into the hockey talk and get into a little around the league report Aaron it is brought to you by our friends our new friends over at Spring financial unexpected expenses always show up hey a fence need a new fense they are not cheap I can tell you that uh you can borrow money for those unexpected expenses from Spring financial right from your phone and receive an e transfer within hours Spring financial offers online personal loans from $500 up to $35,000 with no stress and no Branch visits ever join their thousands of happy Canadian customers who’ve made them one of Canada’s top rated lenders apply in three minutes at springf financial.com never have to fight with your neighbor boat replace I do have a vinyl fence on one side but and you know the other sides don’t match it I I live in an older neighborhood so anyways I’m doing a classic wood fence build the fence give him a bill for half move on well that’s a risk neighborly too in yeah I’m gonna go have to live next his dude for a bit yeah and like you know there’s a bit off fence that’s more on my side than his side because like there’s a cutout and like how much more am I on the hook for because of that do I want to be neighborly like if it’s 4600 for the fence do I go like 2,000 for you 2600 for me but how much is that chunk worth it’s a whole thing it’s a whole thing give me time I’m on it it’s very adult of you yeah uh anyways around the league for our friends at Spring financial top remaining free agents from our friend Matt Lin also of Frank serali but daily faceoffs top remaining free agents is this list right here James Van rdik sits at the top 35 years old um not entirely surprising to see him still left unsigned Ryan suder I would I’m surprised Ryan suder hasn’t retired yet dude he’s on the books with two I was going to say is everyone paying him to not play for them yeah like you got your bread bro just call it a career you’re 39 years old I mean unless he really wants to win but I can’t see a competitive team being like that’s a guy we want to add to our Blue Line like maybe he would make sense on like a buffalo as a 67 just because they have a lot of younger pieces but I’d still be like you’re getting in the way yeah there’s a couple of names on here that surprise me to see them still unsigned to this point um Kevin Le Banks fall off that’s fascinating man cuz he was like he looked like he was going to be a perennial 20 goal guy for a little bit um I am a little surprised to see Tyson Barry 58 on our top 75 still available just because right shot offensive defenseman that’s usually something that someone is looking for in some capacity and depth scoring 27y old Daniel sprung scored 18 goals in 76 games last year damn near 20 goal Pace why is he not signed yet um the AFP projection 3x 4.1 imagine there’s no way he’s getting that now unless he like goes to Anna time and what is interesting actually is to go look at the teams who have a lot of c space right now likea going back to Detroit maybe and I know they signed tereno but they lost Pon maybe that’s just a natural fit where it’s like hey let’s run it back one more year you can try free agency again next year does Utah want to add a little offensive depth does Buffalo need more scoring I would say yes shocking he is still not signed because it’s one of those things is not like the other on that list Pro although I’ll also give Tyler Johnson some love on the right side um that’s an interesting is name um again can play decent depth guy knows how to win all those kind of intangibles that you’re looking for this time of year same with pater ready I know he feedo some trades last deadline because he didn’t want to leave Washington maybe he just ends up back uh in there but our Sherwood for giant question for the day shout out to our friends at Sherwood for the giant check them out online sherard ford.ca I know we’re running behind I know we got to get to Bruce but the question was do any of those names stand out to you as potential fits for the Edmonton Oilers honestly I think no like we were just talking about like ah you want levvo in the lineup next year is there room for him uh an informed host probably would have Googled how much Center Tyler Johnson played last year like is that a guy who you look at I want that yeah again like I don’t see anyone here who really does a lot for the Oilers no one’s primary position is down the middle like maybe 4C if you don’t want to run the Peterson Derek Ryan maybe one day Noah Phil kind of thing at 4C maybe you look for a center somewhere but I don’t see any of these guys as fits let me know in the chat maybe you if there’s someone on this list that you like as a fit for the Oilers but I I personally just don’t see one anyways uh let’s move along let’s get to the Star Mechanical guest line Em’s number one plumbing and heating company you can check them out online at starm mechanical.com commcial they do it all and they do it well been doing it well for over 20 years star mechanical.com Oilers Nation Bruce always a pleasure to welcome you back you’re down in Calgary though right so Stampede full of tourist is it just a nightmare yeah well I mean that’s that’s part of the you know it’s part of the burden of having the Stampede so it’s all right we we enjoy we enjoy it so you know if it comes with some extra people that’s okay too are you a country music guy oh yeah oh yeah who do you like oh you name it I like it all the way back to George Straight how’s that that is very good that is very good I’m not a massive country music guy got a little bit little bit of Morgan Wallen but I know that’s more to like the pop side of country it doesn’t really count as like Hardo country zero country over here yeah um all right let’s dig into the news of the day let’s talk a little hockey Bruce uh the Oilers resigned RAF lavois uh I said not disappointing news by any stretch because I like the player I thought maybe they were going to head towards some sort of a split where it’s like hey you’ve been in the system for a couple years there’s not like a clear-cut natural path for you to get onto the roster next year maybe he’d want to go somewhere where opportunity seemed more obvious where you all surprised he’s coming back no I don’t I don’t think so I I I I think the the problem you have as a player when um of this H when you’ve done when you’ve spent all your time in the AHL it’s pretty difficult for you to make a case for yourself with another team uh at least I mean maybe a Pacific Division team might might have a better um book on him but really the team that knows you best is is the team that you’re with um you know I I still think there’s lots of room for him in this uh top 13 group of forwards personally and so I you know I’m not shocked to be honest do you think he’s got a spot on this team next year like I I said off the Jump this is part of the reason why I didn’t like the Cory Perry signing because I think it’s an obvious block for a guy with upside like Rafael laois is there a spot on this team for lavois next year in your eyes well I think I think so I I’m not I’m not sold that Perry plays plays more than 40 games this year um and that’s just a combination of his age and injury you know I I it might even also just quite frankly be a hedge more than anything I mean Corey Perry Cory Perry the great thing about him is you can stick him in the in the Press Box and he still has some really good influence inside the dressing room right so um maybe it’s insurance if lavad doesn’t pan out um you know it certainly is um clearly you saw some of the players comment on his influence inside the dressing room in the playoffs and um so that’s obviously a bonus I I don’t see him as a block though let’s uh move along to the big news we got on Friday very curious for your take on this one because we’ve had a lot of discussions about Ryan McLoud and his fit on this team over the last year or so but that era comes to an end he goes to Buffalo Matt seavoy comes back good local boy High pick obviously we know all the headline grabbing parts of this deal for the Oilers and losing McLoud are they maybe G to miss him more than some people are willing to recognize right now myself included I think well you’re gonna I mean there’s parts of his game that are just honestly better than most of the forwards that the Edmonton oyers have and to start with it’s his ability to uh push the river in terms of shots and chance making when he’s on the ice and when Conor McDavid and Leon Dr Sidle aren’t on the ice and there there aren’t that many forwards on this team that do that and one of them has just left and so that’s not uh you know you can’t deny that um you know his ability I think I lean a little bit more towards I mean that’s a big part of this but I lean a little bit more towards his ability to help this defense Group which I don’t think is nearly good enough uh in terms of its ability to defend in zone and exit the zone and he helps that because you know he can take a puck on a 4-foot pass or he can uh dig a puck off the wall and he can break it out himself um and I think that will be missed um but as I’ve said and I said on uh X the other day you know it’s a gamble but it’s probably a decent gamble to take and you’ve got time right you’ve got two things working in your favor in terms of time one is is that this team is going to be defined by the playoffs um in theory this Ford group is so strong now um even without him that I don’t think that there should be uh an issue like there was early last season and so they you know they should have a lot of time to be able to work through some of these things and the second thing is is that his his cap uh dollars um you know they’ll be able to use that in some form capacity I get that we have to sign broberg and hallway but we know there’s another shootter drop here um and so his cap dollar should help and that should help at the defense you know on the defensive side of the puck or the in the def defense grouping anyways the other flip side of it from a cap perspective is you now get a guy in in Matt seavoy who has three more years of his ELC and you know I’m not expecting him to make the Oilers out of Camp next year but it’s also I think easy to Envision a role where he’s a good top nine forward for them for a couple of seasons on their ELC where do you come out on seavoy because I mean we had Steven Ellis on the show Friday he said you know top 10 Prospect in the NHL or in in the league right now are you that high on seavo do you think he’s a guy who could play NHL games in the back half of this season or is he further away than some people maybe think yeah so so to start with I’m I’m quite high on him I he’s easily the Oilers top prospect and you top 10 in the league I’m not I’m not sure are there 25 better prospects um outside of uh out out of him I don’t think so I think he’s he’s quite good I think the issue with him more than anything is he’s not going to play center with this team um at least I’d be shocked if he played center with this team and so that means he’s going to go to the AHL and he’s going to learn rightwing and I understand that it’s easier to learn wing position over the center position but it’s he’s 5 foot n um and uh it’s a new position so he’s going to you know know have to adapt have to understand what skills he needs to bring what things he needs to work on um you know I saw all of his games in the AHL uh last year he’s certainly can skate well enough he certainly has Poise Under Pressure I think it’ll be interesting to see what 72 games looks like um in terms of physicality that he’s going to face especially if he’s playing on the wall and that’s why I just think it’s going to take most of this year could he play this year sure um is it going to be in a very limited form I think so but that said the exciting piece to this is that is you come to next year when you definitely need somebody in the top nine who can contribute offensively uh on a very small cap hit he’s G to be the guy looking at this forward group like I I agree I think the top nine just appears honestly pretty set like there’s a lot of talent there with the moves they’ve made let’s let’s live in the hypothetical world that it’s cane LTI to start things off and you don’t have him in the mix here and basically the the change from you know the end of last season to the start of next year would be you add Skinner you add arvidson and your lineup would be without Kane and without Fogle are the Oilers better with that tradeoff well I I think they are um I I I think it’s a little bit more of a function of um this is a team in sorry this is a team in the regular season that’s going to get generate a ton of chances against a lot of teams they’re not going to see when the when the games start to matter and one of the struggles that they did have last year was putting teams away um when they had all of these chances I mean you can look back to the the start of the season when they went whatever it was 3 n and one I mean there wasn’t there I think there was one game in that in which they didn’t out chance the other team they just didn’t score and then they didn’t get goal tending on top of it um so this team this team’s going to score a lot uh it’s deep it’s going to be you know our their the oiler third line is going to be you know in positions to overwhelm other teams bottom six so I think it’s it’s a far better group uh in terms of that I think at the end of the day what it’s going to come down to more than anything is what that especially the top nine looks like at the playoff time um that’ll be the you know we don’t talk a lot about this with Jeff Skinner he’s very good at five on five very good um and it so it’ll be interesting to see when they get into the playoffs how he handles five on five at a whole different level because it’s been some time since he’s done that but but overall this is a better uh for group than last year’s for sure it’s exciting to think about what they could the the potential of this group if they’re all humming at the same time it could be one of the more fun teams in the league to watch on a day-to-day basis um going back to the prospect thing AB you want to flash up Bob’s top 10 again that that he tweeted out earlier today he obviously has seavoy right at the top O’Reilly behind him is there someone lower down that you’re higher on than than maybe Bob would be here or someone who you think maybe fans who don’t follow the prospect pool as closely as guys like you someone who people should be keeping eye on for me it’s Noah film and that’s just my Golden Bears kind of bias coming through I love that guy and I’m so happy he’s coming back to play professional hockey and pick up his career again but is there someone on that list that stands out to you well like I think we agree on that one I mean Noah philp and I you know being a farmer Golden Bear I guess I’m biased also but I I I think the thing with Noah philp is is that you know he’s a six foot three right shot Center who knows how to play the game in his own Zone Puck protects incredibly well and has a very high high IQ for the game um I’d really be shocked I’d really be shocked if he didn’t play games this year unless the year off took such a toll on him uh from a physical standpoint I’d be shocked if he didn’t play games he’s a natural to slot in at 4C um and so I think you know he’s probably the guy you know I like Max wer a lot U I think he’s probably too low U Xavier Borgo I think is maybe too high personally Boi the defenseman who’s too young to play AHL he’s got the Matthew sooy issue from last year um he I mean he he’s I think uh going to be a very exciting player for the Edmonton oyers down the road um and the other one to watch I think is Matt B Patrick of um you know the one thing I really liked about him last year is he he did not he he didn’t score well enough for his talent but it came a little bit but more than anything he really learned to play his own Zone well um in the last half of the season and that I think bodess it really well for him as a prospect if he can take care of his own Zone I think that shot alone will buy him some games with the admont Oilers down there last one I got for you was a little bit of news from down on the farm Colin chocks coming back to the Bakersfield Condors do we like that is he the right coach to have as you’re in this mode of just trying to know graduate good middle six NHL forwards bottom six NHL forwards even is he the right guy for the job down there yeah yeah I don’t know that that I don’t know that anybody knows that answer right I mean obviously the organization thinks that’s the answer because he’s back I think KY Larson is the a big piece in this um you know my presumption is is that he’s going to have the Reigns to establish the development protocols for these players and with specifity on the forwards um and I think that’ll be the important piece here uh the team has done a uh you know it’s you hard to argue at goal tending and defense um how theyve developed but forwards they have not developed well and part of that has been under Colin Chalk’s tenure um you know so they brought in some resources like Larson and hopefully that’s that helps but I you know again I can’t say that chalk is the solution here because uh they just haven’t developed uh enough uh offensively minded forwards um and you know let’s be candid if there was a if there’s a position that’s really hard to coach it’s offense for forwards it’s an incredibly difficult uh element to coach so you know you have to be fair to him there but you know with some more support let’s see what happens but uh at this point the jury’s out on that for sure for me always an education Bruce is there a concert this week you’re going to down at Stampede that you’re excited for no concerts just the rodo and the Chucks Roo and the Chucks I like that appreciate your time man thanks for hopping on all right have a great summer there you go Bruce klock on the Star Mechanical guestline we always come away smarter when we chat with Bruce and it was always it’s always a pleasure to have him on the show God I love Bruce oh it’s just so great I feel so calm whenever he explains just talks me off a ledge he’s just like no five five I like that Rafa stuff good there Colin chalk we’ll see been at the helm for a couple of years um all right I know there was a couple of things people were throwing in uh throwing in the chat as well we’ll get into a little bit of that now um I think it is time though for a rumor report it’s brought to you by our friends over at Sherwood Powersports and Marine it’s time to get outside this summer it’s already July 8th you are going to Blink and it is going to be August and that is depressing what’s not depressing is spending the summer out on the water though and that is where Sherwood Power Sports Marine can help you out they’re your One-Stop shop for everything from fishing rods reels tackle and boat accessories to motorcycle gear water sport accessories and even ebikes find out more at Sherwood Powersports and Marine all right here’s what we got going on on the rumor mill right now they first off trade activity wise this has not been the wild summer we kind of thought it was Frank had Mitch Marner at number one it’s starting to look like Mitch marner’s going to be back as a Toronto Maple Leaf next year which is crazy Martin Nate just seemed like another lock to be traded in a monster move they got close at the draft fell apart because I believe it was Columbus he couldn’t get an extension done with them or he didn’t want to sign an extension in Columbus so that deal falls apart Patrick l does not want to be a blue jacket Don woodell wants guys who want to be Blue Jackets he hasn’t been moved yet they might have to retain money on that front as well Trevor zis is the whole thing whatever is happening out there in in Anaheim he was at Michael Ruben’s white out party was he yep he dating Dixie deelo oh so he didn’t even yeah obviously he didn’t get in on his own clout okay good for him good pop culture poll um I think liby Dunn was there as well she was and Paul SK is an All-Star so I’m very happy for both Libby Dunn and Paul kein anyways back to the hockey rumors listen like there are a lot of big names still on the forward market and I think there are some teams that would benefit from making that kind of a splash when you look at who is the most cap space in the NHL the Flames lead the way at $21 million they’re not going to you know unless they want to do something kooky and like go get a Trevor zis or something like that or they view L as a rehabilitation project that’s worth taking on right now because they’re not in this serious competitive window but I don’t think the Flames are going to get up to a lot the ducks have $2.9 million in cap space with a full roster they apparently according to Frank made offers for marsho and Stam Co that were richer and longer than the deals they ended up signing Anaheim swinging does Anaheim want to swing if it has to come on the trademarket could they be a team like dude we saw this with the Oilers when they were bringing up all their young Talent it’s not just enough to have a bunch of good young players you need to have more experienced options and I know they have Troy Terry and you know wherever they end up coming out on a guy like Trevor Zagers if they keep him if they move them they have like a stro and a vatrano I’m not saying they don’t have anything but next year when you’re going to be gradua ating in Cutter goer you’re going to be looking for steps forward from McTavish and Leo Carlson maybe you go to Carolina and you try to swing something for a guy like Martin NES I think that could be a pretty interesting fit there um Detroit $20 million I have no idea what Steve eisman’s doing I they gave up a second to get out of the Jake Walman deal and then just didn’t spend the money how much money they have right now $20 million that’s insane insane they need to sign Lucas got to go there then they have to sign Raymond and cider so they go longterm with cider there’s probably like 8 to n million of that money eaten up and then if you go midterm like they the point is they have five six million bucks so um Detroit should be spending if they’re in on the trade market or not another team that there’s Rumblings about is Montreal they apparently want to go add some level of skill to that forward group established skill they apparently took a swing on Jonathan marcheso didn’t obviously work out so maybe Montreal gets in the mix on a name or two on the on the trade market but that’s really what we’re watching right now is we did in the around the League like not a lot of bigname free agents out there anymore if these teams and I think Detroit is firmly at the top of that list I think Utah with $15 million would probably like to do something Carolina with 11 would probably like to do something LA’s got 9.9 like there are teams out there with cap space who will probably you know they all those teams I just listed have expectations of taking steps forward next year being better than they were the trade market is really the only way to do it so could you see Team like the Red Wings or maybe the Ducks trouba I don’t think trouba is going to leave don’t I think he’s got a weird weird situ weird situation and again like Jacob trouba went to New York that’s where he wanted to be the whole thing with his wife and and obviously her career is a is a huge priority to them she’s a doctor um but trouba wanted the no trade clause he can hold firm on that he’s got two more years left on his deal if they want to find a fit with one of the team that’s he’ll accept a deal to and it’s uh this year is 2425 so he’s got a 15 team no trade list like the Rangers could try and make it work if they wanted to but um he wants to stay where he is I would imagine the teams he’d be willing to accept to are like New Jersey and the Islanders and a bunch of teams kind of in that area but he has every right to be a stickler with his no trade clause that’s the way those things work so I don’t know there’s been a weird like villainization of him in the Rangers fan base which I don’t get like again he’s your captain your captain too yeah like that’s a big part of it as well it’s wild it’s awkward is what is super awkward uh Sean is actually surprised the Leafs did not move Marner yeah me too I thought we were going to get some sort of a splash there but tree living didn’t get the value he wanted so I mean in a sense credit to him right like if you don’t get the value you want for Mitch Marner don’t just go trade Mitch Marner for a first round pick and be like well because everyone on X is telling you to yeah stick with it end of the day he’s a 90 plus Point regular season guy he’ll get you to the playoffs you roll the dice again like it’s one of those things remember Obie always had the label not a playoff guy not a playoff guy not a playoff guy and it’s like and then you do it and all of a sudden you’re a playoff guy so I don’t know um people talking about offer sheets I don’t I our guys getting offered yeah brober and hallway listen my deepest fear yeah I I have a little bit of fear about it if I’m being honest um I’m trying to pull up the calculator here on cap friendly while we still got them um where is qualifying offer no offer sheet calculator so I think the danger zone here for the Oilers is if someone went to broberger hallway or the double danger situation I remember oh I was right when the Hawks were coming out of there and I hope I’m remembering the story right someone can correct me in the chat if I’m wrong Hawks coming off of a cup year whatever and the Sharks offer sheated Nick jerson and antie neami like bang bang because they knew the Hawks couldn’t match them both and they’d get one if you were the Calgary Flame a $4.4 million offer sheet requires you to only give up a second round pick in comp compensation if you were the flames and you went to hallay Southern Alberta boy 4x 4.5 four 4X 4.4 Dylan Holloway probably won’t turn down a guarant like there’s no guarantee he makes half of that in his NHL career for being totally honest I think he’s going to be a good player second for Dylan hallway would be yeah and then for broberg like we know there was frustration between broberg and the Oilers organization like again the player has to sign it and the player has to be willing to to an extent do H the organization that drafted him a little bit dirty and those two guys would have to be willing to go yeah I’m Giving Up on playoff hockey for the next four years to chase the bag a little bit I don’t think it’s going to happen I think we’re talking like a two to three percent chance this happens but if you were the Calgary Flames like let’s put ourselves in their position as disgusting as that might feel you get to screw over the Oilers and you get a quality young player yeah you’re overpaying them for a handful of Seasons but like they don’t care right now why would you care right now go get the young player piss off the Oilers while you’re at it I don’t think it’s ultimately going to happen and honestly like if the Flames went to broberg with a 6X 4.4 which is kind of what Frank was he not reporting this it was like the spitball like this is what would happen if it were to go down that way if you’re the Oilers I think you probably match it at this point for Philip broberg and it makes your cap situation incredibly tricky you have to trade CCE have to do something with the Vander Kane it sucks but that’s why if a team and maybe it’s not Calgary right maybe it’s another team out there because there are according to cap friendly three six eight 16 teams who have the compensation and the cap space to be able to do it um you go offer sheet both of them kick your feet up and go I’m getting one of them for a second round pick yeah I find it just be way like especially in bromberg’s case he might now because the playoffs be a top four defenseman on one of the best in the NHL you can’t give that up for a couple extra bucks yeah see but the difference is like with no AR brights broberg is probably signing a one or twoyear deal at one to 1.5 million per year so he’s getting at most on this next deal with the Oilers $3 million if another team came and said here’s 6×4 here’s 20 6 12 18 $24 million and then you can still get paid at the end of that one you yeah like you know in these shoes I don’t like being in these shoes either but like even Dylan hway if it’s Calgary coming being like hey man how’s 16 million guaranteed to kick kick things off sound like it’d be hard and why would they leave for a chance to win a cup listen I understand where you guys are coming from but you have to remember these guys aren’t Oilers fans they’re Oilers players right Money Talks money talks like you would you’d be singing a different tune if it was you or your son sitting staring down potentially 16 to $24 million guaranteed like you know offer and Lance says off sheets don’t happen as much as fans fear them yes th% like we had the kakami and AO Fiasco Feud whatever you want to call it between Montreal and Carolina ultimately it resulted in Carolina getting coau and yemi and probably getting a deal that they regret doing in hindsight because you know obviously risk from the players perspective because you put the team that drafted you and the team you might have to return to into a little bit of a corner but it’s legal it’s allowed you get to maximize your earnings from the Oilers perspective in this situation or any team’s perspective you then have to potentially match a deal you didn’t want to sign or risk losing a guy for subpar compensation a second round pick for bro and H is not nearly market value for those guys right um and then from the other team there is the [ __ ] andami risk we’re like okay listen I think Phil Brer is gonna be a top four guy in the NHL I think next year that’s the plan is to have him be a top four guy with the Edmonton Oilers but he’s only done it for eight games here let’s not forget that or nine games whatever it is 10 games like he didn’t do it for the back half of the season and roll into the playoffs I trust Bruce as well but I’m just saying if you’re the flames and you’re going to go commit $24 million to this guy you are also sitting there going okay what if he’s not what if he’s a fringe guy what if he’s a six and there’s risk there which is what happened I think with the canes and [ __ ] and Yami and you know they eventually got him signed to a long-term deal they bit the bullet on one year having to pay him too much and now they’re sitting there with a guy you know in their middle six who’s going to make $4.8 million for a really long time it it’s ultimately fine but I don’t know is [ __ ] andam worth that right now muck remember how we got Penner yeah and then Maynard points out that Penner scored 32 goals on a shitty Oilers team and yeah like the Dustin Penner thing is a really good example of it I know injuries kind of got in the way but I don’t know from an Oilers perspective didn’t that kind of again that whole era didn’t go the way you wanted it to but so he was tra yeah so he was signed by the Oilers I forget what ended up going down there second and third in 2008 so three picks but at the time that would have been 07 so he would have been 25 years old he got a 25-year-old power forward who scored 23 17 32 and 21 goals on really shitty rosters for you and then injuries obviously gone the way oh and also you ended up flipping him for Colton tubert at the time fine Prospect first round pick to became Oscar klef bomb in a third round pick you basically got four productive years out of Penner and then flipped them for exactly what you paid for him the first time around if not a hair more so like again that situation it worked out for the Oilers but I’m looking at this the Oilers offer sheet Thomas vanck July 6 2007 I completely forgot that and buffalo match it was like a seven by seven right it would have turned out Terri seven years 50 million so what and then what was the year on that as well does it say two July 6 2007 so 20 days before they offer sheated DP so and again that would have been the compensation there would have been for first rounders I believe it doesn’t say off I think I don’t think it’s changed that much but I I do think it was around like three or four first round picks again I might be misremembering this but I’m pretty sure it would have resulted in the last first round pick they had to give up being Taylor Hall like it could have blown up hilariously if Buffalo didn’t match that because I don’t think Thomas vanck was keeping you out of the basement um all roads led to Conor okay this one from muck also Greta YouTube chat you guys are killing it today the Flames offer sheet Ryan O’Reilly and that one was messed up and I again I who knows if I’m remembering these stories correctly but I’m 90% sure I am I have a pretty good memory with this stuff the Flames offer sheet him while he was holding out from Colorado and Colorado matched but Calgary didn’t understand the CBA enough if he would have signed with Calgary they would have had to put him on waivers to get him on the active roster and then any team could have just claimed him like both sides fumbled that horribly I swear that was the thing right oh Ryan O’Reilly just looking through this yeah jerson San Jose can you guys see this if I do this okay from I swear this is right uh what began as a promising Thursday evening left the Calgary Flames red-faced um okay so then Friday thanks to Chris Johnson the hockey world discovered Feer avoided further embarrassment if they were successful in their offer sheet maneuver the Flames would have had to put O’Reilly through waivers they could have lost him to another team while still having to give up the first and third round pick to Colorado because they offer sheet him can you imagine and I think Columbus at the time was 30th in the league and it’s like so Columbus literally would have slid in grabbed Ryan O’Reilly Calgary would have given up a first and a third for nothing I think Jay faser was fired pretty short I was gonna say how do you keep your job after that so is this all the offer sheets hey so Bas was matched this is we’ll go the other way and [ __ ] andami was not reached first and a third goes back to the other way AO O’Reilly Weber johnerson Steve Bernie that’s an interesting one David bakus Dustin Penner not matched vanic not ma or was matched Kesler I remember that Kessler one as a crazy one um and then before that it wasn’t more common but the compensation was different the Weber one was bananas as well like again like Cornerstone piece of their franchise he was like yeah I’m signing an offer sheet and it again so many of these years 110 million contracts for cookie that’s that’s he that contract’s still not over yet either right because that was in 2012 yeah it’s got like one more year obviously he’s LTI but you get what I’m saying um all right that was a good show almost an hour flew by uh I watched this Joe sacki documentary the other day about this about the offer sheet oh yeah that’s a thing on ESPN is a 30 for30 right one of those things all right uh before we wrap up I mentioned I want to get golf in this week I think I’m going to go out and see my friends over at the Millwoods golf course that’s where we’re returning for the Oilers Nation open this year you can grab now nation gear.com in I think we’re going to be doing some uh I think we’re going to be doing some form of Mosaic teams as well so I we’ll talk about that more probably on real life but shout out to the Milwood Golf Course private club conditions under a 100 bucks a fully stocked Pro Shop with lots of local clothing lines follow them on socials at Milwood GC or visit them online Milwood golf course.com and the rounds move fast too sometimes you get out to those public courses and those are a drag as well but mil Woods keeps it tight which I always appreciate uh speaking of golf let’s do the other sports report Aaron the Toronto Blue Jays won two of three over the weekend they’re still eight and a half back though they’re taking on the San Francisco Giants starting on Tuesday um so that’s I mean the Giants also stink this year um or they’re below average this year under 500 so maybe the Jays can get some positive momentum going into the All-Star break but they’re probably selling at uh at the deadline so that’s depressing you having fun new Jays Nation this year no not at all it sucks talking about the Jays on on Blue Jays Nation radio not fun kumy and I keep it entertaining though um anyways today in baseball I my f one of my favorite things to bet on shout out to our friends at betway 19 plus please play responsibly is pitcher strikeouts man that is the absolute best I I cooked one up yesterday I did BOS over four and a half Grayson Rodriguez over six and I did someone else who was the third oh Brady singer and it was great I looked at the Box after two innings BOS had hit singer had hit and Rodriguez had like four of his six already and I was like this is beautiful we need to find a way to work with bway that you make these bets they’re public for us because I know Brios those other two names no idea what you just said but I want to I want to ride I want to ride I want to ride Gavin Williams is starting today for the uh Guardians he’s actually a really good arm that like not a lot of people know about so I’d probably look at him and his over Chris Sail you’re a bit of a Braves guy Aaron um Chris S is on this in insane comeback tour here like he is looking like vintage chisale his over under is six and a half today he’s been crushing that I think he had nine his last time out he’s got some double digit ones in his book so anyways if we want to cook something up together over courtesy of betway give me Williams over four and a half give me S over six and a half and then is there like a real safe favorite to bet today in baseball it probably is the Braves against the Diamondbacks but I don’t like that Diamondbacks can be sneaky just play those two plus 170 did you see this Chris comeb back coming because I didn’t no and he’s a spaz too did I thought he was cooked but anyways shout out to bat way Gavin Williams and Chris S there you go um Joel never cared about baseball that and golf are so boring to watch golf is electric to watch I love watching golf on TV when it’s a major man and and like shit’s intense it’s great I love basball Canada Soccer yes they play tomorrow so I wanted to bring that up now six o’clock six o’clock so what first off what a win on penalties to beat Venezuela that was electric absolutely electric Sydney Crosby was in the locker room after congratul the boys um so Canada is in the semifinal of the Copa America right now they play Argentina so toe-to-toe against messy tomorrow at six o’clock it is going to be dude it’s gonna be awesome it’s gonna be electric what are they on betway actually because I want to check that out dude I’m getting excited this soccer’s been good I’ve been watching tennis I love a big footy match I’m watching tennis I’m getting ready for the Olympics wimbledon’s on right now yeah yeah exactly um okay where am I going here I’m going football because that way Europe food oh they don’t have the odds up yet no oh Copa America boom got it Canada 8 to one to beat Argentina sprinkle I don’t hate that sprinkle that then sprinkle the draw so if it goes to penalties you’ll get your money they lost two nothing last time they played them um but anyways eight to one Canada to take down Argentina tomorrow one of the top ranked teams in the world too it was Ronaldo versus mbappe in penalties at the Euros soccer’s lit right now so football it actually is again I I mean I’m just a sports sicko I’ll watch anything like I’m not I know some people yeah like hate baseball hate golf hate football football um I will watchever yeah yeah just throwing it on we usually have a game on like especially with the Euros someone was always watching soccer in the office all right that’s a wrap on today’s edition of the show remember summertime now so we’re going Monday Wednesday Friday for our three shows Friday more often than not’s probably going to be like an interview episode of the show and then Monday Wednesday kind of like your regularly scheduled programming where we’ll talk uh talk a whole bunch of hockey and whatnot Lance where’s a good place to watch the Canada game tomorrow Greta fact shout out to Greta arcade bar street food great spot to watch the game and halftime andless entertainment with all the arcade games so there you go Mainland Line ship from 9:00 to1 this morning okay public money pushing Canada let’s get it let’s get it will the Oilers make another move by Wednesday who knows see what Jeff Jackson’s cooking up uh new episode of real life dropping later today so like And subscribe wherever you get your podcast from also if you haven’t subscribed to the YouTube make sure you handle that as well we’ll be back on Wednesday oil up shout out to you thank you for watching oilersnation everyday hit the Subscribe button to never miss a show and for more visit oilersnation tocom

We’re in the dog days of summer as some would say… but apparently Jeff Jackson didn’t get the memo. After trading Ryan McLeod for Matt Savoie on Friday, Jackson was back to work Monday morning officially resigning Raphael Lavoie to a 1-year contract.

Join Tyler Yaremchuk and producer Aaron Bordato, as they break down the new deals, and bring Bruce Curlock on to discuss the impact Matt Savoie could have down the road.

The boys will also take a look at some remaining free agents out there, and who the Oilers could be looking to add before the start of the season.

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πŸ‘πŸΌ GRETA BAR https://www.gretabar.com/locations/ca
πŸ‘πŸΌ Spring Financial http://SpringFinancial.ca/one
πŸ‘πŸΌ Sherwood Ford: https://www.sherwoodford.ca/
πŸ‘πŸΌ Sports Closet: https://sportscloset.ca/
πŸ‘πŸΌ Star Mechanical: https://starmechanical.ca/
πŸ‘πŸΌMill Woods Golf Course: https://www.millwoodsgolfcourse.com/
πŸ‘πŸΌEdmonton Stingers: https://www.thestingers.ca/

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  1. Kane LTIR


    You can move brown and Lavioe around but this is what I like, I want nuge as a winger and I don’t think drai and Arvidson will be playing any d, so responsible nuge will hold it down

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