Penguins captain Sidney Crosby close to signing an extension

Penguins captain Sidney Crosby close to signing an extension

the Penguins and Cindy Crosby are reportedly closing in on a contract extension and Pat and I are going to discuss that right after this your locked on Penguins your daily podcast on the Pittsburgh Penguins part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hello and welcome back to another episode of the locked on Penguins podcast I am one of your hosts Hunter hodies you can follow me on Twitter Hunter hodies joined by my co-host Patrick damp you can follow him on Twitter at Cent for wet and you can follow the show’s Twitter _ penguins of course thank you all so much for making this your first lesson slatch of the day we are free and available on our platforms and finally today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as playoffs wind down the Sports Stop sporting like we want them to but this summer fandu is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there are something for everyone every day all summer long visit to get started so we were blessed with some news to start the day on Monday as Penguins reporter Rob Rossy of the athletic reports that the Penguins and Sydney Crosby are closing in on a contract extension to keep Sydney Crosby with the Pittsburgh Penguins for the rest of his career he says the team and the player are confident a deal will be agreed upon and formalized soon he also said that a deal within a range of 3 years times 10 10 million per season was possible but the full details of Crosby’s contract were not shared with him or anyone else and that’s great for two reasons number one obviously keeping Cindy Crosby as a penguin for life I don’t want to see him play for any other franchise and number two so we can stop this useless engagement farming on social media whether it’s TSN or whether it’s the Steve dangle show Pat I know you listen to that quite often and I did take a look at that segment that you kind of hinted at when you were tweeting about it on Twitter over the weekend there’s just so many unhinged conversations I think when it comes to Sydney Crosby and the contract talks but it looks like this is going to be over thankfully sooner rather than later right and let me expand upon that a little bit because I I’m a gigantic fan of those guys I’ve been listening to them for over a decade at this point I think they bring a really solid perspective to the sport they’ve opened up for people who aren’t traditional hockey fans and I think that’s fantastic and I’ll also add this I’m sure if you saw my tweet you saw me say popping back in I’m taking a Twitter hiatus it’s been crushing my mental health so if you’ve sent me DMS sorry I haven’t looked at them because I just needed a break but I popped back in to talk about that because I was celebrating Fourth of July just like everybody else I had an I had my airpods in I was doing some grilling for some friends and family listening to that segment and I had to look like an absolute mad man in the backyard because I was like shrugging and throwing my hands up and with no noise except for the grill so but I’ve listened to their show for a while and they have brought up very frequently what a solid job the Washington Capitals have done over the last couple of years of doing a retool on the Fly and yes we are penguins fans and it’s hard for me to admit that but they have done a very good job of doing a quick retooling to get themselves into a position to maybe not be a contender again but to at the very least be competitive within the Metropolitan Division that that is what the penguins are now doing and you can tell that there’s some sour grapes there with those guys for what happened with Brendan Shanahan Kyle dubis and everything else involved because they constantly keep saying oh he doesn’t have a plan he’s kind of just haphazardly doing a bunch of random moves that’s not the case at all you can say that about last season last season he came in with not a lot of prep time and figured you know what I’m going to make one big swing I’m going to go get Eric Carlson and we’re going to see what happens and yes the Ryan Graves deal was bad the Tristan jari extension probably not much better but once he figured out okay listen this didn’t work so now we’re going to hand out two years at the maximum we’re not going to spend a lot of money we’re not going to trade Picks and Prospects we’re going to try to get this thing built back up for the the next two to three years will take one last big swing and then Crosby Mal and lat Tang ride off into the sunset however they may do it and then to add to everything about Sid this is smart listen we do a Daily Show on the Pittsburgh Penguins we are going to critique them thusly when they underperform we’re going to say it when they disappoint we’re going to say it we’re not going to sit here and carry water for the Penguins that’s not what we do but we at the end of the day and I think I can say this safely Hunter is that you and I are still fans of the Pittsburgh Penguins we want to see them win we root for this team they have done so much over the last 20 years being both a contender and Champion multiple times over I don’t want to see cydney Crosby go somewhere else if they stink for the next four years but Sydney Crosby only plays in one Jersey that’s more than enough for me because they have done everything that’s been asked of them since they came into the NHL and became Pittsburgh Penguins I don’t I look at the Tampa Bay Lightning and yes they’re G to be good again next year there’s no doubt they’re going to be right in the mix like they always are but the guy who did so much for them in Stephen Stam Coast is going to wear another sweater for the foreseeable future and yeah maybe Tampa goes on and wins another cup and I look like a jackass but at the same time with everything they have achieved as a trio I don’t want to see them play elsewhere I want to see them retire as penguins and you look at what Kyle dubis has done so far with keeping prospects keeping picks they’re going to have hopefully lesser of a time to rebuild once these guys leave but a rebuild is going to happen don’t you worry your silly little heads about it they are going to rebuild at some point so overall I’m very happy that they have called this according to Rob’s reporting a commitment to Pittsburgh because this guy is the second best player to ever wear a Pittsburgh penguin’s uniform and he should never wear another in his career right and he also literally went to Miami was reported two years ago to help of guy malan sign that contract he wanted Malin and leang to stay as Penguins because he wants to go out with them and I know people will point to that and be like well that was two years ago a lot can change okay maybe you could be right a little bit but I still think very much that he wants to go out with those two just like how he came in with them overall all those years ago so I really in my opinion I don’t think much has changed other than the team is not in win now mode right now compared to two years ago I know some other people will point to Tampa Bay and look like oh yeah they let stamco go he’s gonna be playing in Nashville yeah they did but Tampa Bay is also in still win now mode right now they have Nikita COV they have a Braden Point both are in the Prime of their careers they have Jake gensel who can score 35 40 plus goals on that line they have a Victor H and they have an Andre vasileski they’re still in it to win it the Penguins they’re not they’re they’re still focused on getting these three to retire together will also kind of building towards the future a little bit I know I kind of have my qualms with KY dubis is play a little bit as well I think lowkey they’re kind of trying to make the playoffs a little bit this year while also trying to rebuild on the Fly I don’t think you can have your cake and eat it too I think you got to pick one direction or another if I have a guess they’re probably not going to make the playoffs this year but still at least he’s gone into his plan a little bit more this year compared to last year a little bit and I was having this discussion on Twitter after I put the Tweet out when I saw that TSN one and someone asked me like how could you argue he’s not better at going off to play with his buddy in Colorado Nathan McKinnon of course and I said yeah if he wants to go win another cup sure he will be better off that way but he’s always been focused on staying with one team the Pittsburgh Penguins so that’s why I’ve always had no doubt that this was going to get done obviously the contract has not been signed just yet but I’ve really never been nervous about this just because he’s always said he wants to finish his career with the Penguins and that means more to him than anything else yeah and let me push back here just a little bit on what you’re saying because I agree overall like if you’re going into a full scale rebuild you can’t have your cake and eat it too you can’t try to make the playoffs and still rebuild because that’s a problem but then you look at the Penguins right now and even after they get this Crosby extension done you will let’s say it’s 10 million right let’s say that it’s $1 million deal and they go into the next season after this upcoming one they’re gonna have nearly $20 million in cap space I we talked about this earlier last week I think there’s a real world where they might deal Marcus Pon as well and that frees up a lot more space as well so the thing that they’re doing here is they are going to do this retool on the Fly where they don’t move out prospects they don’t move out draft picks but then over the next two years they are going to have a boatload of salary cap space and all of their big pieces will be locked in so if you don’t trade away your prospects you hope a couple of the guys a few that we’re going to talk about maybe in the next segment as well as going out and swinging a trade or making a big signing You’re right back in the mix and you’re gonna have one or two years where you can really still go for it without completely rating your cupboard so I get the trepidation of what they’re doing right now but they’re in a position where they can do it because the most valuable asset in the modern NHL is salary cap space and over the next two seasons following this upcoming one they’re going to have a lot of it and all of their major players will be in place so then you can surround them with better talent and then go for it see I get what you’re saying I I think that makes a lot of sense I just get nervous just because the core is going to be another year older next year just how much are you gonna count on production Wise from aghy Mal and from Chris Laten is Sydney Crosby still going to be a 90 plus Point player after his age 37 season with a Penguins assuming this gets done and by all accounts we’ve been discussing during the segment this extension is imminent at this point so I just get nervous from that standpoint overall because Crosby had 90 plus points this year Gino was great lat Tang was good for most of the Season before he got hurt for you know the final third of the season I would say but you know after this season how good are they still gonna be you know for 2025 2026 when this team does still have a lot of Satur c space I guess that’s just where I get a little bit nervous yeah and that’s totally fair I also think you look at it this way like you’re not going to totally depend upon them to be 60 70 80 90 point players you can have them be 50 60 point players and bring in younger more talented players with that salary cap space to fill up that depth chart around them so but again it’s it’s a risk I said it when I talked about the the the the Steve dangle segment it’s a risk because there’s a very real world where it doesn’t work but I understand the logic and the plan but it’s a risk so overall like he said and I agree this isn’t a tear down strip it to the studs rebuild yet that’s coming but not yet right I agree with that at least and we’ll have to see what the final contract details are for c new Crosby once they come in once he signs that extension if it’s three time 10 I will be totally okay with that and honestly you can easily make an argument that he deserves more than that considering everything has done for this organization since he was drafted but that will do it for this first segment coming up in the second segment Pat and I are going to look into some updates from development camp and how Braden joerger looks like it’s a man against boys out there for the first couple of days overall but before we gets that we have to tell you all about our first sponsor and that is FanDuel I love sports I love them so much that I never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down we get fewer games and the sports aren’t sporting like I want them to but FanDuel lets me keep the sports going whenever I want all I have to do is open up the app and dream up bets anytime I’m in the mood and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there are something for everyone every day all summer long so head on over to and start making the most out of your summer that’s FanDuel the official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball all right we’re back here on this episode of the locked on Penguins podcast I’m one of your hosts Hunter hodies join by my coost Patrick Dam so development Camp started over the weekend all the Penguins top prospects are in town for it and I know I haven’t been up in Cranberry watching some of this but I will say shout out to Eric maesi on Twitter if you are not following him overall you should be he is doing a tremendous job with his coverage it’s at lgp net wolf he’s been doing this for the better part I think of a decade perhaps even longer his development Camp updates are awesome and I’ve been seeing a lot of clips that been posting about Braden joerger and I think this is the most clear way I can say it pat he looks like a man against boys out there the release that he is showing against the other Penguins top prospects especially in net it looks like he’s just toying with everyone out there I know these are only practices you can only take so much out of it we’ll have to see how he does at the scrimmage or the 4 on four tournament excuse me on Wednesday but he looks Far and Away the best Prospect in the system and it really hasn’t been closed so far he does and it’s really nice to see the Penguins once again have some prospects that are actually bringing us some hope and bringing us something to look forward to in the future and like you said keep in mind this is development Camp it’s glorified practice that’s really all it is but this is what we said we wanted to see from him last week when the when we got the rosters when we got the schedule for development Camp you want to see him stand out and look like possibly the best player on the ice and he has so far been doing that and yeah he’s likely headed back to the WHL next year he is probably gonna do one more year in Moosejaw and then come back and help wils bear however they’re doing at the end of the season but you want to see him come in and dominate you want to see him use that release that made him so successful during moose jaw’s run this past spring so overall very very excited seeing what he’s been able to do and you want to see him take that next step next year you want to see him go dominate the WHL and be one of the best players because while there isn’t a whole lot left for him to learn there he needs now to dominate if he goes there and struggles a little bit that might be a bump in the road for his development but if he goes back he plays his butt off he becomes one of the best players in the W then we’re in good shape right and we should add that I think he does have an outside shot of making the team out of training camp if he fully blows every wi away I mean he’s been off to a great start at development camp but I think the big test will be once September Comes Around he had a great Camp last year as a rookie for after he got drafted how will he do for his second training camp this upcoming September can he blow the franchise away even more I’m going to really be keeping my eye out for that over the next couple months but really nice start for for him overall and same for Owen Pickering so Pickering former penguin’s first round pick of two years ago he has not been at the last couple of training camps just because of injuries he’s been healthy during the season but when training camp has come around before he’s gone back to his Junior Team he just hasn’t been healthy but he’s looking to change that I mean he even said to the media he’s hoping that he can really take that next step this year and make the Penguins I mean for me I don’t think he’s going to be on the Penguins team this year but I would love to be proven wrong overall and he’s been really bulking up in way eats six to seven times a day and Pat you want to know what else he does he takes a shot of olive oil every morning I I can’t lie my friends it’s kind of kind of disgusting I don’t think I’ll ever do that for my life but hey if it’s working for Pickering more power to him but I just really hope that he can stand out during development Camp it looks like he’s been doing well in some drills I really want to see this kid succeed just because he has been kind of taken back by some injuries for training camp he’s had a couple of good seasons in junior but I really want to see him take that next step in his development and at least maybe start to make a push for roster it’s been a couple years since he was drafted in the first round by by the Penguins and I want to see what he can do going forward yeah he he put up a lot of promising numbers this year with Swift Current uh 46 points seven goals 39 assists in 59 games that was a career high for him and they the Penguins basically have been telling him the last couple of years like you need to go out and you need to get stronger you need to add muscle you got to get bigger because when he was drafted he was on the smaller side but he was drafted at I think 18 years old and he still had room to grow and he went from 57 on draft day to 65 now and so he got the growth spurt that everybody was waiting for and he’s starting to fill out that frame and the thing is you want to see a guy like him take that step becoming a bigger younger defenseman you want to see him be able to use that now found size to his Advantage because it may not sound like in everyday life oh 57 to 65 that’s I know that’s nearly a foot but at the same time in pro sports that’s a huge jump that is that opens up an entire new realm of possibility for his game gives him more reach it gives him more eyes it gives him and once he packs on the muscle he can be more physical than he was before because now you’ve got more size and weight to work with so you want to see him continue some of that offensive output but you want to see him really hone his defensive game now you want to see him be able to play the angles properly you want to see him be able to know when to throw a hit when to throw a stick check when to step up when to step off so very excited for his development I don’t see him making the team but I will take a motivated Prospect who says they want to take the next step and make the roster over whatever else has been in the penguin system for the last few years right and because he’s 20 years old he can be assigned to wils Berry at the start of the season if he does not make the Penguins roster so if I had to guess wilberry is probably where he’s going to start he’s goingon to turn pro overall this year excited to see what he can do if he makes that team and he’s also put up over 20 pounds throughout this offseason Jason Spa has even said they’re really excited for him he said we’re excited to have him we’re excited to see that he’s healthy this is a big summer for him turning pro it’s a big jump from Junior Hockey I love that he has the enthusiasm and wants to come in and bang the door down and hopefully make the Penguins and yeah I mean I agree with him I think it would be a dream come true if he were to make the team but I also think right now people need to temper their expectations a little bit I still think wilberry is probably the place where he’s going to get most of his playing time this year and if there’s a swath of injuries on Def I think that’s when he could potentially come up and make his Penguins debut during the season but it’s nice to see the top two prospects I would say in this system you know at least start to maybe make a push for the team overall Tanner how he’s also had a really nice start to development Camp one of the other top Penguins prospects in the system he was just drafted in the 2024 NHL draft and again my friends I think you all are going to love him overall he’s very much a Sam Bennett type player someone who can really get under your skin and his release is also a lot of fun he he’s just a lot of fun to watch overall when I was diving into the film he’s a total wrecking ball of a player I think everyone is gonna love him but I think that will do it for this second segment coming up to end the show a new goalie has entered the fold for the Penguins organization Sergey mov is here at development Camp after it looked like he was not going to be here Pat and I are going to discuss what that means for the organization right after this all right we’re back here on this episode of the lockon Penguins podcast I’m one of your hosts Hunter hoodies joined by my co-host Patrick damp so Pat when we were discussing the development camp roster last week Sergey mov the penguin one of the Penguins top goalies in the system was not on it and for good reason you know he was over in Russia no one thought he was going to be coming over I even responded to a YouTube commenter on our page saying like yeah don’t think he’s gonna be coming over he wasn’t on the roster and then just a few hours later the penguins are like oh yeah he’s coming over he’s going to be here for d development Camp excuse me and that’s a big deal for people that don’t know who Sergey mov is one of the top goalies in the penguin system he has been awesome in Russia over the last several years this past year for his hometown team in the MHL he played in 34 games had a 2.03 goals against average 930 save percentage four shutouts in the playoffs 2.07 goals against average 926 sa percentage he also played six games in the KHL 1.84 goals against average 925 save percentage this kid right now is very much the real deal and the penguins are trying to get him to come over to North America fulltime according to Jason speta penguin’s assistant general manager he did say right now it’s a little bit to be determined things are a little bit more complicated right now but we would love to have him over if it works out but if not we’ll put him on the right development path over in Russia so far he has not signed a new contract with his hometown team in the MHL but if the penguins are able to work out a ELC for him I think he could come over as soon as right now and I think he would start in Wheeling I don’t think he’s gonna be starting in wesbury if that’s the case but getting him some games in North America especially Wheeling I think that would be a slam dunk for him considering how great he’s been over in Russia he has been and it was a genuine stunner to find out he showed up at development Camp because all signs pointed to him just remaining in Russia for another year or two especially because he’s all 20 years old so at this point he’s not really go you don’t expect Russian goalies at 20 to make the jump a couple have over the past few seasons but for the most part Russian goalies don’t come over until they have a legitimate chance of making an NHL roster so it was surprising to see him but you look at the way he’s played and the way he played in what is essentially the kl’s AHL which is the MHL he dominated you rattled off the stats he was genuinely great he goes up to the k for a couple of games does extremely well there too and I think at this point if they do get him here and he doesn’t resign in Russia Wheeling is pretty much his starting point because there’s a very big log Jam in that in the penguin system right now obviously jari and NAD delovic probably have the NHL slots locked up should jari remain a penguin which I think all signs at this point point towards him staying Joel blumquist is going to keep the wils bear job you don’t want to give him backup minutes in the AHL you want to get him playing so he would probably take over the starters crease in Wheeling or at the very least platoon it and play every other game so very excited to see what this kid can do and it’s just funny to me because for all of the lamenting we rightfully have done about the penguin not having prospects and not having a full covered they just continue to stack their system with goalies so it seems like for the last decade everything they have gotten wrong with Drafting and Prospects and development they seem to do a pretty damn good job when it comes to the people in net yeah I mean they’ve been stacked I feel like at that position for a very long time you know whether it’s Mark Andre flurry Matt Murray Tristan jari Philip gustavson of course he’s in Minnesota right now now blumquist mov you know Philip Larson I think is also going to be in wesbury this year they have a really nice pipeline of goalies right now and I would have to agree I think at the very least he would platoon in Wheeling I think maybe a 1 a 1B situation where he gets half the games for willing and just seeing how he adjusts to hockey in North America will be really intriguing he’s been able to dominate the MHL he dominated a few games of the KHL even though it’s a small sample size and I mean if he doesn’t sign his ELC with the Penguins just yet I think seeing what he could do in a full season in the KHL would be better for him at this point just because I’m not sure he has much else to learn in the MHL but I also do know that getting a starting gig in the KHL is a bit easier said than done considering how many good goalies and just good players overall in Russia play in that league but I still think just outside the NHL he just doesn’t really have that much to learn and I think getting him here ASAP would be just a slam dunk home run for this organization would be huge I also want to I say this a lot about the KHL and I this isn’t me downplaying his numbers because they are genuinely great but I do want people to keep in mind because we’ve talked about it on the show before the KHL doesn’t have the same level of scoring as the NHL does it’s a good league but I agree with you it’s it’s it’s a very good League it’s the second best professional league in in on the planet yeah but it’s not as high a scoring a league as the NHL so some some of those numbers when it comes to goalies are a tad inflated just because guys don’t score at the same clip it’s what we said about other prospects last week where you look at how they produced in the KHL and it’s impressive because that’s not a high-scoring league same it it goes the other way for goalies we like okay 930 save percentage that’s awesome not a lot of guys are scoring over there so it’s a little bit easier to be a 930 goalie but then you look at how often he got wins how often he put up those performances there’s a trend line there that shows he’s a very promising goalie Prospect yeah no I agree with you and I just want to see more of him over here in North America if the Penguins and him are able to come to agreement on an ELC and he doesn’t go back to his hometown team in Russia but I think that will do it for this edition of the locked on Penguins podcast thank you all so much for taking the time to listen towatch this episode Pat Knight will be back with another episode for you all on Tuesday and just so everyone knows we will be daily every weekday in the month of July before the show goes down to three days a week starting in August and then will’ll be three days a week until midt or until right around when training cam starts overall just wanted to give you all the heads up for how many episodes you can expect from us each week for July and then in August and then mostly September as well but again that will do it for this episode thank you all so much for tuning in we really appreciate it we’ll be back on Tuesday

On Monday morning, we learned that the Pittsburgh Penguins and captain Sidney Crosby are reportedly close to finalizing an extension that would keep him in Pittsburgh for the remainder of his career. Hunter and Patrick discuss why this is good business for the franchise, what it means for the rest of his career, and how they could take one last run with him ( at some point) before he hangs it up. They also discuss how the engagement farming and the unhinged conversations regarding Sid’s contract can hopefully be put to rest when this gets announced. After that, they check in with some of the prospects at development camp, including Brayden Yager and Owen Pickering. They discuss how it looks like men against boys out there for Yager against everyone else and how Pickering has put on some muscle. They then end the show with Sergei Murashov coming over from Russia and what that could mean for the Penguins.

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  1. I understand sid want to be penguins but I don’t want sid suffer if we miss playoffs if he keep playing good like always like dude is really competitive

  2. Sid shouldn't sign a contract with the Pens this summer. 87 should get traded for a ransom at the deadline. Trade Crosby to the Oilers for Philip Broberg, Dylan Holloway, and Sam O'Reilly (or a 1st or Savoie). That would restock the Pens organization with 3 pieces. 87 and 97 could win the Cup together in Canada adding to 87's legacy. 87 should then sign 1 year deals with the Pens as a UFA for the rest of his career. 87 being dealt at the deadline yearly gives him the best chance to win the Cup and rebuilds the Pens quickly.

  3. Would never happen, imagine Crosby signs for 870k and says, get me a winger! lol, never every gonna happen in a million years. Dude deserves whatever he asks.

  4. SDPN is entertaining, especially for Canadian fans, and they make things accessible for newer hockey fans, but they get a LOT of information wrong. Like simple stuff like players' names and mostly anything non-Toronto. Like they said Celebrini did better than Jack Hughes in NCAA, but Jack never went to College! Lol. So everything SDPN says should be taken with a grain of salt the size of Utah. The Crosby talk is a lot of wishful thinking, and people not understanding that different players have different priorities. So, it comes down to what is most important to Sid, not what the media and podcasters or anyone else thinks.

  5. They need “defense”men, they should never think about moving Pettersson. Karlsson can’t play defense to save his life and Letang isn’t much better.

  6. With respect, you can't say "we want to see this team win", while at the same time advocating for them to slow down the rebuild and the return to contention, by indulging in feelings like this.
    Your priority is wanting to see them honor Crosby and the core at the cost of progress towards a 6th championship. Nothing wrong with that. Fans are satisfied after 3 Cups in the Crosby era and are grateful to them. It's understandable.

  7. Prospects can be unpredictable but how much a steal would the Pens have if Murashov makes it to the NHL and becomes a good goalie? It would be the one thing Hextall struck gold on haha!

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