Cam Sutton Suspended

Cam Sutton Suspended

  1. Thank god we signed a Cb that got roasted by good wrs last yr, knowingly signed him after allegations of abuse, and he won’t be able to play the first half of the season. 

    Great job team. 

  2. Selling out your ethics for a dude who can’t play half the season. Brilliant.

  3. I wonder if they even bother keeping him at this point? He’ll miss half the season and his contract has no guaranteed money to it.

  4. I mean no harm no foul from a signing perspective. He’s a steal value wise and we wouldn’t even be in this position had he not been an asshole and got dumped by the lions. He’s eating up a minimal contract of 985k this year so who cares.

    Ps the lions would’ve payed him 11mill this year had he not been an idiot. Best case for the team he’s back after the bye and is a good contributor down the gauntlet. Don’t be reactionary it’s a good sign.

  5. Might as well cut him at this point. He’s not worth a roster spot for half the year

  6. From a team building standpoint he was cheap and knew the system. But then you have to ask yourself if they knew he was going to be suspended why sign him? He won’t be playing for half a season and it’s going to take time for him to get into football shape. So your right back to where you started in needing a nickel CB.

    Either they thought the suspension was going to be light or they anticipated this and still signed him anyway.

    He was cheap so it’s not like he’s taking up a bunch of their cap space but now it looks like it was a waste of time.

    Edit: He’s not going to appeal either

  7. Easily the stupidest move of the offseason, surpassing the Diontae trade lol what a joke

  8. He’s not taking a roster spot during that time. Will be a solid back half of the season addition during our brutal stretch. Still all for it.

  9. Least we have an answer. Now it’s time to start finding the replacement for the 8 games. Training camp is gonna be a battle at CB

  10. Do we think this will get appealed and shortened to like 4-6? I know that can be the case with a lot of longer suspensions

  11. Does anyone not feel like Tomlin’s trying to help a troubled guy find the path back? I got no problems with this. He fucks up again tho, he gotta go.

  12. Has anyone considered that it might be important for the rooney’s, given their religious faith, that they practice forgiveness and an opportunity at redemption? They know cam, he totally screwed up, and now he’s in a place where he can get his life on track. I’m not saying this is true or I believe it, but they are pretty devote catholics. And he’ll appeal and this will get cut in half.

  13. I swear half this sub has no idea what’s going on. Like I agree with all the moral stuff but people saying oh they should cut him now like they didn’t know this suspension was coming when they signed them have no clue about how shit works

  14. Don’t hate it. I’m just hoping Trice can surprise us and give us depth at the position.

  15. Knew it was coming, hopefully he learned his lesson and realize he’s getting another chance with a great organization and won’t let them down.

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