Detroit Red Wings Are Finally STARTING the Yzerplan

Detroit Red Wings Are Finally STARTING the Yzerplan

um but yeah so we’re in it we’re talking Red Wings right now uh talking the Vlad tereno contract Steve Eiserman gets him in the fold and look I here’s how I’m going to start this juus has some interesting numbers but that’s not what you guys want we’re going to do the numbers first and they’re cute and they’re good and and they’re are part of the reason why I like it but that’s not what you guys want we’ll get to that in about four minutes what you guys want I know what you guys want what are you laughing at kg I just I’m watching the master at work that’s all I there is no there is no master there is no Elite to it I know you being you I’m just saying like I’m appreciating it no like this is what the people want so let’s get the stat [ __ ] out of the way that no one really cares about cuz if they did they would kind of be like yeah I like the signing and they would move on but that’s not what they want what’s the numbers first of all top five is worst inconveniences for oh yeah yes in to top five is that on Thursday CU we’re fences oh there’s road closures on there somebody better put that we are tomorrow we doing it Thursday we’ll do it Thursday Fel tomorrow that’s good though I like that one so David pan who is the equivalent of what this signing is to replace they played the same amount of games 76 games pan had 17 goals 30 assists 47 points and was minus 12 but but but was very good on the P he’s he’s he did what he was brought here to do yes he did stabilize the power play but one one thing that people undervalue about tereno is how big he is like he is 61 219 pounds like that’s a big dude for a hockey player he had 76 games played as well 23 goals 32 assists 55 points but was plus 13 and you could say the Panthers defense makes that big Improvement on the plus minus but at the same time it’s not going to be at that big where it’s 30 plus minus points in differential all right so the numbers are there and and that’s cute and that’s great St and I do like it um but I’m just curious about like the this like the Cat spot stuff Eisman hasn’t signed a single substantial free agent in 6 years this is my problem that crowd and there are people at the other network in town that use that because it fits your narrative and it’s convenient for you and you get to say he hasn’t done this in six years and he’s been on the job for 6 years and the bottom line is when you walk in the door and you know where I’m going with this and I don’t care because it’s factually correct and I’ll go to it every single time I’m built like that fron neelon abdar and Howard right there for you guys 16 million in cap space 19 million with Darren hel so you want him to walk in the door with no cap space cats and just start writing checks for free agents with cap space that you don’t have because you’re paying fron neelon $5.5 million so that’s what you want so that counts in your book that counts and I’m never got I’m never going to get over this flannel I’m not because of people be it on the afternoon show here or wherever they want to be that are going to sit there and say he hasn’t done X in six years he hasn’t been able to change the tener what what about all the draft picks I keep hearing about yeah again do you like mider do you like Lucas Raymond cuz that’s the first draft wave that’s coming up here and through all of this the biggest move to me in free agency so far was a subtraction not an addition you get rid of a guy that does the gritty and gets on a bobblehead and replace him with Simon Evanson for 25% of the cost that’s a draft pick everybody that’s the move and if you can’t see that then I can’t help you I can’t help you whether you’re the afternoon show here whether you’re a show at another network if you’re a chat member right now and you don’t understand that I can’t help you how many years do you think it takes to fix the cap though to fix the cap Cap’s been fixed right but how many years took it took him about 2 years two and a half three years so then we’re four years of solid cap space right or four years of he could operate the way he was supposed to operate but those were the highest paid players that level this is senior Year we’re at we were at Talent discrepancy in our Prospect pool at that point too we literally were in Old aging veterans on terrible contracts you can’t move let let me reset it let me reset it for you too when he showed up the most valuable Prospect you had had was phlip Zena that was a hell of a player where is he still like he’s a free agent right now he got cut by the Sharks oh he did weird I get it listen of all sports hockey is like my least involved in right so but you do understand logic I do understand Lo that’s why I asked like okay so he did come into salary cap hell there is no hockey Elite to this if you can’t see cleared it up in two years so you’ve had four years of free operation essentially to get the team where you need to be and I’m not against Eiserman by any stretch of the imagination but I had higher hopes than where they are in like if you would have told me when we signed Eiserman hey in six years you guys based on what what were those hopes of though based on what of the situation what he did in Tampa Bay you know when you could take a team like Tampa Bay and Elevate them and get them to walk into Steven stamp coast and Victor headman uh are we going to give Ken Holland treatment then what what what were what were the name what were the names that he walked into stamp Coast was there Hedman was there hman was there Bishop was there know was here you know who was vasileski was there you know who was here when he got here uh France neelen Justin ablator Jimmy Howard who just you’re still paying by the way from that bad contract dog but go ahead go on no and this is this is why I’m asking these questions though because I I don’t go that deep into hockey you know I don’t know who was where and when I I’m football basketball baseball guy mostly but to me it seems like he’s had enough time and I think part of based on B I just gave you the re based on I understand but it’s more I was just to say more based on what Brad ow has been able to do you know and I think that’s kind of put the pressure on every the same approach exactly but it hasn’t taken six years but it’s hockey it’s a little different I understand that but that’s my point Brad Holmes came into salary cap hell it took him about 2 years to clean it up but then you started to see major steps forward and this next year for the Red Wings needs to be that major step forward because they’re similar to the Lions a couple years ago knocking on the door of the playoffs but weren’t quite there finished strong but weren’t quite there and the Red Wings they didn’t finish strong this year though so they’re not going into this off season with that uptrend when you watched the Red Wings last year at some points were super ecstatic hey they’re going to make the playoffs I’m calling LCA hey we want to do live broadcast out front like all this stuff and then next thing you know they lose 10 in a row and it’s like okay well this season’s over it’s a joke and then they bounce back oh they could make the playoffs it just got to be very weird with what type of team they actually are and how they’re going to take that next step and I think for casuals like me on the outside there hasn’t been that Splash and maybe that Splash isn’t there to go get but I would have liked to see that for I would have lik to see a a guy Patrick Kane recognizable name but old ass name right see yeah but stick like here’s the deal no you can’t do that now by the way with the Kane thing people were electric about Kane electric about he’s still a point per game player yeah he per he outperformed what I thought he was going to be I thought we got washed Kane you know cuz when he was in Chicago the dude was a dog I actually don’t think he’ll repeat what he did last year this year I actually don’t think that but but yet and still he’s a guy that can be dynamic in in certain situations can be dynamic in the power play is dynamic and overtime and all that kind of stuff what do you got spanny nothing you got me on the screen while you were talking oh yeah yeah uh but anyway though um the the the point of the story is this see you you you can’t here’s the issue here’s what I’m struggling with where the people are with Eiserman they assume that this is the NFL MH if you look at it realistically he is on a brad Holmes Cycle right now he is the the first wave of draft picks have come and they’re here and who are they who are they moider mider Raymond you’re about to see you possibly could see all right pause sorry like so that’s that’s the first wave yeah they don’t show up and play the next year you got a crawl for you can walk that’s just the way that it works what point you were complaining that they couldn’t win a face off they couldn’t even do that right like yeah three years ago they were one of the worst Faceoff teams in the league you can’t fix everything man like you you can’t and like the reason that it takes longer is because it’s a different sport that’s fine fair but how many years are you going to give him what is what in jues and you Neil until there’s regression okay and that’s fair which there has been no regression under Steve Eiserman show it to me that’s anybody anybody in this in look in in Jesus’s uh in your jenzy world so we all about progression so essentially you’re giving Eiserman a decade you’re giving them 10 years cuz if they win get into the playoffs and lose this year that’s progression they get into the playoffs next the year after that win a game win a series that’s progression then they go two series if it takes that long potentially given e in 10 years sure why I mean if you keep showing the progression and he’s not going anywhere yeah I’m giv him 10 years okay I I I’m I’m completely comfortable because well one thing Neil hit the nail on the head with the the NFL the NHL comparison NFL players come up right away they contribute most of the time at some point in the rookie season if they’re a high draft pick the high draft pick still take two to three years on average in the NHL so you’re only seeing the first wave of prospects but where what you’re seeing as a casual is that you don’t know is Steve Eiserman has built the second best farm system in the NHL as a team who is on the cusp of making the playoffs and usually those don’t go hand inand with each other because you’re seeing the prospect growth on the roster and that hasn’t even hit the roster yet and and where this these levels great but you know we want to win at some point listen I was in Grand Rapids when the Griffins won the CER cup or whatever the hell it is and it was a big celebration so having having a great minor leagues team is awesome doesn’t mean a damn thing to me as a Red Wings fan it does if he’s committed to the youth movement and that’s how he wants to you’re going to stick I’m with you on that I don’t give a [ __ ] about that stuff either but all but all I know is who’s on the team but all I know is like those guys that are there are good yeah they’re good and again this isn’t the NFL Sam leaport Sam leapor of hockey doesn’t get drafted and then show up in October and be one of the best at his position in the NHL that does that doesn’t happen to anybody not named Conor McDavid yeah or Conor Bard and it’s just tangible results as compared to like the Tigers who are doing the youth movement at least with the Red Wings there are tangible results with your young players and they’re insulated and I think that’s the best point Neil could have made like until there’s regression shut the hell up it’s you can’t deny that and like catspot here’s what I don’t understand Detroit has not made significant progress with Eiserman and it’s and it’s not just cats that says that it’s it’s a lot of other people that say and I do you not watch right again two years ago we weren’t even talking playoffs you want you want to know the 10 highest paid players on the Red Wings when Eiserman showed up his first year on the job Dylan Lin okay that’s fa fron neelon Justin advocator Jimmy Howard Darren Helm Anthony Matha Trevor Daly um Jonathan Bernier Patrick nemith and uh who else was on here Luke glendenning was up there Adam like come on oh here’s an interesting stat that I just put into chat Eiserman took over Tampa Bay in 2010 guess when their first cup was 2020 10 years okay so you’re willing to give GMS a decade yeah and hockey yes and hockey yes that’s fine yeah why don’t they sign him to a 10-year contract then I don’t know I don’t know what his contract I don’t even know what his contract is okay does he even have one does he just like he done when he doesn’t show up anymore hockey is you don’t fix hockey teams overnight yeah so that and and I can’t I can’t relate to people that don’t understand that I can’t I can’t understand like we’ll just have to agree to disagree disagree shout out Chris um for putting that in chat for me I didn’t say his name so you you you cannot compare these two Sport and I’ll give you I’ll give you a cross compare I’ll do my best before we get to that before we get to that just to go back to the conversation we had about when he landed there and had all these pieces and that’s why he was able to make them so they were already years beyond what he came in here for the Red Wings right and it still took him 10 years even Landing with all those pieces cuz you guys are telling me he landed in a better position and you’re also telling me it took him a decade I would say this worst position are we talking now 12 14 years that’s a great question because I think he showed up he showed up in Tampa right about where he is with the wings now okay about year sixish he had a couple of dudes in place so now we’re talking 16 years well I mean that’s that’s the way that it worked Jesus I don’t think I don’t think I don’t think 16 years I think that’s that’s a little aggressive because he still had to your own words cuz like I said you guys are explaining this to me and so I’m listening and I’m hearing two different things landed he landed in a good position but it also took him 10 years so is that good or is that bad I don’t think it will take 16 years I think the the comparison to Tampa is he did have vasel leki and vop but if I’m not can people in the CH said that he drafted vasileski yeah yeah that’s what I was going to say he Bishop was in the AHL he had to wait a couple years for Bishop to be ready then vasileski came he drafted him in his first draft I believe maybe second and then kind of like a most yeah kind of just a little bit and then um if so now you compare it to Augustine you compare it toosa they are three two to four years away from competing which I think so by the time we’re looking at 10 years we might be looking at 12 I don’t think 16 though 16 listen if it results in Championship I’ll wait 16 right like if we can get a ship I’ll wait 16 yeah I just don’t understand it but I’ll wrap it up where does it end though that’s what I that’s you could wrap it up but that’s what I want you guys to think about when does the Rope stop and I think you brought up when the when the progression stops when the progression stops it’s very simple yeah I agree with that it’s very simple tough to argue that and anybody who does is an idiot um see but like the people in the chat if Brad Holmes missed the playoffs his first six years would he would he have been fired they just Sam leaport doesn’t get drafted and then have a thousand yard season 6 months later yeah you just explained that to me and it made sense like that doesn’t happen in the NHL so again if you can’t understand that then you can’t be saved you don’t want to be saved like my bad being I had you muted what you say no I was just saying you can’t compare the sports at all and and I’ll try real quick before we right off here I’ll try to give that to you here Tran Lon imagine trer Lon walking into the Piston situation and being over the cap well that’s what Weaver did that’s what that’s what that’s what walking into the red wi situation was like imagine the Pistons in their form right now with no cap space yeah it’s tough and no prospects and no cting no Cade yeah that’s tough and no Ivy here we go with that [Music]

Neal Ruhl, Sam “Stick” Day and the rest of the BDE crew discuss the Detroit Red Wings development since Steve Yzerman took over as General Manager. Do you think they can start to make runs into the playoffs? Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. Yzerman walked into a cap disaster left by Ken Holland. It's taken time to get rid of those cap issues and stockpile draft picks. This upcoming young defense core is gonna be scary.

  2. Theres no point arguing with people who don’t follow hockey or understand a hard cap world. Its not like other sports where players are drafted and can contribute immediately. These are 18 year old kids that your gambling on 2-4 years down the road. You can’t judge this rebuild until you see how Edvinsson, Mazur, Kasper etc pan out. We are finally at the point where we will see if our prospect pool pans out, then you can judge the rebuild.

  3. IMO, they've improved their goaltending, they've improved defensively, they've lost offense. I think the overall record will be close to last season's, probably a bit worse, and they miss the playoffs again. I predict that Kane will likely be dealt at the trade deadline.

  4. You guys talk about abdelkader howard and Neilson a lot… they were so bad you don’t even mention Ericsson and dekyser who also had horrible contract and were endlessly injured. The lightning made the cup final in 2015 I think

  5. Reminder than TB won a cup from a bottom feeder team 10 years after Yzerman took over. And, as noted, he didn't start in a hole at TB like he did in Detroit.

  6. NFL draft picks can make a much more immediate impact than NHL draft picks, unfair comparison.

    NHL kids are drafted at 18 and NFL kids are drafted out of college ~21 years old….

  7. There really aren’t any teams that have made a huge jump in our conference since Yzerman took over. Maybe 1-2 in the entire league. This game takes time. Enjoy the ride Detroit. And stop disrespecting the goats name.

  8. Guy in the Lions shirt should never be involved in a hockey discussion if he has no idea what he's talking about half the time…

  9. Decent prospect pool but there's still no elite talent. Not Yzerman's fault with bad draft luck. Gonna need that elite goal scorer but easier said than done. Need a true 1C. Larkin is good but a 2C on good teams

  10. Who is the moron in the Lions shirt??!!! You might want to stick to talking about football and listen to Uncle Neal, he is spot on in this case! Hockey draft picks generally take 2-3 years to make it to the bigs. NFL players are typically impactful in their first year. Hockey 101 brother… How are you even on a sports show??

  11. I have a feeling the team heading into the season will be more consistent. I think they’ll definitely be in the mix for a playoff spot.

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