2024 Seattle Seahawks Predictions: Running Game

2024 Seattle Seahawks Predictions: Running Game

well the Seattle Seahawks making heavy investments into the running back position in the draft the last few years pay dividends in [Music] [Applause] 2024 Hello everybody welcome back good morning we’ve got more Seattle Seahawks predictions to get through here and since we did the quarterback last time we will be lining up the running backs or at least the runners this time we know that you don’t have to be a running back to pick up some rushing yards you don’t have to be a running back to get some rushing opportunities but mostly we’re going to be talking about running back in this video obviously again it’s really hard to project this stuff when you have a brand new offensive coordinator who has never worked in the NFL before everything I said about Gino Smith applies to our running backs as as well maybe not quite as significantly because we do know that these guys are very talented very capable they are both players that went around the 50th or so pick of the draft in their respective years so we know they have talent and while we may not know exactly how they get utilized it’s very reasonable to assume that both of them are going to be productive it would be strange if either guy was just unproductive so you’ve got got Ken Walker you’ve got Zack shanet that’s the big one twoo that’s what is going to ultimately determine the success or failure of this backfield but then you’ve also got a couple other factors like Kenny Macintosh is your number three now after missing his rookie year completely George helani looms as a little bit of a sleeper as your fourth running back a udfa and then you’ve got the non-running backs that will do some running as well guys like Gino Smith we know Gino Smith is going to do some running out of the pocket this year we know that there’s going to maybe even be a designed run or two for him at some point because he does have that in his skill set and you have the potential of jet sweeps fly sweeps reverses end rounds never know so let’s throw up some predictions here before I get into the numbers though I want to say thank you to everybody for watching please like the uh video if you haven’t already subscribe to the channel if you’re new click the Bell if you want notifications consider becoming a member costs less than 10 cents a day $2 a month and uh with all that being said let’s start talking these running backs so we’re going to keep it really simple here because we’re going to have more to say when we do pass receivers in a day or two so we’re going to keep it to just the rushing stats and then build on it in a future video to get the full full picture so obviously K9 is the lead back he was very very good last year I think um his numbers were not as good as they were the previous year but he was put in some rough situations his offensive line did not do him any favors I don’t think his utilization did him as many favors as you would like I still don’t think we fully understand exactly how to utilize a player like a Ken Walker or at least we didn’t last year and he still produced had some injuries as well by the way got hurt um missed a little bit of time played through some injuries so we probably still haven’t seen the best of Ken Walker however I’m a little bit wary of trusting this offensive line to be that much better at run blocking so put it all together I’ve got Ken Walker II getting a grand total of 248 rushes which might seem a little bit low if he plays the whole season but I would expect him to miss at least a game or two and I also expect us to be fairly balanced in how we use our running backs because we know that Walker has missed some time in his first two years in the league he hasn’t played a full season yet so I think we’re going to try to even it out a little bit it’s not going to be a even split but it is going to be a pretty significant lightning of the load yards I decided to go with 1,100 67 that’s just rushing yards of course by the way so if you do the math on that one yards per carry 4.7 which would be good that would be really good it would not be elite and I think that there are a fair number of people out there a decent number of uh Seahawks fans and non- Seahawks F fans out there that would consider Ken Walker to be an elite running back I am a little hesitant to say that simply because while I do think that he is very close to an elite running back I don’t know if the production of the elite running back will be there because the offensive line I’m looking at it I’m seing two tackles that are mostly known for their pass protection I’ve seen lak and Tomlinson who I really do think is well past his best years and I’m seeing a rookie Christian Haynes at The Other Side Right Guard and I like oluwatimi I do like olimi I think he’ll be good we’ll talk more about the offensive line in a future video but I am not seeing the running back um blocking that Walker is going to need to be like a five yard per carry average guy this year I’m just not so that’s what I landed on uh 11 touchdowns by the way good really good no complaints if he gets in the end zone 11 times and we’re going to come out of this season feeling like he’s a really good running back maybe even a great running back pushing in on Elite but the offensive line won’t let him get up there okay next guy will be Zack shanet and I think that he will get a lot fewer carries than Walker of course because shanet to me is a better third down back than Walker he’s a better blocker and probably a better pass catcher so I expect him to be on the field for third Downs I expect him to be on the field for passing situations and Walker is going to get more carries because of that even though shonet might get a decent chunk of the snaps I don’t think the Snaps are going to be that out of balance but the carries will be so I went with 101 carries for uh shanet and on those 101 carries I gave him 461 rushing yards which comes out to 4.56 which would again be really good I don’t think anybody would be um upset about that uh he doesn’t have the Breakaway ability of a Ken Walker so Ken Walker is going to have a couple of those 50 yard run 60 yard runs that boost his yard per carry average and shanet isn’t so even though I do think that you’re going to get more consistency from him probably the yard per carry is still going to be in Walker’s favor by a little bit and then I went with a three touchdown total from shonet I just I I know that shanet is been looked at as a powerb for a couple different reasons but to me he is not really that goal line back that some some people picture that some people desire on this team to me he is his real skill is his third down ability and to me he is more of a PowerBack when he’s able to build up momentum so I don’t think he’s going to be some money in the bank goal line option the way some people are envisioning I think he’s going to just kind of get the touchdowns that are there so I said three all right next up we have Gino Smith what he does with his legs will have an impact now I don’t think it’ll be as big impact is 2022 2022 Gino ran the ball a lot and it was pretty effective it was an important part of the offense 2023 it was a lot less and there were a couple different reasons why I think that was but I do kind of anticipate a similar result this year I don’t think Gino’s going to be asked to run the ball a lot I think there will be a lot of emphasis on getting the ball out quickly so he doesn’t have to make those decisions Under Pressure so I went with 41 carries on with Excuse me 200 1 yards so a little bit more than last year mostly because I have him playing the full season and not really anything that’s going to drastically tilt the uh tilt the uh season but 200 rushing yards from your quarterback over 17 games that’s probably going to make some kind of a difference somewhere and you do the math on that you’ve got a 4.9 yard per carry average so it’s fine nothing extraordinary nothing too shocking there uh for touchdowns I had one I think he gets in the end zone once with his legs and that’ll be that all right after that I think it’s going to get a little bit thin um in our heads when we’re talking about running back stuff it’s very easy to imagine the team embracing this three-headed or four-headed monster but in practice I’ve said this before I do think that teams want to get whoever they view as their best player on the field as much as possible and while I like Kenny MacIntosh and I think a lot of people are excited about Kenny Macintosh he’s clearly not as good as Walker or shanet as a player he’s just not he’s much slower his skill set’s very different if anything he’s kind of a receiver running back hybrid and while that certainly has its place in the NFL it’s not something that I think we’re going to be leaning on that often because our receiver core is so good so Kenny Macintosh I gave 26 carries I mean that’s okay nothing over the top there but only 99 yards for 3.81 yards per carry I don’t think he has the Breakaway speed to bust those long runs that are going to boost your yards per carry average I think that he might be a guy who gets the ball on a lot of like third and 20s where we’re just running a give up play and typically on those give up plays I mean this might be something um more related to the previous Seahawks offenses hopefully you usually we usually see them go for like no gain or even a loss so I I think that his season will be kind of another scratch as well at least offensively running the ball uh no touchdowns for him by the way which I mean even if he does get involved in the offense a little bit more I don’t really view him as a PowerBack so I wouldn’t think that he would suddenly vulture some goal line touchdowns so seems reasonable to me I’m just not expecting a ton I think that he is a fun player I just don’t think there’s going to be a lot of room for him to exert his cool skill set in this uh in this offense uh helani I don’t think it’s going to get to play that much uh four carries for him for 21 yards which is 5.25 yards per carry and no touchdowns I don’t really have a lot to say there I don’t think he’ll play that much he’s not even going to be active in some games in all likelihood and when he does get out there it’ll probably be because somebody’s injured and he get bumps he gets bumped up to the number three we’re not going to want to put him in that situation as much as we possibly can and then of course we have ESD who I don’t really want him to make the team but I kind of feel like he’s gonna make the team I’m just I I’m reading the tea leaves it seems like the team likes him enough to keep him around for one more year so I went with three carries on jet sweeps fly sweeps end rounds whatever 21 yards that’s seven yards per carry no touchdowns and that gets you your total here of just under 2,000 rushing yards 15 touchdowns 423 attempts so so pretty fair this would not make us one of the best rushing teams in the league in 20124 but we would be probably a little above average we would be capable we would be respectable it would be a relatively winning formula I think as long as you’re able to combine it with other good elements of a team so better than what we saw last year for the most part which I I do think that Walker and shanet being a year older is going to help I am a little bit concerned about the offensive line not really being that much better because of the limited way in which we attacked improving it we are leaning on guys like lak and Tomlinson and rookies and unknown second-year players to improve on what we had last year but I am going to go ahead and go with it and I’m going to go ahead and say that by the end of this year we’re going to have some very interesting debates on a a Ken Walker extension uh the wisdom of extending him after year three versus letting him play out year four versus not ever extending him at all I think he’ll have a good enough year behind an offensive line that is not going to make life easy for him to um provoke that discussion which would obviously be pretty good and yeah that that’s uh that’s really all I got there could be one or two other players that gets a carry at some point like maybe Jake Bobo gets a carry I don’t know that stuff’s really hard to predict at a certain point you’re just kind of throwing out random numbers more so than you are offering a real meaningful prediction but um I feel pretty good about this right around 2,000 rushing yards in 17 games and I do think that we’ll come out of this season feeling like hey we did a good job spending draft capital on running backs the way we did because it’s helping us win right now all right I will see you guys later go Hawks let me know what you think down below more videos coming soon see you then

Can the Seahawks make steps in the right directions with their rushing attack?

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  1. Brendon just curious. Have you seen PFF positions groups ranking? I just wanna know your thoughts on them in my opinion they did the Seahawks dirty in some of them.

  2. I think the front office would be really disappointed with this result. I think Char gets more yards than 461, honestly and I believe Laviska gets rushing yards too

  3. I think KM will get more carries. His college highlight film was more impressive than Charbo imo. Mainly because Charbo ran through so many huge holes and made some magic down the field. While Macintosh made magic happen around the line of scrimage. With our line that makes KM > ZC.

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