Will Minnesota Vikings bring back Sam Darnold after the 2024 season?

Will Minnesota Vikings bring back Sam Darnold after the 2024 season?

purple daily is daily Vikings entertainment you just want the Vikings to win a Super Bowl before we die I will ride with this group seriously man please and away we go okay we got Netflix wide receiver coming out tomorrow we got training camp in less than 3 weeks yesterday so you we’ve we’ve done a couple of of days of Kyrie Jackson re reaction and if you missed either one of those episodes just us reacting to the tragedy from the weekend the Sunday episode yesterday uh and then as part of yesterday’s show we asked you guys the listeners during this sort of awkward transition period there’s really no news cycle we can if you want us to keep talking about Kyrie Jackson we’re we’re happy to if not happy to I guess but like we will right uh but like what do you want us to talk about and you guys respond did with emails with comments on YouTube and I think the consensus was hey it’s okay to move forward talk about some other things get back into sort of the normal flow of purple daily and so you guys sent us a bunch of talkers that you’d like us to dive into so we’re we’re kind of doing like a midweek feedback Friday edition of purple daily here today we will still do our regular live feedback Friday uh at 10:00 central time but I’ve just sort of stockpiled a bunch of questions takes and things from listeners yesterday how do we move forward here on purple daily so if you guys are ready let’s do it throw some stuff at the wall here first let’s watch Dean throw golf balls at the wall at The Meadows at Mystic uh you know whether I’m I’m dunking balls I could be dunking balls in the water Shanks it doesn’t matter guys like me can still go play The Meadows at Mystic Lake and I know there’s other golfers who are just like me who might be a little might be a little afraid to go play The Meadows at Mystic no no no i’ I’ve talked to these guys they want the deck tweets is they’re they’re welcoming of the guys that shoot the 107 at The Meadows at Mystic Lake you can book your tea time by going to golf fast I it I I I play with friends who regularly break 80 my my normal golf friends are shooting in in the mid 70s they’re good golfers and I get invited every time to play with why because I play fast I play with urgency I will gladly have a 108 on that card and still have a blast and I will do it at The Meadows at Mystic Lake yes so okay this from Razer Razer razor Razer remote hey yo I hope this email finds you well thank you for that it’s a running joke on this show great how the email actually finds US my God now that that’s out of the way Razer says I have a question that my cousin a rabid 60-year-old Vikings fan in Connecticut has posed and asked me to run past you guys here’s the scenario 2024 is a record-breaking season for Sam darnold he takes us into the playoffs actually wins a game JJ mcarthy uh McCarthy showing some flashes in practice maybe he’s ready to start going into 2025 just behind the scenes but Sam darnold puts up career numbers everywhere Vikings win a playoff game with him do we resign or franchise tag Sam darnold and let JJ waste another year on the bench do we try to trade darnold and find a serviceable veteran backup for JJ I myself would trade darnold and get ready for a run at a Lombardi with McCarthy something I’ve waited 60 plus years to see that’s from rabid cousin 60-year-old cousin in Connecticut so I found this by the way just along these lines FanDuel put out that there was a better who placed a $250 wager on Sam darnold to win the NFL MVP award next year nice potential payout on the $250 wager $75,000 $ 75,200 okay so some somebody I don’t know if it was rabid cousin Greg in Connecticut or somebody else but somebody is so confident that Sam darnold a relative perhaps I’ll be in Vegas next week I could I could match the bet I should match the BET maybe I was there last week and I I didn’t have the stones to do this but why don’t you just go I give you give me the 250 and we’ll call it even if you’re going to if you’re going to bet on Sammy plus he’s plus 30,000 that’s that’s his odd plus 30,000 who else is in that range are there other players in there um yeah Tony Pard uh is in that range Nick Bosa Nick Bosa has the same odds to win NFL MVP as Sam darnold defens Debo Samuel is the same it’s a Quarterback Award so Drake May the same Cooper cups the same Michael penx is the same um TJ watt so a backup quarterback right now Travis Kelce actually McCarthy has the same odds as as darnold to win MVP so they just have a bunch of guys at yeah last the last non QB to win that award was Adrien Peterson correct in the 20 2012 I think he’s the last one so that’s yeah Kevin Johnson win one we had a run there we had we had some non- quarterbacks in like the early 2000s I don’t yeah he probably won the NFL uh like what offensive player of the year yes he did not win NFL MVP let’s see here okay just for since we’re down this side street here Adrien Peterson good stuff yeah and then in the early 2000s oh Marshall Faulk maybe did he win W you guys guess so Marshall Faulk won it in 2000 Terrell Davis in 1998 who who are the other two non- quarterbacks in the early 2000s to win it back toback years by the way 0506 056 Sean Alexander yeah 05 um it was really good and is it another running back yes is it Tiki Barber no no he fumbled too much at the time oh LT Lan Lan Tomlinson yeah in’ 066 was and then the Vikings damn near signed him in what 08 yeahh okay so back to the to the s to the darnold Defenders when would they trade him because like at the deadline is is that because that’s the problem he’s a free agent after they can’t trade him it’s a one-year contract um so here’s here’s their problem or here is the problem you’re not going to sign him to if if he has a great ear you’re not going to sign him to an extension because he’s going to get blown away by a team that gives him a multi-year contract you’re not going to eat up JJ McCarthy’s entire contract to sign Sam darnold to a huge contract you can franchise him that’s going to cost you a ton too I think short of like a Super Bowl championship I don’t see how he stays here because it’s not in Sam’s best interest if he proves himself and has a huge year to stay here let’s let’s put like a real actual scenario on this CU MVP is too yeah even for a darnold Defender such as myself I didn’t have the guts to put down when I was in Vegas you’re no you’re fake but let’s let’s take let’s take this scenario and say so he he helps lead the Vikings to a playoff win so playoffs a playoff win yep and in the regular season let’s comp him to like a Case Keenum like 23 touchdowns I was going to say baker Mayfield last year sure okay so he so he throws for 4,000 yards yeah 64% completion 28 touchdowns 10 picks and his passer rating is 95 which puts him 12 12th in the NFL he’s gone you wouldn’t think twice at all you wouldn’t you wouldn’t say Bo he’s 27 years old he’s a former top three pick it defeat it can entirely defeats the purpose of the McCarthy pick I agree with you just for the rest I would in his but I’m saying from the darnold camp okay so like let’s say the the Vikings are like yeah dude we’d love to keep you it’s been great sign you know a 2-year contract or something there’s going to be a team that’s going to to be like hell no let’s go three or four years okay what if I’m going to keep adding here what if McCarthy I think he’s going to be impressive behind the scenes but like what if he’s just not that accurate behind the scenes and you you get you’re getting you’re getting through this historical Sam darnold season 4,000 yards you’re going to the playoffs and you like McCarthy as a guy but I don’t know he can’t make the throws outside the hashes in practice and he’s he’s not wowing you behind the scenes like Mahomes wowed the Chiefs seven years ago well then quacy and uh KO are in trouble right like you are they they just found they just found a 4,000 yard passer but now you got to come back and say hey hey wils we got to sign this guy to a four-year contract for you know the wils would be so excited if Sam darnold led the Vikings to the play though wouldn’t they I mean they would be oh yeah they’d be so excited we yeah I guess but I don’t see how it works we’ve and we’ve just we’ve seen the song and dance so many times with random quarterbacks that step up here and surprise and Lead this team to playoff runs or playoff success Case Keenum Brad Johnson Jeff George Rand Cunningham it Gus forat help them get to the playoffs you might not have started the playoff games like it just happen we have a type we have a type we know that it’s like you get to the end of these like The Bachelor Bachelor right you’re like no this this is the right person to spend the rest of my life with but I really like this dangerous yeah but but the thing is they it’s the equivalent of a one night football stand like case and we’ve had some great ones here well case was case was great but he was then gone yeah oh by the way Barry Sanders also won an MVP in 1997 he tied Brett farre for the and then won the other ones EMT Smith Thurman Thomas trell Davis win one trell Davis there is mar there might be no position in all of sports that has hit the skids like running back has well did you see that graphic I retweeted this this morning it’s kind of crazy actually this is a good segue into our next question here but somebody put out a graphic there’s no attribution here of if you go back to like what year was it so last year there was one running back who had 1,200 yards it’s Christian mcaffrey 20 years ago in 2003 five six 14 BCS baby 14 bcow 1200 yard running backs they’re gone they disappeared can you name no no can you name the 14 below running backs in 2003 that ran for 2003 okay all right uh Aman green Aman green yeah that’s a good first guess I think you’re right on that one actually no am green did not he did not make it oh wait no I’m sorry he yeah he did no he did okay okay I said Tiki Barber earlier is Tikki Barber on that list yeah okay fum that’s two um let’s go I think he was still there de Staley do Staley is not on here I’ll give you three strikes all right uh I this this one he was still really good by at this point Clinton poris yes Clinton poris Tomlinson right L danan Tomlinson was on this list Alexander was in Sean alexanderan Sean Alexander Alexander B cow five you got five it’s a Bell cow okay uh Frank Gore this is I think this is a little early on Frank Gore Francis ear thought he was there he just seems like he’s played he played like for like 40 years or something um there’s nine left you guys have one strike to go Jets oh boy I’m trying to think I don’t think um uh Thomas Jones ah he was right around I think he was a little ear still a little early for Thomas Jones who is Jud has just removed himself from this game Jud literally covered the NFL as a writer in 2003 and he has removed himself takes more pride in this so I’m going to allow this chance trying to think I I really don’t like games much this is fine though I really don’t have a problem with this game but you are correct I hate games you are so right who is like Cowboys and Cardinals running backs at this point Cardinals yeah Cardinals and like Cowboys trying to think guys like that and I’m I’m dra blanks I’m drawn blanks did Drome Bettis Drome B still doing it that’s not a terrible guess cuz he was definitely still he was still around active and do no okay okay here’s the rest Jamal Lewis oh he bro I’m pretty sure he broke the record that year the single game record that’s that’s okay P Duce mallister Steven Davis mallister priest Holmes Ricky Williams Travis Henry Curtis Martin Jud was sniffing around Jets okay yeah Fred Taylor edin James are the ones that you guys didn’t get Fred Taylor yeah there there’s there’s about three or four in those that are upsetting the other the other ones I’m I’m okay with I’m okay with missing out on so this it’s good segue running backs here so Saints 56789 in the purple daily YouTube comments so he says how important is it or wait a second uh no no I’m sorry he says the next few weeks you should you guys should rank things and he point and Dean you sent us this too espn.com has begun its annual top 10 positional ranking Series where Jeremy Fowler former Vikings beat Rider talks to like people in the league Executives GMS Etc and gets their top 10 players at each position and so ESPN started the series with its running back ranking so these are coaches Scouts Executives and I I won’t go through the whole thing m Christian mcaffry is number one Bree Hall number two now it’s kind of crazy how things turn over for that position oh God yeah but for the Vikings Aaron Jones just missed the list here he’s the number one one honorable mention so for all I guess for this exercise you could say he’s the 11th best running back in the NFL Jones finished the season with five consecutive 100 yard games he lost a tight battle with Travis etn for the 10th spot One NFC defensive coach said Green Bay’s offense was completely different when he was healthy he is a Difference Maker so my question to you guys is is enough being made of the Vikings going from not to pile on Alexander Madison but one of the worst starting running backs in the NFL to maybe one of the 10 best starting running backs in the NFL essentially overnight anti- chanler is still in the room so I think enough has been made because of the key to this entire conversation which is is Kevin okon now going to use the the Run game more often like I I think that’s where the hesitancy is uh if this had been Madison and back-to-back years I think the Jones signing is talked about more but it literally went dvin cook who didn’t have a great year but broke off some nice runs right to Madison now to Jones and you did have the chance to play Chandler a little bit more last year and you didn’t and so I think part of why we are still cool on the Vikings Run game is more philosophical than Personnel wise uh now if Jones gets the ball more and they start to run more I I think it becomes a story but if you go and look in okell’s first two two years the Vikings have been near the bottom of the entire league in carries just period yeah so like I think that’s where the hesitancy to get too excited comes in until we find out that the Run game is going to be used more no I will say the Packers the Vikings were 28th in rushing attempts the Packers were 22nd so it wasn’t like the Packers were a bcow team but the Packers did run the ball 50 more times so even like three or four more times per game absolutely you know one one extra run per quarter it it is Meaningful but if I if if I sort of if Alexander Madison was the best guy in that position group room for me I’m probably not running the ball top half of the league either once I figured out now the rip is why did you go into the season with this faith that Alexander Madison who was a three and a half yards per carry guy was going to all of a sudden be something he wasn’t so to fix this position like this I think I think I don’t think it’s going to Vault them to 12th in rushing attempts but yeah you should you shouldn’t be 28th next year yeah and I I think fact that you’re going to transition to darnold a quarterback too means that you Flatout need to run more like I don’t think that you can put the workload on Sammy boy that you put on Kirk don’t disrespect him by calling him Sammy boy okay what what don’t disrespect him like that it’s it’s like cheers in front of a darnold Defender here okay I I take take off the ter of Endearment for me Dex you were jumping in go ahead sorry I was going to say uh I think I just think Aaron Jones is a lot more left in the tank and and he can definitely I think be more of an effective back than what we saw obviously from Madison and Chandler last year and in general he’s he plays the chip on his shoulder too like you know he’s going to want like 15 or like 20 touches against the Packers in both those games want to run up and down against them for kind of dogging him honestly in this whole free agency process by cutting him late and stuff too so I think there’s still a good amount of a player left there in Aaron Jones that definitely will also fix Kevin OK connell’s offensive problems when it comes to the running the football that’s the beauty of Aaron Jones is here are his attempts in his career 81 133 236 was a career high back in 2019 but that’s nowhere near the 275 or 300 that you know some of these previous Bellows have been racking up 2011 171 213 142 so even though he’s 29 he doesn’t have multiple seasons of 270 290 you know leading the league in carries he’s been part of running back splits and platoon just like he was for you know a period last year in Green Bay so um it it should be an upgrade okay let’s see here breams breams breams 9987 in the YouTube comments he asks a very broad question here how do the Vikings stack up against the other NFC North teams in your minds very broad very broad question um well I think the defense is going to be improved and it wasn’t certainly it was far from being bad a year ago uh I would say this I think against the Bears I’m not sold on on the Bears okay I think the Bears have some good Personnel I think the quarterback is a complete unknown and he might be great eventually but like asking him in in his first year to be great to me huge ask I think the Vikings stack up very well against the Bears um after massive disrespect from me for like three years on Detroit they clearly are good I think that’s I think they are I think they go in as the best team in the division so I think that they in trying to stack them up I like them more than the Vikings currently and the Packers the Packers win but I’m still curious about them like I would not say that I I think that the Vikings are clearly inferior to the Packers Jordan love played well but it’s still not a huge sample size yet I like him I think the Packers are slightly better than the Vikings but I’m not like convinced that the Packers are clearly superior to the Vikings I I think you know listeners of this show are going to hate me for this but I think lions are clear-cut one of the three or four best teams in the league both sides of the ball on the in the trenches you know look look what they have with that offensive line too they’re explosive offensively Jared gof has just been a rock solid trigger man I don’t think he’s a top five quarterback but he’s certainly in the mix as a top 10 quarterback he has led two different teams deep in the playoffs one to a Super Bowl with the Rams and then the the Lions last year so like it’s like the Lions don’t have a lot to say unless you just don’t believe that Dan Campbell is going to keep that locker room long term but to this point there’s nothing that suggests that he doesn’t have it for for this year I do think the Packers are a level better than the Vikings what they did the second half of the season and then to go into Dallas and win a road playoff game if if they’re getting that version of Jordan Love and Matt leflour give that guy credit man I mean the Packers have had some great regular season success he revived the end of Aaron Rogers career post Mike McCarthy and now he looks like he’s created a monster in Jordan love and the Packers have one of the youngest rosters too so they’re just they got a lot of talents across the board where I where I disagree the most with the NFC North discourse is this idea that the Bears are a level past the Vikings that oh the like the Bears now that they have Caleb Williams I don’t know that they have the right head coach they haven’t developed a quarterback in decades yeah so I need to see more from the Bears collectively before I say oh yeah that’s a team ready to win 10 or 11 games and make a big a big jump with the Vikings I agree with Jud defense should be better there’s questions about the interior offensive line quarterback is the biggest question because you’ve got two completely unproven guys at this point and then you know I mean it’s a tragedy just happened 3 weeks before training camp how do a bunch of human beings in the locker room react to that going forward too it’s just it’s a big question mark some unknown factors but so my biggest beef is the way that the Bears and Vikings are that there’s like a gap between those teams and if if there is I would say maybe the Vikings are above the Bears by a level as a as opposed to vice versa Dex yeah there there’s definitely a gap between the Lions and probably not as steep but the Packers as well I do think though the Vikings just Personnel especially offensively is incredibly slept on uh I yes the quarterback position at Sam darnold not a lot to write home about JJ McCarthy’s a project but when you look at the two wide receivers two offensive tackles a tight end who’s going to miss probably the first few few month uh month of the Season Aaron Jones like personnel-wise on offense I think they’re one of they’re legit one they have a top 10 Personnel I really do if you remove the quarterback which is a very important piece this pie but I think it’s going to be probably still a slow burn to get them back to relevancy because there is just a huge question mark at the most important position in football okay we got more here including one it’s a big week for deckin and somebody has a a question for decks here but um coming up in a few weeks you know you got you got uh training cam coming up but you also have the road to SummerSlam and there’s a couple huge wrestling marks and nerds on this show as Jud laughs at both of us so what we’re doing right now on the scor North app is we’re giving away five pair of tickets to hang out with me and Dean our guy Ross brindle also at scor North huge wrestling fan we have a suite at the XL Energy Center for Monday Night Raw on July 29th it’s the raw before SummerSlam God that’s right so here’s how you can enter to win we’re giving away five pair of tickets on the scorner app so it’s free to download the scor Earth app there’s a there’s a menu you can go and find the listener reward section and you’ll see the Monday Night Raw uh link to tap on the promo code is slam slam for your chance to enter and we’ll pick some winners here in a couple of weeks we’re looking forward to hanging out with 10 of you five pair of tickets 10 of you at Monday Night Raw July 29 we’ll get Jud let’s get I send my I send my best what what do you think of Drew McIntyre cash money in the bank you know right away after winning the briefcase last Saturday you know what you know when Phil was gone when you informed me that what the people’s Champion is gone what what’s the one the 247 title 247 title I’m out the 247 title was my favorite thing it’s a great title yeah you you could just be like sleeping in your hotel room and how’ I get rid of it as long as an opponent brings a referee he can start a match anywhere Rob gronowski won the 247 that’s what I fell in love with the idea the 24/7 and now it’s gone Dean told me um hey also if you are looking maybe for a career change maybe you’re a recent high school or college grad and you’re looking to jump into something Burnsville heating and air is hiring full-time positions and they’re offering up to a $2,000 sign on bonus full-time yearr round work with lots of over uh overtime opportunities all over the Twin Cities so you can work close to home and it doesn’t matter what skill level by the way they’ll hire apprentices leads finishers equipment Setters they will train you and they offer comprehensive benefits 401K with a 4% employer contribution health insurance dental vision life insurance and paid time off apply now at Burnsville heating.com and click careers that’s Burnsville heating.com and click careers okay let’s see what else you guys sent in here oh here it is this is from our meteorologist Paul Paul iniguez the purple daily official meteorologist that’s right hope Dean’s wedding is inside otherwise old decks and guests are going to have some major swamp ass heat and humidity coming in Friday and getting worse throughout the weekend via our official purple daily meteorologist Paul indiges Jack yes uh we will be inside so we have the option actually we have 24 more hours to give them the heads up if we want to be outside however uh with the impending forecast we are sitting at about 90° on Saturday uh and two things number one last Saturday I was at a wedding a beautiful outdoor wedding at the St Paul College Club next to the governor’s mansion on Summit Avenue in St Paul and the left side of the ceremony was just baked in the Sun for the 15 minutes I had sweat I don’t sweat I have to really be working or literally be standing directly in the sun to sweat I’m not a sweater and when I can feel the bead just coming down my face face I know I’m in trouble did you have the the whole suit on too I I I took the jacket off cuz I cuz I would have I would have suff saw picture you shirt you took the Jack well that’s that’s a dance floor Dean the the the more drunker and the more fun I am on the Dance Floor the more buttons that will come off that’s just that’s just who I am on the Dance Floor uh but no we will be inside and also if I remember correctly uh when Sports dad met met my lovely fiance for the first time his first two things he said were congratul ations on your engagement and two is the wedding inside cuz I know Jud loves him some central air so yeah I’m not I wouldn’t attend if it was out that was the second question you asked actually I think it was the it was the third you said please don’t get congratulations please don’t get married during football season and will the wedding be inside all pertinent all all very important conratulations I me this is you did start with but we need to have one can’t be you know what once once training camp starts over okay everything goes on hold to dex’s point there is nothing more torturous at a wedding than you’re sitting out and you think in your head like oh beautiful outdoor setting yeah but if there’s not cover and it’s 90° and it’s humid and usually like you you keep the sport coat on or the the suit coat and now you’re turning into Bruce Pearl you know that basketball coach that sweats through his remember when he coached at Tennessee he’d have the orange Blazer and he’d be sweating through the Blazer you know yeah and I’m a sweater so I I can’t be I need to be inside um no we’ll we’ll be inside for the ceremony there is like a there’s like a courtyard that kind of like flanks both sides of our building so there is like an outdoor area where people can so like go outside grab a drink sit out you know be out there if it’s comfortable but no you’ll be air conditioned you’ll be good don’t got to worry about it I’m willing to bet Don will be outside and I’ll be inside because that’s how we both roll Jud just uh sitting right next to the central air vents just hello you know what no no it’s look I I I wholeheartedly approve of what I’m hearing right now okay wholeheartedly just make sure you run any last minute ideas or changes by Jud okay yeah depend what it is I mean if it doesn’t impact me I don’t care GJ the gift is bought the gift is is there you’ve got the gift we got the gift I got to go pick up the suit tomorrow so like I’m ready for this thing what gift did you get the Goofs Dawn got it a blanket or something I don’t a Barefoot dreams blanket I don’t know if you guys have a Barefoot dreams blanket we already have two in our house and now we have a third thanks to the zalads um they are top tier blankets they’re very good blankets should get a few for the mackys r our BS I got two uh GJ 4303 says does anyone on the show have any Vikings hope you can share with us you say you want you want the Vikings to win a Super Bowl before you die what should make Vikings fans hope ful wow well I think that this team is in my opinion what I’ve seen and we we’ve talked about this and I praised them I think the off season and the direction that they’re going is positive and so like do I think they’re going to win a Super Bowl this season no so you know ideally the mission would be just to win Super Bowl after Super Bowl and forget the problems of the past with this franchise uh I don’t think that’s going to take place do I think that they potentially are on the right track to build up a team that could be a championship team yes I do and so I think that that that there is hope I mean JJ McCarthy the drafting of McCarthy right um that’s going out and taking a chance but you have to do that so I think the hope is in the direction that they’re going it promised that promises nothing but I don’t think during the course of the spring and summer you you guys I don’t think that we have been you know all three of us I think we’ve been pretty upbeat about the direction here like I don’t think that we’re talking about oh my God they screwed this up they screwed that up I think they’ve made some good moves and I’m also extremely hopeful because next march they should have a ton of cap space d what what what what hopeful comments do you have I mean the hopeful comments is you finally have drafted and are developing a quarterback of for the next 10 years uh something that this franchise really hasn’t necessarily a hit on but B done a lot of I mean Teddy was awesome and that was fun but then his knee exploded in a practice so uh the fact that that we’re basically kind of back at where we were 10 years ago and Teddy got drafted in 2014 you know the hope is that J.J McCarthy is you know this next big franchise changing quarterback where you’re not having to go and spending big time money for on free agency to ur cousins or hoping that Sam darnold or Kingdom can take you on a Magic Carpet Ride I I think that part’s exciting and you have a very likable and approachable head coach I think Kevin oconnell is a very relatable likable and smart head coach so I I think there are things to be hopeful on yeah like obviously they have to have hit on the quarterback but they’ve they’ve made a lot of the moves that you need to make to line up for Super Bowl uh I guess like Super Bowl DNA you either need to have a Hall of Fame quarterback or you need to have a rookie skill contract quarterback or or you need to hope that you’re one of the like 5 to 10% outliers that that weren’t in one of those two categories so they they move from outlier to okay may maybe maybe McCarthy winds up being both you know it’s funny cuz like Vikings fans we don’t allow ourselves to think that way you think JJ McCarthy oh my God he’s going to be Christian Ponder or Taris Jackson or something right but there’s a chance he could be Patrick Mahomes or Tom Brady or Josh Allen or you know pick your high-end quarterback it’s you know 60 plus years of pessimism that’s sort of preventing you from going down that positive path mentally but I yeah I love everything you you guys said is uh is spot on and then I would say like another just hopeful thing is math there’s no way that you can be over the Long Haul the third most frequent playoff team and never win a Super Bowl if you’re getting to the playoffs you know 50% of the time or 60% of the time whatever I think it’s like 50% of the time the Vikings get to the playoffs as a franchise you’re going to win one at some point you’re going to run into something the the the Cubs eventually snapped a 108-year World Series Dr the Red Sox eventually snapped an 86-year World Series Dr like at some point the math is going to shake out in your favor you’re going to go on a lucky run or you’re going to be dominant it’s hard to wrap your head around cuz it’s never happened before but it will happen at some point mhm I don’t know if this show is still going to be around or not but well the next the next iteration can can carry us through the finish line and then sir Pablo he says it’d be great to see some segments on the show that focus on the players as people not just players reveal the person behind the mask so to speak it’s fun to personalize the players and get to know them as people so for Jud who is your favorite person to have covered and why as a former lead beat writer for the star yeah yeah yeah th those were the days um this is an interesting question so I’m going to answer I’m going to answer this question first of all with why like I know exactly what what that is saying oh you’re going to create a a separate question that wasn’t asked no I want to answer the no but I want to answer it and tell and tell you why I I don’t necessarily think that helps people get an idea about who people truly are when they come on like a show like this okay so just first of all part of the issue when you try to go outside of football and get uh and get more in depth with people on a show like this is you know think back to a guy like we brought this up a thousand times Darren Sharper who was incredibly engaging right and and and you said a little too engaging yeah a little too engaging but you said to yourself when you saw sharp talk oh my God Darren Sharper this a real and then it turns out he’s a despicable human being so it makes that difficult um I had a few guys that I en enjoyed for various reasons actually in his playing day and Phil you you can attest to to this one of the go-to guys was Matt Burke he was playing days he was a go-to guy he was a great quote he was he has become extremely polarizing with his political run now but yeah but as a player he was he was one of I he had the greatest quote of all all time to si in 2005 during the loveb thing when he told them we put the fund in dysfunction yeah that was a great quote U and then there have been characters I mean Vante shanko comes to mind he was a complete character and a great guy so we used to shanko used to be a weekly guest on the old royy and Mackie show for that’s right 2011 seon I forgot all about that yeah and and every single week he would cuz it would be I think a Tuesday and he’d be at home on his off day on a Tuesday oh didn’t Tuesdays well he’s a tight end though oh got it I’m okay with a tight end not working Tuesdays quarterback we’ve already hatched this up but but as you saw with Kirk Cousins on Tuesdays you a lot of these players will have like physical and massage therapists come into their home right so shanko would be doing the radio hits while laying down he would explain to us like yeah if I’m if I’m a little like you know jumpy it’s because I’m getting a deep tissue massage right now during I’m multitasking during the radio interview wow I didn’t remember that story yeah so he was uh yeah I mean it’s I think sometimes with football players it is hard to get to know the person behind the mask cuz there’s 53 guys on every active roster and right you know that’s what’s fun about when you get the Alex Boon on or like Jeremiah seral has become a friend of the show and these guys who were just pawns on a chessboard on a 53 man roster a number and a helmet and you don’t even know what half these guys faces look like cuz it’s football and they’re just out there marching around it is harder to feel a connection to football players than maybe basketball where the rosters are smaller and their faces are exposed and the seats are closer right yeah and plus you know what I I mean think about the extreme difference potentially too in when a guy is playing and and then done I mean Boon was a great quote but Boon now to me is a very different guy you know because when when you’re playing a sport there’s this Alpha I’m part of a team I got to show my teammates I’m tough right like like our our guy Ploy Trevor plof in Trevor plof is always a nice enough guy but he is a very different person than I thought that he was as a player he was uh hesitant with the media when he was a player which I don’t blame him I’m just saying it was hard to get to know him then and now I feel like oh he’s a really good guy yep so we appreciate you guys sending us just a bunch of topics and questions to kick around here today we got write that down predictions coming up tomorrow on the show our friends at Federated are helping to power purple daily on a week-by-week basis too just like they’re helping countless businesses around the country they’re based in oana Minnesota since 1904 but they have Roots all across the United States so if you’re a business owner out there and you’re a purple daily listener or viewer whether you live in Minnesota or your company is based elsewhere Federated insurance is here to help you they measure their success at Federated by the success of your business and uh they have helped Elevate countless businesses through risk management looking out on the horizon acting as an offensive line for your business so to speak find out more at Federated insurance.com where it’s our business to protect yours so we’ve got Netflix wide receiver coming out tomorrow like I said we’ve got the write that down predictions we’ve got training camp coming up in a couple of weeks feedback Friday so we are on the path here we’re much closer to the start of actual football than uh than the end of last football season by by a couple months now a week from Sunday rookies report and then uh a week from two from next Tuesday the entire roster is in so less than two weeks right or two weeks no two weeks from today two weeks from today but less than than two weeks for the first the first batch of of players to report let’s go on on the 21st so let’s go all right boys purple daily daily Vikings entertainment we just want the Vikings to win a Super Bowl before we die

Would Minnesota Vikings bring back Sam Darnold after the 2024 season; Remembering running backs from the early 2000s; Does Aaron Jones fix the Vikings running game; Where do the Vikings stack up with the rest of the teams in NFC North; Feedback on Declan’s wedding; Reasons to be optimistic about the future of the Vikings and more on Purple Daily.

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  1. Hey guys I just wanted to say something real quick I watched a Sam Darnold game last night a repeat of course the jets and Packers and Sam Darnold looked great. I don’t know if he got worse as he kept playing but he looked good. SKOL 💜💛

  2. Can you guys stop with the labels? "Darnold Defender" "Kirk Stan" I just don't think that is conducive in our community it's putting us against eachother

  3. The objective is to find 'that' young quarterback and if it happens to be Darnold this season, then why abandon the ship that is about to take us to the promise land?

  4. Aaron Jones wont get enough carries because koc will be forced to pass in order to justify paying jefferson all that money.
    They will feed jefferson to boost his stats which will kill the run game.

  5. Lions D finished 32, 31, and last season 23. How can you guys say they have good trenches on D? I don’t see them being in the top half of the NFL on D this season.

  6. Darnold is the second lottery ticket. He was a top three pick on a terrible team. He may be the guy and mccarthy may be the guy.
    Dont feel like its a must that Darnold has to be sent away.

  7. If Darnold balls out this year sign him for another year. I'm good with McCarthy sitting an extra year if in practice he struggles a bit and Darnold is solid. There is a plan in place not to rush McCarthy – stick to the plan.

  8. I want you to talk about how the greatest Viking city outside of Minnesota is Charleston, WV. Home of Carl Lee '83-'83(South Charleston, WV), and Randy Moss '98-'04, '10 (Rand, WV). A mere 17 minute drive apart.

    But seriously a list of the best cities/areas to produce Vikings greats/goods.

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