NFL suspends Pittsburgh Steelers CB Cameron Sutton for eight games | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

NFL suspends Pittsburgh Steelers CB Cameron Sutton for eight games | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

one guy who won’t be back at least not when the regular season starts he’ll be gone for eight games that’s Cameron Sutton the Steelers cornerback who was signed by Pittsburgh where he had started his career for some six seasons before joining the lions lions abruptly dumped him when they found out he was wanted on felony charges in Florida he eventually had those charges converted to misdemeanor eventually entered a diversion program and I was on with my friends at 937 The Fan in p Berg several weeks ago right after the Steelers signed Cameron Sutton and I said that based upon the affidavit that was reported in the Tampa Bay times and the fact that there was a diversion program entered into which is a roundabout way of acknowledging responsibility for the allegations when you look at the nature of the allegations and when you look at the aggravating factors that can take a six game Baseline suspension for domestic violence and bump it North the types of allegations involved the possibility that it might have happened in the presence of their children you get extra games and for Sutton it was two extra games so it’s eight games he’ll miss and it’s about 5 177,000 in lost wages under his contract with the Steelers but remember the lions were due to pay him 10 and a half million this year fully guaranteed they avoided the guarantees and dumped him when they found out that he was wanted in Florida on what at the time were felony charges and it was three weeks or longer before he finally turned himself in I think the Steelers deserve to be scrutinized and criticized for making the decision to give Sutton Safe Harbor when you look at the affidavit the allegations are are strong and I always compare these cases to Ray Rice and I ask this question If We Had video of what this guy did would he ever play in the NFL again I mean Ray Rice was going to continue playing until we saw with our own eyes what we should have been able to conjure with our Mind’s Eye that’s what was so weird about the whole Ray Rice thing from almost 10 years ago the video that emerged on the Monday after the regular season started confirmed what we knew or should have known about what happened in that elevator but it’s one thing to hear what happened it’s I thing to see what happened and in this case what happened was eight games for Cameron Sutton so far the Steelers haven’t gotten the kind of scrutiny that maybe they should and of course there are plenty of Steelers fans that get mad if you even point it out of course they want to they want to bash the Browns for signing Deshawn Watson I mean at the end of the day Sutton was only suspended three games fewer than Watson was suspended and you could argue that maybe Sutton should have been suspended more than that and again if we had the video of what happened Sutton probably would never be playing in the NFL again and who knows maybe by the time the Steelers get halfway through the 2024 season and Sutton is eligible to be restored to the active roster they’ll decide we’re just going to move on the guys we have are doing the job well enough we don’t need to bring him back that’s the thing to remember about these suspensions if it’s a fringed player there’s no requirement that he put back on the team his salary won’t be guaranteed because he won’t be on the roster week one so who knows maybe he’ll never actually play for the Steelers again hi it’s Mike Florio thanks for watching PFT on YouTube hit subscribe for the latest news and Analysis from pro football talk

Mike Florio reacts to Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback Cameron Sutton being suspended eight games for violating the NFL’s personal conduct policy, explaining why the situation is so eye-opening. #NBCSports #ProFootballTalk #JerryJones
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NFL suspends Pittsburgh Steelers CB Cameron Sutton for eight games | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

  1. 8 games for felony domestic violence charges.

    A full season for gambling on games unrelated to your own team.

    NFL showing their priorities once again. Are we even shocked anymore?

  2. I'm surprised Florio didn't go on a long Ray Rice conspiracy rant about how the NFL initially only suspended him 2 games because they 'didnt see the video' … Hes slipping

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