Dejounte Murray on joining team, expectations | New Orleans Pelicans

Dejounte Murray on joining team, expectations | New Orleans Pelicans

alongside the newest Pelican Deon Murray I’m Ain Summers deante we’ve been seeing it all over social media you’re in the Pelicans gear before you even got here into town how excited are you about being a part of this team I mean I’m I’m just excited uh to join a uh family uh great team great City great organization uh and really just get to work you know I love working I work hard every day uh being a great person is just something that you should naturally do you shouldn’t not do that uh so being a great person working hard and like I said I’m ex I’m excited to you know come to New Orleans and and just grow build and be spune to the city and the team you had a lot of experience playing against New Orleans when you started your career with San Antonio what did you see from this organization and the way that they play uh just the growth uh what they’re trying to do uh you know obviously it’s hard to win in NBA you know every single team is trying to get better daily and uh you know just going out and competing you know they always competed they never lacked competing uh no matter what but you can just see like I said the growth and the development of everything uh as individuals uh to the whole organization coach Willie Green doing great keeping a great staff around him uh and like I said I’m just I’m I’m excited to join such a great group like that some of the players that you brought up in your press conference Zan Williamson herb Jones you said you want to be on that first team all defense with herb 100% do you value defense over offense I value uh just playing the right way and playing the right way is you know defense wins championships obviously you got to score the basketball too but uh just it’s something for me like when I know I’m playing defense but also you got a group of guys playing defense it’s just it’s just something you can’t teach uh and the feeling of that just knowing that we’re competing on who’s guarding the best guy or you knowing that you know you got your teammates back uh that’s important so you know I love defense uh you know but it’s it’s a team thing you can have one guy playing defense or two and the rest not nothing happens so you know I’m excited to come like I said this group all competes everybody wants to defend everybody wants to share the ball you know I pay attention to everything I pay attention to their interviews after the game how it’s a Brotherhood and they’re all smiling and you know just lighting each other up uh that’s just something I want to be a part of what do you bring off the court uh just myself I don’t know how to be nobody else uh Natural Born leader uh somebody that like I said I can be funny at times uh they’ll see you know uh fit right in any environment that I step foot into you seem like you’re a pretty even Keel kind of guy but on the court you are definitely not that how do you turn it on when it’s time to step on the wood and you’re not wearing the same Jersey as me uh we’re we’re we’re trying to take each other down so that’s that’s an easy thing you want what I want I want what you want uh and obviously that’s the win in the game so you know that’s that’s easy for me uh like I said I just I’m just being myself I know how to be myself I don’t know how to be nobody else speaking of being yourself you have two little ones how has that changed who you are I got I got a daughter C6 uh then I got a one-year-old and she’s she’s a girl and then we got a 5-year-old little boy uh so it’s actually three around the house and obviously my lady and you know that’s that’s my world uh you know basketball doesn’t Define me who I am as a person it’s just something I love love and I’m great at and I want to continue to be great at uh but outside of this you know I have my family support you know I go home play with them laugh with them eat with them whatever it is and just grow in the bond with them uh and that’s really important to me okay so you said you’re funny that’s one thing we we might not have known about you natural it’s natural what else do we need to know about you before you I love bowling okay I love bowling uh I’m really I’m I’m a laidback person uh you know I don’t like part uh you know I don’t do all the extra stuff you know I’m really family oriented and like when I mean family is not just my family I came here with you know New Orleans is my family now so you know just somebody that want to do the right things and and make the world a better place uh you can’t do it by yourself but you know I always said if you could change one person’s life then you’re doing something right with your life speaking of the people that are around you with this team and who you’re going to be on the court with what can we expect from from you and and the rest of the guys I mean what you can expect is obviously like I said they were a team that competes at a high level already and just adding in somebody who competes and still work as an if I’m trying to make it to the NBA I feel like I fit right in with this team uh you know it it ain’t about fitting in or doing this or doing that you know I am who I am so you know any room I step in I’m confident no matter who’s in the room uh and you know like I said I’m just excited because I’m a fan of the game and I’m a fan of a lot of them guys uh than just who they are as you know people obviously just hearing things and seeing things from afar U you know but you’re going to expect the team go out uh take care business and that’s playing hard playing together and just trying to grow with each other you have a lot of fans already and you’re going to have a lot more here in New Orleans we’re really excited to have you a part of this team and thank you for the time I appreciate it

Erin Summers sits down with New Orleans Pelicans trade acquisition guard Dejounte Murray.
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  1. Murray was a Pelican killer with the Spurs. Pop coached this guy up right. Happy Pels finally got him. Geaux Pels🦤🦤! 💩 on'em all in 24-25.

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