Reposting because getting the SEC to arrest our owner for decade old financial crimes could be the most reasonable option in a few months for saving the franchise

Reposting because getting the SEC to arrest our owner for decade old financial crimes could be the most reasonable option in a few months for saving the franchise

  1. It would be pretty on brand for us if the owner was thrown in jail. Unfortunately, he is a billionaire and will not have any real repercussions for committing crimes

  2. Sadly, I used to be a stock trader, and if you were an adult during the financial crisis, you know that the SEC has no teeth. Billionaires don’t go to jail, and the fines as a percentage of their wealth are comparable to you and me getting speeding tickets.

    Thanks for sharing in any case

  3. Oh yeah, imprison the owner, that will save the franchise! Yall mofos crazy

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