Teuvo Teravainen speaks to the media on 7.9.24 | Chicago Blackhawks

Teuvo Teravainen speaks to the media on 7.9.24 | Chicago Blackhawks

hey Tavo uh welcome back to Chicago when you uh get back here um I guess that’s my f first question is uh you know what was your reaction when the uh when the Blackhawks got in touch with you yeah yeah that that’s awesome it’s awesome to be back um uh I kind of knew they were a little bit interested and also for myself uh when I heard they might be interested I was right away very interested so um had few options but I felt like this is the right right path for me right now U so excited uh kind of easy because I I know the city I have good memories from there so easy decision uh hello to and welcome back thank you uh so Kyle Davidson uh was telling us a a story about uh how he used to drive you around town and picked you up from airport uh and uh joke that you probably don’t remember so I want to ask do you remember and what were your conversations like when you were when he was courting you to come back to the Blackhawks yeah I I do remember that uh it’s kind of funny story right now uh when he’s in the GM and not the driver anymore so uh it’s pretty exciting but no it was um no he talked with my agent and um no I was just so so excited right away when I heard this uh chance to come back so uh it’s pretty cool and what do you think that you you can bring uh to the Blackhawks now you know compared to you know when you left the Hawks like in what ways do you feel you’ve matured uh yeah I feel like that’s so so long time ago I was way different player back then U I feel like uh just the whole whole kind of game being taking the step by step better kind of every year so been a long long time in Carolina so I kind of learn to play um how they play over there so um it’s been great years over there I feel like I’m uh more well I’m almost thir I’m turning 30 right now so I I should be a little bit older and a better player right now but uh yeah hopefully I can bring uh bring a little bit everything experience and little uh all around play we go to Ben Pope uh Chicago Times hey Tavo uh Luke Richardson was telling us that he’s admired the the speed that Carolina plays with and that’s something the Hawks are trying to to create as well and is that going to be a focus for you just coming in and playing with with speed and helping create that possession and everything um yeah for sure uh the way Carl plays it’s fast everywhere try to pressure make the other team make mistakes so um that’s kind of the way I’ve been playing but of course uh I’ll try to play whatever Style Style it is there but um yeah of course I try to bring my kind of game little speed a little bit passing and try to see the eyes a little bit and find the find the open guys so just try to play play the way I play I guess have you thought about what it would be like to play with Bard I mean obviously you have a lot of experience playing with AO and it could be kind of a similar role for you and is that something you’d you know like to do if if it works out in training camp um yeah of course um I haven’t seen him play much uh much live but of course I’ve seen all the highlights so seems like a pretty good player um young young for sure but hopefully hopefully I can help him a little bit get better and um it would be of course pretty cool to play with him go to Charlie rottis with NBC NBC Sports Chicago hey Tavo welcome back um you mentioned that you did have some options on the table at free agency what was it about Chicago that that separated themselves from the other teams that you were considering um yeah maybe just because I knew the city I I had good members from there and and um I don’t know it just felt felt like the the good path for me right now I can um join for the like a young team hopefully I can help them to get back in the playoffs get back to the good where the good teams are so I feel like that’s a really nice exciting uh chance for me to be part of something like that is that a psychological uh hurdle for you where you’re coming from a Carolina team that Stanley Cup contend for the last you know seven eight years however long you’ve been there and and what’s how quickly do you want to help Chicago get back on the path from when you were first here well yeah of course uh winning is more fun than losing so I want to do it right away but hopefully uh we can get there as good as soon as we can but uh yeah uh was great great year we had great team with Carolina we had good chance to win past years Hope just didn’t didn’t go our way so I’m been pretty disappointed about that but uh yeah of course uh let’s uh get to work in Chicago so hopefully we can get there just a reminder if you have a question for Tavo just use the raise your hand uh function um we’ll go back to Phil Thompson with the Chicago Tribune I want to ask um about um when you were traded uh to Carolina did you understand uh the Blackhawk situation or did you have any kind of uh like hard feelings or or sadness about having to leave Chicago uh yeah I mean I was a young young player at that time and but I I kind of knew the situation that they had that time they had to move move something to get the cap uh at the right place so I knew like something was happening maybe but of course I didn’t know it was going to be me but um yeah it took a couple days but then then I was pretty excited about the Carolina it was little kind of same situation where I’m going right now it was younger team and trying to get better so uh it was for that time it was good for me I get to play play a little bigger minutes and grow as a player so uh yeah but uh to took a couple days to get over the shock that time good thank you go back to Ben Pope with the Chicago Sun Times oh I just wanted to ask what what were maybe some of your favorite memories from your first Chicago scent other than Kyle picking you up from the airport well I mean standy cup of course my first year over there was pretty special but I’m going to remember the rest of my life of course I started in AHL and then I get Chance uh midseason come back with the black Co and uh the rest went pretty good so of course uh that year uh going to remember every every time we’ll go to Charlie rottis NBC Sports Chicago yeah I just wanted to follow up on on the Kyle Davidson the relationship what did you guys do together he said you guys ate together he drove you home from games like what was it like developing that friendship with him at the beginning and for it to kind of all come full Circle uh yeah it’s kind of a long time ago I I do remember I was uh hanging out with him a little bit um he was driving me around a little bit and helping with the Small Things um I was a young player I didn’t really know anything about anything I just came from Europe and so it was awesome to have uh some people to help help me out so uh yeah he seemed like a good good guy back then and so it’s not a big surprise where he is right now when he got hired as the the general manager a couple years ago did you remember him from then like were you like oh wait I remember that guy from Chicago yeah I do I do remember yes of course we’ll go to Joe BR with WG WGN Radio J uh aside from just playing on the ice of the United Center what else are you looking forward to being back in Chicago certain restaurant or any other things that you kind of really missed missed a lot um yeah I mean it’s a great city of course uh sports city uh great fans and I mean everything uh like just playing playing United Center it’s it’s just awesome so fans are great um a lot of sports teams over there good restaurants overall good city and then I’m just a little curious because I feel like hat is a throwback is that from your original stint with the Hawks or is that a new hat yeah I found the found the old hat uh laying around some corner so I figured to put it on cool thank you do we have any other questions for tavu we’ll go back to Phil Thompson with the Chicago Tribune all I just wanted uh toab have you elaborate you said you were excited when you were getting the call and I just wanted to know what excited you about the this opportunity to rejoin the Hawks and have you taken notice of how they’ve been building and what do you think of this kind of building process they’ve been doing over the past couple of years um yeah I haven’t really followed too much about about last few years uh um so I don’t I don’t know that much but just um the to get a chance to be a a great player help the young young players and being a big role um it’s what really M motivates me and I feel like I can be I can be a good player uh so hopefully hopefully it works out any sense of kind of unfinished business I me I know you had success with the Hawks before but just kind of being able to uh you know have your choice in it to be with the HS again it’s there’s a sense of you know getting a second chance with this um yeah of course uh just um just excited overall I I just trying to get ready uh get ready for the season be in a good shape come come there and enjoy enjoy the the time so hope hopefully I’m just so excited to get the games going again and uh yeah I don’t know it’s going to be exciting we’ll go to tab Bamford with Bleacher Nation hey welcome back I was wondering during your first stint uh with the Blackhawks and then early in your career with Carolina were there any veterans who really took you under their wing uh and any guidance that you’ve gotten from uh older players who played that role with you when you were young that you might pay forward now is as you’re the veteran working with young players yeah yeah back then there was a lot of veteran players um of course they were all helping they were all really good with the with the young players so I got lot of lot of help from the from the other guys uh I mean everybody Taves Kane uh ZW Keith Osa all those Sharpie um just such a great players it was good to see them every practice every game um learn learn from them of the on the eyes so it is it’s really been helping for for sure for me thanks do we have any other

Teuvo Teravainen speaks to the media about returning to the Chicago Blackhawks.

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  1. YES! I cant even express how great it is to see Teuvo come back. One of the biggest blunders in the entire history of Chicago sports. A beautiful thing to right that absurd wrong. Welcome home Turbo!

  2. The Teuvo Teravainen salary cap dump involving Brian Bickell to Carolina and the Phillip Danault trade to the Montreal Canadiens are two of the worst Blackhawk personnel moves of the past decade.

  3. I dont think Teuvo realizes how much of a fan favorite he was back then and still is now. His reaction might be as big or even bigger than Bedards on opening night.

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