Bear Tracks 2024: Nikita Zadorov

Bear Tracks 2024: Nikita Zadorov

any1 looks good eh but you went back to black and gold I love those old ones last year sopia look who’s there a new friend we got the full [Music] bag you Nik nice to meet you nice to meet you this will be where you sp spend all your extra time here it’s the best best room in the house I know I enjoy I like this room it’s a good spot to be all right you’re excited to have you all right enjoy it buddy let’s be in touch he’s the best defenseman all time eight eight noris trophies it’s crazy say hi to the coach my God you guys got new little teddy bears yeah nice to meet hey Don how are you nice to meet you she’s got she’s got her gum we got everything and I feel like this city is engaged into the sports uh like you look at the all four teams in here they all been winning the all been championship and fans expect you to win every year so I like that I like the pressure like I could be could be on on the on the TV you know commentator ESPN reporters Nikita beautiful day here along the Charles what’s it like to be in Boston knowing you’re going to be a br well it’s awesome I mean get the used to City you know kind of scroll around for past couple days when you come to the ring you see this banners Stanley cop banners and uh it just much way two more and then get to know the teammates aome and see the fire in their rice it’s it helps a lot [Applause] now I’m standing beside the stat of Bobby or is one of the goals for sure [Music]

Bear Tracks follows newly acquired #nhlbruins defenseman Nikita Zadorov as he comes to Boston with his family.

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