There’s this love/hate ranking thing spreading, interested in seeing other Devils fans rankings

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  1. Seems accurate enough. Could argue moving some teams a couple slots either way but I’m not gonna nitpick.

  2. Top: New Jersey -> Seattle -> Anaheim -> San Jose -> Tampa

    Bottom: Islanders -> Philadelphia -> Carolina -> Pittsburgh -> Rangers

    basically what I expected.

  3. I would feel the exact opposite about Vancouver. Most annoying fan base that’s not a rival.

  4. Mine would look pretty similar, except for Toronto. I would have them mid/high 20s. Mostly based on fan interactions with them at the Rock over the years.

  5. the avs should be lower on this list. even living in denver for the last 10 years i’ll still never forgive them for 2001

  6. Pretty accurate. Devils at the top, Metro all at the bottom except for Columbus at 22 with the Rags in last, Toronto, Montreal, Boston and Tampa also near the bottom because fuck their fanbases.

  7. I love how the Utah Hockey Club is your 13th most hated franchise 😆

    Like how is that even possible

  8. this became an exercise in which teams do i hate the least.

    I feel confident saying the final 4 for just about all of us are Boston, Philly, Carolina, and the Rangers. Detroit is in there for me too. They were basically Team Russia to me in the mid 90s when I really began watching.

  9. As a Canucks fan, this seems close for us too. Give us Jack and Luke please. 🙂

  10. kind of a shock for me seeing people lenient on the isles but harsh on the caps. after rangers fans there’s no bigger crowd of obnoxious douches than isles fans when “invading” the rock, and I resent lou. i don’t really care about the caps

  11. Avalanche will always be hated for me,

    Rangers, Flyers, Canes, Avalanche, Toronto is how is still breaks down for me.

  12. Maybe unpopular, but I kinda like both the Penguins and Bruins. Then the Canadian teams + Sabres aren’t so bad. Hate all the other Eastern conference teams.

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