Jeff Paterson on Canucks remaining offseason tasks, Sherwood, Desharnais; Canada vs. US best-on-best

Jeff Paterson on Canucks remaining offseason tasks, Sherwood, Desharnais; Canada vs. US best-on-best

you watching the soccer today Jeff I’ll be there absolutely appointment viewing now uh and I’ve been there throughout the tournament uh you know soccer at enormous length for me but anything at or near the highest level in sports uh it attracts me in a hurry and so um yeah I mean what a day with the Euros semis and then into Copa as well so yes a big big day of soccer so before we uh get into the Vancouver Canucks here then answer me the poll question Jeff the biggest Canadian sports upset of all time biano versus Serena to win the US Open in 2019 Mike Weir beating tiger at the President’s Cup in Montreal 20 uh 2007 today over Argentina if you’re calling the upset or feel free to go off the board here yeah I’d lean towards Bianca only because uh at the pro level of golf I think on any given day those guys are all so good uh you can catch a guy on a bad day not that Mike Weir caught tiger on a bad day but you know mikee Weir was a top five guy in the world at one point obviously the Masters uh I just think head-to-head one round uh a guy can get it going gra hot poter whatever the case so uh yes on paper Mike Weir taking down tiger looks like you know massive uh David versus Goliath but I think over the course of two weeks of a a grand slam event and I know we’re talking about the final and it culminates obviously with the final but you got to get to the final first and so for Bianca uh she got on a roll and carried it through so I would say at this point individually yeah probably be taking down Serena to win the US Open a great accomplishment but uh this certainly stands and I know that this isn’t a final uh but hey we can ask the same question if they get through uh set it up for um you know what’s still to come but yeah I mean come on Canada the last North American team standing in this tournament like there’s just so many arms and legs to this story uh let’s go let’s serve it up and see what happens in New York City against the greatest player of all time so a delicious backdrop in stage here let me ask you this Jeff you know we’re never the underdogs in hockey we went through a mockup of the US team for this four nations cup now we don’t care about the four nations cup but it is a preview of the Olympics to come is there a world in which Canada will not be I don’t know about betting favor let’s take betting that word betting favorite out of it but just your your gut favorite are they going to be the gut favorite going into the next Olympic tournament well without knowing who’s in goal for Canada and ultimately looking at the depth that the US has like can we not somehow Forge a passport or make a trade or something exactly like Conor hc’s the guy right for Team USA thater Demco is gonna give him a pretty good run Jake ainger I think’s in the conversation Jeremy Swan is knocking on the door saying hey I’m available for rent for a short form tournament uh you know it’s just an embarrassment of riches right now in goal for Team USA and ultimately you know you know the contenders when we’re talking about Canada Jordan Pennington and steart Skinner I’m not sure that I can throw my full like support behind Team Canada with steuart Skinner and I know he got them to game seven of the Stanley Cup Final but he’s steuart Skinner now let’s see where he is uh next year and Beyond and maybe he continues to grow into that role but uh yeah short form particularly a short form tournament goal tending can abs absolutely uh be the Difference Maker so you know skater for skater position by position I still think and I’ve seen mockups of various lineups and and Team USA can roll out a hell of a lineup there’s no question but I think Canada if we’re talk talking about 20 skaters I think we can scr up 20 awfully good skaters as well so I’ll be fascinated to see on betting lines and those types of things because I do think the go tending ultimately can be a huge difference maker and they’ve got it and right now we don’t the top three skaters the top three forwards for Canada are better than the but Matt and I went through the depth of the six defenseman and the fourth line like what the fourth line of the US looks like it’s better it’s better than can like it just is but I mean again the spectacular helps Crosby McKinnon McDavid can sometimes overcome all of that but it’s uh my goodness they are deep and to Jeff’s Point Jeremy Swan is from Alaska can’t we just adopt him can we find some you know some treaty ler he’s a loner for two weeks we just take him on a loner that’s yeah seems reasonable to me uh Jeff yesterday we were talking about our favorite conu free agent signing outside of uh Jake de brus the other four guys which one is your favorite and why oh as I sit here now in early July probably Danton Heinen just I like his speed I like his versatility I like the fact that he’s been linked to the conck on so many occasions that he finally was able to make it happen and come back home and and we’ll see how it’s we know that the Homegrown thing doesn’t always work out but uh I I think that there is a decent player there and I like the fact that all these guys have come from the Boston system where they’ve been well coached and I think that they’re going to step into a structured system here and it’s going to translate uh there’s going to be some differences obviously there are across the National Hockey League but I think Danton Heinen is a guy who’s had to scratch and Claw for every contract that he gets and even though he’s put up some decent numbers and Years Gone by he hasn’t really been able to get the security that he got and not that two years is a a ton of security but I I think that he can lay down some Roots back home here and feel like he’s going to be a canu for the next couple of Seasons at the very least and yet it’s not the long-term contract that maybe he falls into that trap of being too comfortable so uh look if we think that Jake de Brusque is is I don’t think Jake de Brusque is a straight swap for Ilie mcav even though he may end up stepping into IL MC’s spot I think Dan hinan is more in that sort of role and after what we saw out of M over the second half of the season and in the playoffs certainly hope that D Heinen can give the Canucks everything that they got from ilam mckv down the stretch and into the postseason the depth of this team overall uh do you feel like it has been addressed is that like people will debate whether or not this team is better than it was at the start of last year at the end of last year what have you but is it unequivocal that at least the depth on the forward lines is better I think so certainly on paper now we have to remember that at the end of the playoffs that was a roster that included Elias Lindholm who had a really nice playoff run didn’t have a great regular season but he wasn’t brought in for the regular season he was brought in to BST through the ranks for the playoffs and he did that and so right shot Center valuable commodity they take a bit of a hit there but I I’m encouraged by Jake de Bros I I want to see how this works out and I I trust that it is going to work out I don’t think he’s going to have seven 30 goal Seasons as a member of the cans there’ll be some dips along the way but I I think the potential is there for him to be a 30 plus goal scorer and at five and a half million dollar I think that that’s a reasonable Freight so when I look at the depth obviously a guy like Neils hoglander 24 goals last year on this absolute heated shooting percentage I’m not anticipating that that’s jumping on point for hoglander and that we expect him to be a 25 goal guy for the next couple of Seasons I think that like kzo I think just the number suggests that there could and probably will be some regression there is Brock besser a 40G goal scorer now because he got there once that seems like a bit of an ask for me but I also think he now knows what it feels like and looks like to be a 40 goal guy and so the Baseline for me starting the season for Brock besser is 30 I I think there’s no reason that playing with JT Miller uh showing that he was able to have success in the power play I certainly like I don’t want to see a world in which Brock besser takes a step back below 30 goals after getting to 40 this time around so I think that besser and hoglander may be a step back but we also know that there’s so much more for Li Pon to give uh compared to the way that he finished his season and then you plug in De brasque and you get Heinen and I answered the poll question as Heen but I’m high on kefir Sherwood as well like I really was drawn to him in the playoffs like he was just absolute thorn in the side every shift didn’t waste a shift in the playoffs and I sort of look at this comparison where Sam laferty got to the point that he was a healthy scratch in the playoffs kefir Sherwood should be able to give you everything you got out of Sam lafy and more and I think have a little bit more of that sandpaper that edge you know lafy looked the part and just left you wanting on so many nights and I think kefir Sherwood has come to a point now at 29 where he understands what got him to this level and what’s going to keep him at this level and I think he’s I think he’s going to be a rick toet favorite I think Rick toet is really going to like having a player like kefir Sherwood in his lineup and Jeff alven talked about him as potentially a second power play unit guy in the bumper spot because of his good shot um Power playwise in terms of personnel and all the pieces fitting together here after free agency have you sketched it out do you think they’re in good standing there honestly I leave that till August that sounds like an a project for me Matt um I I really haven’t given it a whole lot of thought I would assume that de Bros gets the first opportunity on Power Play One a left shot guy I know that he hasn’t played the bumper a ton but really when you think since Bo left kuso was the first guy through Garland got some looks Lindholm all righties they really haven’t found a goal scorer as a left shot guy and were reluctant to try hoglander or Dakota Joshua got to the point that Nikita sidorov was a netfront presence there when they were pulling the goal tender late in games well he’s not here so he’s no longer an option but I would assume that debrus is going to get a look on power play one and then we’re sort of back where they were as a team last year where it’s going to be a collection on Power Play 2 and kind of throwing some stuff against the wall I think and and hoping it sticks I would assume that Philip pronic would be the defenseman out there and then you’re you know Connor Garland and Dakota Joshua I have to imagine is going to take on more of a role that’s something that I like to see is plant him in front of the net we know that he’s certainly got the size and he’s got the hands there why wouldn’t you to the point that if de bras doesn’t work on power play one or goes cold at some point K Dakota Joshua continue to grow his game where maybe he gets a look with the big boys uh with the van Advantage so I beyond that is it Garland hoglander Joshua and Heinen as your forwards on the second power play unit honic again perfect world your power play the first unit goes out does the damage scores and you don’t ever have to worry about Power Play 2 and we sort of saw that early on last season where Power Play 2 was just a a collection of guys and never really got on any sort of role you’d love to have a little bit of balance but I do think that’s going to be a work in progress we’ve talked about the Canucks maybe getting a puck moving defenseman um between now and opening night truth of the matter is uh there’s only so much negotiation you need to have with a million dooll Puck moving defenseman uh Adam bulus signs with Florida you know he was out there that’s where he signs Barry’s out there I mean I like what kind of negotiation yeah all these guys like I know I look at the calendar and I realize okay it is only July 9th but again I also look at the you know what does the negotiation look like with those guys it’s pretty quick it’s a yes or a no um what do you think does this tell you that they have other plans to address that uh whether it means a trade or or maybe they just wait until the series or the season has begun to address this issue yeah look I was willing to live in a world where they took a flyer on a guy like boquist and to see him get a two-way deal that basically a throwaway there’s no downside there for Florida so I’m surprised that it took as long as it did for him to get that contract but he’s off the board for now uh my sense is and I don’t know this but my hunch is that they are going to sort of step away other than Archer seov and there’s no real hurry there unless they sense that somebody’s going to pounce and and try to poach uh even then there’s enough wriggle room that I think they would match any sort of offer sheet and we know that we talk about offer sheets all day and rarely do they happen so I’m not too worried about an offer sheet for arts or Sops but really beyond that there isn’t a whole lot left on their to-do list here in the summer months and my hunch is that they’re going to be patient and and play it out and see what the market bears and again you get closer to training camp where some teams are going to have to shed some salary and maybe a player shakes free uh when you set your rosters ahead of opening night usually there’s a player or two of interest that uh is available on waivers and I think that’s the sort of level of player that we’re looking at for the Vancouver Canucks and then beyond that if they want to start the season with the defenseman that they’ve got and they do have eight guys including Noah Json and Mark fredman it’s not like they can’t ice an NHL lineup the Vinnie de har thing is interesting to me and and certainly the way that they talk him up that they think there’s a whole lot more there we’ll see but look Adam foot and Rick toet and this system brought out the best in Tyler Myers and to the eye Vincent de AR is a lot certainly not as experienced as Tyler Myers we know that um and they love the fact that he’s only played 114 games in the National Hockey League like they think that he is this uh ball of clay that they’re going to be able to mold and see what can squeeze out of him so you I won’t be shocked if they arrive at training camp with the assembled cast that they’ve got on defense and then take it from there if they feel that they need to make some moves or some upgrades what about at Wing Jeff and I asked that because Martin HS is one of 14 guys who has filed for arbitration so the clock is ticking there no one has yet Carolina’s price maybe that price comes down do you think they should do you think they will take a run at NS on the trade market I don’t I I just can’t figure out how the Canucks would want to made a deal like that I just don’t think they they’ve got the trade capital and then beyond that you get the player he wants a significant raise and he’s going to get one and so to me it’s sort of a double whammy of a the acquisition cost with the chips that the Canucks have to play and being out at prospects Camp last week it’s driven home that there really isn’t an awful lot in the cabinet they can try to put a spin on it and hopefully some of these guys and obviously ones that were just drafted it’s way too soon to render any sort of verdict and I’ll give them every opportunity but just in terms of having players that you’re ready to part with you know they spent draft capital on the door off obviously threw in a bunch to get Lind Holm out of Calgary uh those guys have walked so those deals are are done and they have nothing to show for them uh N is a nice player there’s no question but a it’s going to come at a cost and then he’s gonna want uh big money over long term and I just I don’t think that they’re in a position to go down that road so my sense there is that that’s a non starter for the Vancouver kxs but hey Patrick Alvine loves to operate in the cone of silence and you know would I be blown away if the canu somehow pulled off that kind of deal I’d be offly surprised but never say never with this Management Group lastly Jeff from me just because I saw his name on the list of uh remaining free agents and uh we know he can for check how does 36-year-old Cal Clutterbuck sound huh as a guy who’s hard on the for and demolishing everything in sight with his physicality I think we’re there’re okay with a cal clutter Buck Jeff yeah that’s not a name that I think they need to add to the collection at this point and it’ be interesting to see where ultimately he falls if he finds a hockey home at that stage of his career we do know that he has racked up hits uh maybe more than actually he’s do over the years but exact who’s the quible right accounting is different all those ranks but uh yeah the hit total sometimes seemed artificially high with that player played all 82 though last year one of the few remaining free agents who did play all 82 maybe PTO maybe does that mean I just thought the Islanders were keeping their entire team together I thought that’s what Lou does now this team isn’t good enough but we’re gonna keep it intact and we’re gonna hope for better next year how’s that working for him yeah I think uh I I I think that whole project now is about how he gets his son the job uh great stuff Jeff we’ll catch up next week all right guys thanks hey everybody if you’re enjoying what you’re seeing here then follow along with Saron price on YouTube I promise more content coming they call it the kids called subscribe on YouTube well how about liking it do that as well smash it right now

Jeff Paterson from Rink Wide: Vancouver with a look at the remaining vestiges of work to be done by the Canucks this season, and whether Team Canada might actually be the underdog vs the USA in men’s hockey now.

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