Countdown to Philadelphia Eagles Training Camp: Jalen Hurts, cornerbacks among 14 key revelations

Countdown to Philadelphia Eagles Training Camp: Jalen Hurts, cornerbacks among 14 key revelations

we’re two weeks away from Eagles training camp 14 days 14 things we want to learn including jayen Herz in a new offense and the cornerback competition that and more next on the phly Eagles show [Music] good afternoon and welcome to a Tuesday edition of the phly eagle I’m Zach Burman here with Rich Hoffman and we are two weeks away Rich two weeks away from the day that the Eagles report to training camp not to Lehigh to the NovaCare complex how are you celebrating this uh this two week away Mark with is there a calendar in your home where you uh did you wake up this this this morning calculating the seconds until the a report well I’m wondering Zach how how many days is that until Eagles training camp 14 oh um interesting number and I think uh I think we should run with that idea well said there you go I like that um no I I do not have the calendar for uh for Eagles training camp I don’t have a calendar for anything though is that right yeah well I use my phone for stuff but but I I do not have a physical calendar I know a lot of people who do you know put one on the fridge or whatever just never been that type of person though my wife knows that the start of eagles training camp is the end of my summer and so it’s like a day that she rues every it’s like she she hates when they report the training camp because uh she says like I I go from like peaceful relax mode like overnight it’s like zero to 60 so it’s it’s football season for me when Camp reports but I am I’m excited for it especially uh this year because well every year is exciting but but there’s much to learn this year and that is the premise of today’s show like we’ve we’ve spent the entire off season we’ll spend these next two weeks talking about the different topics around ing the Eagles but in today’s show we will kind of crystallize it into a a a 14 uh Point countdown if you will we we’ll go back and forth seven each of things we’re excited to learn eager to find out when the Eagles are on the field now I should say they report in two weeks but they’re not practicing in two weeks so they’re not actually on the grass until the day after that right but um if you remember for those our age rich and and my age uh when the Eagles would report the training camp there would always be those images you would watch it on Comcast sportset of the players Che into the dorms like they’re back in school yep they like some guys would have pillows some guys would bring a mattress you’d have the younger guys bring the video game systems right uh and and they were in the dorms it’s it’s not quite like that anymore they stay in a hotel some are at home um they just come to the facility but they stay in a hotel they don’t stay at home well like the rookies and the guys who don’t know if they’re going to be on the team they stay in the hotel and actually all the players have the option of staying in a hotel um you know some guys want to get away you have if you have crying babies at home right and and and you would rather get your uh full night sleep in I don’t want to say the hotel that they stay at um that’s funny but uh yeah I don’t know where it is but the idea of of trying to get away in Philadelphia somewhere it’s pretty funny too no there’s a where you where you play the entire year and work yeah there’s a player I I know well who who had um you know he had a baby at home and he he said it lovingly but he’s like you know I’m GNA opt for the hotel because this is my livelihood on the on on the line I don’t want to be uh you know you’re already tired enough when when when you get back you kind of want to be in your room so uh so so that’s the premise of of of the show we’ll go back and forth on on things we want to find out so it’ll be 15 days until they’re actually playing but 14 days until they report so I will I will let you kick it off with uh what you’re I going say most eager to learn but the top one on your list the the top story line on my list and I’m like legitimately Juiced for this as an Eagles fan it’s it’s one of the more in my opinion one of the more exciting storylines um over the past few years and that is how the cornerback depth chart shakes out and and I said this I believe the second night of the draft they uh they select Cooper or they trade up for Cooper deene so they they pair Cooper deene with quinan Mitchell and it’s just like man they have more depth they have more youth at this position than they’ve had in in years right even during the Super Bowl year um both slay and Bradberry both excellent players but like they struggled against some of the better QBs and also that team once one of those guys got hurt it was like Josh job right and and now after the OTAs where you guys are gassing up Isaiah Rogers The Gambler and gambler and key Ringo when both of those Rogers and Kenny Rogers both are the Gambler I like that yes uh and I just think that that’s really exciting to me like I I think the fact that key Ringo who was you know had some good moments at Seattle game last year I thought he thought he played pretty well and and the fact that Vic fangio does not seem to be hey Rook you got the starting position right away you there is a degree of you have to earn this a little bit um and so there’s a lot of things I could keep going like Cooper deene like what which position does he play like is it just strictly vers him Versante for the uh for the uh slot job like and also too because you have all of this depth do we have you know like the opposite of the Jordan Matthew Ronald Derby trade do you trade from the defensive back room because that is the position of strength is that something we see and then I guess you could also add James Bradberry into the mix too I know he’s technically part of the safety chart now but I just think like from from how Vic fangio deploys these guys versus just like who wins these battles like you know where where is everybody slotted I’m uh I’m very excited to watch this so a few followup theirs first off I can certainly see Vic fangio as someone who would say hey Rook right like like you’re not at name level yet you got just aook you got to make some plays before you can get name level I I remember uh for the well you’re all devoted Eagles fans if if if you’re watching us on July 9th year uh but Victor Harris sick of the sick yeah Macho Harris um when Macho Harris I wasn’t covering the team at the time but I did I covered Macho and he was at Virginia Tech when Macho Harris got to the Eagles one of their assistants at the time was calling him Victor and he said until he makes a play he’s he’s he’s a Victor when he makes a play I’ll call him Macho uh so I I can certainly see Vic fangio being gu I guess he’s still Victor he still Victory um I can see Vic vanio being the hay Rook type coach um but let me follow up with this okay uh let’s let’s say it’s it’s August 6th and I text Bo and I say Bo a great idea for today’s show is that two weeks ago they reported the training camp uh so let’s do 14 things we’ve learned about the Eagles in the camp I’ll be B and I’m gonna text you back no yes yes yeah yeah but we’ll say how about we we do something about Paul McCartney and uh and George Harrison is that but but no so so uh and one of the things is this is what we’ve learned about the cornerbacks during the past two weeks what do you think two weeks in will’ll know about that group I like like who’s starting going in you know has has Quan Mitchell taking the job at that point or do you think this is going to kind of be a protracted thing all the way until week one my my guess is it’s around the time where he starts to win the job but here’s the thing I’m I’m worried um not worried about Zach but here’s the thing if I am quinan Mitchell I’m worried about my guess is key Ringo gets the start right away because you know he played with the team last year it seems like once he he was at the practices uh you know I know there was some controversy of is he showing up or not might have just caught him on a on a day where he had to go somewhere else uh maybe hang out with thean reic in Japan and then and then fly sounds fun though like I’m not gonna say that in Jess I would I would love to to hang out with Hassan reik in Japan the picture of Hassan in Japan yes he looked like he was having a blast you know just just seeing the sites you know seeing the new culture um that’s not a problem uh by by me Han son um my my guess is that key Ringo starts in that spot though do you do you agree with that or no no I think it’s gon be quinan Mitchell do you think he’s just gonna get it right away not right away I I think they’re going to have that rotating thing okay right that’s that’s what I meant right and then there’s gonna be a day like let’s let’s look at the calendar here okay so if if Camp the first practice is is July 24th maybe it’s like August 1st there’s a day when when uh you know quinan Mitchell’s taking the majority of the snaps we ask Nick about it we ask Vic about it and they say oh we’re just rotating guys in and out you can’t read anything into the dep chart and then as it turns out he’s he’s there the rest of the way I I still think it’s it’s it’s it’s gonna be quinan Mitchell and it’s gonna be Vic vanio uh very uh very Surly still say hey Rook stay hey Rook yeah yeah um by the way great job with Joey on the graphics we appreciate that Julia um so the next one uh you know will ping pong back to me here and look I I I know that uh I’m not a newspaper guy anymore I’m a I’m a podcast multimedia guy now New Media yeah I’m all about New Media um but there is get that traditional BS out of here yeah but there is kind of like that there is still you know if if you keep scrubbing away you get like that that old newspaper Guy where the uh the message is when in doubt write the quarterback right that’s that’s kind of what I was told when I started hey when in doubt just write the quarterback so my first thing of course is about the quarterback how efficient is jayen Herz and now this this might seem like an obvious question but I was there for the spring practices I I I saw them up close at five practices again I’m not overstating it I’m not making a huge deal about it but this was not a great spring from jayen Herz from like a an efficiency perspective which makes sense he’s learning a new offense the analogy that I’ve used and I’ll continue using it is that if you read the first draft of my articles or the rough draft in my articles they’re probably not very good uh now your newsletter every day is outstanding I don’t know if that’s the rough draft or that at least like or how much editing you do but that’s awesome but the rough draft in my pieces are not very good and that’s essentially what practice is right it’s the rough draft right the games are the final draft so we’re kind of seeing it as as as they go here but the ball shouldn’t hit the ground so much it it should get out of his hands quickly he should know where he’s going with it there should be a command of the offense and by the way jayen has said this himself one thing that jayen said when uh you know when we spoke in in in the spring is he needs to find out kind of like what in the offense works what he likes what maybe should be deemphasized and that will come with time that comes over Camp so what I want to see is the efficiency not necessarily the outstanding plays right there’s going to be times when you know we get on this show because we’re doing a show after a after all these practices where we get on and we say jayen had this amazing throw uh to AJ Brown like I know Jaylen can do that what I want to see is the efficiency day in day out I’m with you um and and I also think by the way I can predict what the the storyline is gonna be I hope this isn’t the case I hope he is efficient and everybody watching can agree like okay yeah he seems like he’s got a handle on things like nothing to be concerned about here I think he might struggle a little bit because of what you guys who were at the OTAs and many Camp said so if that happens though I could see him struggling people like yourself and not just you I’m sure a lot of the the Beats will point out yeah he hasn’t been that good in the uh in the practices and there will be a collective freak out in the fan base and argument and back and forth about how much practice matters and how much you know we should just look at Jaylen herz’s body of work in the in the games which actually matter versus the practices and that’s what we’ll talk about for three weeks I think that very likely is going to be the case unless they’re not tackling in which case that’s what they’ll always talk about is hey why aren’t they tackling back when hey hey we’re gonna get to that we’re gonna get to that okay yeah back when I played they they tackled or in can yeah that’s that so so let’s ping pong back to you here all right number two for me is actually the the battle behind Jaylen Herz it’s the it’s the Tanner mcke Kenny p it h good oldfashioned Philadelphia story line here who’s going to be the most popular guy in the city the number two quarterback um although In fairness I think Jaylen has ascended to a level where it’s not like the normal um you know average starting quarterback so the backup quarterback is popular I I think he’s he’s earned at least that so far uh look man I might be overrating the the pre-season from last year but Tanner m is really good I went back I I read some things about him I watched his highlight like he was pushing the ball down the field it was like fun football to watch aesthetically pleasing like was not checking the ball down and if I remember correctly Zach in a few of those games like he was making more good throws than the Highlight Reel I was watching like guys were dropping the ball and that’s that’s okay they’re third and four string receivers but everything we saw from Tanner mcke was like this is a pleasant surprise for where he was drafted so interested to see how he looks canny pick it you know like Marcus Mariota was not very good in the preseason last year and that’s all we saw from Marcus Mariota he he collected his what was it his $5 million paycheck and just Jaylen Herz did not uh did not leave games last year so uh I am yeah I’m interested to see those two guys because you know as much as they might handle the preseason and training camp differently this year still don’t think we’re gonna be seeing a ton of jayen Herz in those three games so if if if the uh if the newspaper approach is went in doubt right the quarterback it’s like the Blogger approach is when and to outright the backup quarterback right because uh you always know that the backup quarterbacks going be a good story and I agree this is going to be interesting to watch and I think we’ll learn more of that certainly like you mentioned in the preseason games I I think that there’s going to be um a deliberate effort from Nick serani not to put much on film because they you know Nick really believes in The Omen of surprise going into that week one Packers game so I don’t think you’re you’re going to see much from the offense and that’s like Personnel and schematics uh so you’ll you’ll see much more of Kenny picket and of Tanner I I said on yesterday’s showy I think Kenny picket has like that that gamer um I don’t say gamer Gene but but like that mentality you know and I I think he’ll actually look good in the preseason games he he can move around a little bit so he can extend some plays uh but um I think Tanner mcke from like a passing Camp perspective you know when you’re in seven on sevens I promise you there’s going to be those practice observations where it’s like man the ball looks great coming out Tanner’s hand because it does look great out tan B didn’t hit the ground all day from Tanner Tanner mcke can sling it that’s for sure uh so no this I I’m I’m not expecting a competition like I’m expecting I’m expecting Kenny picket to be the qb2 but I like the way you framed it like as far as what the uh the um the Hipster Eagles fan if you will what they’re talking about is is man and and that’s a shout out to sheld kadia he would always say like the Hipster fan like you know beyond the obvious if if like the old dads are are are saying so how does jayen look in the offense right then like the Hipster fans are saying are saying how’s Tanner mcke look right and so I I think that uh the Tanner mcke excitement is going to be there for sure and I I I do think in preseason games Kenny picket will look good because of his ability to extend plays uh and if if Kenny picket does that fake slide you remember he he did that that at pit where he was he was running down the right side line acted like he was he was going to slide they they let off stayed on his feet man that would be like an iconic play in Philadelphia preseason lure right up with the Henry Josie touchdown the you didn’t have that on your bingo C today did no I did uh the the fake Slide by the way too like I’m sorry that was a great move but there should have been no late hits on him the rest of the game after he did that like that’s you know like the the ref had to be pretty lenient for for the other team after getting embarrassed like that that’s all so so so one more for maybe before before we get to uh our sponsors that is where do Nick serani spent his time and what I mean by that is not is he at the fum or chickies and pets but is he uh you know is is he with Kell Moore in the offense is he spending more time with Vic fangio in the in the defense is he chatting with Michael clay Watching Special Teams we’ll get to that by the way in the third segment here uh but the the the whole point about the CEO coach right in in the past Nick was primarily focused on the offense uh even though he wasn’t calling plays it was his offense that is not the case here right so um you know he still is is the head coach but this allows him to take a global view of the team so as someone who has uh probably spent more time watching Nick serani at practice than Nick is comfortable knowing um I can say that uh that I I will be observing where Nick is going Char his footsteps charart his footsteps you know there was that uh at our former employer one of the like uh popular um pieces to do was was like 58 minutes of so and so at practice like you kind of follow every step they do you can do that you can follow where Nick serani is who he’s chatting to uh on uh like a a practice by practice um basis and I this is all part of of the the CEO coach which I think that that term’s kind of Taken on negative connotation when I actually think it’s it’s a it’s a positive thing his job is to be the head coach of the football team so he’s with the entire football team you like a good CEO uh I did Bo tell you to say that that sounds like a Bo jab there you know maybe I’m a hipster too as well uh no I Zach I just think Nick is in like such a weird position this year I mean even more than uh what he’s doing on a day-to-day basis just his overall kind of hold in this organization it’s just like if he has a good season and I think you’re actually right like Kell Moore if they have a good season Kell Moore’s probably not be here next year but if he has a good season and Vic comes back and you know saquan really works out like he could be here for four or five more years but if they have a rough first month I just think the the noise is GNA be ratcheted up for him way more than you would think for somebody with the record that he possesses over over three years so yeah he’s he’s gonna be fascinating if I could just ask you this this one thing about the CEO coach because um I follow every other sport right and and like the NBA it’s it’s common that you have and correct me if I’m wrong you you you have you have one of the assistants working with big men you have one of the assistants kind of overseeing the offense one of the assistants over Co overseeing the defense and and and the head coach is often like you’re managing personalities you’re uh obviously there’s atos there’s things like that but but you know there substitution patterns but what you are is like you’re you’re responsible for uh these these the morale of this group of men right um baseball managers it’s a it’s it’s a similar type of thing you’re you’re managing the game I I I need to get Charlie oconor and and you to tell me more about like what the hockey coaches is they just scream at them yeah just more more Jam but my point is is is that it’s it’s not as if like a lot of these uh coaches in other sports are like instituting their offense instituting their defense and so I I I think it’s it’s a um uh it’s an overvalued thing in the NFL that because Kyle Shanahan and sha McVey do it this way that this is what your coach needs to do I think I think that’s fair uh and by the way every NBA coach will tell you like you know as much as I like drawing plays and stuff like that it’s like do the guys like playing for you do they do they play hard 100% uh and that’s look I I think in football that’s still a a huge deal the the problem is I I think of the four major sports a football coach can uh have more of an impact on schematics like you said like k sh or Kyle Shanahan Sean McVey like they can just completely change the Outlook of their team with their schemes and things like that and you’re right that’s not everybody yep and I still think getting Buy in from players especially in a sport that hurts to play and like you know you need maximum effort is really important but I I do think there is a little bit of a difference in that a football coach can have more of an imprint just because you’re you’re going from a set position every five to 10 seconds and you’re drawing up a play but I I understand what you’re saying and I do think there can be value in that in uh in football as well a lot of 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to me I think this is the most important position battle for this current season may maybe it’s not the most important position battle for for the long run players but I think the right guard position is is the obvious one for this year do you do you agree with that is that is that the most important one or do you think it’s wide receiver three maybe the quarterback position I think quarterback um I mean Right Guard is is Juicy but I I think that there’s I think quarterback’s more wide open than Right Guard uh now now right guard’s G to be fun to watch and I do think the difference is I don’t think they’re as committed to Tyler Steen as they’re publicly saying but I think that uh Tyler Stein it’s Tyler steen’s job to win and I I think at cornerback it’s more wide open okay well well and that was my second question too because I mean Right Guard at this time last year we would have said hey that’s a position battle too right absolutely right and I think you know instead of saying like or asking you know is is this Tyler steen’s position to win like is it going to be a competition at all because last year we were led to believe I think that okay you know it’s it’s Steen vers it’s Jurgens vers Steen I think Jurgens we would have put him in that position first and then we get the training camp and it’s not a competition at all you know like it’s I I think three or four days in everybody in their practice notes said oh yeah this is over like yeah it’s just cam Jurgens is going to be the the start Right Guard like they’re not even really mixing anybody in there and I think as you and B said like Jeff Stalin’s on the record saying his preference is let’s let this fiveman unit kind of work together uh we we’re only going to mix it up if like we actually really need to um you know if if a player has Growing Pains that we think he can work out of like it it’s probably beneficial to keep those five people together and that’s like that’s fair right I mean Jeff Stalin knows more about offensive line than I do he knows more about offensive line than most people know about anything speak for yourself okay yeah wasn’t Bo that offensive line guy yeah B big yeah yeah B and stout they pass each other in the hall they don’t have to say hello they just Grunt and yeah there’s there’s like a a shared offensive line Mutual admiration Society there do you do you have that kinship with other position coaches no because I’m I’m watching seven on sevens I’m not watching one-on on so yeah so so I you’re a passing guy oh yeah exactly I mean look I as as we all saw uh in the Eagles split Squad draft last last week that if if you Embrace what football is in 2024 um you’re you’re watching seven on seven sure um so yeah is it ste’s job just the entire training camp I know uh it was a big deal that maai beckon was working at left guard which suggest he he worked out uh he worked out at both okay spot the days were so the yeah yeah you’re correct the day we watched practice he was at at left guard my standing is that he actually spent some time at Right Guard as well this offseason a lot of Versatility for the big man sure and and by the way so I’m glad you you you brought that up because they would not be looking at McKai beckon at Right Guard if they did not want to see what Makai Beck or at guard in general if they did not want to see McKai beckon at at guard you’re doing that because you’re genuinely intrigued you referenced Jeff Stalin yeah I asked Jeff Stalin the question because there were there were competitions in the past such as Andre d Jordan my um in 2021 when they were day on day off what was the one when they were rotating the guard that was during the season 2017 yeah yeah he took that a step further that was uh that well sealo lost his job so then they were going chance Warmack um and and Stephan wisnoski kind of like back and forth and they eventually settled on Whiz but yeah so I I I think that uh that you know as Jeff Stalin said he he wants to have the five-wheel drive um now I’m not a I’m not a big like truck guy but I I imagine like I don’t know what a car with five Wheels um I don’t five wheeel drive a thing I I don’t no he he was referencing like like four-wheel drive but heau you know it’s his term five-wheel Drive Right which I respect you kind of want that five-wheel drive so uh so you’re you’re not looking to five wheeel Drive could operate in the snow yeah wow another wheel offensive line is so uh so I I don’t think that they moved Tyler Steen just um for the sake of it or they put someone else in there just for the sake of it I do think if there’s a day when you see Makai beckon playing Right Guard with the first team offense that is not oh it’s you know our training Camp’s long we’re just rotating guys in and out no that’s them that’s Jeff stoutland genuinely saying even in niani wouldn’t say it explicitly and certainly Kell Moore not saying it explicitly that’s that’s not um them saying that uh that like or or that’s their way of saying Makai beckon we are very curious how he looks with the starting unit the only reason why there’s GNA be another guard with the first team this summer is one Tyler Stein’s hurt or two they’re a little concerned about Tyler Stein or a lot concerned about Tyler Stein and they want to see someone else in there I and I think you’re right my guess is this is more of a competition than it was uh last year because I I just think they don’t have that same level of belief at least heading in it’s a it’s a prove it type of thing for Tyler Ste So speaking about competition um the one that I want to go with here my next one is there competition for the third wide receiver spot so we know Paris Campbell’s the front runner there and we know this is a spot where the Eagles don’t really have someone who who you say all right this is who Paris Campbell’s definitely competing with is it going to be annias Smith uh is you know that’s a fifth round pi someone that I know they they like they can see him there um one thing that I also want to see is how much they use Devonte Smith and or AJ Brown inside if they do that then you’re talking okay maybe Johnny Wilson can get in there in three receiver sets uh when I asked Nick serani about the third receiver spot he mentioned that he’s kind of looking at it from like a Global Perspective going back to the CEO coach right um that it might not be the third receiver it might be the second tight end it might be the second um it might be the second running back so maybe there’s times when will Shipley’s in there maybe there’s times when Grant calcatera is in there but spe specifically wide receiver three because their base offense as 11 personnel um I’m expecting Paris Campbell to win the job but I do want to see if there’s legit competition for someone to beat out Paris Campbell yeah and so my guess is no but let’s say Paris Campbell’s kind of just playing against himself the the question for me is is there a trade at this position well yeah I mean you’re that’s a good job you’re you’re you’re you’re getting on something I I want to hit on if there’s a spot that I think call Roseman looks upgrade I think he should look for for wide receiver and wide receivers is a spot where generally uh a player elsewhere can be Expendable because um they teams have numbers out at wide receiver it’s harder to trade for a spot where where teams have have have less depth a wide receiver there’s there that’s typically your deepest spot in training camp he good there let’s go next one um and you kind of mentioned this already just what does the offense look like and and you you guys got a feel for it at OTAs and mini camp and there probably is an element of like Nick serani doesn’t want to show his hand but when you’re installing what was it 90% new 95 95 that is very high percentage uh at some point I think you do actually have to practice that you know and not uh and not just worry about showing it your hand to either reporter or you know the other teams you’re practicing against in in uh joint practices those type of things um so and that’s the question and I I guess it’s like if if they’re going to struggle a little bit we mentioned Jaylen Herz but let’s let’s take that to the entire offense like it feels like this will be a camp where the defense might be ahead of the offense just because of the Growing Pains of of learning a new system and you know sometimes it’s the opposite way Zack I will always remember that 2017 training camp I had no the Eagles were going to win a Super Bowl that year but Carson Wentz just throwing the ball over Patrick Robinson’s head literally every practice and the fact that Patrick Robinson after they make the trade for Darby they bump him inside and he has a great season it was unbelievable he made the interception against the Vikings in the uh NFC Championship game huge play I mean obviously Chris Long gets some some credit for getting the quarterback there but incredible the the fact that Patrick Robinson who was getting absolutely smoked every day at NovaCare complex turned into that type of reliable player for a Super Bowl champion was uh was crazy I don’t think it’s going to be that type of practice I don’t think uh they’re gonna have or or sorry that type of training camp I don’t think the the ball is GNA be going over uh players heads like I think there’s going to be a degree there’s going to be a learning curve here so uh but what does it look like you know all the motion all the new things do you guys actually see anything yeah well I I do think the pre-nap motion that’s something that was evident during um OTAs and it’s going to be even more pronounced in in training camp when you’re doing more 11 on on 11 work uh you you you kind of want to see what are the patterns that running is it mainly you know where’s the ball going and I’m glad you brought up the 95% thing because kind of my understanding of that is maybe it’s it’s it’s not that like 95% of the offense is is new but like Jen’s responsibilities on a play- to-play basis could adjust so if he’s doing a different thing you know if if it’s the same play but he’s kind of taught to look here or to drop this way right so it’s it’s it’s not as if it’s a new offense but there’s different concepts or different Focus or uh Focus points on a play-by-play basis then it seems new to him I it’s like our show is not new today but um if if I’m doing the cold open like it’s a it’s a different Focus that I’m doing right so it’s it’s similar to that uh for Jen Herz but I yeah this is a different offense like this is this is K Moore’s offense and you hit it on the head Kell Moore he’s going to be one of the most fascinating uh characters if you will during training camp because there’s so much change there and you’re you’re messing with a good thing right like you’re he he has the toys to work with and so it it’s going to be interesting to see how that manifests itself excuse me what was your early take on Kell Moore just dealing with him as a media member I mean yes he’s like what you expect from a from a young offensive coordinator it it’s it’s boring it’s interesting yeah I mean I don’t want to call someone boring because you know I don’t think that there’s there’s uh boring people there’s only you know uh unimaginative questions right so uh I try you know so I need if he seems boring I need to do a trying to get yeah is that like I always I say uh if I’m at dinner with with my wife wife and we’re with like another couple and she’s like oh so and so it’s boring I’m like he or she’s not boring we’re just not doing a good job engaging them like it’s incoming upon us to to find everyone has has a personality there right you can always get someone to laugh or smile or think uh so I think that no I think k mo is gonna make that a little difficult and I think a press conference setup is you know the odds are against you but I’m I’m hoping as as the year goes on we’ll learn a little bit more about our friend Kellen um I I wonder too if if I’m being hard on him just because Vic fangio seems like I mean what what a character you know yeah exactly and and I was gonna say he’s like so if you went to Central Casting which this expression Central Casting like is this a do do do um you know do like like movies and TV shows do you actually go to Central Casting like is there a casting director who calls up a place and they send you something anyways I agree I I don’t think the casting industry is that centralized I think it’s you know I hope there’s a little more new there they look in different places yeah I mean when I see the the the credits to a movie and I see a casting director like I I hope you’re working I hope you’re working more than just calling Central Casting and say send me the grizzle defensive coordinator but in in any event the defensive coordinator uh Vic fangio fits that profile of like he’s he’s he’s honest he’s rough as as as Bo would say he kind of looks like your old gym teacher uh and then uh Kell Moore it’s he’s kind of you know if you think back like Any Given Sunday you know um he’s he’s like that that young New Age offensive coordinator right was that Aaron eart yes good job there yeah uh so my point being that uh yeah Kell Moore fits that profile but I’m looking forward to getting to know more about him I watched him a lot in college at Boise State um I I knew quite a bit about him when he was with the Lions and the Cowboys so in interested in in uh in hearing that by the way in the chat here Claire F I appreciate your as every single day Claire I appreciate you loyal viewing you say there are definitely boring people I stand by my point there are some people who are more boring than others but it’s incumbent upon the person having the conversation to get them to be less boring and way to throw Emily under of the bus no Emily would tell me Claire she would agree with you she would say no Zach that person’s boring so yeah any other favorite Aaron eart performances yeah thank you for smoking was it that’s a good one I’m surprised that that’s the first one that we that is a good one though that’s I was thinking more Harvey Dent Dark Knight i’ like Thank You for Smoking that’s that’s a good fck I AG um I’m trying to think uh of some other Aaron eart want what else there I I thought you were just gonna say uh Dark Knight but uh all right so thank you for smoking surprised you okay no that would have been the other one I would have said uh Aon Cart movies you can here you you could probably do the my next one while we search Aon neart movies here on the show did not have that in my notes today uh my my next one that I did have in in my notes is is jayen Carter the clear best player on defense and look I feel strongly in in this one I I’ve said it jayen Carter is the best player on on their defense he’s the centerpiece for this defense but there should be reports we we talked about these practice observations we do there should be reports that come out during the summer when the practice observations are man Jam Carter dominated oneon-one drills like no one could block him we saw that last year it should be more pronounced in year two there should be a jump from year one to year two I remember Fletcher Cox uh because we use Fletcher Cox as a reference point often with jayen Carter Fletcher Cox uh after his rookie year so going into 2013 there were practices that summer in Chip’s first year where it’s like wow you can’t block this guy and I I I think that’s that’s what it should be so if if jayen Carter is now training camp you’re not like sacking the quarterback but if jayen Carter is not penetrating if Jaylen Carter is not winning these these 101s if like Jaylen Carter shouldn’t have a quiet training camp Jaylen Carter should have a loud training camp there should be National reporters who who who come through watch one practice and it’s like you know people aren’t talking about this enough but Jon Carter could be a candidate for defensive player of the year right like that that should be the sentiment when people come and watch Jon Carter at practice I can see those NFL Network hits happening oh yeah this this J Carter I mean the coaching staff cannot say enough good things about him not Vic fangio mind you because he doesn’t say positive things about anybody but everybody else man they think this guy has Aaron Donald level potential he can he’ll be able to wreck games this year uh I hope that’s the case I I think we’re gonna get something like that too I I loved what I saw from Jaylen Carter last year and to me he was the the actual example of like he just ran out of guest like that’s that’s what happened he needed to be in better shape he needed to be kind of ready for a I I certainly do um but no I I think he’s going to get there this year yeah good step uh yeah not a lot of other good Aaron art movies uh that’s what I was actually waiting on there when I fin J Carter is interesting but but let’s get the Aaron Ard Aaron Brockovich but I mean we’re talking you know 25 years ago at this point you know Aaron come on update the update the resume a little bit um has he been on on any TV shows recently uh something called the first lady uh played Gerald Ford in that did you see him in the Hall of Presidents um I see of course I saw Gerald Ford in the Hall of Presidents did yeah did you see any anything interesting about Gerald Ford in the Hall of President oh are you C no is there something interesting about him oh no I have okay you got me got me worried there um yeah well because I’m I’m watching the show now uh Presumed Innocent oh I’ve heard of that one have you heard about this yeah I’m watching this on Apple TV I re recommend it so my pop culture note of the day is watch Presumed Innocent I mean I’m I’m hooked to this I I I can’t wait for uh now I saw the movie like 25 years ago right so I’m hoping that the Killer is a little different than what the movie is um we’ll see or or that there’s kind of a a Twist to it but I I bring that up because man I’m gonna butcher the name here I shouldn’t even have brought it up uh Jack jenal am I pronouncing it correctly no ja you pronounced the hard part but you got you got the name yeah J J I’m sorry not Jack Jake I apologize I was so focused on the jillen hall that I I rolled over i r over the first day I know the first day Jake Jen all okay Jake Jen all is in it and we know Jake Jake not Jack we know Jake from movies primarily um but but now he’s he’s on Presumed Innocent so I didn’t know if Aaron art had a run like that as well um before we get to the next one here I have uh some more friends to talk about okay uh when like like shady Rays for instance because um there are are are are times when it’s either really bright outside where you butcher a name and you kind of don’t want to be seen um and you want to put on good high quality sunglasses 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maybe I I gotta look at how we handle the preseason training camp we were we a pretty sloppy football team today now as it turned out they were a pretty sloppy football team the entire year so that that might be more of an overall philosophy or just that the players were were not getting the coaching points or maybe the players weren’t as good as we thought they were um but I thought it was interesting a couple weeks ago when Brian Westbrook was on the show with you guys at uh at the golf outing he basically said like the Andy Reed training camp was hard like they they would hit like crazy I mean I I always remember that was like my dad’s Arrow covering the team he’s like it was insane how much they would hit and Westbrook I I thought it was astute of him frankly to be like that’s the reason we lost games in uh September in September he’s like now I don’t know if that’s like the strategy you want like it’s like all right we’re going to lose games in September because we hit hard in August um but obviously that’s the that’s the classic argument do do you want to be sharp or do you want to be healthy I don’t know where this goes do they actually handle it differently I don’t know what the answer is but we’ll see yeah uh so just as as a tease I have a few pieces out next week on Nick serani um from some reporting that I’ve done recently uh and uh and this is going to be one of the things that I that I look at what is different this this this year and I do think Nick kind of took a look at everything I don’t think they’re going to change their Precision approach but one thing I I do think they they might do is kind of like the structure of practice might be a bit different so we’ll see as that goes on uh my next one here is what’s different with Vic fangio so so can you learn about the scheme uh when you’re watching these uh practices is is this like just the Sha Desai scheme with Vic running it like because Sean learned from Vic but the Personnel is different like like do you see the how pronounced that odd man front is do you see certain I don’t want to say pekadills but certain nuances to Vic fangio’s coaching when you watch the practice um from a Personnel perspective what do he like like who does he Mix A match is he looking for different packages um or does he want to kind of keep it the the same group on the field are you seeing uh the first team defensive line line mix and match like these are things that I’m I’m really fascinated to see with Vic fangio we we talked about Kell Moore with the scheme but I think with the defensive coordinator It’s a combination of a the scheme but also like how you deployed that scheme and you mentioned the Personnel I would say the the guy that I am looking forward to see like how does Vic fangio use this person Cooper deene for sure right like you know obviously you want to see like is he with the first team is he with the second team but like where’s he playing what is he doing um can’t wait to see it yeah well say all right we’ll bounce back to you all right this is another one and this is kind of strictly for the preseason because I don’t think we’re going to see a ton of this guy once the games actually matter let’s see what jayx hunt looks like you know like let’s see this is the guy I think you want to see in the preseason right he is so raw and you have to teach him enough football that you’re probably not going to put him out in the regular season who knows maybe he surprises that would be awesome I think um but like line him up as a pass rusher and you know it’s funny like I was thinking watching Hard Knocks last week Zack the the offseason version with the Giants which by the way I know we we’ve talked about this a lot but that was the most interesting Hard Knocks I’ve seen in a while I feel like the the traditional training camp version is just not as good uh in the past few years maybe it’s just because it’s the same formula over and over I like the inseason one as well but yeah the in season one’s good too yeah you’re right um but if we were doing the traditional one like leev shriber he’s he’s talking about JX hunt at all at all times it’s a great name too for Le strawber to say JX hunt yeah well Le of shriber of a of a Le of shriber impression right there by me that was going well well the thing is with his voice like I watched him what was the uh was it Donovan was that was that the show well I’m I’m now a little worried about mixing up names too as well uh I actually know it as Ron Donovan but go on absolutely but honestly Zach like I had not seen him in a lot of stuff before he’s in he’s in other good movies like Spotlight too great journalism movie that absolutely but his voice talk my language now his his voice is different in that than as the HBO narrator too which is i’ I’d like to see how the sauce gets made there with with leev changing his voice but anyway like jayx hunt you know learning the NFL game learning a new position that’s something I’d like to see let’s uh let’s see what happens against the uh against the pros instead of these uh these small college teams in Texas you know I I I think that’s a a really good one for for this purpose because that’s something that you’re observing during training camp and the preseason he might be a guy who who doesn’t have a big role like we said on Sundays um so a lot of that development has to come uh during the month of August I I like that so uh one of the big changes this year in and this is mine is uh kickoffs so how do the Eagles practice new kickoffs because one thing that Nick siani said is is that they they want to keep this close to the vest and that in the and and the other thing too is like Michael clay the Special Teams coordinator he’s he’s obviously they’re working on this every day but they don’t know what other teams are are going to do either so there is this you know they’ve watched the XFL because it’s been in in in the XFL uh I want to see from a Personnel perspective how it looks I want to see from a strategy perspective how it looks one of the things that you know I I spoke about with Bo a a few months ago I’ve probably spoken about everything with b a few months ago but one of the things I I spoke about is like will they try to use a different kicker or were they look at different kickers because the kicker is a player you know he’s like a tackler in this play right um and that’s something that Kansas City that Kansas City’s talked about and that’s not anything to do with Jake Elliott’s size but it’s it’s more you don’t want Jake Elliott to get injured you don’t want Jake Elliott in a position where he has to tackle um and and get injured and if if if the type of kick that that that you’re doing is such that it’s it’s it’s Landing in like a regulation Zone then then maybe there’s someone else that you use there so I I want to see a lot of the different strategies that they use for kickoffs I’m trying to think who who would they use I I remember Mark Simo kicking an extra point one time when somebody got hurt yeah there was a game in Dallas where Kimu Hill that’s right kicked K that touch back he he got yeah uh last year what an athlete uh last year they actually had a back like a position player field goal competition Justin Evans no longer with the team but he kicked well Boston Scott was in there so yeah I I mean I I I kind of Envision like Cooper the jeene as someone who can do everything right I mean I’ve watched the basketball mixtape um you know he plays all these positions I imagine and maybe I’m I’m I’m generalizing for like a small School in Iowa but I imagine like you’re probably kicking as well so so when I played football in grade school kind pop pop yeah pop well this is not a flex this is funny um when I when I played I was the kicker for our our kind of CYO team uh I I signed up for the the freshman team they just said like it wasn’t a sign up it was just everybody get in line who who can kick uh and like the third kid in line kicked and it was like the most amazing kick I’ve ever seen in my life like he kicked it like 45 yards 50 yards ended up being a division one daa punter whatever they call that now I just was in the back of the line I just walked out of the line really yeah that was it I was like can’t beat that so maybe they have maybe you could have though that’s the thing you know Miss OPP I couldn’t have but uh I I Envision that type of competition for these guys uh you know maybe line up all the position players don’t let them leave the line like me because it’s a different thing I was in a pickup game one time at Syracuse where it was like with uh um some football players and and like a down the roster basketball player too and somehow the the ball ended up in my hands and I hit a three uh and I left the game after that because like I there there was no it was a lucky it was a lucky shot um and I don’t want the ball coming my way again and retire on top it’s kind of like the George castanza I’m out everybody yeah that’s that’s how I was approaching it speaking about dated references yeah no that’s that’s Timeless come on okay last one um and this one is more just kind of fan driven just how big does the sequan buzz get right like that’s going to be it’s huge it’s it’s going to be it’s already crazy but I I think once and especially because like you don’t really tackle in uh in training camp like once he Catch catches one of those wheel routes like people are going to be going crazy like the people in the tents on the sidelines like that’s going to be the biggest pop by a mile yeah you are absolutely right and like saquan is is aesthetically like a fun player to watch exposive player like my son already has the 26 Jersey um yeah this is um like for sure this is this is going to be one of the the cool story lines to monitor uh everything he he does catching the ball an explosive run um he he’s he’s the guy people are going to want to see out there it’s it’s it’s kind of like uh the to Summer 2004 where man you got this Bonafide Superstar with your team so that’s that that’s a good one uh my last one and we ref this earlier is does Hoy Roseman have another move up his sleeve ho Roseman is uh has made a handful of um trades and signings during training camp if Bo was here today he would uh gladly mention the Ryan bit trade uh that’s that’s that’s that’s one of Bo’s favorite deals uh there there’s also the famous um local guy Bruce Hector trade um but uh you referenced of course one of the higher profile ones the Jordan Matthews Ronald Derby won it was also a high draft pick in there as well but yeah I I think there are are some spots like wide receiver defensive tackle where the Eagles could use some help um if there’s a injury this is a spot that Eagles could use and and by the way it if you notice in the uh and great job of Joey with the graphic here I didn’t write another trade up his sleeve I write another move up his sleeve because last year I think it was like August 3D they signed miles Jack and Zack hunningham right so maybe this is a signing maybe there’s there’s a maybe there’s a Michael Thomas signing one day right like that would be a buzzy Type move maybe there’s a Julio Jones signing that would really be a buzzy Type move um but I was expecting a little more of a reaction from you on that one I know no s he’s your guy I guess yeah come on yeah real controversial take to believe that a Hall of Famer is good okay um yeah that’s that’s that’s for a uh a co-host watching at home um so so anyways uh yeah I I honestly one thing I I know about Howie and it’s like this isn’t a a bull take like he he has said this before he said this to me he said this publicly like he is looking every day uh at what can be done to improve the team he’s looking at the waiver wire he’s looking at the pro scouting lists right um so they’ll have their meetings about how practice is going and he won’t be afraid to make a move right he we talk about this from a training camp perspective but he acquired CJ Gardner Johnson uh on cutdown day two years ago right regular season exactly so um I I do expect him to uh to be active so I I would pay attention to that especially with those extra picks you got you know exactly yeah yeah they have flexibility there this was fun yeah man I enjoyed this uh so that so when we started the show they were two weeks away they’re still two weeks away but an hour or less now um and uh we will be talking about training camp uh until training camp arrives and when training camp arrives in two weeks but we will be back tomorrow rich and I for a midweek mailback how about how about that alliteration right I was as I said on a show two weeks ago uh I was thinking about all the summer shows and I said we need to have a mailbag on a day that begins with or on a day that begins with M but if we go Monday it’s the start of the week maybe the mailbag is not good then but midweek mailbag is perfect so we have a midweek mailbag tomorrow this is a chance for you to get all all all your thoughts whether it’s training camp related whether you have a Daryl Mory question uh for Rich whether you want to know my favorite Jack jenal movie um you know uh there’s so many things you can ask us but but uh I will obviously lean toward the Eagles questions but we’ll have some fun here because whenever you have a July 10th mailbag you have to have some fun uh so that is tomorrow Thursday we’re gonna have Jamie Lynch in the seat and we will be talking about fantasy football we will be going through who to watch for the Eagles on fantasy football we will be going through some NFL fantasy notes and then Friday we’re going to have Devin Jackson from The Inquirer here and we will be talking about the 2025 draft uh so looking forward to tomorrow’s show with Rich the midweek mailbag get your questions in I’ll put a call out on Twitter also I appreciate everyone on the Discord you can give us some questions there as well until then uh that’s rich thank you Julia as if if Bo is here he would say as always we love you I would say we’ll do better tomorrow thank you for watching we all sitting like the man

Where did the offseason go? Start your countdown clock at two weeks. Zach Berman and Rich Hofmann discuss what we’re eager to learn a camp. It includes the Saquon Barkley buzz, Vic Fangio’s new-look defense, and even the updated kickoff strategy.

An ALLCITY Network Production




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  1. Howie last big move before the season starts…Justin Simmons. I think if they address WR3, it will be in-season and all jokes aside, wouldn't be shocked if it's Julio again!

  2. 39:10 Not sure if this was answered in the chat (this sicko had a meeting during the stream today), but there is indeed a real casting agency called Central Casting. Established in 1925, Hollywood studios would use them primarily to find extras, doppelgängers, and any other minor characters that were more about a specific “type” than getting a world-class talent for a lead role.

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