The more I see these “Poor Stamkos Fake Pitty Posts” the more I feel like this…

(Scumbag Steve Meme)

  1. I would have left also. He needs to make as much money as he can now that it is coming to the end of his career in the NHL. He has his family to think about first.

  2. Both takes are annoying. He’s moved on, so have I. Still love the guy and no ill will but sheesh, it’s over and done with let’s stop reliving it.

  3. I’m neutral. He wanted paid and JBB was looking out for the team first. Basically same as Killer, they were made an offer (whatever it was) and choose to move somewhere else to make more. I agree that Stammer is doing some major PR to make himself look like the victim, which again I’m neutral to. He’s protecting his public image while also getting what he wanted. At the end of the day I think it’s best for both teams; they get some veteran help and hype to a team that’s on the fringe, as we get to re-tool and get some younger blood in at a time where we were short some defensive depth and secondary scoring. Letting Stammer walk and trading Sergy obviously hurts for fans emotionally attached to them and the fantasy of every player you loved from championship teams staying a “Bolt for life,” but the truth is they will all be attached to those cup years and those memories will remain. The chance to keep our main core intact and possibly make another run is exciting for me, so I’m all for it.

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