We’ve gotten legitimately solid Oneil Cruz defense before GTA 6

For all the talk that Cruz shouldn’t play short, advanced metrics are saying he can stick this season. I think he’s looked solid out there, anyone else agree? If Cruz can play above average defense at short that is a gigantic development.

  1. Also I posted his full savant page here but looks like it was cut off slightly, if you click the image it should show the full image

  2. Interesting how his x splits are .272/.353/.510 but he’s actually at .247/.303/.444 which is well off.

    Have to wonder if the math is actually accurate or if it overvalues exit velocity for certain players.

  3. I don’t think he’s bad at short, his only problem is that he tries to throw every throw to first at 100 mph for seemingly no reason other than to have people in awe

  4. I was just tell in a friend of mine yesterday that his defense is slowly improving. It seems to me that he’s been making the routine plays look routine.

  5. He still has poor numbers when looking at baseball reference. Defensive runs saved above avg, defensive range, fielding runs above avg are all poor and damn near the bottom of the barrel. He’s lucky he has a cannon of an arm because that’s the only thing that’s saving him from being the worst SS in the league.

  6. There is some disagreement on his defense, for example UZR and DRS say he is below average.

    I was thinking last night watching Triolo play short, and it was obvious how much worse he looked than Cruz, just his mechanics and footwork. I think he is fine right now. Who knows what happens in 2, 4, 6 years, but no reason to change now.

  7. He’s our 2nd best position player easily and I love what he’s doing lately.

  8. I’m admittedly a huge Cruz backer but I think his SS defense has been plenty fine. Yes, he occasionally bobbles a play, but that’s a fine tradeoff for being able to hit the ball to the goddamn sun. He’s also still young and coming off a devastating injury — I think he will further refine his game over the next few years.

  9. I don’t know much about defense but he seems to be at least adequate at short.

    But I only care if he hits. That’s what he’s here for. I don’t care about his position. If he hits up to his ceiling we’ll make a spot for him.

    This team doesn’t have anyone else near the major leagues with his kind of potential. We need him to be our best hitter at some point. I’m not saying he isn’t already a good hitter and a useful hitter, because he is, but if we have true aspirations of doing a damn thing as a ballclub, he needs to be a *great* hitter. Maybe that’s not fair to him. But. There aren’t many other options.

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