Islanders Urged to Sign Former 30 Goal Scorer | New York Islanders News

Islanders Urged to Sign Former 30 Goal Scorer | New York Islanders News

what is going on Islanders fans Matt oi back with another video today I want to talk about how the New York Islanders were urged to sign a former 30-goal scorer in fact this person was a 30 goal scorer six times in his career so far so Stefan Rosner who covers the New York Islanders for the hockey news suggested that the Islanders sign Max pater ready to a one-year deal less than a million dollars and his word so is potentially a one-year vet minimum kind of deal for a guy like Max patrio ready and from those who like for for those who are going to get the name recognition like patriotti is up there he’s a legend in the game um but there’s definitely some red flags about him at this point in his career so I kind of want to talk through the whole the pros and the cons of it and I spoiler I’m leaning towards no I I I don’t think this is a route that I would like the Islanders to go he turns 36 years old in November again I get it it’s only a one-year deal and it would probably be cheap but this is not the gamble that I really want to take he’s sworn his Achilles twice in the last three seasons the number of games he’s played in the last three years 395 and 47 uh at one point yes he was a perennial 30 goal scorer he did it four years in a row from 201314 through 1617 even in his Vegas days in his early 30s he was incredibly productive putting up 194 points 90 goals in 224 games now I don’t want this to seem like I’m I’m dunking on Stephan because I like I like his work he does really good work but like this is just one that I disagree with him on I get where he’s coming from saying like the Islanders need to take a risk and outside the box thought on trying to fill in a spot where you know a goal scorer on the cheap and maybe he can get back to form and even give you 20 goals you know in a six roll instead of playing up on the top line and again I I understand where he’s coming from but I don’t think the Islanders should take the gamble on a guy who’s missed so much time in the last three years and is 36 for me an interesting gamble now it’s probably going to be a little bit more costly is Patrick l and yes you’re going to have to move some money around you’d have to move money around even to get Max pet ready in here on a league minimum deal especially for bringing back Simon Holstrom and God knows what you’re doing with Oliver walstrom the the Islanders more of the story they still have to make another move at some point to clear up some cap space it could happen at any point in the off season but for me with L yes he’s missed missed some time um but he’s what like 10 years younger uh and I think there’s still you know upside that he’ll be in his prime he’ll be more costly uh you probably need Columbus to retain some money which is again totally fair and valid and I’m not even saying that Patrick l is my favorite option remaining my favorite option remaining at this point would be a Nikolai eers trade but you know he cross that bridge when you get there the point being like if you’re looking for outside the box gamble kind of thing I’d rather go on the younger side than on the older side with someone who’s been injured so this one’s going to be a no from me but an interesting thought because again like I’m going to agree with Stephan that they have to get creative and have to think outside the box this one’s just not for me but I want to hear from you is this something that you would do are you willing to take the gamble let me know Down Below in the comments also make sure to subscribe to the patreon over at upthe Turnpike for bonus New York Islanders content over there thank you so much for tuning in I’m Matt I’ll catch you next time if you like that make sure to subscribe to up the turnpike on Patron for more exclusive New York Islanders content

Matt O’Leary reacts to the thought of the New York Islanders targeting Max Pacioretty

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  1. The Islanders are already gambling with the roster, Tsyplakov is an absolute unknown quantity on what will probably end up being the second line along with Palmieri and Nelson who are both capable of regression due to advancing age. That along with Duclair on the top line and the scoring on this team has some question marks, Laine and Pacioretty are just unwarranted gambles for this franchise with the first having a myriad of personal issues and the latter having a myriad of health issues. The Islanders are going to be a mediocre team this season and there is no way to avoid that given the current state of the roster and the cap issues they have been maneuvered into and so the fans will just have to live with that fact.

  2. Don't know if I'd sign Pacioretty but also don't see why it's a "risk". You're not giving up any players to get him, he probably won't use up too much cap space, if he gets hurt again you put him on LTIR, and if it doesn't work out you let him go. On the other hand, I'd want no part of Laine. He's not only hurt all the time, but he's a head case. I don't want that guy anywhere near my team. There's a real risk I wouldn't want to take.

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