Chris Olave, Rashid Shaheed: New Orleans Saints’ Explosive Duo Ready To Thrive 2024

Chris Olave, Rashid Shaheed: New Orleans Saints’ Explosive Duo Ready To Thrive 2024

New Orleans Saints wide receivers Chris olve and Rasheed Jed’s best case scenarios for 2024 might be their most realistic scenarios for 2024 we got all that and a little bit of lanap for you on today’s episode of lockon saints you are locked on Saints your daily New Orleans Saints podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what is good hudat nation and hudat family I am your host your friend Ross Jackson New Orleans native your New Orleans Saints expert and credential member of the media covering those New Orleans Saints is a senior writer and reporter over at Saints news network and on today’s episode of lockdown Saints we’re taking a look at the best case scenarios for some of the New Orleans Saints young offensive Stars we’re going to take a look at uh kendre Miller because it feels like his time has come here in 2024 Joan Johnson injury cannot get in the way of his momentum and why Chris olve and Rasheed shahid’s best case scenarios feel like their most realistic scenarios we got all that and much more coming up for you on today’s episode of lockon saints we appreciate you very much for making us your first listen of the day every day and for being in every day or here on the show which is a proud part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day today’s episode is brought to you by our friends at game time download the game time app create an account and use the promo code locked on NFL for $20 off off of your first purchase terms apply last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed at game time New Orleans Saints wide receivers Chris alve and rased Shahed it’s very easy to see what is going to be an explosive and exciting season for the both of them we wrapped up last week’s shows taking a look at players on this New Orleans Saints roster that could be a part of the NFL’s next generation of stars and Superstars and Chris alve and Rashid Shahed were very very easy to pinpoint in that conversation and 2024 is a season that really allows them to be able to further that narrative about themselves so I wanted to take a look at what their statistically speaking what their best case scenarios would be what their most realistic scenarios would be and what some others are projecting for both of these wide receivers and really it’s pretty simple everyone expects solve and Shahed to be this Dynamic dude and I think that it makes perfect sense in terms of what we’re actually going to see in 2024 Chris has the opportunity here to begin to establish himself as one of the best New Orleans Saints wide receivers over the course of the first three years all he needs is just around 700 or so yards to be able to pass Marcus Coulson for most receiving yards in a receiver’s first three seasons now a part of the reason why that goal is in reach for him is because of the fact that actually it’s just it’s around 900 it’s like 867 68 yards um but Marcus Coulson was injured his third year and so didn’t have the big season they finished at 3,000 yards exactly over the course of the first three years uh but ol has the opportunity to move from being third on these types of lists in franchise history to being second so I think that that does go a long way it also allows him to be able to further establish himself as one of the top wide receivers in the NFL which I think he’s in the process of doing but I can’t say that he has done just yet because of one specific metric which we’re going to look at here in just a second Rashid jahed on the other hand is the number two wide receiver both of these guys are going to get a ton of opportunity as the only two wide receivers on the field for the New Orleans Saints yes they’ll still have players man the slot they’ll still do three wide receiver sets they’ll still do a ton of different things over the offensive side but I would expect the two tight end and two running back or one running back one fullback sets to really start to tick up for the new Orleans Saints in this new Clint kubak offense meaning that Chris alve and Rashid Shahed being wide receiver one wide receiver two the Bonafide go-to guys they’re going to see the field a lot and therefore get a lot of opportunities we also discussed earlier this week on Monday the importance of motion and play action and how that boost wide receiver production on a per route run basis across the NFL it’s easy to identify across the league so both of these players are going to benefit from the new system and so because of that projecting to be better than they were last season is pretty easy to do so when it comes to Chris olave watching him cross into his first 1,200 plus receiving yard season feels almost like a given now obviously health is the question mark for all these I’m not going to spend a bunch of time caveat health I’m going to caveat it once for this episode and then we’re going to carry on with the understanding that injuries and health are going to play a role in all of this but for Chris olve if he plays a majority healthy season 1,200 receiving yards or more feels easily attainable for the wide out feels like a best case scenario feels like a very realistic scenario for him as well now here’s where I think best case scenario kind of has to become his reality right with a little bit of extra work it’s when it comes to scoring if you’re an everyday or you’ve heard me talk about this before Chris ol’s one big hangup is nine touchdowns over the course of his first two seasons he has to find the end zone and has to be given more opportunities to find the endzone more in this third season now that will change based on the fact that there is no Michael Thomas there’s no Jarvis Landry like there was his rookie year there’s no Michael Thomas like there was last year he gets to start the season and end the season as the number one dude and so seeing him move into double digit scoring is a part of that best case scenario projection for me although the realistic projection might be more like eight or nine just shy of 10 touchdowns but we’ll see and the reason why I say that that might be the more real realistic one for him is because even if you look at Michael Thomas’s best years nine touchdowns Michael Thomas was never a double- digigit touchdown guy for the New Orleans Saints and so Chris olve could potentially fall into that same realm based on the fact that this is an offense that’s going to want to spread the ball out it’s going to want to Target many players it’s going to want to be dynamic in the Red Zone dynamic in scoring position all those things but I do think that him moving into those double- digit scoring metrics is a part of what will better suit him for the conversation of one of the best top wide receivers in the NFL rased jahed on the other hand I have him at 800 plus receiving yards and six plus touchdowns I think if he hits both of those you’re incredibly happy with getting 2,000 receiving yards between the two of these guys and and and what I mean by that is 1,200 by one 800 by the other not a th to each and 16 or more touchdowns for from both of these guys or combined amongst both of these guys would be huge for the New Orleans Saints as well so any whatever configuration it takes to get that between these two I think ends up kind of going a long way for the New Orleans Saints and I got to tell you my projection here not far off of what others are expecting Mike Clay uh does a phenomenal job predicting and projecting every single player’s stats from across the NFL all 32 teams he’s got Chris alve projected with 86 receptions 1,247 receiving yards and six touchdowns while he has Rasheed jahed projected at 54 receptions 740 receiving yards and four receiving touchdowns now I have them ticked up a little bit more but I also expect Derek Carr to have a better season than what Kay is projecting Derek Carr to have in 2024 as well so I like kind of where all this lands finally I want to go back to our friends at FanDuel for a little bit who do have odds on an over under for receiving yards and receiving touchdowns for olave 1,50 a half receiving yards so will he be better or worse than last season is basically what you’re looking at so uh if he gets 1,51 great that’s the over if he gets uh five or fewer touchdowns that’s where the cut off is five and a half touchdowns is the overunderwear I think that’s an easy over so I could see both of these wide receivers producing extremely well in 2024 so can some other experts out there and FanDuel kind of has them kind of just projecting about where around where they were will they be as good they were last season or worse is kind of what you’re looking at for both of these guys so you’ll take that uh if you’re if you’re looking at it from a betting angle so I’m all about Rashid Shahed and Chris alav I think their best case scenarios are their most realistic scenarios and I think both of these guys are going to fight their way into star wide receiver conversation star wide receiver Duo tandem conversation uh pretty steadily all throughout the year as long as U Derek Carr and the system are going the right way right trending in the right direction coming up next one guy that’s not trending in the right direction right now because of injury is Jaan Johnson but can he circumvent that injury and keep his momentum going we got that coming up for you as we continue on with today’s episode of lock on Saints put a lockon podcast Network your team every day today’s episode of lock on Saints is brought to you by friends at game time yes the NBA and NFL might be over for now but You’ still got MLB action the WNBA and so many other events that you can enjoy and if you want to enjoy some of these events in person you’re definitely going to want to go and check out game time whether you’re planning moments in advance like me or months in advance like some of you that might be more responsible than I am game time is the go-to place to grab your tickets for any of your last minute events so go and check them out you can find $3 tickets for the Saints game in Arizona to kick off the preseason or the Saints game against Tennessee to wrap up the preseason here in town for like three bucks I mean come on right so there’s so much for you to check out over at game time uh you can also see the view from your seats before you book them all in pricing toggle that on so you don’t have to deal with any of those pesky hidden fees and all that as well so go check them out today download the game time app create an account and use the promo code locked on NFL for $20 off of your first purchase terms apply again create an account and use that promo code LK d o nnfl for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed all right family we were hoping for Jaan Johnson New Orleans in starting tight end to be able to continue his momentum from the end of the 2022 season into 2023 didn’t work out that way but closed out 2023 strong and then now in the midst of hoping for that momentum to carry to 2024 he’s dealing with an injury but that injury cannot derail that momentum if the team is going to get the most from what is a very very talented player in Jan Johnson we appreciate you very much as always for making locked on Saints your first listen of the day every day don’t forget to also go and check out locked on sports today the 24 s stream program to bring you all the biggest stories from Around The World of Sports without all the yelling and screaming you’re going to find on some of those other networks so instead head over to lockone sports today get the biggest stories from the folks that know the teams the best and without all the shouting and without having to turn your volume down go and check them out today uh over on lockon Sports today’s YouTube page as well as on the free Amazon Fire TV channels app as well all right so in taking a look at these young stars for the New Orleans Saints and the best case scenarios uh for them I I did a little bit of extra research as well take a look at some of the projections from other folks I mentioned Mike Clay in the last uh segment so I want to start off with what his projections were because look um Joan Johnson has been in position to carry momentum over from strong finishes now two seasons in a row this being the second of those two seasons and so you really want to see him do it this year last year struggled to do that injuries things like that got in the way this year as he was you know transitioning over the course of the offseason uh or transitioning through the process of the offseason um another injury hits and it feels like things might get in the way again but can he keep that from happening is going to be the big question and I think he he has to uh in order to really kind of solidify what his future looks like with this team uh but also it’s what the team would like in terms of trying to keep a little bit of that momentum going so you look at the the past two years for Jaan Johnson he finished with 508 receiving yards two years ago with seven receiving touchdowns finished with just 368 receiving yards last year uh on four receiving touchdowns the thing about it is that three of those four receiving touchdowns came in the last four games over 200 of his 368 receiving yards uh also came in the last four games last year I think that that’s something that we have to keep in mind is what that momentum looks like so when we look at M clay here Who projects a 506 receiving yard season and a four receiving touchdown season for Jaan Johnson I think that the best case scenario has to go beyond that because that’s effectively repeating what he did two years ago with fewer touchdowns I think that the real best case scenario best case scenario for Jaan Johnson is over 600 receiving yards for the first time and in seven plus touchdowns so building on what he did two seasons ago remember two seasons ago it was really a last or or a late season push where he and Andy Dalton just got on the same page out you know after a while that really pushed him into uh what was his successful his most successful career season thus far and so this year what I’m looking at is can you not instead of having to rely on the the big push towards the end of the season can you shring together 15 or 16 really solid games from season from Week 1 to week 18 somewhere in there as opposed to it all being from like week 10 to week 18 or something like that and I’m sure that’s what Jaan Johnson wants as well I’m not I’m not throwing stones at Jaan Johnson here because I know he wants exactly this as well I mean he’d like to be I’m sure a thousand yard receiver as a tight end and all those things so um we’ll see where things go for him but I think that like best case scenario is for him to exceed those numbers 600 plus receiving yards seven or more touchdown receptions I think ends up going a long way uh for the uh third year tight end fifth year player another tight end that I wanted to look at who of course is a part of this young tight end conversation um is undrafted free agent tight end Dal Hulker now D Hulker there’s a lot of excitement around him uh and understandably so I mean he’s a really talented player uh LED tight ends and receiving yards uh last year looked really really good during his time with Colorado State all that um has the yards after catch ability is a solid route Runner has really really good hands incredibly long arms that boost that catch radius even though he comes in at quote short for a tight end at 6’3 uh but I I think that really when we’re looking at what a best case scenario season is for D Hulker it would have to be in lie of a best case scenario season for Jawan Johnson so these two things couldn’t happen at the same time I don’t think you get Joan Johnson with 600 700 receiving yards seven touchdowns eight touchdowns and then get the best case scenario of D Hulker then D hul’s best case scenario becomes getting out on the field every now and then and maybe having over a hundred receiving yards to help contribute to the team in certain areas where maybe a tight end isn’t available or something like that because you’re effectively talking about a guy who’s an undrafted free agent coming in and is the fourth tight end on the roster even still behind a tesm hill behind a foster marrow and behind a Joan Johnson so I think it would have to be him stepping in in place of one of those guys that ends up getting you his uh kind of best case scenario and so if that doesn’t happen until later in the season that changes things based on if it happens early on in the season for instance and so I put D Hulker kind of best case scenario at over 300 yards and then any number of touchdowns I mean being an undrafted free agent tight end rookie and scoring touchdowns period is huge cuz remember typically drafted tight ends take a while to translate to the NFL so even getting 300 plus receiving yards as an undrafted free agent rookie tight end is impressive and I know people aren’t going to think of it as impressive because gudy numbers and things like that but really like that’s the real that’s the reality of where D Hulker walks in his his bar can be pretty low and then if he exceeds that bar fantastic but he doesn’t have to for it to be a successful rookie season or to get the best out of them but if you’ve got you know let’s say 15 16 games of Joan Johnson 15 16 games of foster marrow 15 16 games of Tamm Hill there’s not going to be a lot of opportunity for a d Hulker to be able to step in um obviously uh this um projection sheet that I’m using from Mike Clay didn’t have Dal Hulker included it had Tommy Hudson included and he had Tommy Hudson with four receptions and 39 receiving yards he had Foster Maro with 16 recep and 180 receiving yards in one touchdown that Foster marrow line feels like what would be the most realistic one for a dalon Hulker if he appears in more than one game but then if he gets to the point where he’s appearing and playing the a good percentage of snaps not the majority of snaps but a good percentage of snaps in eight or nine games then you can tick up the projection from there but until then it’s very very hard to really imagine where D Hulker has this major impact as a rookie that’s not to say that he’s not a good player that’s not to say that he won’t have an impact as a rookie I think he makes the roster as an undrafted free agent I think that is excellence in and of itself production on the field is going to have a different conversation just simply based on what the actual opportunities he gets looks like and what that and what the quality of those opportunities are along with what the quantity of that opportunities might be of what those opportunities might be so that’s where the way that I look at D Hulker but I think the biggest thing his trying to look ahead to Joan Johnson uh Bridging the Gap and being able to carry the momentum of what was a strong finish in those last four games of the Season into 2024 despite the injury coming up next uh we got to see a little bit of kendre Miller who could be the future of the New Orleans Saints Run game but could his future really look like now it seems very likely we got that coming up for you as we continue on with today’s episode of lockon saints part of lockon podcast Network your team every day get it hudat Nation New Orleans Saints running back seconde running back kendre Miller looked impressive in the opportunities that he was given during his rookie season but going into his second year uh him being the future of the Run game might be something he has to prove now we appreciate you very much as always for being here don’t forget we are your team every day so coming up in tomorrow’s episode we’re going to take a look at some of the biggest questions heading into training camp and of course we’re going to take a look at exploring what the New Orleans Saints defense does so well and our return to midweek fundamentals very excited to bring that segment back here as We Roll Along here in the off season so midweek Fundamentals by the way is is a segment that I do every Wednesday uh that highlights a little bit of what I’m going to do it on Thursday this week uh but it highlights a little bit of the kind of basic things fundamental things that you need to know about what make the New Orleans Saints the New Orleans Saints right how do they play defense what are man and Zone coverages what are the ones that they utilize things like that so we’re going to dig into a bunch of that stuff next week or or in in the next episode rather um all right so kendre Miller kendre Miller’s time may very well be now and this might be the season where he’s got to prove that he can be the future of this New Orleans Saints uh Run game that’s not because I think Alvin C is going to have a down year I’m excited to see Alvin CRA in this new offense but everybody is looking at kendre Miller who is barely 22 years old and going into the season and that is very young and that doesn’t have the age question marks that you know Veteran running backs around the NFL will always be burdened with carrying he doesn’t have any of that he only has hope uh he only has projection he only has potential ahead of him and so 2024 becomes a big time kind of proven ground for him lest the New Orleans Saints should go into 2025 reinvesting at running back which which I think they’re going to do no matter what but do they go into 2025 investing in running back behind or along with kendre Miller or in place of kendre Miller That’s why 2024 is so important the Saints are running back their running back room every single bit of it all the way down to the guys that might be the practice squad guys in James Robinson as well as Jordan Mims they added Jacob Cabot in uh in undrafted free agency we’ll see if he ends up challenging one of those guys for a practice squad spot but really like this run game comes down to Alvin CRA kendre Miller and Jamal Williams and kendre Miller’s role is going to increase or decrease based upon how he makes or what he makes of his early opportunities whether that be during training camp or early on in the season there’s a chance that the Saints start training camp without Alvin chra who is still engaged in that contract dispute I would be shocked if that ends up getting taken care of before training camp just based on proximity to one another literal being in the same room as one as as one another uh and so kendre Miller is going to get a lot of opportunities early on so if he makes good on all that then you can see an expanded role for him sooner rather than later so what I have for him right now is a best case scenario this is not going into you know him taking over as a number one running back and the Saints doing something crazy with Alvin chimra or whatever this isn’t going into that this is assuming that he is part of a three-headed running back attack best case scenario I have him at 500 plus rushing yards four plus rushing touchdowns 300 plus receiving yards and one plus rece receiving touchdown I might make that two plus receiving touchdowns whatever but basically I wanted to say 800 total yards contributed by your seconde running back that’s a part of a committee that’s pretty good you look back at the Alvin chimra and um what the saints were trying to do with Alvin chra as well as uh Mark Ingram and any third running back that they tried you know you got the Edmonds you got you know all these other guys that they that they worked with you can go back to Reggie and Mike Bush and Deuce and like all this like anytime they did that was always like that one guy that contributed some like 500 600 700 yard chunk between what it is they did in addition to the top two guys so if Alvin CRA and kendre Miller end up being those top two guys then that’s why I put him at 800 so just above what that third guy ends up being able to contribute then you look at Jamal Williams contributing uh those other things so if kendre Miller is able to pull that off I think that’s enough to show you like okay he deserves more expanded opportunities and then you can see his role grow going into 2025 or if he starts on this trajectory you could see the rooll grow in season and he ends up with better numbers than these remember all of these numbers are the minimum numbers 500 plus 4 plus 300 plus so on and so forth um the ESPN projection that was given was uh for kendre Miller 310 rushing yards so what I projected in receiving yards for rushing yards and then just 241 receiving yards a touchdown as a receiver and then two touchdowns as a running back as well this is while projecting a pretty solid season by the way for Alvin chra Who Would by these numbers finish with more than 1,200 total yards uh 785 rushing uh four 484 uh receiving so pretty solid season for Alvin chimra and in so having to kind of fit kendre Miller in there uh was the tough one but where things were a little bit different in terms of what my projection is versus what this clay projection is is that Kendra Miller was third on the team in rushing yards um yes even with Tamm Hill third on the team uh in rushing yards not second I’m projecting him as finishing second in rushing yards behind Alvin CA but ahead of Jamal Williams but Jamal Williams is is finishing uh with 340 just ahead of Miller in this projection and this is also a projection that has the Saints finishing with just over 1,400 rushing yards uh not including Tamm Hill if you throw Tamm Hill in there then it’s more like it’s a little bit more like, 1700 rushing yards 17,00 rushing yard the Saints would love to be in 2024 a 2,000 rushing yard total team that’s something that we’ve seen from this team in the past we’ve seen them be able to do this before but getting into that 18,00 receiving excuse me rushing yard um total still really really good so my my big difference between my projection and then the other expert projections is that I’ve got kendre Miller finishing second when it comes to what those rushing yards look like not third and not just barely ahead of tames Hill I think he has a pretty fix role that’s going to grow over the course of the season the biggest thing for him is going to be can he learn the wide zone system he did not run a lot of outside Zone during his time at TCU ran a ton of inside zone so understands the principles understands how an offensive line moves all other stuff it shouldn’t be the biggest gap for him to be able to cross but that will be a little bit of a hurdle something that he will have to LEAP in order to really get comfortable here in 2024 is getting comfortable with the outside Zone run but when it comes to projecting him and his best case scenario this is pretty SI simple his standard case scenario is probably like 500 total yards 200 rushing 20 200 receiving 300 rushing and that’s probably what you’re looking at like a handful of little bit less than a handful of touchdowns stuff like that is probably his most realistic projection uh but I’m looking at the best case scenario and so that’s why I put him nearer the 800 yard Mark and finishing second on the team in rushing yards all right yall we appreciate you very much as always for joining us here for another episode don’t forget to come back tomorrow we’re going to start diving into our biggest questions for the New Orleans Saints as they head into training camp we’ll look at offensive line and we’re going to focus a little bit on some defensive stuff tomorrow as well taking a look at what it is that the New Orleans Zs defense does well how they can build upon that in training camp and then translate that to the season in 2024 we appreciate you very much as always for making us your first listen of the day every day for your second listen go and check out uh Jake Madison over at locked on Pelicans dejonte Murray doing his introductory press conference go and hear all about it over on today’s lock on Pelicans uh LSU baseball with another huge uh transfer that they’ve landed Matt musona over at locked on LSU has you covered we appreciate you very much as always for making us a part of your day part of your routine for saying yes to me on the show as always if you see me please say hi and if you need anything else around your New Orleans SS in between these episodes make sure you follow me on your favorite social media Ross Jackson n o l a hit me up let know how the fames doing how you living let me know how you moming them and trust you that Nation I’ll holl at [Music] no bloopers today y’all I killed that

New Orleans Saints wide receivers Chris Olave and Rashid Shaheed prepare for a dynamic 2024 NFL season. This episode analyzes their projected best-case scenarios with Derek Carr leading the way as well as their realistic expectations due to their upward trajectory and the Saints’ offensive system.

Additionally, we explore the scenarios ahead of Juwan Johnson and Dallin Holker while also taking a look at why Kendre Miller’s 2024 NFL season is important as he has a chance to establish himself as the future of the team’s rushing attack.

00:00:00: Introduction and Overview
00:02:02: Chris Olave and Rashid Shahid’s 2024 Projections
00:09:09: Juwan Johnson’s Injury and Momentum
00:11:11: Juwan Johnson’s Past Performance and Future Projections
00:14:14: Dallin Holker’s Potential Impact
00:18:50: Kendre Miller’s Role in the Saints’ Run Game
00:21:23: Saints’ Running Back Room Overview
00:24:26: Kendre Miller’s Best Case Scenario


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