Blue Jays Are Making A BIG Mistake! MLB Insider Reveals Trade Deadline Plans! (Blue Jays News)

Blue Jays Are Making A BIG Mistake! MLB Insider Reveals Trade Deadline Plans! (Blue Jays News)

[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to Blue Jays today we’re your boys we always got something to say about the Toronto Blue Jays I’m your host ad ped and I’m your host Nicholas playlog and today everybody we are going to discuss some recent reports that have just come out detailing the Toronto Blue Jays plans for this upcoming trade deadline and I just want to come out and say right now I think it’s a big mistake I think that Ross Atkins just the entire strategy that they that we are going to talk about here I disagree with it wholeheartedly folks so we’re going to get into that we’re going to break everything down and more please hit the like smash the Subscribe button guys let’s get straight into it so there’s been a lot of speculation as to the best way to navigate this trade deadline uh and it looks like we don’t need to speculate that much more because the plans are slowly getting revealed yeah they are we have a article right here by Mark fand and he is of course a industry expert he’s around the league uh Executives come to him and reveal these kind of strategies of what is the word what are who selling what and apparently according to multiple Executives that the Blue Jays have told other clubs that they are willing to move players with expiring contracts as we expected but the big mistake here is those with control Beyond 2024 are not being traded this consens consensus among a dozen Executives we spoke to to is that the Blue Jays will attempt to move most or all of their rent rental players if they sell now if you look at the rental players that the Blue Jays currently have you’re looking at guys like a Kevin kerm like a uh Justin Turner a us kuchi Jimmy Garcia Trevor Richards and others right you’re looking at those guys to potentially sell however as we’ve seen their value is so low if you look at them compared to other guys around the league you’re not going to get much return meaning the Blue Jays trade deadline this could be a very lackluster deadline that’s what I don’t like okay of course you’re going to trade the rental guys right that’s we we already knew that basically we knew that that was going to happen at this point I mean there you know what nine games below 500 at the time of recording this video like yeah the rental guys are going to go but those Rental Guys they’ve lost a lot of that value you know Danny Jansen right he was looking like an an incredible piece for a little while right there and now it’s like you know part of me wants to hold on to him and you maybe try to extend him because you’re not going to get that much value in return right he’s been hitting pretty bad recently so it’s like what are you gonna what are you actually going to get back for Danny Jansen you say Kikuchi coming off with a great outing mind you incredible 13 strike out phenomenal but even he has been scuffling recently right and he’s only going to have one or two more starts before another team is going to need to make a decision on how much they are willing to trade away for you say Kikuchi the the big guys that I look at at this Toronto Blue Jays roster that you could actually get a return for right you could restock the farm system with it’s a it’s a guy like Chris Basset it’s a guy like B bashet uh I I don’t know how much you You’ start restock the farm system but you could definitely get something in return Chad green right like you know somebody like that those guys they’re all on two-year deals right and they’re all on twoyear deals and because of that it warrants that much more of they return I I just think it’s it’s a big mistake not to entertain those conversations well here’s the thing I think that they’re laying the the plan right now and that is what they’re going to go into this deadline with however I wouldn’t be shocked to hear that maybe the Blue Jays are actually considering some Basset offers or maybe a bashed who knows because you got only coming out here Buster only another MLB Insider coming out here and talking about how you know veteran pitchers like Chris Basset like we mentioned you Kikuchi are two players that only thinks will be coveted on the trade market when talks start to heat up and it’s true right look at a guy like basid who has been so consistent over his entire career he’s Mr consistent he’s Mr consistent you got another year of control any any competitive team that’s going to want to compete this year and next year is going to want a piece of Chris Basset and only says the market for starting pitching right now is so little because all the teams that are selling don’t have many good starting pitching of course whereas the Toronto Blue Jays they do so I feel like MLB executives are going to be coming to the Toronto Blue Jays knocking on the door trying to convince Ross zins to make that move so don’t be shocked if you do hear that narrative change the next couple yeah that’s true I mean maybe we’re hearing this stuff about oh we’re not trading away guys on the two-year deal or anything like that because he is trying to up their value a little bit I mean that that could be a thing maybe that’s a little big brain for Ross a too big for Ross okay maybe maybe let’s backpedal a little bit here and try to play Devil’s Advocate is there any way that if we don’t trade away those guys right if you do have Chris bid and and Kevin Gosman and all of those guys B bashet walking into 2025 right I mean is there any way that that you look at that and you go okay we can actually run it back and we can do significantly better because I think I just keep coming back to the fact that there are so many holes on this team and on this roster right now that like okay I want us to be competitive but I feel like there there’s just so many problems that we have for us to be competitive in 2025 maybe you you talk I think I think if you look at the Toronto Blue Jays team like the guys that you’re talking about and going back to Mark finson AR you know mentioned Guerrero bashet Basset Romano George Springer Gosman burel that’s the core of the team running back with those guys first of all if you’re just running it back with those guys you need all of them to hit which is going to be a very hard thing to do with a lot of them being a lot older uh but another thing is you have to go and you have to add even more you can’t just run back this roster you got to add even more and one act executive presumes that they will actually strengthen this off season uh if they do decide to run it back they’re going to actually add a little bit more but how much are they can add we know that they’re only going to be adding $40 million worth of guys and there’s a lot of holes to fill up so you’re going to be adding in guys like a Justin Turner like a Kevin km like veteran guys now is that going to be getting over the hump I don’t think so and that’s why that’s why I do think it is a mistake where you kind of have to punt next year get re more restocking into this farm system for next year yeah I mean and we’ve heard that narrative before right this ped off season it was going to be a big time ad right yes they were interested in sh Otani that was a real thing that happened ATS Lie la after end up Kevin Turner so that was supposed to be a big offseason and nothing happened here I think this is what we’re watching right now is is Ross Atkins being so committed to this core and this strategy that he’s had that like he he just refuses to see any other way through this and and I think that looking at this team there’s just so many inherent issues with it that you have to start entertaining trades of Chris Basset and Bo bashet right to look at a a future with a Vladimir Guerrero Jr right like maybe not even next year but a year after that or two years after that I just find it very difficult to believe that sure okay you run it back with those guys and all of a sudden all of these problems and all these holes and everything just Rectify themselves unless you do go out and you go crazy in the off season and you know sign a [ __ ] Wan sto or something but they aren’t going to do that yeah it just feels like there’s still there it feels like an inability of Ross Atkins to maneuver away from this this idea yeah exact this roster right now well that brings up another great point you know another factor in all this is Ross Atkins by trading away Basset and Bo Ross Atkins is basically saying the window is now officially closed which a lot of us around the league are thinking it looks like the Blue Jays window might be closed yes they’ve been competitive in The Last 5 Years but they haven’t even won a single playoff game so with this core running it back like okay you’re supposed to be good but you really haven’t proved anything and the window might already be closed so Ross Atkins to try to keep that window cracked open a little bit longer may not end up selling those guys anyways that that’s the thing right I feel like this is ultimately just a way for him to try to keep his job you know and that’s something that I’ve been I’ve been kind of echoing for a while right now it’s like at this point what you see with the Toronto Blue Jays it might not be what’s best for the team anymore it’s what’s best for the longevity of of Ross pyro align but you know there will times it doesn’t because I think a lot ofon fans would say the best course of action moving forward would be a bigger sell because of the returns that you’re going to get from Kevin kire Justin Turner they’re just not enough to really restock and retool with it feels like if we are going to not sell any of these big pieces God forbid it feels like Ross Atkins is not going to get fired this off season time for a quick shout out to betway betway is the best place to make all of your sports bets on all of your favorite teams betway is also in collaboration with igaming Ontario must be 19 years older to participate and guys please bet responsibly now back to the content and that’s like that is the biggest mistake if if they go and they don’t sell these guys and they try to run it back and they give Ross Atkins another year of of trying to [ __ ] make this work like that is unacceptable here’s the thing you bring up Mark sh power made me think about if they end up keeping Ross Atkins they’ve already invested $400 million plus into the Roger Center do they go even further into that investment and go okay if in order to make that investment really work out we need a competitive team now do they invest more into the player salaries and pay even more to try and make this work because that that would be like definition of insanity well that’s the thing right like I I don’t know maybe like if they do want to go crazy this off season like go for it like obviously I’m always here for it if you want to make some big time buys I just don’t want Ross Atkins at the helm and if if you know he’s making the active decisions that they’re not going to be trading away any of these two-year guys and that they do want to run it back in 2025 I’m okay with that but it’s starting to look increasingly more that he is going to be the guy that is navigating that and that just can’t be the case folks that can’t happen and that’s also another huge mistake from the Toronto right and and I guess look in the next weeks by the way by the way guys there’s also like rumors out there that the trade conversations are going to start to pick up a around just after the draft into the allstar break so look like we’re going to know soon what direction the Stono Blue Jay’s team is going to take whether they sell big or they conservatively sell then we’re going to know what the team looks like moving forward yeah yeah you guys let us know in the comments down below what do you think about this do you think that some of the twoyear guys maybe even the three-year guys should get moved I obviously do think that that should be the right course of action but please let us know your thoughts in the comments down below hit the like smash the Subscribe button folks thank you so much for watching and as always go J’s go [Music]

MLB Insiders Mark Feinsand and Buster Olney share their insights on the Toronto Blue Jays trade deadline plans. More specifically, who the Toronto Blue Jays plan on trading at the deadline. We give our two cents on why we think that strategy could be a flawed one, as the Blue Jays window is coming to a close.


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  1. I only care about is the removal of the incompetent clown management. These idiots don't deserve the right to rebuild their own failed rebuild. Shame on Rogers for still employing them.

  2. I know it’s a totally different sport, but just look at what the Leafs have done being so loyal to a core group. They are always saying “well IF they play to their potential” blah blah blah. You have to make decisions based of production and not potential at some point before it is too late.

  3. This front office is just baseball stupid ! A lot of fans have stopped attending home games .
    Now if the Filthy Casuals lol would stop attending for a night out of entertainment then they would be getting hurt $$$$$ .
    That’s the message they will hear .

  4. If Atkins is allowed to trade off the Blue Jays biggest assets, that would mean that Atkins is part of the Blue Jays plans moving forward.
    Best to hold off on any major decisions until the offseason and let a new GM decide.

  5. Anyone that thinks Atkins has a clue is in denial he has no idea what he’s doing I don’t and most fans don’t trust his ability to get fair value for anything

  6. Atkins is so stubborn, his team hasn’t won a single post season game and he still wants to run it back. It’s almost like he doesn’t care about the future of the team what so ever..

  7. Lisa's husband, Andy here. If what you say is correct, then they may be looking to get the 1 year players off the payroll while they can and will probably re-assess the 2 and 3 year players in the off season after stumbling through the rest of the season. This may explain why Jansen has gone 'off the boil' recently. Another option is, if Atkins believes in the core players so much then he should change the coaching staff in the off-season instead. I've been watching a Yankees podcast today and their fanbase is going into meltdown with them demanding a new bullpen and they want Boone and Cashman's heads on a platter so to speak (quite an entitled bunch eh? I wish the Jays were doing as badly as them 🤣) so any of our available pitching staff may be welcome there. Do they have any good and promising prospects?

  8. Bassitt could be hard to move cause he's such a handful… BUT, what if there was a lil package with Jansen (or Kirky), so a contender gets a defensive catcher who already works well with him??

  9. I would keep Bo and Vlad. I would sign Vlad in the off-season. I would tell Bo to show the front office his Value and maybe he goes off and have a great 2025. I would trade Gausman and Chris Bassitt. If the front office wants to win next year, they need LF, 2nd 3rd base, RF, and SP. Have Springer DH full-time and hope the bullpen is better next year.

  10. I can see them trading Green back to the Yankees.. but what are you going to get? A prospect at high A that throws hard and has middling control.

  11. I feel like you should not be trading pieces from 2025. That’s their last opportunity inside the Bo/ Vlad window.
    It’s so bad that you’ve even lost hope for next year ?

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