The Not So Bright Future for the Blue Jays: JP Morosi on Toronto’s Next Steps.

The Not So Bright Future for the Blue Jays: JP Morosi on Toronto’s Next Steps.

[Music] the real question is we are in trading time now do you consider trading your short stop or your first basement because those are the two guys that are going to cost you a lot of money in the future I would consider it Bob I don’t know that the Jays would find the right offers to actually make the deal and and let’s I’ll explain what I’m saying here bichette’s numbers continue to be abysmal relative to his standard right and so I I I really question the wisdom in trading someone who’s been that talented and still is that talented but is not producing I I don’t think you sell low on someone who’s been a batting champion type hitter so I I think that’s what I say with Bo unless someone overwhelms you and gives you package that reminds you of the player that he’s been in the past I I tend to think that Bo stays for now and tries to rebuild his value and comes back and has a good contract season in 2025 with vlat yeah go ahead vlat I I think that it’s a little different conversation because he is starting the All-Star game at first base for the American League he’s had more of a vlat type season than what B has had um I just don’t see a ton of teams that are gonna invest a lot of Prospect Capital in acquiring a first baseman DH Seattle might be the one exception so I think maybe I would keep that possibility open but aside from the Mariners you could say yeah should the Yankees upgrade at those spots maybe but they’re probably going to look for pitching uh based on the way that they have performed here of of late so I I just I don’t see enough of a first base trade market there to create the sort of value that the Mariners would that the Mariners and Jays would need to have to really create a a good transaction there I think that the the Mariners will probably add a a first baseman DH but it’s probably going to be someone else uh and and not Vladimir Guerrero Jr I would actually say that if the Jays are going to trade someone who is under control Beyond this year I would talk a lot more about Chris Basset and Kevin Gosman than Guerrero and bashet well would you you would trade pitching at this point I would if I get back there isn’t any death in the organization though it’s a it’s a fair question Bob but but my point is the only way in which I would trade pitching now is if I felt that I would get back pitching that helps me in 2025 if there’s a team that’s all in the Dodgers are one such example that that they would take one of one of Gosman or Basset and give me back a starting pitcher who I believe is going to help my my rotation next season and for the next five six years uh for example a Landon Knack or someone like that if I if the Jays liked him on that level I would consider that trade but I think the Jays have to realize they’re not as good as the Yankees and Orioles right now they’re not even as good as the Red Sox and the Rays right now so what has to happen for this team to be better um in in 2025 and and Beyond and I think there needs to be a price that you would consider moving Basset and Gosman in addition to moving Kikuchi which I think is an obvious move that that Kikuchi will get traded I think there’s a very high chance he’s gonna get traded because he’s a pending free agent but you need to look at your team and say where am I going to be able to be a better ball Club in 2025 and Beyond and I think you have to consider moving some of your controllable pitchers as a result of that quandry that the find themselves in you my mind the Dilemma is that you need help at catcher Third Base probably second base and definitely you need some hitting outfielders so you have multiple areas of concern I wouldn’t worry about the bullpen bullpens kind of sort themselves out I would never trade for a a a reliever I don’t know about you no this is the time of the year Bob where you where you go for Value uh I think sign your relievers in the offseason this is I’ll I’ll draw the I’ll draw the parallel to the NHL draft which maybe we’ll talk about later on the the the NHL draft is when you get your centers and your defenseman you can get your Winger at the deadline if you need them I think in baseball at the trade deadline this is the time to get your starters and your everyday players this this is what you do uh you can find your relievers at another juncture of the of the calendar this is where you need to take your big swings and find guys that are going to be of your rotation and your everyday lineup for a long time to come and this is when I think you need to capitalize on value of of players like Kikuchi who’s a rental and like Basset and like Gosman and bring back some some players because look at this team for if you keep Vlad and Bo for the start of next season or at least into the offseason and consider moving them then you need to surround them with better position players look at look at your Outfield now Springer has put together good couple weeks yeah but can you count on him to be an All-Star player next year probably not and and you need to start really making some big decisions about what the rest of your club is looking like I think Horwitz has come up and played well um but again you start looking at different options and and the way your team’s going to get get uh filled out and your position players how many true everyday players can you count on who are part of the next core of this team I just I I don’t know this this is your time for me the trade deadline is your time to turn some of these pitchers who are nearing the end of their time with the Blue Jays whether it’s Kikuchi or potentially some relievers or more likely some of your controllable starters and multiply them into the the position players that you need for the future [Music]

  1. The Blue Jays management doesn't have the baseballs to do anything of significance. They are stricken with "paralysis by analysis".

  2. Bo will most likely be traded however with Akins on the way out teams will lowball the jays to take advantage of them rebuilding there office.

  3. Amazing…Mark et cie have been here 9 Years. They have ZILCH on the farm pushing current folks out. THat's an abject failure and those are the words that writers and commentators should be using. You can criticize Rogers….I do…but they put the money in.

  4. bleak is the optimistic outlook. it's worse than that. ownership, front office, manager, lineup. bullpen, minors. all league bottom. there's no tweaking this. if they take another crack at it with Bo and Vlad as the supposed cornerstones it will be a huge mistake. they're both huge disappointments. Bo may be able to hit but he's seriously flawed at everything else and can't be trusted. I want Vlad gone. never winning a thing if you have that personality as your best player – leader.

  5. I know what to do.
    Clean sweep Jays management.
    Pay whatever the Braves want to free Alex Andreopoulos.
    Re-Hire him as 'King Of The Jays' for 10 years.
    Wait for the Jays to win the World Series in 4-6 years.

  6. Jays will stand pat except for players whose contract is expiring at the end of this season. A lot of their bloated salary comes off the books through attrition next season. They will back fill with some league minimum uniform fillers. I don't see a serious re-build.

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