#MLBVideos: Michael Kopech tosses the FIRST IMMACULATE INNING of 2024!

Michael Kopech tosses the FIRST IMMACULATE INNING of 2024!

three more outs needed to get the win and Michael copc on for the 40th time looking for his ninth save in his 14th opportunity he will face 678 in this lineup for the twins as Cory jokes will go in defensively and play right field replacing Gavin sheets so fast ball then the cutter and it’s 0 and2 on the rookie Brooks Lee talked about the hot start to this career here for Lee being called up recing 02 from copc yes sir top of the strike zone and it throws Lee you get Triple digits upstairs and it’s hard to pull the trigger he could but Jacob Mets could and that’s a big first [Music] out Matt walner with a solo home run in his last at bat in the seven the only run of the game for the twins X Kepler in the on deex Circle and this is the Michael copc we love to see coming after hitters throwing strikes getting ahead in the count just getting his confidence up and knowing that he can throw strikes bear in mind this is his first year as a full-time closer in the major leagues and it’s not the easiest task around goto pitch did he go yes he did did backto back strikeouts for copc that was to John lipka the third base umpire who hasn’t had a call today on one of these yes he went around too far and that’s quickly two up two down Max Kepler with his first opportunity to come off the bench socks are one out away from taking game one of his double header and their strike [Applause] one there is a sign of improvement that he goes with a cutter on the first pitch instead of his comfort pitch which is his fast [Applause] ball back to back Cutters and copc is feeling IT Crowd rising to their feet looking for the punch out 02 from Kack yeah yes he did body it’s an IM imaculate inning for Michael copc and the socks take game one of the double header Southside stand up it’s also an eame losing streak that goes by the boards as the socks beat the twins for the first time this year an Immaculate in for Michael copc an outstanding performance and the Socks win in the first of a double header today the final pitch yes he did and that is that that is the best we have seen Michael copc pitch all season long yeah he start out with two Cutters on the last hitter so everything he threw was in the zone and this is his ability he has the ability to close like that it’s just a question of him believing in himself win win win win good boring do is that what this feels like let’s go

Michael Kopech records three strikeouts on nine pitches in the top of the 9th inning for the Chicago White Sox, throwing the first immaculate inning of the 2024 season.

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  1. This was a good game for the White Sox as they won this game, the beloved Maldonado hit a home run, and an immaculate inning to win the game 👍

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