Getting To Know Utah’s NHL Team: John Marino on what it’s like to be traded + favorite team name

Getting To Know Utah’s NHL Team: John Marino on what it’s like to be traded + favorite team name

you got to live till your home I was Bor the the see the breath it in Brea it why I love instead of hating one [Applause] another hello and welcome to the Utah reports I’m your host J Stevens uh just so excited to keep getting to know our new Utah Hockey Club players and just acqu in a trade is defenseman John Marino John thank you for joining us yeah thanks for having me um you know I I was actually just talking to the to your media guy Jeff Sanders and we were talking about being traded and I have my trade experience from just the the bull crap Pro Hockey career I had um and it was kind of weird you know I was so dumb I didn’t realize I’d been traded I walked into the locker room after uh a road trip and I my gear wasn’t in my stall and uh I just was like hey that’s weird where’s my gear and it never never occurred to me that I’d been traded so can you kind of tell us um did you know you were going to be traded what was it like and then when did Utah pop into the picture yeah so I mean obviously different now you know you got social media and everything you can kind of follow along um you know obviously there are a lot of rumors before uh Utah wasn’t really in the mix for you know the teams where I thought I was going to go if anything if I was going to get traded and then you know wake up one morning you get a call from your GM and says you’re going to Utah and that’s pretty much the benefit do you know right away when that when the GM calls you you’re like oh I just got traded yeah for sure yeah yeah um you know I I’ve done I I’ve watched a lot of you a lot of your games uh I’ve been a devil’s fan since Zach pzy played there a long time ago I was a big martan broer fan forever so it was fun to watch you come into that team and play um pretty solid defensively do you have a preference on how you play are you a penalty kill guy are you a power play guy like what’s your what’s your style of play yeah I’d say penalty kill for the most part you know just trying to shut down the other team’s you know top lines um being you know you know kind of a mobile defenseman um shut down guy and hopefully you know contribute a little bit offensively as well yeah you seem to have that pretty well over the last couple years you’re like half a point a game guy that’s pretty amazing for a defenseman um are you a real physical defender or are you just more of a body on body and ride them out kind of guy yeah at times you know but um you know not like you know fighting every night or anything like that but uh yeah definitely try to be you know more physical and you know harder on their top guys one of the other really cool things that I I want our audience to know about you is that uh you went you’re a Harvard guy yeah uh tell us I mean you’re from Massachusetts so obviously Harvard was a you know a possibility but don’t a lot of you guys always look at Buu and BC like how do you end up at at Harvard yeah so I mean um they weren’t really in the mechs back then you know those top schools W W uh weren’t getting looks for those top schools um parents just kind of wanted me to go to you know an ivy league and obviously Harvard you know being from Boston was kind of um top top of the podum there but you weren’t like a a prep school guy right like you have to really pull some magic to get into Harvard yeah yeah I think my parents did everything they could to help help that out for sure um yeah I mean could say you got a little lucky but yeah well there’s no luck well you know I had a daughter that went to West Point and I did all the stuff I was supposed to do in a parent as a parent but there’s no M there’s no luck there’s no magic that has to come from work and and yeah you got maybe you got to meet the right person or whatever but to get into a school like Harvard did you graduate from Harvard yeah what was your what was your study psychology I’d probably say it was one of the easiest ones there but I also had a I had a twin brother who went there too and say he got the brains he helped me out a lot too oh yeah he ever go to class for you just pretend like he was you no but he might have written a couple papers for me nice I’ve also had my daughter or actually and my son write a couple articles for me as a reporter so I there you go so what are your thoughts on Utah man like we’re brand new to the NHL have you ever even been to Utah yeah no and I I was telling you know in my other interviews I don’t know many people that have you’ve got to have I mean there have been some Harvard guys come here and play um for the Utah Grizzlies I I can’t I can’t think of any of the last couple years but we always seem to have Harvard and yell guys come through here and play but so you don’t have any friends and that have played here and you’ve never been here yeah so I actually had one buddy playing the Grizzlies and he was telling me you’re going to love it um you know he told me a couple spots out in there because that’s in Salt Lake City right yeah yeah yeah yeah so you know he said he’s GNA text me all the spots and uh he was there for two years he said he loved it so you know I’m looking forward to it yeah it’s uh it’s a pretty amazing area um I love it here and I I think it just has so much to offer and the kids that are here right now all those first round picks that in the development camp we brought them in in the middle of summer and put them in Park City which is just that’s one of like our main ski area and it’s just phenomenal in the summer it’s just beautiful um do you know anybody that’s currently on this roster have you played with yeah kerfoot I was a freshman when he was a senior he was actually my captain uh at college at Harvard so uh that’d be pretty cool to you know see him again um and then buad I played with him in Pittsburgh for a little bit of time so couple guys oh that’s nice what are your thoughts when you look at the roster um and the moves that we’ve made including bringing you in and Sera uh I know you played against uh Arizona last year and they were a challenging team but what do you think of the changes we’ve made how much better do you think that’ll make us yeah I think it’s an ex exciting time for the team you know obviously you know um with the move they want to be a competitive team right away so I think that’s why it’s going to be an exciting opportunity for everyone you know um but I mean I remember early on in the season you know Arizona was doing really well and we played them the second game of the season I still remember you know we didn’t they had the puck way more than we did you know they’re fast exciting group and and you know there’s so much potential there so I mean yeah I think the team kind of speaks for itself right now have you had a chance to pull up the videos from the homecoming if you will our little our pep rally that we had at the airport Center yeah I watched those yeah what are your thoughts on that yeah it looks pretty electric um seems like people are fired up that the team’s going to be there and you know I got to have a great group of fans you know everyone’s going to be excited um it was it was a great welcoming the guys were pretty fired up on stage too so yeah yeah it’s going to be awesome uh all right I’m GNA I’m going to put you on the spot a little bit have you seen the names the list of names that we had have have other reporters already asked you this yeah all right this is different we’re just on a podcast but we’re only talking to hockey people this by the way this podcast has been going for eight seasons here so like it’s the people that subscribe are just hockey G guys so just between us hockey guys you look at these names do you have a favorite Yeti Yeti for sure Yeti for sure yeah all right that’s awesome because you know we get some push back on Yeti because Colorado used to have you know the abominal Snowman which I guess is the same thing but yeah Yeti’s pretty cool I’m kind of I’m kind of down with Mammoth and outlaws now too people are starting to sway me but it seems like it was supposed to be Yeti at the beginning and it seems that’s what the kids want the most too have you have your has your family kicked in they have they told you what they wanted it to be called no no no no it’s that’s a good question to ask them though I’ll ask them about it yeah let’s get them all on the podcast when you get into town we’ll get the whole family in and we have a long discussion about the names sounds good all right man well I I know you’re busy today normally I like to do like a you know a good long time and really get to know you but I know the fans are excited about having you here uh we’re super excited especially those of us that have watched watched what Arizona was before we knew what changes needed to be made and Bill kind of threw us a head fake telling me we were going to draft defenseman then he goes and drafts a couple forwards and then trades for some key guys and you’re a key guy we’re really excited to have you can’t wait to see what you do yeah appreciate it yeah looking forward to it all right that is the Utah Puck report want to give a special thanks to Chipman Roofing these are hockey people supporting the hockey Community it’s Chipman roofing for all your Roofing needs uh just check out Chipman and if you like what you’re hear on the podcast please leave a review leave a rating wherever you listen to your podcast uh make sure you give us a rating like to check out KSL as well uh there’s going to be more hockey on there as as more hockey comes up it’s going to be always right there KSL big thanks to Madison Miller for putting up with us and making this thing work on the on the see the side see the side breath it in Brea it why I love instead of hating one another you got in your hand instead of Tak from your brother

A newer member of the Utah Hockey Club joined Jay Stevens on Utah Puck Report – defenseman John Marino. The two talked about what it’s like to be traded and what parts of moving to Utah excite Marino. He also shared his favorite team name out of the final four. 

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