Detroit Pistons to the PLAYOFFS?

Detroit Pistons to the PLAYOFFS?

one more run it all right with the Detroit News just curious obviously year one starts now with building relationships and getting the environment you want but what does success look like for you in just your first season uh Improvement um you know a lot of people talk about development uh and we throw that word around um but a lot of times and you know one of the things us as coaches did for so long it was development only impacted individuals um you know where we aimed to go is where the development impacts winning and how do we make our young guys and all of our guys cuz the guys you know they never stop getting better uh but how do we make them better winners you know obviously we’ll work on ball handling shooting all those things but like how does what you do impact winning uh and you’ll see the plays time and time again where guys are growing you know to make the winning play uh and that’s what we’re our focus is on um but you know again it’s it this is going to be a fun situation and like I said by the end of this you know you’ll look at the team and you know Night by night I’m sure there’s going to be some ups and downs uh but you’ll see a style of play and you’ll be able to recognize Pistons basketball and that’s what you want to hear that’s what you want to hear because we can’t set the expectations at playoffs or even play in because you were statistically the worst team in the NBA last year you were the worst team in franchise history last year you were almost the worst team in NBA history last year like so you can’t get tooo excited you definitely got to tear things down and start over but I I I like what he said there he is this is a guy he is a he’s a calming professional knows his [ __ ] seasoned coach and that’s what you needed to to kind of get this thing back on the rails he said you got to improve you got to go out there and be better and yeah you I mean you can’t not improve from 14 wins but it sounds easy to say but he’s right he said all the right things you want to go out there I would say they should at least double their win total that’s that would be my goal if if I had to put it on wax as the Pistons head coach I would say we are going to at least double our win total from last year and that might sound crazy but they only won [ __ ] 14 games so it’s not that crazy it’s really not yeah Caleb yeah I am so bought in with JB bigger staff I might be I’m just going to say it and this is a hot take and I’ve been thinking about it for a minute uh oh I think a lot of people are scared to say it okay okay I know I didn’t say I like the Ron Holland pick but other than that I lik everything that happened this offseason I don’t think we’re done either I think a trade happens I think there’s not a very good but I think there’s a good chance that we’re a play in team this year I just need you to trust me that’s all J philosophies on defense I think we’re going to get better on defense I think Kate Cunningham’s going to have an All-Star year I don’t know if we’ll necessarily see Improvement um by assar Thompson shooting but I think his versatility on defense is going to help us a lot um I mean Tobias Harris that’s that’s a that’s a nice ad he’s going to shoot 37 38% from three and I I think Duran improves on defense look that’s a hot take and i’mna I’m goingon to I’m going to stand on it I think the Pistons there’s a good chance that they’re a playing team this year I’m bought in with everything he said in that in that presser today wow I Stoke not scared St playing team’s like 30 36 wins I say that 36 wins playing Team I’m going to say it and I think people are scared to say it I I think you look at this roster and it’s it’s not complete but it’s good enough in the East yeah Hawks are playing team this year 36 46 was their record just looking up 39 and 43 I I don’t know bro I I mean I I know it’s it’s hard it’s hard to you know you won 14 games last year yeah so it’s it’s hard to picture a world where you’re even in contention to even be close to the playoffs you know what I mean but I don’t know I I just really like what I did we added shooting um yeah I don’t know there it’s it maybe it’s it’s obviously biased but I don’t know there’s just there’s just something in the air I just can’t do it again like I can’t be like even though this is way different it feels it feels way different the the the players we drafted are way or the players we added are way different cuz they’re actually guys who aren’t black holes they’re actually guys who fit and play their play their roles very well but I just can’t be like yep we’re going to the playin again cuz I’ve been doing that for 3 years I know I just feel like people are afraid to say it this buil is charged I’m 100% afraid to say and it’s understandable it’s understandable well at 3639 I’m just not for me like I’m if the speaky sports book was open I would put the over under I think I said it before in the show before it like 23 and a half yeah maybe 25 and a half after today’s press conference 36 39 is still kind of steep for me would I be surprised if it made a play in and rather than a playoff yeah pleasantly not I guess not as surprised I would be if obviously made a [ __ ] playoff but that it’s a big jump man well this is my issue with making that jump is yes I like everything that was done but you have you have Duren Stewart Holland assar and Ivy all in the rotation that’s five of your 10 guys in the rotation that you’re expecting to take leaps beyond the obvious Kade Cunningham leap that you’re that you’re expecting so I I just think I I think if everybody took the step that you want them to take then yes this could be a playing team I just how many times do you see a young team that that that’s this young and everybody takes that step it’s really really rare I mean you could point to OKC last year is probably one of the only teams where every young guy that needed to take a take a step took a step and they got to where they want and that just doesn’t happen often enough in the NBA so you’re right that a 36 win season is possible for the Pistons but you’d have to count on every single young player making a jump and history tells us that not every player is going to make a jump some will some won’t can I be honest I don’t even know if you need every young player to take the jump as much as K Cunningham like I feel like you finally gotten a little bit of GrooVe last season I think there’s some extra confidence that he’s had instilled it himself you given him that that contract You know despite the injuries and whatnot like it’s if he becomes the best version of himself is that a 20 game jump I don’t think you need Kade Cunningham to take a jump I think you need to be K Cunningham from last year the with the people you had around you now that is more than he played at an All-Star level last year if he was doing that with these players around him the only player I really need to see the biggest jump on this team is Jaylen Duran’s defense outside of assar shooting obviously but like you’ve got the veterans in here now that you know what you’re going to get from Kate Cunningham was playing at All-Star level last year if you get a big jump from Duren and his defense and oar shoots near 30% then yeah I could see that happening you’re talking yourself into it that’s what I did earlier yeah it’s gross I don’t want to do it it’s gross sorry I think that’s a great point about duren’s defense but I think Cade I know you say if he just stays the same I think he’s set up now with actual people around him to be a top 15 type player like we thought we were getting when we brought him in like a multi-time allar all NBA level type leader I believe Kade can be that so I think that’s the most likely thing to happen I don’t know if I can depend on the 20-year-old Duren to take that massive defensive leap which we hope he does yeah because obviously it is a big deal to still play defense in the modern NBA everybody it’s still you need you need a good defense all right don’t think I hate defense here but um I think I could definitely see Kade turning into a superstar and I think that’s probably most likely to happen to be honest I think bigger staff can bring that I don’t think there be a massive defensive leap but I definitely think he’ll bring a defensive leap out of Duran somewhat in some form of fashion just one through a natural development he’s only 20 years old yeah and two I put it in this Instinct um but it actually might be the same it was the same draft class Shaden sharp you guys think he’s going to stay the same as what I think last year he finally jumped like 15 points you think he’s stay in there no no he’s just as young as J I think he’s older than jayen dur I’m not mistaken someone wants to confirm that or not yeah Duran was the youngest player in that draft class he was you expect him to take a jump right yeah Duran expect that same thing and on top of that too look at duren’s numbers and they very minimal because again he’s a young guy in the league and did not play defense well but his defensive numbers in his rookie year were better under Casey than they were the [ __ ] terrorist Monty Williams yes just so like I think there’s going to be a natural jump just him getting better and two actually having a coach that gives a [ __ ] and he thr a three at being JB Bickerstaff who’s famously kind of known our league now for his defense and his defense and and his development his development of young guys like he aaro developed under him Darius Garland developed under him Evan Moy developed under him like J jiren alen yeah Lori marinin developed he turned into a [ __ ] Allstar under the guy like this is yeah I [ __ ] you sess like I I don’t want I don’t want to believe I want pizza yeah damn it I want pizza not Pistons no but I yeah it if everything goes right yeah but it’s crazy for me to think that everything’s going to go right with the Pistons just based on the trajectory of the franchise the past 10 years yeah I I I I totally agree but like I said there’s just something in the air right now and obviously a lot of things have to go right um but like you guys said I mean if Kade takes that All-Star leap and the one thing we needed was Shooters around him and and Tron delivered and yeah if he takes that All-Star leap if he gets up to 26 like 27 points seven assists I mean that this this looks like a this looks like a playoff team I’m just saying yeah I I just think I I think ultimately it’s you’re counting on too much growth from the young guys cuz I do assume that Kade will make that step but I just think in order to get 36 I think yeah assar has to hit a ceiling the the most important one was the one you brought up Spencer was durren has to become a defensive not just a defensive Center but a defensive anchor yeah and and I think that asking those two alone are going to be big and then you’re asking for a a big step in Ivy cuz remember this team still didn’t get a veteran point guard and that’s going to be an issue that’s going to be something I’m going to be hammering home this season is Kate and Ivy both turn the ball over a lot and when you’re a young team that’s building a defensive identity that from scratch and figuring things out offensively and have all this interchanging Parts yes the roster is a lot better but you have two guys that are that are going to be handling the bulk of the possessions with high turnover rates and so that’s going to always put you at a disadvantage too on top of on top of just the other things that come with being young and integrating the team Nick what’s up go get one what about the late first rounder of last season who played four years in college and Marcus sass who’s a deed eyy shooter and he can handle the ball well do you not have faith that he can take a leap or not even leap we know what he is he’s a sophomore player he’s not a veteran point guard and I like Marcus cesser and I like what he can be for sure uh but I the veteran point guard thing is definitely a big point of of what you like I saw people throwing around tus Jones out there I would [ __ ] love love tus Jones on this team yes you don’t think jar Jack can help them in that sense you can definitely help for sure but again it’s it’s just a thing you got to learn and obviously it’s another year for Kad so I expect the turnovers to go down a little bit and especially with he’s not going to have to make like I feel like some of the some of the turnovers for Kate Cunningham were really bad last year just you know unforced terrible turnovers but I think a couple of them were also like him driving to the hole and being like Oh I got to kick it out to these guys who shoot 20% from three but now he’s got Shooters out there that he can trust so he’s not going to have it in the back of his head like maybe they don’t hit it he’s just going to kick it out it’s going to be second nature JB bigger staff defensive am coach you want a veteran point guard on this team patri bever [ __ ] no dude just saying Patrick not a chance give me tyus Jones over Patrick Beverly any I’ll be honest with you if they get tus Jones if they get tus Jones then 36 wins is is a very realistic opportunity for the Pistons like that’s how important a veteran point guard will be for this for this team is Patty Mills still in the NBA uh I believe he I believe he is I don’t believe he signed anywhere I believe he’s a free agent still kind a shooting guard T Jones would be awesome that would be ideal like if you if you move on from Stewart to free up a space and you go grab Ty Jones that would be huge I mean I think you got 13 million maybe a little bit more if you if you wiggle those exception rooms and stuff and tus what do you think he’s getting he’s getting probably about 156 so maybe maybe it’s within the math or or you know you do a signning trade with Washington and send out a little a little bit extra to make it work so Washington definitely wants Isaiah Stewart oh yeah they definitely need a center they need another Center for sure um yeah I mean I’m not GNA I’m not going to say plan I I’d like to see them double their win total that that’s that would be a successful season for me [Music]

Spencer Raxter, EZ and the rest of the Heavyweights crew discuss how quickly things are changing with the Detroit Pistons and how it could be for the better. Are playoffs out of the question for this upcoming season? Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. Loved how he endorsed Ivey, Duren and Stu. It looks like Ivey and Cade will be the backcourt of the future. JB pointed out that he expects to have Cade or Ivey on the floor at all times. Seems like JB is higher on Ivey than this network and Monty Williams was. Everyone on here was swearing that Beasley spelled the benching of Ivey. That Cade and Ivey can't co-exist on the floor together. JB seems to have other plans.

  2. if we win 30-35 games the fans should be ecstatic people we weren't just bad we were historically bad. if we go to "not bad" you all should be happy

  3. JI sealing is way higher than cades I believe you’ll owe him an apology if he plays good that’s what I would like to see

  4. Refreshing to get some young intelligent coaches and GMs Troy Weaver and Monty Williams was just some old dried up gas This is a young man's game and they have the energy to teach Don't put up with anything move your feet demand it from your players That's my beef against Jalen Durham they allowing him to try up and down the court

  5. Quit drinking the Kool-Aid these are the same players that won 14 games last year All press conferences sound good till they do it on the court don't believe it we brought in a bunch of semi rejects from every other team we wouldn't have them if their previous team wanted them let's see it on the court Cleveland got rid of this guy with this beautiful press conference

  6. Age don't always mean you take a jump Killian Hayes was going to take a jump The Boyer was going to make a jump Stanley Johnson was going to make a jump some players just don't have it James Wiseman was going to make a jump I don't like the effort of Jalen Durham he trots he does not move his feet teach him how to jump rope slide your feet it's about hustle I don't like what I see from the guy it's not about age that's 17-year-old kid playing against Olympics is 4 years younger but he's got the effort already

  7. We lost 27 games in a row with Kade Cunningham if he wasn't good enough to steal a game in all that time how good can he be I like him but he lost a bunch of those games if he could play good in the last 5 minutes we would have won 10 more games last year Don't give him a free ride he was partly the blame with those turnovers he plays too slow you got to speed it up and make other players better

  8. I never liked Monty as our coach! I'm a browns fan also and it was like when we got OBJ. He didn't wanna be there and it showed. Same with Williams. He didn't wanna coach in Detroit. They just threw so much money at him he couldn't turn it down. We need the right coach with this young group of players . I think we got the right guy

  9. I like the Pistons. What I don't like is the media pushing the Kool-Aid to overhype a team. As a sports bettor, I bet one game at a time. Thanks for reminding me why I don't watch sports talk shows.

  10. Yes!

    I am feeling it too. I like what they have done and these guys might improve enough to make this happen.

    I think the play in is right there.

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