Why did Stamkos pick Nashville?| OverDrive – Hour 2 – 07/10/2024

Why did Stamkos pick Nashville?| OverDrive – Hour 2 – 07/10/2024

[Music] hour two overdrive continues brought to you by FanDuel bringing you everything from the opening line to the final score Brian Hayes dayve Fest truck Mich go to Stephano AK L’s brother ‘s brother will have another rendition of the filter in about a half an hour there’s got to be another Cena take in there another wrestling take I mean I could I could come up with one you have to have I do have takes okay think you have half an hour doesn’t necessarily have to be Cena but that Cena take has caused such a story you have to have that I think in every single one of these yeah I I mean that people online like yesterday were still talking about it and that’s the thing wrestling like people have takes when it comes to that I sport I guess if that’s what we’re going to call T show TV show whatever you want to call it people got takes when it comes to wrestling yeah they do and um I’ve seen some people agree with you a lot more disagree with you but um yeah we’ll have more on that in about a half an hour Barry trt’s coming up here in a moment uh England just beat the Netherlands 2-1 uh Oly Watkins scored in the 90th minute to make it 2-1 and England’s threw to the final to play Spain so that that’s going to be electric and there’s get what the beauty of a goal like that A Moment Like That is it’s I’d say in the next hour we’re going to see videos start to go viral of pubs thr England going crazy when he scored right all the beers thrown in the meme but in real life it’s actually going to happen again real life like there’d be pubs all over Toronto that that would be happening there’d be Dutch pubs where it’d be the opposite the English pubs where they’d be going crazy I was at a place uh I think it was at a Boston Pizza actually when they were playing the group uh the round of 16 the groups uh yeah it was round of 16 where they went to penalties I believe it was that game and Bellingham scored late remember that helicopter kick or whatever to push it to extra time and then Kane scored an extra time they won 2-1 that was it and were a bunch of English supporters in there and they were so angry with the way it was being played because this is the magical thing about any run in Pro Sports regardless of what it is where it’s a single elimination a best of seven Club stage International Bellingham doesn’t score there they’re out yeah like he scored the 90th minute or 91st minute to tie the match to push it to extra time and now they’re in the final incred like it’s that thin of a margin if you want to go on a crazy run yeah it is and that’s what happened that’s the beauty of it but hey man for all the people absolutely banging on Garrick sgate like there he takes more abuse than he’s loving any coach than that I’ve ever you know witnessed on social media because England fans have incredibly strong opinions about the way he’s coaching this team but two straight Euro finals got him to the World Cup quarterfinals seems pretty good seems pretty good it seems to be working out pretty well I would say for the English so I mean uh England final this weekend and that means the Netherlands will play um France I guess that who’s Canada in that match because Canada losing to Argentina Canada’s off to the third place match is that NE is that the Netherlands I guess like France France made it to the World Cup final uh this past well couple years ago years AG so I guess they would they’ll probably come in as the favorite I would think I would think so yeah although they haven’t been really scoring but they did the other night uh so there you go everything’s all set at the euros and uh as we mentioned tough night for Canada last night but overall a great experience at cop America Kevin kban will join us into the 6 PM hour Barry tr’s coming up here in a moment Nashville Predators they’ve basically stolen the headlines although the stamp Co story was more about him leaving Tampa than where he was going yeah right like overwhelmingly it’s been about how could Tampa screw that up or why would Tampa want that how ruthless they are how could they not come to terms 16 years captain two CBS and it happened so quickly where leading up to July 1st it still felt as if somehow they would work this out yeah and not only did they not work it out immediately it’s like that guy’s going to Nashville he didn’t wait 10 days you know I thought he might wait some time and fly around and check no he said screw it I’m going to Nashville so I think what what it is is there was no sweep Stakes like usually there’s a sweep stakes and it’s like all right what’s going to happen like Remember When Brad Richards hit for agency people flying into New York and doing present I think darar the same thing up in Miss Newport Sports office and you kind of assumed all right maybe stammer will do the same thing but no like 1201 came on July 1st it’s like stamp Coast is an actual Predator it’s like oh all right yeah it was a quick turnaround yeah and he said basically they wanted me you know like they showed interest in me in a way that hint hint nudge nudge Tampa Bay light he did not yeah you would think a lot of teams would have shown interest in yeah so it would have would not have been exclusively Nashville there had to be a connection there and I think I can understand what it would be Nashville’s a good team they a playoff team last year brunette’s a really good coach great City good taxes we keep talking about that I mean he has been used to that for a long time but it’s in the west I could also see him not really wanting to you know butt heads with Tampa or stay in the division or something like that like this feels like a a pure break because he’s going to Nashville or if he signed in Florida or with Leafs or something it would be almost feel spiteful like T push me out would have appreciated it would have been a lot of fun oh yeah but this is more fine screwed I’m moving on completely I’m going somewhere else and I’m going to the west and he’s he’s in a division there where it’s a perfect fit too it’s a good fit they need goal scoring that’s all they need I mean they’ve got a world class golender and UC Saros have got one of the best defenseman in the league and Roman Yosi the one thing that they’ve really lacked and Philip forsberg’s done a good job you know he’s a 40 goal scorer you know he’ll score but they needed someone else like he was really the only one who was really able to put some Pucks in the back of the net now you add in Steven stamp Co you’re adding Jonathan maraso who we had 42 goals this past year yeah he’s a 40 goal scorer you’re adding a lot of goals on defense Shay on the on the blue line to kind of I guess replace what you lost in Ryan mcdna I mean yeah trotz has done a really really good job of kind of putting this team uh you know back in a driver’s seat when you look at what they could do the Western Conference yeah they’re going to be fun to watch we should we should look this up on FanDuel take a look at where the odds stand for them to either win the central or win the west or you know I we we it may be too early for us to really take a look at Point projection or win loss projection but Nashville would have been expected to be a playoff team anyway and they obviously only boosted those chances with what they did on July 1st where I’d suggest they stole the headlines you know that be the story stamp Coast maraso Shay and where are they going from here in Nashville and the man that was kind of leading the charge in terms of getting these guys to to sign the dotted line would be the GM of the Nashville Predators and that would be Barry trotz and Barry joins us here on the maple Toyota hotline how you doing Barry good good good afternoon gentlemen good afternoon thank you for doing this and you know we were talking about the stamco situation and you know from our standpoint on the outside looking in it was more about him leaving Tampa as opposed to where he went and it happened so quickly we thought okay when it didn’t work out with Tampa maybe he’d take his time he did not take his time he committed to you guys really really quickly obviously had a great appreciation for your pitch um can you take us inside the pitch what what was it that that made it so enticing for stamp coast and made him not wait too long to sign and say I’m coming to smashville well I think uh probably having Ryan mcdna there uh you know for two years previously I think uh obviously Ryan uh you know has great great respect for what we tried to do in in uh in Nashville and then I I think uh as as Ryan said he had absolute blast when he was there and asked that I I move him to back to Tampa if that was possible and I didn’t even know if it would be um but Julian uh said that he would want Ryan back and and then we worked out a deal from there and and then obviously with the with the stam Co thing that was uh you know I’ve had uh uh you know relationships with with stammer in the past with the couple of world uh you know the worlds a couple times earlier in his career and then later in his career at the World Cup of Hockey so we knew each other a little bit and then obviously we went to the Conference Finals when I was with the Islanders a couple times so you you gained such a great respect for the guys that compete against all the time and I think he saw that what we were doing in Nashville uh how we how we treated people the city all the things that we had to offer I I think you’re looking at guys like Roman Yosi and and uh pH forsburg and US resigning UC sorrow uh there are some good players and then having a real deep pool of of kids coming uh for the future I think it made a lot of sense for stammer um to you know make the move to naville well I mean you’re wearing a new hat over the last couple of years since you’ve taken over as general manager being you a long- esteemed head coach in the league like how much more do you like being able to I guess have the final say in how you approach for agency because you’ve been arguably the most aggressive general manager these past couple of years since you’ve taken over uh I guess I comes with being a coach I I think you have less patience probably um and I I I don’t I don’t know uh I think probably the uh uh I don’t I don’t look at it that way having a final say I just think is what we’re trying to do is do something special for Nashville um and want winning a cup by a sort of come full circle being the first head coach in Nashville and then returning uh back to Nashville sort of at the end of my my career and and uh you know Nashville’s been my home so I I I probably look at it a little different that I I want to bring that cup to Nashville that was something that I always wanted to do as a coach there and I wasn’t able to do it so I think I feel I’ve got a responsibility to arm my my coach with as many tools as possible to bring a cup to Nashville and um hopefully we can do that in uh in in in sometimes you know in the future here uh oh we were really aggressive obviously uh the last two years we made some bold decisions I don’t I think that’s come from coaching you just make the decision and move on and and learn to deal with it um and I think you know uh my my whole thought process going uh into free agency we wanted to have a real good draft we had a real deep draft uh I think we had six picks in six or seven picks in the first three rounds so we we’ve loaded up pretty good with some some really quality players for the future but my my first priority to our to our team is when Brian McD’s hole was created last year um in in the spring I said to the the veteran players you know it’s I I I created that hole it’s my responsibility to fill that hole and I will do that and that was sort of my first priority and then the second priority was to add some some more offense to our to our especially our forward group uh and I think we were able to do that obviously getting two 40 gold scores I I wouldn’t imagine that going into it uh uh I just think that our management group stayed on top of things figured out where the pieces were sort of going to fall and then uh then we made our play on on the guys and it just it it fortunately for us we we picked up some really quality people I always looking for serial winners uh you know obviously getting a captain in in stamp coast and obviously getting marsho who’s you know been a playoff MVP just like O’Reilly is um you know those C smip type of guys those are those are invaluable for their lessons that they’ve they’ve learned on their Journey so and then I think what you’re going to see is we we fixed our top six and then it allows our our young guys to slowly marinate move up the ladder and I build a a top nine as the uh some of these players start to they age out our younger guys should be marinated and ready to go so I I think hopefully the plan is in place and hopefully we can just uh make sure that looks like a better hockey team on paper but I know this you’re going to need the Buy in you’re going to need the the understanding the work the workload the the commitment from all the players to have success so um that that’s where we stand today Barry so up here north of the Border uh we look at your success luring some free this off seon we look at another year going by and a Canadian team not winning the Stanley Cup but it’s 30 30 30 plus years in counting um and we look at another team from a no tax state claiming the trophy as a you know GM in a no tax state in Tennessee how much of a selling point is that in your favor to be able to you know sort of uh bring that to the attention of wouldbe free agents and Acquisitions well I think when you it it is an advantage because your dollar goes a little bit farther there’s no question it it it is a little bit of Advantage but when you talk to you talk to Steven SOS or or Mar Sol the players that are say s serial winners uh guys that have gone deep have had deep you know good careers and they made a lot of it doesn’t go that far uh but it it does it does help probably the middle middle group a little bit but uh for the elite players the top players they’re just looking for a place that are serious about winning want to win and uh fit in their window so uh it is it is for some guys uh but the the guys are usually leaning your teams and and uh being the big difference makers I I don’t think it’s that big of a difference I think it’s more for the uh the guys that are s in the in the second and third third tier in your group with Barry trotz the GM the Nashville Predators so Steven stampco Jonathan Marsh so Brady Shay um you know your offense up front I think the face of the offensive group for you for quite some time now has been Philip forsberg who’s a right shot Winger Marsh a right shot Winger stamp Co right shot capable of playing Center has been more of a Winger though later in his career I’m curious how you see Andrew brunette and Company like how how do you mobilize this group how do how do how do they all fit stamp Coast Maro forsburg um right shot you know Wingers who can score how how do you make all this work in your lineup well I think it’s for us it works I’ll leave that up to Andrew believe it or not I don’t get too involved in that uh you know only only when I’m asked um but they they make it work uh they’ll make it work because those guys the one thing that all all those guys they can play multiple positions even though they’ve been you know on the right wing for a good portion of their uh maybe the last couple Years or or what have you like stammer can play probably all three positions and talk to him uh Marcus always played both sides at times and he doesn’t mind it at all and we we’re a team that flashes across so um just being being on your either wing and it really doesn’t much of difference to them you know I could see you know we’ve had our big line of no of U Riley and nist and and forsburg were a really good line last year it was a great line last year not be a good line this year so you could see some maybe a piece from there playing with those two other guys so I’m going to leave that up to uh Andrew to figure out but uh all I I I do know this we got some good quality people guys like uh Tommy Novak and and Cody glass uh as well as uh you know Colton ciens people like that still in our lineup uh to to give us some really good depth through the uh the whole lineup and then I think we’ve got a good identity line uh that uh doesn’t mind crashing and bang a little bit so uh we got enough pieces and you’re going to need all of them if you’re you’re going to have any success during the regular season and into the playoffs so I’ll leave that up to uh Andrew to to figure out such a an active two or three weeks in the NHL and now we’re into almost the middle of July everything quiets down um how much activity would you expect to be involved in how much activity do you think is still left around the NHL between now and the opening of camp in a couple months I don’t think there’s a lot I think if you look at most teams uh I think most teams are just buttoning up the last uh player or two on their lineup and then obviously there’s some arbitration cases not very many I think we have one um but I I think pretty well you get your business done before the the trading deadline um or not trading deadline before free agency you sort of sort of figure out what you what you want to add see if you can add it and then a few days after and maybe a week after and then things settle down for a couple weeks and then you’ll see you gu second wave I would say like almost at the end of July early August of people have who haven’t found a seat yet still looking and you’ll get some some bargain shopping in well we’ll uh let you get back to I guess this two- we lull uh Barry before you get back at it maybe at the end of the month or early August but we appreciate you doing this I know it’s into the offseason we we really appreciate you joining us thank you for this anytime guys do you guys do a great job appreciate it there’s Barry trotz the GM of the national predators joining us here in the maple Toyota hotline build your next dream Toyota at Maple Toyota and check out Maple Toyota’s pre-owned inventory arriving daily it’s time to Toyota visit Maple toyota.com I think you know that’s one of the 32 guys with a seat at the table who’s telling you what I think most people know and I think Lea fans would hear that and say yeah I I understand what that means you’re going to make massive changes it’s at the draft or on July 1st or right before it like that’s when you this is what we’re doing it’s going to be drastically different or wow this is going to take a lot of time at a minimum what you get is reports that it’s close Okay talks broke off then they were you know then a month from now maybe they come back to the table fine we’ll meet that price fine we’ll make it a first round pick but a lot of the heavy lifting in terms of team building whatever your philosophy is going to be it’s determined before the before July 1st right if it hasn’t and it hasn’t leaked out that you’re even thinking of it this is the team set are you are you guess what something Haz what I’m saying is we’re running it back in Toronto like that’s that’s what coming didn’t it sound like when we saw Keith p and Brennan Shanahan and Brad tree living standing up there you know Shanahan said a lot of things now uses a lot of words he takes a lot of diversions down different roads as he answers questions but there were a lot of answers that sounded like we had a lot of patience and then your patience runs out and doesn’t sound like the patience has run out or the patience has run out they can’t do anything about it players have all the control yeah it could be the ladder but either either way whatever whatever the reasoning is behind it I think Lea fans should be bracing for the core 4 Morgan Riley the core five the guys who’ve been here for six years six plus like they’re all going to be back yeah they’re all going to be here sounds like it yeah at least one more year I mean yeah then who knows then there is some flexibility they’ll make decisions on that but yes you can run it back for another year so everything might have been on the table including the idea of bringing everything back and I guess that was the decision in the end whether their hands were tied or not this is where we’re probably going with the leaves at least there was a a a change behind the bench so there is something that changed like last year nothing changed I mean okay the GM but I we all knew that that that was probably the last thing that people cared to have changed was Kyle out I mean someone wanted to see either the coach or wanted to see something in the core four on the ice change and we didn’t see it and they went to the exact same season same issues couldn’t score power play was terrible exact same problem and now we’ll see if the new coach can come in and change some of that yeah and that that is a substantial move and it will but that’s one that does doesn’t have any effect on the salary cap what actually happens on the ice no you know like baru factors into how they’re going to play and the systems and who’s on the ice but once the puck drops and they’re playing it’s on the big boys to get it done the same dudes yeah it’s the same guys and so uh I would expect the leaks will still be active like I could see them making a trade or two between now and the opening of free agency I think they’ll sign a couple of pto’s like standard procedure that they do every single year they’re still probably looking to fill out their roster a little bit in certain ways we’ll see what happens with with Hawk and paaw if he ends up signing or not it’s a weird situation still how we still don’t have Clarity on that it’s been what 10 days it’s obviously the knee issue and it’s got to be the physical it’s got to be something going on with the doctors or maybe the Leafs went back and said we got to make it a different type of deal I I’m not sure what’s going on there was a two-year deal when it was reported a two-year deal so yeah maybe now with this knee maybe they’re like H maybe a one year see what’s up and we can revisit it later on if if things are okay like a Conor brown type of thing where there a bonus baked Into The Following Season like they did last year in Edmonton based on how many games you play exactly yeah I could see that possibly being the case but yeah they Le again they’ll they’ll I wouldn’t be surprised if they made a trade or two like I wouldn’t be surprised at all but it’s not going to be a massive trade I don’t think we’re seeing the the Mitch Mar tra can you get off David Camp’s money what I’m saying like could they trade Camp maybe they maybe Yar cro is a guy they look to trade for a different position of still I think L grin’s I don’t think why’ you resign him if you wanted to trade yeah that’s you don’t get you cuz I think he still holds value like I think he still holds value they could have traded his rights to someone that wanted him like that next team could have negotiated with him if there was a team out there that was dying for Timothy lilligren he would have been traded there’s no team that’s dying for Timothy lilligren don’t know what just happened Timothy lilligren our new engineer It’s s like a a ominous threat yeah some sort of a cloud sorry Timothy I apologize every team is seeking your services that’s right Timothy I’ll never say that again but if they wanted to trade him they could they they could have traded him or I guess what I should say is if someone wanted them they could have had them yeah and if you didn’t want him why’d you sign him yeah exactly it’s it’s a it’s actually a very strange play but um I think he’s got value in the regular season I do I just question whether he has value in the playoffs can’t trust him that’s the problem with a lot of on this on this team right but this is to a point where it’s like I don’t think he plays in the playoffs because in the playoffs if you’re a defenseman you either have to be you have you got to have size and physicality you have to have speed or you have to supply some offense and I agree with you and he doesn’t check any of the boxes so then why do you continue to bring him back into the fold that’s the question we’re ask why are you wasting $3 million of valuable cap space on Timothy LD I would guess they wanted to spend it elsewhere and they got no you know I I would guess they were in on on you know whoever it is you know there were probably other guys that they were calling on they I think they I get the impression they wanted tanv mon X and another guy whether it was sidorov who priced himself out or a lot of guys priced themselves yeah like a number of guys priced themselves up pesy whoever it was and they said okay well we got to fill out our roster we need a six or seven and that’s Timothy lilligren and they decided to keep him in the end so because I think if put it this way if tan of came zorov came emman Larson came they would not have signed Timothy lren I do not believe I don’t believe they would have but I think it got to a point where they realized we we got to figure out who’s going to play here and I think come the trade deadline they’ll probably look to upgrade at that position like they do every single year yes and more than likely it will knock him out of the top six like that’s my projection on what I think will end up happening but we’ll see but I think he’s got value in the regular season I think he’s comfortable in regular season play he’s proven that he’s uncomfortable when it comes to playoff time CU it’s completely different game it is but that’s completely different game problem that we have here in Toronto it’s the regular season’s not the issue MH you know it’s can you get it done in the playoffs when you got to play a little harder when you got to beef up a little bit he hasn’t been able to do that yet now I will say different coach so maybe baru is like all right let’s see if I can get my hands on if we can do something cuz I mean he the first round pick right right and there’s been flashes where lilr looked okay relatively young still yeah I think he’s 25 years old so like just entering into his prime so they’re betting that he he gets it this year maybe he gets it I think he’s only played like 200 and something games in the NHL yeah in that in that range I would imagine so maybe under under the tutelage of a new coach they’re hoping that all right we we can unlock Something In Timothy lilligren and if he plays with a guy like oel you know maybe that will help him as opposed to having to be you know saddled up with Mark jordano who at the end of his career didn’t really offer up a whole lot and the speed wasn’t there now you got oel a little bit of a better partner too should be it’s a great Theory I was brother well that’s all I come together all I got is theories and takes boys theories and takes we’re coming up with the filter with you Ellis brother and I expect some heat from you terms of what kind of takes you want to send out to the world but they have to filter through fjuck and I we’ll let you know if we you can send it end it or basically deactivate your account yeah and we will we will tag Elon Musk in that and make sure that you’re never allowed back on the platform ever again H all right there’s a lot of people that wish I was not on that platform anyway so you’re not alone on that Alis brother I’m right there with you buddy Kevin kilb in studio in about an hour also Bill Armstrong GM of the Utah Hockey Club our guy coming up yes the Utah Hockey Club coming up in about a half an hour so we’re excited about that over over drive continues TSN 1050 and on TSN plus no filter you have no filter that’s it’s quite obvious that’s true that’s a good thing say whatever comes into your mind I don’t really modulate your feelings at all yeah it’s a good thing for me but it’s a bad thing for water all right Al brother you really caused a scene the other day yeah this filter thing Man it really really bothered a lot of people and specifically what you had to say about John Cena and the idea that he is a Mount Rushmore wrestler stand by that 100% still right wow and and furthermore who you would put ahead of like him ahead of including Hulk Hogan yeah Flair triple hicha The Undertaker The Undertaker The Undertaker the streak yeah yeah I do I I I completely agree I mean here’s the thing about those guys not to rehash the conversation they were all around and they were very capable of taking the mantle as the guy through the 2000s but it was John Cena who came through and said Undertakers take a step back Triple H take a step back Shawn Michaels you’re no longer in the in the equation here I’m the guy all right I’m the guy here so I appreciate that you’re standing by that take regardless of how many people are against it um okay this is the way it works you have takes that you want to send out into the world but they have to filter through Dave and I first and we if we agree with them we’ll say send it we disagree we’ll say either end it or delete it but if we really really disagree then we’ll say you have to deactivate your account completely and that’s buffoonery and no one wants to hear from you anymore so what do you have in store for us well keep it on the theme of goats uh i’ I’ve got one here and Sydney Crosby has to be so jealous about how much better the capitals have done and keeping their window open for oetkin that Crosby just has not been afforded that opportunity with how dubis has dealt with things in Pittsburgh I’m gonna have to end that because Washington stinks too like they I like Washington’s off season not that I think they’re cup contenders they’re not even playoff teams are they for sure I’m not convinced they’re a playoff team um they brought in Pierre Luke du’s brother that alone makes it an f and my guy Andrew mapani okay not a bad player like M but also yeah Chan do you see what they had to give up for Chan that’s his value around the league Nick Jensen in a third this is not the the hype trained CH when he was in Arizona we saw it in Ottawa they’re not that good so yes they made the playoffs last year to their credit they kind of held on and and Detroit kind of choked it away and they got in but I don’t think there’s any window open in Washington I don’t believe there’s one in Pittsburgh either so I I don’t think like Sid looks at what’s going on with oie in Washington and thinks wow I’m so jealous of that because I I don’t think Washington’s even in the conversation yeah you I mean there’s just you have to end that end that do not send that because these teams are both going nowhere right ha this point like windows closed like yeah like you know what the Washington Capitals have done since they won the Stanley Cup they have failed to win a Playoff round yeah you know you know what the Pittsburgh Penguins have done since they won the Stanley Cup they’ve won one Playoff round so it’s just they’re both teams that are drifting in a place that really doesn’t end up anywhere because they just don’t have the ability to get out of the ass of having all these veterans and no way to really have a pipeline of young guys coming in also so beholden to that Superstar who in Sid’s case is still the player he was in large in in large ways oh yeah I mean fought his way into MVP conversation L season last year o is not though like oie Alex oetkin has one goal in mind and that is to score goals and then get off the ice yeah like he only cares about Chas chasing grety and I get the impression the whole organization revolves around that well that’s the moves that they made to me suggest like they’re they’re supporting him and giving him players to allow that to happen what is Sid still playing for in pit outside of trying to Winn okay but that’s not going to happen like Obie has an individual chase that we’re all aware of he’s chasing grety what is Sid chasing outside of the obvious I get trying to win like every other player in the leag of course like oie would like to win oie would be cool with winning where Sid sit for like points and stuff is he close you know I think what he’s chasing is Mariel deuse franchise records okay he can he can pass those he’s got what he’s I don’t even like do the quick math he needs about 100 plus 120 plus points to pass Mario all time franchise lead needs about less than a 100 goals to pass Mario okay he’s gonna needs less than 30 assists to pass his assist so he can become the franchise leader okay that’s basically every offensive category that’s sensible yeah I mean it’s kind it kind of speaks to Lemieux how great he was the fact that Sid still hasn’t caught him in any of those categories s Crosby Sid’s played what has he played 18 years and he’s had his injury problems too but Lemieux had so many injuries and left the game for so long yeah like Sid’s already played 300 plus more games than Mario ever did and he hasn’t caught him he still hasn’t caught him and Sid’s one of the great Point collecting players of all time yeah I think his streak of a point per game is one that I’m sure takes a lot of pride in and he should I believe it’s only him and Gretzky that have ever gone as long as he has I think it’s again 18 years where he’s averaged a point a game Gretzky I want to say did that 18 times yeah um so I guess he could surpass that surpassing Lemieux like that’s certainly worthy of something that’s worthy of a lot like if you if you hang it up and you you own everything that obviously would go a long way for Sid I think the capitals have equipped OV more to do that than Sid has been equipped with what the penguins have done over the last coup like the penguins that they took away Jake gensel yes but they kept Malin they kept lat Tang which Sid wanted yeah like Sid’s got to take some responsibility for that like keeping the band together yeah I mean it seemed like he was pretty adamant like I want everyone to stay here and Gino’s played I believe every game in the last two years as well and put up okay numbers the tangs game has fallen off but you know I just I don’t I don’t think Washington’s that much further ahead if at all then and as much as you made a big stir this season when you had your Harvey’s hot take but get Sid out get him out of get him out of Pittsburgh I think there’s a lot of evidence that suggests he wants to be just like his Idol Steve Eiserman what’s going to play his entire career with one team and he’s quite happy to do that yeah and listen that’s his right and that’s his career and all the best I mean I I I never I understand where he’s coming from I’d like to see him move on I I just I would find that very compelling at least we’ll have him for international hockey yes exactly which is a good thing that it’s been effectively a decade I know we had the 16 World Cup but like what he did in 2010 what he did in 2014 and that that’s probably his swan song is 2026 yeah right like that’s the cap on it and it’s difficult as you get later into your career to continue to establish Legacy markers right where if you pass Lemieux and all those categories that is something that will be very publicized what Sid continues to do if he continues to average a point a game but if he plays a factor in them winning gold in 2026 and he bookends 2010 with 2026 that’s something brety didn’t do um right you know I guess Lemieux might argue in 87 and I guess you could argue that Lemieux maybe did that but Sid would be you know doing something I can’t imagine anyone’s ever done anything like that 16 years apart like 8702 is I guess maybe we’re you know splitting hairs here right but still that would be pretty substantial in terms of a legacy in terms of resume being able to say look what I’ve done consistently throughout my career been this great yeah longevity like to your point but there’s no window open for Sid to play meaningful games in the NHL anymore certainly not in the playoffs but he has meaningful games available to him wearing that Maple Leaf red one well and I just thought of this because we’ve all had the conversation who’s going to be the captain in 26 like it was a no-brainer in O2 that Lemieux was the captain for sure like no one was suggesting it was someone else’s time how could it be sackick or yeah like also great players who had been around forever that had been under the shadow you know of of Gretzky and Lemieux and maybe it’s hey Mario you’re older here you’re still a good player but you know this is Paul Korea’s team he’s got to and I get mcdavid’s different because McDavid is in the same category as Sid as Mario as Gretzky but there was never a doubt NO2 who the captain was and it was the right decision it was Mario well maybe also be the mistake of 98 that was a part of it too where they went young they said it’s Lind Ross’s era and team now much like McDavid and as great as McDavid is and I think he’s greater lindross in ’98 was he was the man he was great like it was get out of this guy’s way the guy just won a heart they went to The Cup Final just got swept by Detroit but they were there I think in 97 it was like it’s his League now it’s his world who cares about Gretzky on the team you got to give it to lindross there are similarities between Lindros in 98 and McDavid in 26 for me I I’m not overthinking this Sid’s your captain in 2026 yeah that’s who I would be I I would make sure he takes that on he’s been there he’s done that McDavid never has mcdavid’s never played at an International Tournament to the magnitude of an Olympic games where Sid has all this experience yeah was it 2014 where they were contemplating Taz though yes there was a conversation there well I think what that was about was more Sid playing the game like out of respect to Taves cuz he he had won two cups he he was at the height of his game he was Captain material and I think the conversation was not necessarily legitimate like we’re going to give it to Taves it was we should have the conversation out respect to Taves yeah right and I don’t think Taves was ever going to accept it I think Sid was always going to get it and I think even Sid in his typical way where they always you know they they don’t want to step out of line and and be disrespectful I think he said said something like you know Taves would be a great Captain too and we’re all you know of course paying off team of captains yeah exactly exactly but you’re right that was kind of a conversation but in the end they got it right it was yes yes yeah all right brother what else do you have here all right we’ll stick to hockey we’ll stick to this one um I’m not sure why dry Sidle doesn’t have an extension yet I mean he’s blank checkw worthy in my opinion pay the man yeah I I would say send it if you’re an Edmonton I don’t think there’s any question about that I don’t think the negotiation is stalled because of Edmonton’s ambition to pay him or their possible anxiety to overpay him or give him 20% Which isn’t going to happen no player gets 20% Dr is going to be no different I would assume it’s more the dry settle Camp trying to figure out what he wants to do because he did say that on the podium after the game or I guess the you know when they were cleaning out the locker room said we got to take some time to see what Edmonton wants what I want what does he want well and also what McDavid wants what McDavid want mcdavid’s a huge part in this of course like he’s in the shadows determining what’s going to happen with all this because I don’t believe for a second drle signing there for more than a year if mcdavid’s not giving him a clear-cut sign that he’s staying too right like if McDavid goes I’m still figuring out I think drad will either play out the year sign a one-year extension how could you how could any other than that you’re right like it’s if unless he gives you the win wi nudge nudge I’m staying longterm right how could you be confident in signing a long-term deal in Edmonton well I mean it’s still a good team like I guess mcdavid’s the the guy there but you can be the guy I mean even without McDavid like are they a cup Contender no but like it’s still a good team I don’t like for Leon D what’s is he GNA follow McDavid wherever he goes probably not he’s gonna have to choose somewhere else to go is that team going to be as good like I don’t know who’s going to have cap space to fill in a million player mhm I think the elephant in the room is you know he’s not Canadian he’s not from Edmonton he’s been there a long time yes they’re very good but if mcdavid’s not there like I could see him saying what’s La doing there are other what’s Vegas doing what’s Tampa up to these days Vegas would be in there so quick that’s the nature of the league right now and for a guy like dry cdle you know why you know what is he going to stay in Edmonton his whole career his whole life I don’t know if he is well and and actually it puts McDavid in a difficult position cuz he theoretically doesn’t have to make the decision anytime soon except if his best pal is asking him what are you doing and and you’re right and he’s he’s not a stupid guy he knows where if dyle leaks it out or the dry SLE Camp leaks out that I’m not sure I’m staying everyone’s going to bypass dry and go to the David it must be because because you’re leaving right yeah like that it is it’s an amazing they’re linked well yeah it’s almost like whatever contract whether it doesn’t come if it’s a one-year or if it’s a multi-year deal it kind of is telling you what McDavid is going to do right like like if if it’s not a multi-year deal well M David must be on the fence but if this is a long-term deal to get eight years it’s like okay well mcdavis probably GNA has a a tucked away deal in the drawer next July 1st when he’s able to sign that thing’s going to get signed too listen if they if they can get dry subtle on an 8-year deal that means he’s going to spend his whole career in Edmonton that would be amazing aming for the Oilers and that would be that would put him at what 19 years of service there I guess he had a threeyear entry level he coming off an eight-year deal if he signs another one um I don’t see why Edmonton would Flinch in fact I I know they would why would they I mean there’s no reason for that exactly like I think I think if they if if dry called them right now and said I want an eight-year deal at 14 million per full no mo full no move full no trade 90% bonuses they’d say absolutely where do you want to meet like right now let’s do it I don’t think it’s about Edmonton and it won’t be about Edmonton a year from now when mcdavid’s a year out it’s going to be about the players and what they want to do and I think Edington and Jeff Jackson and Company they got to sit and wait all right El brother what do you got you got well why do you come back why come back let’s come back with your wrestling take oh boy all right let’s really tease this let’s see what Al’s brother has in store all right Bill Armstrong coming up GM of the Utah hockey Club I love it Kevin kban would join us England beating the Netherlands today 2-1 they scored the 90th minute to make it 21 they are off to the euro final against Spain on the weekend and Canada still uh kind of responding to what happened last night losing Argentina 2-0 so we’ll look back on that match as well Kevin was in the stadium down in Jersey so Kevin kban still to come as well overdrive continues TSN 1050 and on TSN plus all right Bill Armstrong coming up GM of the Utah Hockey Club Kevin kban see Rory maroy speaking today for the first time since the US Open uh I wouldn’t say it was Defensive but he tried to explain it tough putt where he was at he knew where Bryson was off the te but you know he’s been chewing on that for weeks yeah like and he he went came to the defense of his caddy I thought he did so eloquently and that was very appropriate you know and he made a good point when he wins his cadd gets no accolades it’s only when it goes the wrong way and ultimately in pro golf like it’s on the the player is the one that makes the final call makes the final read makes the putt hits the shot and he’s back at the Scottish open at tournament he won last year it’s at Royal TR next week you know he’s going to have a lot of Support over there I I’m really intrigued by what happens here Rory in the next two weeks I got a hypothetical for you mhm so I saw this on Tik Tok so I want to actually ask you this and they’re talking about it they’re golf you know golf fans and they’re saying if you if you were to compete in the Masters do like an 18 holes compete in the Masters and you had the opportunity to start from the greens could you win a Masters tournament so in other words my ball drops where in the middle of the Green from the furthest part of of the the green could I win the tournament could you win the tournament by just like putting yes I would run away with that tournament you think I’d have a green jacket right now you believe so yes I believe so you know much an advantage it is to like I got to I got to lag a couple think on the par fivs I hit a great lag Putt and I have an albatross or something think about that can you read those greens well enough me it it would be difficult I’m assuming I have a caddy do I get practice rounds I get practice rounds house brother in this hypothetical you speak of or what let’s say no so I get no no help I get no show up that’s yeah let’s say that’s that’s the that’s the trade-off you just show up I still think I’d win you come from jail I mean you’re you’re saying everybody else is back on the tea boox and he is on the green yeah and his his stroke one is his first putt yes okay he’d win of course I would win of course I would win now you probably would no I would not I wouldn’t even I i’ not even a chance yeah like I take 10 Strokes to put that thing in from there it’s an interesting hypothetical but I think if you’re a reasonable golfer that has some sort of confidence on the green think an average golfer could win like you’re above average golf how much Advantage it is to be like dro like if you if you have any sense of of reading greens and ulation and the speed of greens I mean the the first putt all it is is a lag you get inside 10t you’re putting for eagle or birdie that’s right the whole round like you could four put a few of them probably and you’re going to three put quite a few you still going a win three three is a great score three put a five you’re just going to Eagle four holes yeah true like if you’re if you’re eight under on the par FS every single day how can you lose come on El brother it’s it’s I couldn’t so I I definitely know that I could You’ 10 and 12 you’d be chunking chunking pots flashing them off the green it’d be wild um all right final hour coming up Bill Armstrong will join us Kevin kban as well in studio overdrive continues TSN 1050 and on the TSN e

Bryan Hayes, Dave Feschuk and Al’s Brother are joined by Nashville Predators general manager Barry Trotz to discuss the team’s pitch to Steven Stamkos, what made the former Tampa Bay Lightning captain pick the Predators so quick in free agency, the move from head coach to general manager, where the no state tax advantage comes into play when luring free agents to your team and more. The boys go through some tweets in the drafts folder and see if they should be sent, saved or the account be deleted and debate whether or not an average golfer can win the Masters by starting on the green every hole with everyone else playing the course like normal.

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