New York Jets Film Analyst Highlights Just How ‘Amazing’ Aaron Rodgers Still Is!

New York Jets Film Analyst Highlights Just How ‘Amazing’ Aaron Rodgers Still Is!

film that and much more it’s the Jake asid show let’s hit it and get it started man our jets are primed for a historic season we bleed jet Green each and every day this is not the same old jet we have Aaron freaking Rogers we have Garrett Wilson let’s go we have Bree Hall Please Subscribe and hit the like button below Super Chat baby cut the line we have S gner we have Quint Williams the jet bandwagon is loaded now it’s time to talk All Things New York Jets it’s the Jake asmin show ah here we go Jets fans welcome in everybody hit the like button make sure you subscribe to the channel we got a lot to talk about on today’s show before we bring on Andrew fialo to break down some Aaron roders film there is a special guest on the line that is going to join us to say hello Hi how are you br oh that’s good ladies and gentlemen for the first time in months the lane train is back good afternoon Lane Hey Jake how are you Lane I’m good where have you been uh busy um I I had a nice July 4th relaxed got some sun had a nice beer that’s what does good episode that most people have um the reason why I’m on really is look the football season is coming up and going into week like one um um so anyway I was gonna say is who do you start in week one for for the Juds I would start Aaron Rogers at quarterback Lane yeah I mean I don’t even know who’s on the Jets anymore it’s like I totally lost count I would start Rogers he’s pretty good yeah I mean you have you still keep the like um Robert Salah he’s gonna be good this year going into the um off season for every football team that that there is I have more though so anyway they play all these teams coming up I mean probably they’ll play the Giants some point this winter you know where they played last year and anyway more news also does any and um ever I can’t stop thinking about what happened the breaking news and that they got um from Noble yeah can you believe he died okay can you believe I don’t know he’s dead I think he went to the hospital but yeah that was funny with his girlfriend was acting freaking like looking like a I mean that’s from some movie oh yeah it’s right it’s a but I have it suck in my head but yeah I think they’re gonna do it I think maybe I hope they go to the playoffs this year and um uh what else they they really gotta move the ball more often than last year they just didn’t have a good season with all the injuries they had with all college starting up again next year so yeah you know what that’s all I have today to tell to tell you Lane call us back soon all right great to hear from you yeah okay on the 2022 draft pick the pick goes to Koby out of college Lane says kenoby is alive and that’s what I’m going with because he would know breaking news koby’s not dead he is alive thanks to lane lane ker the lane train for giving us a call man did this fan base need that phone call and man does this fan base need need today’s guest ladies and gentlemen we continue with an alltime show Andrew fiao is with us now hello Andrew Jake Jake Jake good to be back that was that was a hell of a start to the show I hope I could uh lead us with that momentum there’s nothing like the lane train and folks there’s nothing like Andrew fialco breaking down some film so you came up with this concept right you and I were talking about different things we wanted to do leading up to the start of training camp and I said why don’t we do something with Rogers and you’re like all right let me pull a bunch of his best plays from the preseason drive but more importantly the last time he played a full season in Green Bay and let’s look at some of these Concepts and how they apply with the current jet so I think every Jet fan is going to be excited after watching you break down some of these plays so we basically defer to you Andrew fako give us the play and break it down and explain how you could see the Jets incorporating that same play with their offense am I buffering out here you’re very blurry you might want to go inside you got the Ricky and Wifi I try this I try this multiple times and it never ends up working out I’m like it’s so nice outside but the Wi-Fi never ends up connecting so yeah let me get back to my normal spot for you all right um yeah I actually missed I missed like most of what you said but I was I was I was like yeah it’s definitely me and not Jake yeah you you have no respect for this show you’re going off Ricky and Y on us horrible all right now I’m good um let me ask you this though you know Lane asked me who should start at quarterback week one for the Jets I said Rogers what are your thoughts you know people have been telling me Tyrod um people have been really wanting Tyrod and if Jordan Travis is off the pup maybe we can get him involed yeah no Rogers Rogers hopefully and then maybe maybe the the film will help everyone believe in that let’s break it down here we go Andrew’s get a screen share we will put it put it up on the screen and break it down if you’re watching live right now we already gave you Lane train in the opening minutes hit the like button baby let’s go big time show ahead shout out to everyone for their support and as Andrew gets it ready to screen share reminder join the Discord less than a cup of coffee a month you get access to the Discord through the patreon with all the bonus perks I want to give a huge shout out to Christian Banbridge Dave Miller and Lexi Lima our three most recent patreon subscribers all right Andrew here we go he’s gonna screen share and let’s break down some Rogers film whenever you’re ready yeah got you yeah um so I feel like I wanted to start with um we can see your screen now okay sweet I hit this H thing oh no that’s not how it works oh wait hit hide yeah there you go and now I lost that oh here we go okay cool um so yeah I wanted to start with a play like I don’t know if you remember Jak but this was a play that I’ve ran for us in the preseason I was like watching it back back I was like huh so it just look like a normal play honestly I could run it and just looks like a normal play and then I watched it back and I was like wait like something was like really interesting about this play like and honestly if I was watching as a fan like that’s why I always said watching the film is King because like if I was watching his fan I wouldn’t think anything crazy is going on this play like yeah it’s a nice little play action like keeper to the left flips his hips make a good throw in the flat to mcole obviously um in the high Red Zone like things never went well at any point in the Red Zone but I don’t know if you remember Jake I said to you I said Hey Watch What Happens here if I could do a slow motion so Rogers anytime like the Jets have ever ran a play they don’t run it with this much intricacies and like this much like like detail orientedness so everyone’s in tuned here and this is what made me excited when I was rewatching the preseason so like Zach no offense or like whatever quarterback I don’t want to really talk about the quarterback from last year but the quarterbacks from last year they would never really be doing this for the team like it would never be like hey everyone’s on point we’re running a play action here but Rogers is saying hey mcole you’re going up and look at Usama too he’s like hey mcole you’re going and you’re gonna go block that safety now mcole is like hey yeah yeah I got the safety okay cool cool I got the safety Roger’s like yeah you got the safety meanwhile they always know that mle is really sneaking he’s gonna do like a split Zone Action and sneak into the flat but I’m just saying like before the play everyone’s in tune ama’s like yeah you’re going to block him you’re going to block him so then linebacker here is like Yep they’re definitely blocking down like this is going to be inside Zone outside Zone whatever to our side if you could see them them after the play fake look look at this look at this bite up by this guy by whoever whatever linebackers is there’s no thought in his mind it’s gonna be a pass bites far up and honestly Usama could have been open because 43 is just like roboting they call it back and he’s like not really guarding anyone but mcole is wide open so just plays like this where there’s such good detail and everyone’s on the same page and it’s because of one guy and that’s Aaron roders um it makes a huge difference like just little things like selling plays before they even happen like that that is a great look who do you think would get that play on the offense this year is that a Malachi Corley checkdown right there you would hope it’s Malachi really um or Garrett but you would really hope it’s Malachi like let’s see what personnel we’re in here so we’re in 11 um meaning one tight end one running back there Michael Carter AMA it’s mle I think that’s Cobb micle cob and Garrett so you would think this would be like Mike Williams here Garrett here and maybe um Malachi is like the Z on this side motion him in like yeah this this would be quite perfect to me to get Malachi the ball like again manufactur Touches for him like this um and see what he could do like mle is fast but he’s not Malachi Corley after the catch we all know that so yeah in in in a play like this when we’re trying to um think about how it could relate to how we would run it this year Personnel wise I think Malachi would be a perfect fit for something like this I love it I mean that’s just a great look on just like something that so subtle that you bring up yeah well happen a lot with everyone just being on the same page yeah yeah that’s why I wanted to show it because like it’s so subtle and simple but I want Jet fans to remember like what how bad we were in this High Red Zone area like we I think Greg zerline was had the probably the most field goal attempt ever like last year that I could remember like we we were horrible in the Red Zone I know this this season feels so far away but like having the ability on first down to go and do a keeper play action play and get in inside I think the 10 here this is like a really like a gimme gimme play um you get a first down it’s just like a play that never really happened for us like often last year and it really happened because of Rogers overall beautiful play one down seven to go as we give you a little Jet fan porn here on a hump day Wednesday keep on going here with Andrew’s breakdowns hit the like button if you’re tuning in reminder we are searching for our next as Maniac Emoji we had the Emoji we just need the members about 140 to go and we’ll be able to add the as Maniac Emoji for all the as Maniacs out there in the chat so consider becoming an officialized Maniac by hitting the join button on the left hand side we’ll get back to Andrew’s film rview right now this is a play when Aaron Rogers was still in Green Bay yeah so now the next six clips I’m going to show you guys are going to be from um 2022 um and just like a quick overview of my thoughts I I watched a ton of his 2022 film I’ve kind of been trying to like dive deeper into it um and hear what like come some of the experts had this say because some of the people I really respect that watch film were saying hey Rogers was very fed up with the offense he was fed up with the scheme he obviously had a lot of young receivers that he was dealing with they were like starting Sammy Watkins at times they were maybe that was 202 I think that was 2022 actually um obviously that was Christian Watson’s first year Romeo Do’s first year uh and he was like very unwilling to like play Within the scheme is a lot of what I saw and what I heard um what that means I don’t really know because like it’s kind of was why everyone was like hey maybe Rogers is very uninterested in playing football anymore maybe he wants to retire um obviously he didn’t but that was one of the reasons why people that watch film were like hey like he just Matt Matt lefl is scheming things open for him that he would normally throw whether it’s like a play over the middle and he was just saying screwed and like throwing it deep and like stuff that he wasn’t normally doing he normally plays very well within structure so I went back and watched the film and I was like I understand all of that and like every Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion but for this being like a down year for him I I still thought like the the highlights are things that are very very possible and I think like that’s why the these are clips that I pulled that I think we’re going to be able to see um him duplicate and still play at a high level like he I’ll show in the clips next year so that’s just my like my like small overview on his 2022 season which was the last time he was fully healthy obviously beautiful all right let’s roll this play yeah so this is be sound on this um so this is Lazard at the bottom another play action play and it’s just simple things like I I think I showed this play actually in our Lazard um breakdown but I I I just can’t recall the Jets running many things like this we like okay let’s see so at the snap we really have one two three four five six seven technically seven in the Box because when you’re in a condensed split like I don’t really count the two DBS that are covering the corners as like guys in the box but you could count them so it could be a ninan box essentially now Rogers here has just a small play action play obviously all the backers creep up so like the main thing we’re seeing with Rogers here is he’s very very good with these ball faks now what we know about Lazard is he was getting lack of Separation last year for the Jets and I play from the beginning and lack of Separation overall but if you could pinpoint a place to drop a ball in a bucket um you really can’t even place this in Rogers and in lazard’s hands better than Rogers who’s also getting hit on the play this is this is the best angle um but yeah Lazard just motions down he basically fakes the block on that safety it’s just a small flick lick of the wrist and while I was getting through his film I’m like hey the one thing he always says in his interviews is like my my like Mobility may go away at some point but he always says my arm is not leaving for at least 10 15 20 years like after he retires so as long as he has his brain and his arm and we keep him upright I know we’ve we’ve said this at nauseum but it’s really true like this is how far is this throw that he’s really not even stepping into it I think that’s that’s at like the 25 yard line just a little flick of the wrist while he’s going to take a huge rib shot and it lands right there you can’t even place this in his hands better there this is great coverage Lazard didn’t get any separation um but that’s again why I kind of funny enough was like hey maybe Lazard could play well this year because it plays like this because like I don’t know Jake if this was you as Lazard you’d probably catch this ball as well so it’s just simple things like that where Rogers is goingon to make the guy a lot better because of examples such is this that throw is disgusting especially as you point out like you could see it he knows he’s getting hit right here and he still just puts it in a perfect spot not stepping into it he’s almost fully flat footed like if any other QB was making this throw and like it was inaccurate people would be like oh his mechanics are terrible he’s like he’s like flat footed because he knows he’s gonna take a hit so he’s not gonna like step into it but he doesn’t need to little flick of the wrist tight small flick huge rib shot and like I said that’s dropping in the bucket like you like you really can’t ask for a better placed ball than that that is a big time throw right there I mean and that’s the type of stuff that doesn’t go away just because he had an Achilles injury like that’s the biggest thing it’s like as long as he has his brain and arm as you said and we’ve been saying this offense is g to hum because there’s so much more Talent he has on this team that he had on that 2022 Packers team completely agree and that’s why like people that have been asking me about the team they just like friends like that I’m like talking with like Jet fans Not Jet fans they’re like what do you think could be like the one reason that the Jets don’t work out and I was like the same thing I’ve said to you Jake it’s literally and we’ve all we’re all basically on the same page besides Hackett who I really think is like a a a non-factor at this point because like we said last year when he was there he was just the A vibe guy Rogers likes him Rogers is comfortable with him but the offense has ran around um Rogers I don’t know if you saw this clip I saw it on Twitter like actually right before I came on the show Mike Williams was talking about Rogers we should actually pull it up and he was like talking something about it and then he’s like well it’s just great to know that this is like a mixed quote from Mike Williams on Rogers he said it’s great to know that whenever we get to the line Rogers is putting every single player on the field in the best position to succeed meaning changing the play at the line keeping the play at the line being able to win pre- snap um it was like such a cool quote to hear from like a guy like Mike Williams who’s been in the league for a while so I just saw that on Twitter actually I don’t know when it was from it was it was an old interview that the Jets just posted I think yesterday or earlier today so I I probably will pull that and do a separate uh monologue on that in the future because I did see that as well so that’s an excellent point and basically just confirms what we know right that Aaron Rogers is quarterback and offensive coordinator in a lot of ways exactly which is why I say hack is just the vibe guy like him and Rogers as we saw in Hard Knocks are close and you hope that he just doesn’t bring him down in anyway he should be able to understand this West Coast offense that he’s been in for his whole like a majority of his coaching career um but yeah like like you said and like I said now it’s just on it’s just a Rogers thing so once the players feel so comfortable with a guy like that and Miche Williams like you said it was from a while ago and he what he’s not even practicing so like he hasn’t even been on the field with him when that’s happened it’s it’s a very very um strong and good sign quick Super Chat then back to the film breakdown Josh checkon people who think AR isn’t still a top three quarterback in the NFL have simply chosen to ignore all the cont Tex over the last two years I guarantee he’ll be in the MVP combo so a Joe nameth S guarantee from Josh Rogers will be in the MVP conversation I’ll make it clear he doesn’t have to do that for this team to be very good if he does do that the Jets are battling the Chiefs for the one seat in the conference you’re damn right again like we’ve beat beat to nauseum here it’s like if Rogers is a top 10 quarterback who like plays to his like top to 12 10 to 12 or like half of 75% % of his ability from any of his MVP years in in the last few years that he that he had we’re going to be in the playoffs so yeah if Rogers wants to do the thing like where you know everyone is doubting him I’ve seen nobody feel really positive about how he’s gonna play this year and I love that for him because we know he’s a guy that likes to play with a chip on his shoulder and say F you and like I’m still here I if he wants to play at MVP level like you said Jake we’ll be we’ll be an AFC Championship we’ll see you there all right another play breakdown here from Aaron Rogers time in Green Bay during his final season Andrew let it rip yeah so this is I’m just going to quickly tell where where we’re going to be looking on this play so two things to look at on this play is p pattern some too high coverage I think it’s like a maybe a a quarter quarter half or something like or a quarter half half like some sort of combo coverage really what I wanted to focus on here when I watched this play I was like Wow Rogers again we don’t need him to be all there physically with his legs when he has his brain his his eyes on this play are so good like the eyes of a quarterback are so important be able to look off safeties um like we’ve seen him do many times throw no look balls but he’s gonna get this seam ball to who’s this here Robert tunyan um I’ll just run the play fully for you guys to see um there’s so much good so he starts to his left gets to his right and then fits it into a spot where you really shouldn’t be able to fit into but he’s so confident that he has this great arm talent and obviously he’ll place the ball in a really good spot here almost slows him down so he doesn’t take a really hard hit um I just run it back one more time to explain what I saw and so right here Roger is like okay let me just get to look to the left so make sure that this safety I think it’s Kyle Dugger I he right here he knows exactly where he’s going he’s saying right when tanion like right when I get to the top of my job and tanion gets cross his linebacker I’m ripping it so boom he’s already releasing the ball so T is not looking this is this is what you call like a very good anticipatory throw obviously Rogers is extremely extremely good at these Ball’s coming out right as he like gets past the depth of this linebacker who’s trying to pass him off but what Rogers does he’s not a guy who’s gonna lead him in and throw him a hospital ball he sees this little green patch of grass throws it with that timing and speed so that it slows him down and tonion smart enough like this is a ball that’s going to Shield him from the safety pretty much and honestly the safety takes a really hard hit and gets hurt himself they’re both on the ground Ton’s fine so when you talk about Hospital balls and you talk about balls that are thrown with such good anticipation velocity and placement that they save your guy and a lot of other quarterbacks they’re just not good enough where they can’t just place it whereever they want they’ll place it maybe over here and it’ll be like a hard hit and a contested catch this pretty easy catch for tanion in between two safeties yeah he takes a hit but the way Rogers throws balls and this is what I’m talking about when he makes people better um he knows there’s safety in the Deep middle of the field the timing he hits tanion before the safety can make a a big hit or get a pbu this play I wrote timing Precision accuracy placement it’s all on display and just the subtle little look here look to the left boom gets my right ball out um and this is a guy that’s gonna play for the Jets I gotta pinch myself every time I I I watch his film honestly because it doesn’t feel real who’s catching this for the Jets is that a Conlin ball is that that’s Conlin that’s Conlin that’s that’s big Conlin con conin so good in these type of like seam balls last year um you remember in the Texans G me had a bunch of good catches up the seam I want to say the Chiefs G me even out a couple yeah it could be Rucker as well though but yeah Conlin Conlin should be eating on those next year you know it’s interesting we’re we’re breaking down film here and you’re showing the intelligence of Aaron Rogers on some of these plays you know you would say his football IQ is pretty high right I know we’ve had to go to bat for this which is like forget about his vaccine and iCal opinions aon’s football IQ isn’t very high aon’s football IQ isn’t very high aon’s football IQ isn’t very high I would say Colin card is wrong about that one that see man I don’t know how guys like this keep you know he’s been on the the air for so long that he gets to keep his job I guess that’s like a worthy that’s a comment that you lose your job for though look like any other like normal human would say something that asinine and that stupid at their job about like let’s say like they have a corporate call and they say something stupid they lose their job in two seconds that’s like saying Michael Jordan’s not a top 50 basketball player in in the in the in history of the NBA something like you know you know that’s right you know that’s like that’s like uh you know Jeffrey tubin going full Zoom you know cranking one out style you know you get fired automatically with you that’s the equivalent in the corporate world yeah essentially so but at least we have our receipts and col coward know like you know it’s funny K coward had Tom Brady on recently and Tom Brady sounded like very intelligent I don’t know if you caught it it was literally how Rogers would have sounded and like all the comments I saw flooded like wow like Brady’s gonna be such a good commentator he’s so intelligent which is very true but like to think that Rogers isn’t even like on like they’re on the same level intelligence wise so to think that like Collins saying that he’s not a smart football player I it’s like baffling that people like that have jobs really and he covers his sport and has a platform but more power to them look sometimes you got to take wrong and sometimes you got to take like this right though and Jet fans are clueless I mean they’re dopes they don’t know anything this is a really good hire gase is a great coach gase is a great coach okay Adam gase is Kyle Shanahan before Kyle Shanahan gase is a great coach I mean we’re just a bunch of dopes like we we Adam gase I mean we thought he was going to be a bad coach Colin told us he was Kyle Shanahan before Kyle Shanahan so obviously Colin got got that one right I mean those are those are two top that that’s like one of the best receipts of all time and there’s a picture of him I’m pretty sure saying Sam darl and Adam gase will take the Jets like the AFC Championship I I feel like there’s a a picture I’ve seen on Twitter there’s a tweet of it yep tweet of it yeah so he was really on point with those uh predictions so you know we got to trust his takes at the end of the day he’s never wrong all right back to the film breakdown here we go more Aaron Rogers carving up a team he’ll see twice this year the Patriots yeah good good point again so yeah he’ll see this team twice and I’m going to run this through but just like you’ve been saying who’s who who would this be in this oh F screwed this up who would this be in the situation honestly this is like this is GNA go here on a back shoulder a back shoulder fade Romeo dobs this is Mike Williams or Garrett Wilson really and um just check the formation it trips honestly plug lzard in up here and just let him do nothing that’s fine the Pats are going to be in like a man coverage all across the board here you could see he’s in a man phase look man phase look so trips year a lot of last year we saw Garrett and what would we see a safety sitting right here always and then a safety would just come over and double team him so if that happens this year I ideally if we’re healthy it’s not going to really work because we have Concklin here Mike Williams or Malachi Corley and Mike Williams or Malachi Corley however they want to line it up and then we’ll beat you one-on-one with one one of those guys Mike Williams is one of the best man man beaters in the NFL at this point um but yeah so here I Envision Garrett having single coverage similar to how this looks um and again timing here is is so damn good and it’s a third I wrote It’s third and three press man across the board three by one with Romeo dob singled up I just want to go back to this angle one more time um it looks so easy obviously because Rogers had made it has made a living off this throw in this play look at this it’s a three-step drop so one two three ball out Ball’s already out I’m just saying like the timing and precision he plays with it’s like as Elite as any quarterback I’ve ever studied or watched and like I said coming from watching the Jets last year like Tim Bo and Zach Wilson this feels like I’m watching another sport um just like overall anytime I watch his all 22 whether it’s this year last year I mean 2022 2021 when he had an MVP season it’s another Sport and everything’s so easy like this is a third and three in the Red Zone if the Jets SC a touchdown in the Red Zone last year it would be like a national holiday so this is this is this is something that we’re not used to but get used to this this is going to be Garrett this is going to be Mike Willams every time and guess what they’re not going to be able to double both of them so someone’s going to get back shoulder throws and I’m comfortable with Mike Williams or Garrett Wilson getting getting this play thrown to them and converting it it’s such an unbelievable throw really I just but it’s just like the processing is the biggest thing and once again this is just touch like there there’s no athleticism that he needs his ailles for for this he just needs enough time to quickly get it out like count the seconds from the snap to the release it’s under three balls it’s under it’s under two probably Jake cuz look at this it’s snap one two three ball out so yeah like the pass rushers didn’t even get they haven’t even no one started a pass rush move yet and the ball is already being released so yeah like you said there’s some plays that are just like you can’t have a pass rush for and you can’t really have a quarterback for because this is like undefensible for a quarterback really once your back he he Rogers also is too smart your back’s turned to Rogers it’s he knows it’s easy pickings so a lot of good stuff isn’t there a saying that you guys coach up like back turned like throw it up what’s the saying for that it’s people just say if back turns is the receiver’s open if the back if the DB’s back is ever turned that means the receiver’s open they they don’t have eyes on the quarterback so they’ll never know and that’s why Devonte Adams and Rogers were so good at this play for so long because the backs turn so Romeo dobs knows how to make an adjustment to the ball but whoever 31 is has no idea the ball is being even thrown so that that’s why that that’s why that’s said yeah it’s just it’s just crazy that that could easily be Mike Williams that easily could be Garrett Wilson I mean that that’s a touchdown this year yeah and you know that’s exactly what I wrote I said this rep easily will be GW or Mike Williams it’s an easy pitch and catch but again Rogers is just precise such Elite timing on these and it looks so simple for him because it really is simple at this point um but it’s not easy for other quarterbacks as the Jet fans no so so this play also from 2022 right yes this play also from 2022 now I wrote on this play this may be a little much to ask of Rogers to be this mobile this year but I said but then I said but plays like this he should still should be able to make so now this is like a fun activity now you said this I’m just going to start inserting players so insert Bree hall for Aaron Jones um and we’re actually G to do this in another play also but what we’ll see here is Rogers gets through his gets through his first two progressions so first progression is there it’s a little out outout doesn’t like it next is a Sit route whatever he doesn’t like it pumps to Aaron Jones now people that are going to watch this might say oh there’s no way he’ll escape the pocket here okay I disagree this is like he’s barely even like running out of the pocket across his body little flick of the wrist touchdown there and Jones now this throw is like outrageous for so many reasons one he’s going his opposite way and just the flick of the wrist again it’s just like the arm toown is like insane it’s a little flick with a guy kind of in his face and the ball is placed right there I can’t even make it up I can’t at this point when I watch these plays I’m like you gotta be kidding me dude like like and yes this is Bree 100% like just like I’ll run it back and just tell you guys how this would happen this is complete adli like one of Rogers best things in the Red Zone this is the high red zone is AD libbing he extends place his pocket presence is and awareness is unreal and watch what everyone does here just so you guys all know everyone’s on the same page page once he bails the pocket look at Samy Watkins even he knows hey I’m going to come up field I’m going to come up field everyone’s on the same page everyone knows what Rogers wants to do in these scramble situations including Aaron Jones because look Aaron Jones just has a flat route on this play that’s the only route he has now he sees Rogers dipping boom I’m gonna turn up field and it gets turned into like a little wheel route for a touchdown um it’s it’s it’s damn good stuff and and it will be repeatable like this is this is film that I think Rogers can improv and can still extend plays this next year and make throws like that 100% yeah I don’t I don’t think that is something that he completely loses just because he had this Achilles injury like I still think he he’s not taking off maybe in the past maybe he’s somebody will take off and run with it I don’t know but right like right here yeah like maybe he’s like oh I I have a lane I can take it myself but like okay so he doesn’t do that anymore at age 39 going into age 40 guess what I still think coming off this injury he’s still capable of making that throw this year 100% um 100% And I I think people are going to find that out very quickly once we start the year that that his arms not gone and throws like this are going to be made time in and time out it’s just again like we’ve said it naum we got to keep him upright um and that’s all that really matters hit the like button I’m I’m giddy right now smash the Aaron Rogers USA as mediac Emoji if you like what you’re seeing here on the show fire up your calls of the gustbuster hotline we’ll do some of that coming up as well before we get to the next play today’s Jake asid show is presented by my friends at Huga house folks get yourself a fresh cap from Huga house 15% off promo code asmin at checkout will get you that discount plus you buy one hat with the code you get the second hat 30% off Huga we’re talking about Aaron Rogers so we got to talk about the Hat brand that he’s always rocking Huga house check it out get the hat that I am always wearing on the show get the hat that our guy Aaron Rogers is always rocking promo code hasmin check out 15% off Huga all right let’s bring Andrew back on to continue this Epic film review here we go another play of Aaron roders being well Aaron Rogers yeah um so quickly before this play again I just wanted to say what what it is so it’s third and one here and I would love for the Jets to be like willing to do this in third in one situations this is going to be a third and one shot play so you probably know on in in the NFL if you’re on Third and one and you’re have a condensed formation it’s still 11 personnel you know you’re going to see man so again this could be Mike Williams this could be Garrett Wilson it’s Christian Watson in this video but it’s third and one there’s one deep safety but I think Rogers before this play like sees the formation he’s looking he’s like okay I know damn well what I have so right when he turns you would know he’s looking at Watson so right away he he looks sees the Malik hooker the Deep middle of the field safety is biting down for some reason I just run this fully and what I said his arm strength is not going to leave this is a small flick of the wrist how how many yards that track this one 55 yards and it’s perfect on the on the end zone angle cuz he does get a tiny bit of pressure but again he’s not like stepping into these throws and like making a huge play like that’s not like him like Crow hopping and stepping into a throw like Crow hopping is like in baseball if you see a guy pick up a ground ball take two steps and like like Crow Hop into it this is basically just getting setting his base and flicking the wrist and it’s an effortless 50 yards dropped in the bucket again I mean great ball tracking by Watson here but it’s also an unbelievable thrown ball um great job again gets his eyes around quickly off the play action AJ Dylan’s giving up a pressure doesn’t really care looks off the safety because he’s very obviously his eye discipline is great and let’s just track this one more time just so I’m not wrong he throws his ball from the 35 and it lands basically the 15 so that is 15 that’s 55 at 55 or 50 doing bad math right now I’m not a math guy but it sounds good to me so whatever it is 50 or 55 yards again not Crow hopping not stepping into it flick of the wrist and a perfect ball so yeah um arm strength not leaving anytime soon he said that multiple times we saw it last um training camp it was still there last preseason Clips it was still there um another play that I just don’t think his arm is going to be gone so if we want to Max protect on a third and one and set and just throw a nine ball to Garrett or a nine ball to Mike Williams this will be the result I mean this is just it’s just a disgusting play and once again as we’ve been showing in these plays very easy to translate to the 2024 Jets that’s why we’re not showing the plays when he in 2011 when he’s running all over the field and we’re just showing things that he did in his quote unquote Down Season which wasn’t that bad when you apply context to it and showing how with this Jets team with this line the receivers tight ends they should have a top 10 if not top five offense with the talent they have right and think about if this is Bree like if this is Bree he just does PO he poses a bigger threat than AJ Dylan I’m sorry it’s just factual so like this is Bree and Rogers doesn’t like the pass look we’ll easily gain one yard honestly I’m always for throwing third and one bombs because let’s go for it on fourth and one because I trust my team to get a yard whenever that’s just me but like you said this is stuff that could be run and I really hope to God that we could just be like somewhat aggressive next year with Rogers like I said this is a third and one play like the Jets threw for a 60 yard touchdown on a third in one ever like I don’t even I can’t recall the last time like we’ve ever even ran a play like this where there’s a shot possible um let’s just be aggressive next year because he he could still throw the ball like this so I don’t see why why we wouldn’t really I love it that is a great great breakdown right there before we get into the next play it’s rainning memberships ladies and gentlemen Bobby midnight not one but two channel memberships have been gifted by one of the alltime greats the great Robert midnight oh nice here we go you hear your name these are from Bobby Jay War doog 2.0 you have received a channel membership courtesy of the great Bobby midnight that’s two so far in the show we’ll keep it rolling here as Andrew keeps breaking down Aaron Rogers porn for all the Jet fans out there all right here we go another play with the fiala breakdown yes sir so we got one left after this this was the one play I found where I was like okay maybe people are going to say again that like this will be hard to replicate so again this is high Red Zone what do we see usually in the high Red Zone plays are just hard to like make on time so what is Rogers really good at improvising so I’ll just run this play fully the pocket kind of breaks down easy Escape by him now this throw is a little bit is a little it’s stupid I mean it’s like an insane throw to make like only Rogers has the armed Talent Rogers Mahomes maybe like Stafford and Josh Allen could make this throw maybe Justin Herbert um peering away across his body like just like not I don’t need to really set my feet either I’m just gonna wander wander wander 35 yard dot across my body to my running back of course of course it’s Aaron Jones somehow in the end zone so again this would be Bree Hall you would hope because they’re both really good receiving threats but like let’s see like look at this right away like Aaron Jones just has a clear out route like it’s not going to be like a real route but look how everyone knows when he dips the pocket everyone’s very tune Watson sprinting up field so this safety like oh shoot he might I might have to guard him but wait Aaron Jones is sprinting the other way Ro this safety is probably like there’s no way in hell that Aaron Rogers is gonna run out his pocket across his body like like look at the way he’s throwing his ball like peering away like with this arm toown it’s just outrageous but there’s like the sa is probably like man there’s no way he’s actually going to try make that throw because I’ll pick that off nope he has so much velocity on this ball honestly like nine yards into the end zone so that’s really basically a 40 yard dot across his body to get there in about two seconds um I think plays like that he could still make honestly I really do and it’s actually unbelievable that you could improv like that and throw a 40 yard dot albe it to your running back for a touchdown it’s just unreal and I would say if he doesn’t make that throw like that’s okay because if I remember this game they were trailing at this point he was trying to get him back in the game like the Jets should be in positions where you know they’re they’re they’re playing ball control because they’re protecting a lead or the the score is tied and that’s where like the greatness of Rogers will will show up this year too he’s got the best touchdown to interception ratio ever like whatever you got to do to win that’s what this guy’s gonna do completely completely and I said my note for this also about him escaping the pocket I said I know it may be hard to think he’s going to extend plays so well but his pocket management and awareness has always been Elite so like him just peering out of this just because he doesn’t like what he sees doesn’t like what he sees it’s like a easy easy Escape out of the pocket yeah he could walk up and slide here if he wanted but he knows his arm talent and he can make throws like that still and I know he can still make that throw this year so it’s definitely like I’m I’m I’ve been watching this film for days now I’m I’m more than looking forward to it man it’s July 10th and we can’t get to the season sooner it is the day of birth for Steve asman happy birth yeah happy birthday to your pops for sure yep shout out to Bobby who sang Happy birthday to him earlier today Super Chat here from Josh then we’ll get back to another play Rogers has the worst defense slpc team EPA in playoff losses of any QB since 2000 with a minimum of 12 postseason starts minus 16.8 Brady’s was minus 8.8 averaged 33 points allowed I don’t know specifically what that stat is I do know this it’s alluding to the fact that Rogers has been failed by his defense more times than not in the playoffs I I’ve given the stat before and just Conference Championship Games since Rogers has played in the NFL right in NFC Title Games the Packers defense allowed on average 35 points per game 35 Rogers lost games in his career in the postseason where the defense allowed 37 44 45 37 and 51 points so he’s never had a top five defense other than one time and that was the year he won the Super Bowl yeah so you know I’m a huge analytics guy and I love I’m a big EPA guy so essentially that’s like where Zach Wilson was on that um EPA and like efficiency like scale that would be where the Packers defense would be that’s like expected points added you guys could look it up online but it’s like each play like if a third and three is if a third down is converted a defense will lose expected points at it like not as much as if you gave up like four yards on like a first and 10 it’s like really good way to like make metrics out of a defense and an offense it’s it’s one of the best stats we have um and like the the chart that you have to show all the time to people look at it look at it yeah that’s EPA for for quarterbacks on their own so look at it hulke look at it there yeah that’s where the the Packers would essentially be where Zach is um which is to show you that their defense is has not been good for him in that thatat I appreciate when whenever people give out stats like that’s it’s good good context Andrew did you hear the news of our first ever asiac watch party for the preseason game Panthers yes did I’m printing out a bunch of these charts and I’m gonna autograph one and give it to Hawk I was gonna say you could decorate you could decorate the where the venue with them well yeah we’ll just put this chart everywhere you can’t even see this is this is how bad Zach Wilson is right when I pull up a comment from this it covers Zack Wilson on the chart you can see every other quarterback besides Zack but if I bring but if I bring up a comment God you can’t see him that’s perfect it’s just how it’s supposed to be unbelievable all right back to the film breakdown here and then we’ll open up the gustbuster hotline a lot of people want in on the conversation so last one yeah last one here this was from 2021 but it was like my favorite play when I was watching Rogers and Devonte I just watched them for fun um and this is Rogers this is a direct C direct quote from Rogers he goes on the touchdown it was a freelance route that what’s make he was talking about Devonte Adams he goes that that that is what makes him so great is his create creativity within the system when I looked over at him on the left I was almost going to give him a signal to make sure we’re on the same page but something intuition whatever said don’t do it just trust it and he didn’t do what basically he on the paper football offense he lost his guy quickly and they brought empty pressure he did exactly what I wanted what I’ve wanted him to tell him would have wanted him to do if I had told him to do it so I’ve ran this play for us before also again Rogers if you zero Blitz him meaning no safety in deep half the field it’s man man man man you’re gonna lose every single time like you what once we start this year and I start doing film breakdowns of the actual games it’s gonna be very rare that we get zero Blitz because Rogers knows how to beat it so well and I’m telling you once him and Garrett get this type of chemistry where it’s just a freelance route like I just said for Devonte him and Rogers are going to be able to win oneon-one before your Blitz gets there every time now they get a free runner here this is as bad as it gets Aaron Jones is coming out of the backfield he probably should have stayed into block there’s a free runner on Rogers Rogers has zero Panic as I just said in that quote Devonte is not turned his head yet still a free runner still a free runner still a free runner is Roger gonna release it before he turns his head yep Rogers releases the ball and Devonte is getting basically hands to the Fist and it turns into a touchdown like that’s just different type of intelligence if Colin coward ever wants to talk about intelligence they don’t even this is the biggest freelance play where they’re just on the same page I called it sorcery because they just like are connected in some type of way if Garrett and Rogers could have some sort of connection like this like even half of what Devonte and Rogers had and I think they can easily this year it’ll be leading to plays like this where it’s third and D third down and damn they got us they got a free runner and it’s probably going to be a sack in any other case if it’s not Rogers and Devonte Adams or if it’s not Rogers um but nope it’s a touchdown so simple things like that that are not simple things I’m sorry like very hard plays that come out like that where they shouldn’t turn into touchdowns are going to be touchdowns this year because we have Rogers playing quarterback for us that is spectacular y that is that is what we want rat Diddy writes in the AR porn has made me hyped today I told you not safe for work that’s what we’re here today yeah that that was that was the that was that was the best plays I saw that I got for us and and we specifically chose plays for those who tuned in late that are transferable to what the Jets offense could to look like in 2024 like these are all things that with Aaron’s injury he’s still fly capable of still doing and with this defense and the players he’s throwing to no excuse for this team to not be one of the better teams in the league that’s the expectation Let’s go people hit the like button we got the guy Andrew fialo here submit any questions you have for Andrew to answer anything on the film you want to see him break down certainly write that in as well so we could get some ideas for next week’s show and then soon enough we’re gonna have real things to break down as the Jets are getting set to report the training camp and I already mentioned the watch party hopefully Andrew could be there you should be there tsquare social Saturday August 17th RSVP if you’re going with the link in the description sign up giveaways drink specials great food vman performing the halftime show it is going to be incredible make sure you are SVP once again the link to do so is in the description for this video let’s open it up comments questions super chats cut the line joining us right now is someone who we think is a guy he might be a woman we’re not sure Gary’s up next hello Gary oh hang on I wasn’t ready for the call uh what do you mean you weren’t ready I thought I was going to be Al I was I was watching tape and and texting people I was I was uh trying to be a good worker like Andrew I was trying to be as smart as Andrew Andrew I’ve said this before in in like the chat and stuff if you were into boxing if you were a boxing guy I firmly believe that I would be out of a job like that’s how much I respect you what you do I I really think you’re that good like you noticed so many things that like just the Observer the regular Observer would never pick up on I really appreciate your work I app you what are your thoughts on this photo on the screen right now I can’t look at this like I’m the ugliest woman in the history of the world and then like the gray in the beard it makes it like it’s it’s looks like a horrible Halloween costume like you you got to take this down like you got just burn this picture this is what Bobby saw when he thought you were looking pretty good the other night oh is that Gary’s wife hi Gary’s wife oh there she got a good looking no is that real oh it’s real oh is that Gary’s wife hi Gary’s wife oh there sh got good looking oh Bobby Bobby Bobby Bobby C your freaky whatever kingi said geez I was in attic City once and a friend of mine we were with kind of had a cimil incident with a [ __ ] but Elite that that was attractive right like that I’m a good-look woman is the worst take all time he also got he had he had about two% of your face and like one strand of pair oh man wa hold on Gary someone’s very special is on the line that’s called in I can’t believe what I’m seeing right here ladies gentlemen your wife has actually called in here’s Gary’s wife everyone Gary you need to stop yelling at all your friends about Joe Douglas and all of the jet stuff I mean I’m going to leave you for Bobby just let your corn rolls down and just stop it already with all of the fighting it’s just it’s not worth it I love Bobby wiggle deagle deagle deagle deagle oh man please put that thing away please Gary your wife is awesome that is not my wife that is I got two things Andrew like a more serious um with Rogers you’re not seeing too much of a physical decline in his arm strength or I obviously his Mobility but not to the point where he can’t do what he did in 2022 right you’re not seeing no that’s like the least thing I’m worried about honestly so what we have in 2022 you would say you could probably expect similar in 2024 I would hope better because um I think we have a better team around him uh you would hope there would be like better um chemistry with the receivers than he had because there was a bunch of rookie receivers on that team he was really like against the system that year um I was I was watching film where they were like just saying like oh like he was very neglecting to throw over the field when like lefl was calling any pass plays that had Concepts over the field um there’s some I thinking thinking football or someone good on YouTube posted it yeah I would hope that it would be better than than 2022 for sure that’s all good signs like everything there is is good like the only thing that could take Rogers down is Father time you’re saying Father Time hasn’t gotten him yet which eventually he will but not yet so that’s the other thing and this was just like a general football question that we were kind of discussing in the Discord I wanted your take on it we’re talking about like Michael penck and left-handed quarterbacks in general being backups I said I don’t like the I know Steve Young Steve Young Steve Young I get it but outside of that like as a boxer if you told me you have a Southpole you’re fighting in eight weeks okay great I can drill it drill it drill it drill it and get ready for it in eight weeks if it’s was an amateur fight and you said in the third round you’re fighting a Southport tomorrow I hated that right because now everything you’ve ever learned now you have to do backwards right so a backup quarterback who’s left-handed who gets thrown in in the middle of a game in week four and has to play the next three weeks how difficult is that right because now it’s not just one guy that has to do everything backwards it’s 11 guys who have to do everything backwards how is just to throw in a a left-handed quarterback so you’re saying like how difficult is it for like the receivers the like the offensive line as well yeah for everyone in the offense besides the quarterback 10 other guys how diff is that something you could pick up I don’t know take six weeks I mean how long does it take to acclimate yourself so Knockouts don’t matter if you’re land enough Jabs do thank you Gary I’ll give him a short answer after he he was I would have debated him on it I don’t even know how to answer that I would just say the only thing I could think of is if pennx would throw some sort of velocity that let’s say he was backing up Rogers and they just throw it at a different velocity or arm angle that could be a bit of a difference I don’t think it’s so different for like the team overall I I don’t think maybe for the tackles because there’s a different Blindside spot now with the lefty or righty but not not like crazy difference to me um what a call from Gary and his wife though that was that was good stuff I mean that that’s that’s that’s what we needed on the show I I will issue this warning in advance of this guy calling in calm your freaky down all right I’m gonna issue the warning in advance because right now folks it is time for Bobby bidnight will you know I need to find M he’s supposed to come on my show I want his butt on a stick I’m J uh Jake you’re a pot stirer that’s all I have to say about you you are a pot stirer oh is that Gary’s wife hi Gary’s wife oh there she got good looking please get rid of that picture of Gary please I told you that leave the that was Gator who called it that wasn’t me no I’m talking about the other picture too okay Andrew I had a late night that night my eyes were tired I thought that was a woman okay no you know Bobby I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt don’t worry about it oh you’re a nice guy uh he’s a pot St you gotta watch out for this guy I was so convinced you were gonna call him like a pot sticker I like what the hell are you talking about pot S no I got you you know he dated Carly yesterday he took her at PES that had lunch with him not that good looking chicks in that thing that oh yeah baby things are about to get crazy here on the chasmine sh calm your freaky D sometimes we try but that freaky just take us over give him some of your loving voice all yeah hi them kids again leave your damn freaking down to sexy you got you got to chill man hey payback is a [ __ ] what they call it my ribs are such paid for laughing well payback is a [ __ ] Jake you did it I do it to you so what did you do I don’t I don’t understand what you did I just said you took Carly out to piles and lunch your dating her I don’t know where you got this information from I know you’re dating her so I don’t think you do yes you do I don’t think so okay let’s talk to Andrew he’s one of the smartest people on this chat right now between me and you Andrew is smaller than both of us put together yeah but he can’t sing like you hey guys guess who’s with me now oh puppy it’s the girl who makes my pretty roll oh Bubby she’s the only one I let sit on my chair oh Bubby with her beautiful face and her long blonde hair oh Bubby how would you know I’d stop by more often if you clean up this mess oh Sarah is that an old ham sandwich over there Bubby yes Sarah you think I’m prettier than 3D married Bubby of course Sarah cuz you said he’s goodl looking with his long sweet hair oh Sarah I thought it was his wife dude there’s no way you’re gonna get in trouble one of these days and I’m not gonna be very happy with you okay Andrew let me talk to my friend Andrew all right I’ll just yeah that’s better get his no I like your I like your Pi you dig very good I like your things about Aaron Rogers I think he’s going to be a great quarterback this year and that what’s his name um what’s that guy says Oh Aaron it is not smart his IQ what yeah I think he’s smoking some that New York kush or whatever damn he is he’s a [ __ ] all of them are Chris KY I can’t wait until I call Chris Cy up and tell him off on one of these days I’m GNA call a show and tell him you you’ve disliked him for a while yeah I did well what he said Aaron Aaron R is not a cancer is he you agree with him no he gives up what cancer will give up $35 million correct who gives a [ __ ] what he does for two days he went to Egypt right who cares on behal of the Jake asman show we apologize for the foul language you were doing great Bobby and then you cursed we can’t have that on the Bobby and andreww show I can’t Gator I I can’t I don’t I have no words left for Gator I I I I just I don’t know what to say well the good news is you won’t need very many words for this next guy on the line ladies and gentlemen Neal’s up next hello Neal my God you’re pissing Bobby off Jake you’re gonna be on a stick soon you know I I’ve been listening to this you know I have I’ve been listening to the shows post time I haven’t had a chance to watch you know get on on life I had a busy week with the Fourth of July party was amazing I went to the jet Golf Classic Monday I got a funny thing to say so we’re at the jet Golf Classic five and a half hours in the heat it was absolutely brutal so at the end of the tournament we all go to the locker room and everybody’s showering there’s a line of guys lined up with towels and who Gets behind in the line with towels but Vinnie test birdie oh God so he’s walking up to me to get on the line and I said boy Vinnie we could have used you last year God Almighty and the second thing that was gonna come out of my mouth but I hold back was you mushy son of a [ __ ] for coming on and flipping that coin and causing a kill for Rogers I said but then I go I was nice I said you know Vinnie when it in New York is there anything like it he goes absolutely not I go are you looking for big things this year he goes yes I go how do you think uh Aaron’s gonna react coming off the Achilles he did say that he’s gonna have some Rust he goes look he’s he’s not gonna be he’s not going to be in my projection I could be wrong but it’s going to be a little difficult in the beginning you know I don’t see you know but he’s going to have a fine season I feel but he goes they should rely heavily on the run the first couple of games because I don’t see him having you know he’s going to have some Rust to shake off especially in the fact that he missed the entire year and I’m just hoping I you could just count on six touchdowns the first game with that mush because I think he is a mush no doubt in my mind he is absolutely a mush I I I didn’t want to get too close to him because he’s a mush but I will say it was a hysterical watching all these guys in the line up with their towels one guy made a comment I can’t say it be I’d be restricted but you can imagine you know what what was being said when you had a bunch of old geezers and there were a lot of old geezers there all the oldtimers Lance smell and btle I’ll tell you Greg btle does not shut up he’s got the biggest mouth in history he thinks he is the Lord Jesus Christ when it comes to the jet and he really isn’t but anyway and then I want to tell you something else we uh see I told you Andrew you wouldn’t have to say much we met up with a guy that is in Anglewood playing golf yesterday or today he’s playing golf with Devonte Adams tomorrow he’s playing golf with Aaron Rodgers so he’s flying back on one of my Jets from Tahoe tomorrow and I really I just met the guy at the at the golf outing so if I knew him a little better I would say FaceTiming with Aaron on a golf cart that would be insane I like Joe titman and you yeah but this would be ballsy but I’m think you know he already he already paid for the flight I’m thinking maybe I’ll text him tomorrow if you have a chance you know I’d love to say hello to Aaron Rogers could you FaceTime now if he does that how do I record that on my phone is there a way of recording that on my phone you hit the screen record button where is that the bottom of your phone in the settings camera mic chat I don’t see it Neil we we’ll work on this off air but yeah off air but anyway you know Aaron roders I watched every one of those things that you’ve seen Andrew and that’s why I put my 17 and0 stamp season because when you watch that it’s looks like a man playing against boys in a high school team and ba based on all the disgusting dirty garbage film you had to watch over the last season and a half this has got to be something that you watching go holy SM I’m telling you it is unbelievable what we are gonna watch this year and I’m keeping my vocal cords nice and tame but when it comes to game time you know play it Jake the let’s chant it up and get it ready for the season guys have a great one Neil I’m simply gonna ask a question to the audience is Brock perie gonna be running for his life in the opener is Brock pie gonna run for his life on the opener let’s go j e d s go what a call Andrew excellent job out of you today thank you very much yep all right um I guess so I’ll catch you next week well if anyone wants to R the Discord any ideas I feel like we have a couple weeks until training camp we could really freelance anything anyone has ideas with obviously me and Jake will be in touch but uh yeah jet to read Andrews work aalco 21 on Twitter to follow him on social media Andrew good luck with your UFC fight on Saturday as well I’m rooting for you appreciate you thanks guys the great Andrew fiao check it in while that was happening with Neil ladies and gentlemen Mike D’s Nuts is back and he is back with fire and fury folks five channel memberships have in fact been gifted by none other than our guy and if you don’t know who this guy is oh baby you’re about to hey thank you he nuts for another gifted membership all right here we go Gerard mign red John Luke Morel Mr excessive tackle raw power you guys are all officially as Maniacs congratulations uh let’s make sure we didn’t miss any super chats here we did not Roger says Jake thanks for bringing my favorite jet Andrew gar falo I’m glad you enjoyed the Andrew segment Good Vibes right in huge thank you for the membership I received earlier was working just saw my email this made my day best damn show on YouTube hands down how dare anyone say otherwise go Jets baby this is our year very nice of you good vibes appreciate that Today’s show has been great if you missed the beginning of the show before Andrew even came on the return of the lane train happened and it was incredible it really was more of your calls right now ladies and gentlemen joining us on the line is someone who is always high on life and drugs weed the people hello weed no drugs just weed man just weed yeah weed’s not a drug te is a drug but it’s I kidnapped this old lady here I got her locked up until we win the Super Bowl she’s not allowed to leave but don’t worry I’m smoking with her you’re unbelievable I don’t know who it is someone’s Grant she was walking down the road she’s my prisoner till we win the Super Bowl weed thank you God we missed weed on this show a lay try call a weed call the same show try day gifting a membership let’s see who got it from Dre Day Whitney Gilmore congratulations you’re a channel member thanks to Dre Day oh nice keep rolling with your calls right now this is on my landing page here what is this oh God what is this what is happening here what did Gator do oh I see he put Bobby putting Gary’s wife on a stick okay I think I’m following more of your calls right now let’s go to bmac Hello BAC Hey Jake uh great to see you um first of all I wish Andrew fako needs to give us some prime 2011 until 2012 Watchers film because you know that you know that would be so fun to uh to to rewat uh I’m still watching his highlights man it’s crazy I mean I know y’all not getting that version but just crazy how people get how amazing he was back in U and before I get into my point real quick I want to show you something a video uh just to let you know that just to let Chris keny know that Aaron Rogers is not you know that he’s in corc cancer this was taken at uh at Lake Tahoe uh today and uh it’s a picture of him in in in in little girl think she’s like four or five years old and hopefully it can show you on the screen but uh uh all right all right there you go yeah Aaron’s playing in the annual celebrity Tahoe tournament yeah yeah so hey Chris KY uh you know it’s funny you call him Cancer and a little girl uh uh uh took a picture with him and and gave gave her his autograph you know I mean it’s I mean I thought girls don’t like cancer so so St at Chris KY and then my next point is uh um it’s people don’t really bring this up we talk about Rogers and in his age thing but technically he’s really 37 and as a starter in football years because his first three years he didn’t play you know what I mean so he didn’t didn’t take the the extra body and and the extra hits you know I mean so he’s really 37 if you know mean I mean do you think I’m wrong when I say that no I don’t I don’t think it’s a bad call I mean he took no hits last year too right so you think the body would be fresh there’s also but there’s an art to getting hit for the first time every a football player will tell you like that’s why Aaron wants to play in the preseason game I’m sure again this year a driver two just like you get that first hit out of the way and you’re like all right I’m back I’m playing football again I think Rogers will play in the preseason I think it will be like what we saw last year now we could debate if he should but if he says he wants to you gonna tell him no if he says I need this to get ready for the year you gonna say no they’re not gonna say no he’s gonna play ladies and gentlemen this guy always plays Mike D’s Nuts it’s a D’s Nuts explosion folks who’s that leanie it’s this Mike D’s Nuts oh baby thank you Mike D’s nut for another gifted membership slam the de nuts Emoji in the chat Bronx animal salvator Scardino Rick B Matthew Dobson dck and Y all receiving Channel memberships from Mike D’s Nuts we’ve added 14 channel members let me get an update on how many we are away from the as Maniac Emoji going live then we have the Allen in a blonde whg big emoji that needs to be added I mean we got a lot of great ideas from the as Maniac so I’m grateful to have this incredible Community more of your calls as I look up that number let’s go to Kyle who joins us now what’s up Kyle what’s up Jake how are you what’s going on uh I noticed before in the earlier show you brought up the 2010 AFC Championship Game yes I was actually at that game traveled to it uh via amtr nine hours geez uh and it was so cold that you would go get a beer at and by the time you got back it would freeze over in your hand yeah that that game I mean it it gives me nightmares man we couldn’t stop the run in the first half at all they didn’t show up in the first half they they they were too they were too high off the win last week against New England that they just they came out so flat and you know they played great in the second half they just ran out of time yeah Bart Bart was very vocal in between uh the two games and and they they they were very flat they couldn’t stop the run and then they just ran out of time in the second half because they were storming back we were in these uh temporary bleachers that they put in for the for the Winter Classic and the all the people around us were were stunned when we were driving back down the field that final time it was they if they got the ball back if they got off the field on the third and six I think Sanchez is winning the game I I’ve always felt that way um listen the if if Rogers through some miracle is in steep decline if he’s somewhere Northeast on your axis of what Eli Manning was in his last few years they’re going to win 10 games like there’s there’s no way they’re not going to be better with professional quarterback play even if the guy isn’t what he once was there there’s there’s no way like Zack Wilson was that bad he’s got a ton of physical Talent it it’s never translated he probably will never be able to access it but I’ll tell you what Rogers has access it and he will have his moments where he’ll be able to access plenty of it and we’re going to get to where we need to go look there’s a lot of ways they can win Kyle and I think that’s the biggest thing like some weeks you might need MVP Rogers to bail you out he doesn’t need to do that every game not with this team the the Jets have a talent advantage in a lot of games this year that we have not been able to say right after they play week one against maybe the best team in the NFL go look at the teams they play after that right will Levis brassette or may Sam darnold or McCarthy bone Knicks or Jared stum the Jets are gonna have a significant advantage in roster talent but more so quarterback too I missed this earlier terrible job by me it got sandwiched in between a bunch of super chats and the de nuts explosion Ricky and Y gifted a channel membership as well our guy Ricky Ricky I wore your hat on the first show today hopefully you got a chance to see it I got a big time compliment let me give a shout out to uh Stefan at the AT&T store in Manhattan I was at today big jets fan he helped me out with my phone and he uh complimented my hat because I was wearing the Ricky hat Ricky your channel membership went to I’d love to tell you but YouTube is freezing on me here so I don’t even know who it went to but I went to someone good I’m sure Mike te nuts checks in with a super chat Allan said I’m second with gifting tend to disagree Mike you’re the number one membership gifter in the history of the show I don’t know how many you’ve gifted maybe you do there’s a reason why we play this when you do your magic is this Mike D’s Nuts we all know who Mike D’s Nuts is folks Rex Ryan’s watching the show what’s up Rex how we doing this week’s really showing me how differently the Jets and Giants are covered in the media JD would be getting dragged I haven’t watched the second Hard Knock yet I’m curious what what would what would you criticize Joe Shane for I don’t think they should have paid saquin I wouldn’t have I I don’t think it made sense for the Giants to pay saquin so I’m curious what Shane did that you think he should be getting criticized ladies and gentlemen five more memberships have just come in how about our guy King and dreams K and D all right here we go if you hear your name called the memberships they’re flying off the shelves folks these five right here are from K and D Trevor from Canada ISU rb4 L book club Warriors Scotty unique Islam you guys are all channel members congratulations welcome aboard consider paying it forward it’s just five bucks to give someone a membership our guy Bobby midnight was the first to do it today he gifted too shout out to our guy Bobby all right hit the like button we’ll continue here Robert says Jake should be at 40,000 subscribers I agree but it’s hard to gain subscribers in July let me tell you it will pick up when the season starts I mean I think everyone’s YouTube views are down right now but I mean we were we were doing postgame shows last year that would get 20,000 hits which is insane you know I didn’t Eclipse over 10,000 on a video during the season last year it was surprising that’s how great this fan bases but you know you’re a true Jet fan if you’re watching Jet content on July 10th that’s when you know we needed 155 more members to get a new emoji after the five we just most recently got from King and dreams we’re now at 150 so we’ll keep it rolling Ricky says Jake I just woke up so I’m gonna rewatch your first show once it’s over well there you go Mike D’s Nuts writes in imagine if sauce was out at a strip club I will say the way the Malik neighbor stuff is covered versus if a jet player did it is a th% true but that that wasn’t referencing the GM right like I’ll tell you what if the Jets drafted Malik neighbors and he was at a strip club doing what he was seeing on camera doing the coverage would be way different that I do agree with 100% 100% I mean that’s just factual and believe me I work for ESPN New York I am in the New York media I’m telling you the Jets and Giants are cover differently I hear it I see it I hear the tone in these people’s voices trust me I’m glad I’m a Jet fan so I can try and balance the horse bleep that’s in this town because there’s a lot of it I mean the the way that the disparity and the way the Jets and Giants get covered is infuriating at times but I don’t think specifically Joe Shane and hard KNX I would criticize him for I think you want to say there’s disparity in the coverage for and the you know wink marale story I think is another great example notice how that was swept under the rug that whole story with him and dble meanwhile the athletic had one million sources doing this expose on why Robert Sal is basically you know the worst person ever the Jets are the biggest joke and it’s like you know they won seven games with no quarterback right you they had a top five defense 10,00 yard running back 1,00 yard wide receiver you know they have some really good players on this team that won’t get talked about though so it’s annoying ladies and gentlemen Rob basil he spent big bucks today shout out to you rob thanks for your support man you get the 10 on the first show how about 10 in the afternoon slate show me the money show me the moneyy money money appreciate everyone who donates a membership it goes along way in a slow month to support the channel as I do this full-time for the foreseeable future Jeff kryer MJ from Jacksonville Venom ad Tristan Oliver photography Grand peasy Sunday night smoke podast Smiley goe and yay you guys are all channel members appreciate all of you guys for your support comments questions super chats will in fact cut the line fpp says what’s Mad Dog’s radio number to call in I’m not on tonight thankfully I’m off work when I’m done with the show all right I’m G to get a nice dinner and not have to to be on the air till one in the morning tonight I am doing morning drive though on Mad Dog fpp uh this Monday I’m filling in for Damon Amalur and Mike bab 6: am to 9:00 am it will be me and former NFL lineman Jeff Schwarz so I’m looking forward to that it will be great looking forward Mike D nut says Chipotle Jake Maybe David says could we get Carly quoting the money money money in that drop I think King Losi might never watch the show again if we did that David and I like King lki we love our king um jqu says Jake when you start charging Bobby to promote his show on your show pretty soon right Bobby at this rate you’re going to pass meon subscribers soon oh what what what oh oh you’re talking to me oh I wanted ask Neil if he could come to my show oh no you said I’m a poer I just wanted to invite him to my show that’s why I asked you if I could talk to Neil I haven’t seen him in a long time Neil go on Bobby’s show he he not even in chat how is he going to come to my show he’s watching the show right now Neil please call back in so I could talk to you invite you in person why do you need to invite him in person you can’t you because I like him I haven’t talked to him for a long time but you’re not inviting him in person you’re inviting him over the Internet well it’s the same thing no it’s not all right whatever I whatever Neil will join your show I’m sure I don’t know what time does it start though I’m not saying really right after this one okay just well you know I have my own YouTube show if I’m awake I’m going live unless Jake has a show I’m man the the the hours of broadcasting are taking a toll on Bobby he’s been so cranky What’s Happening Here Bobby used to uplift everyone I’ll still be tuning in to the Bobby show ladies and gentlemen more of your calls right now Jerome the Packer fan is on the line hello Jerome what’s going on Jake what’s going on interesting characters you have on here uh not much man on my way up to Wisconsin um Andrew falo man uh they got have some interesting good breakdowns or whatnot you probably like watching some of those uh some of those plays yeah I was at a lot of those games and uh all I want to say is J you know it is jet porn it would be considered jet porn and but it’s it’s it’s a reality of what you guys are going to be seeing I’m happy for you guys because you guys will get to see that throughout the season you know provided that no one get injured Rogers doesn’t get injured or nothing else crazy happens with the Jets you guys will see all of that but Rogers will be back there man y’all y’all have like one of the best floor Generals in all the football the last 20 years Rogers will know how to he he knows how to manipulate the pocket he knows how to move the pocket he knows what’s always going on in the pocket he knows when other players are out of position on the other side he takes advantage of that you guys will be seeing a whole lot of free plays when they have many men on the field and um he just Rogers can see when guys out of position I remember distinctly One play uh a couple years ago was against the Chicago Bears mvs was running he was gonna have mvs run a go route and him and um I think Devonte was in motion and Danny dvon I think it was on the Chicago Bears was out of B it was was a mismatch and Rogers knew it pre-nap instantly before he even sna the ball he told mvs he told mvs stay there don’t move I already have the play ball snaps he throws it dead up the middle hit Randle car for a touchdown 30 yard touchdown is is it’s those kind of things Roger he’s real cerebral he knows how to manipulate players and look him off and just have him doing all kind of weird witty stuff and and he gets points out of it out of it so yeah you guys are in for a treat man y’all get to watch some stuff that y’all just haven’t seen in years you can said we’ve never seen it we’ve never seen it we’re excited I mean yeah I’m I’m excited for you guys but that’s all I really had I had to throw that out I don’t know if Andrew because I know he played a lot of Clips but I don’t know if he he he had that one but I know that was that that one was Vivid in my mind I remember that one distinctly I was at that game and it was it was just it was a joy to watch I’m like Rogers is just working his magic so you guys are in for a treat man in for love Dr safe drive my man always great to hear from you we got two Jerome calls today it’s big time Big Time shout out to our guy Bobby maybe he’s feeling like he’s in a more jovial mood he is gifted one channel membership thank you Bobby Mone Mone money this membership from Bobby midnight Jay dubs is on the receiving end of it shout out to Jay dubs on getting a channel membership so if you were watching the show yesterday we told you about the new movie that Allen is starring in from the makers of ET comes E3 the extra testicle well there’s now another film that Allen has signed on to be a part of ladies and gentlemen Charlie’s Angels Allan will be co-starring with Drew Barrymore and Lucy L As Good As It Gets folks as good as it gets bobby what are your thoughts on this movie yeah that looks pretty funny he did a good job there you go see even Bobby’s on board Greg says Jake what are you a detective with all the questions Greg I don’t know what you’re talking about why do you always type in all caps Greg it’s a question I have for you what’s wrong with a little lower case mixed in um Jeff says Gary’s wife is hotter good God man all right let’s keep rolling with your calls right now ladies and gentlemen joining us right now is someone who gives us the worst Jets chant ever j e TS Jet Jet Jets hello Allan hello Jacob first of all I love the picture between Lucy and Drew when Drew used to be good-looking I don’t know what happened to her now not the same person um come on secondly secondly Jeff Schwarz uh my wife taught his kids he’s a really good guy I’ve met him I’ve met him before he is a nice I’ve never worked with him before though so this will be the first time but I look forward to talking about the fact that he is one of the few Jewish professional athletes we have in the modern times um I used to uh help out my wife a little bit in Charlotte and his son always used to wear Oregon duck stuff yeah because I guess that’s where he went to school so he’s a really good guy um I appreciate Rob basil finally there’s a Rob on this chat that actually delivers memberships so very proud of him very proud of him and I agree with you on Bobby uh I call him the ront Viper every time he gets uh knocked down he’ll always deliver memberships but again yesterday three shows that kid looked like he was gonna die so he’s very irritable on his show somehow someway when he’s on this show he’s uh somewhat nice but on his show he is absolutely ruthless he goes after everybody it used to just be me but now he goes after everybody so I I put some of the blame on you Jake again he follows your shows and he becomes a complete irritable bastard wait a second I I never once told Bobby that he that he should do anything like that I simply have told Bobby hey it’s your show it’s your rules realize one thing he’s doing your postgame shows that every time you do your two hour shows he’ll go on and somehow some ways he wants to go four five hours but the math is not mathing though Alan that’s the thing I have told Bobby less is more and you should get more sleep again indirectly you are too blame Jake okay Jake you are the blame this is a bad take of yours I gotta blame somebody and you know what I’m not gonna blame Gary why don’t you blame Robert Salah like you normally do no I’m not gonna blame Robert Salah again Robert Salah he’ll fall like he usually does so I’m not gonna blame him right now but Jacob uh enjoy your uh hump day week Hump Day evening and thank God you’re not working because too many late nights you become irel as well okay thank you very much J TS Jet Jet Jets J TS Jets Jets Jets Allan just got another movie part he’s starring in misery 2 the solid chapter ladies and gentlemen crossdresser Allen is added again ad says Jake you have to quit to save Bobby’s life I want to make this very clear I am telling Bobby not to do eight hour shows every day I’m saying less is more get some sleep I have said this coach Salah is watching the show Allan is praying on my downfall but he’s only going to see my rise up that’s the spirit coach love it coach look the bottom line is this coach Salah you’ve been through the ringer since you’ve been here you’ve experienced as bad as it can get that should make you stronger because it hasn’t killed you you know what I mean like it has been so bad at times for this coach since he’s been here and a lot of the problems once again are not his fault he didn’t Draft Zack Wilson he wasn’t given Zack Wilson as the backup if Salah can make it through the last three and still be surviving that’s got to mean something and once again I promise you no matter what happens this year there will never be a press conference more difficult than Robert for Robert Salah than the one he went into last year the day after the Chargers game hey Robert thanks for taking my question with Zack starting again Sunday does he have any compromising photos of you or someone else in the organization no I that’s a fair question Jake um I’m going to take the fifth on that one what the hell is this going backwards [ __ ] you don’t go backwards you throw the ball out of B with your big goddamn arm and you go back in a [ __ ] hudle no it’s a fair question deal um this is [ __ ] Jose Feliciano the blind Puerto Rican guitarist can see that he is terrible this kid does not want to run with the bull are you kiding me this is the [ __ ] I’m talking about you [ __ ] ass you did his ass oh my damn Feld no that’s a fair question King the third damn year we are seeing this in that to trying to win the goddamn game you gotta be kidding me set his ass the [ __ ] down I could have made 20 yards with that goddamn hole if your quarterback cannot play in the NFL they get rid of them oh one of his 27 seconds oh was amazing I don’t give a [ __ ] if you cannot play football get your ass from the and walk around and white rogers’s ass because that’s all you’re good for and you’re sitting here defending this [ __ ] if I see Zach Wilson go on that field me and lski are going on personally and we’re GNA take his ass off the field is torture man God damn all right thanks guys he won’t have a more difficult press conference than that one all right also I’ll say this too I love how so many people are new to the show maybe they started watching this offseason there’s so much gold that they have missed out on so when we play some of those old clips it’s great John says the difference between Allen and Salah is that if Allen was coaching the Jets no one would want to play for the Jets that is true that is true um let’s see Dave says can we see Robert salid where Allen’s wig I love it also shout out to you Dave very nice uh gesture you did today really appreciate it man B’s a big time as Maniac um Mike D’s Nuts says Bobby is definitely mean jqu says Bobby’s cranky losing his ogs H Bobby just needs a little more rest he’s still the the the same great guy we all love I just think he needs to not do 10 hour shows we the people says Jake I don’t know why Bobby does one eight hour show a day when he could do three two hour shows a day like you do what if he just did like an hour right I mean eight eight eight hour shows is crazy Jerry says that video has me crying yeah I mean look it was a tough press conference for Salah it was you got throw it Jay Graves with a great question I can’t make the first game watch Meetup are you planning on doing more for some away games this season yes this will hopefully be the first of many and I would prefer it to be at T squ social so that’s why we need the turn out for this one to be epic so they renew for the remainder of the season for a bunch of games that’s the plan so come out and support yes it’s a preseason game but it’s going to be so much more than that it’s going to be us hanging out eating good food drinking good drinks we’re gonna have giveaways the ESPN promo team’s going to be there so you’ll get some free ESPN swag it’s gonna be awesome Tom says Allan and Gary like to command deer Bobby show Bobby is the show it’s his show it’s his rules let’s make that clear Allan um rad Diddy I can’t read your comment but I laughed Oscar says jenergy brought the energy in the video for the 4 per. jerg is legendary ad says jooin me y’all I’m making the trick I’m look forward to meeting you ad can’t wait as a former jet linebacker once said Dave writes in are we seriously entertaining Allen as the head coach as bad as Allan view Sala Allen would have no more success due to his negativity yeah I would promise you Allen would not be a good NFL coach and neither would anyone watching the show besides maybe fialo because he actually understands deep NFL Concepts and stuff Trevor writes in I have been watching for about five months and turn on gifts for the first time today and got a membership the first day make sure your gifts are on people LOL thank you King and dreams like if you haven’t turned on gifts yet I don’t know what to tell you click on someone’s name who gifted a membership whether it’s Rob Bobby King and dreams it comes up in the chat and then it gives you the option to turn on GI receipts Mike D’s Nuts Ryan says Jake where didd you get your jet hat NFL shop seems sparse with new logo options you wantan to know where I got it let’s make some money right here watch this it’s from Fanatics it’s gonna show up on your screen in a second I got you watch this um hold on I just threw two up there let’s throw let’s see if I can find the white one get you the exact hat all right done here it is on your screen 3149 from fanatics let’s see all right here you go that should pop up right now there you go 3149 it’s up enjoy Ryan use that Fanatics pop up there um Lawrence Rubin says I need some Deez Nuts in my life Lawrence are you sure you don’t have gift receipts on come on all right last chance to get in here long show hour 39 minutes crazy um let’s see NY Jets writes in little we know every vman call has a Puerto Rican connotation in it you can’t take Puerto Rico out of vman Rich says Jake play the Jacksonville reaction do we really want that can’t we move on from Zack Wilson rich I don’t I I don’t even like watching that I get so mad oh that was horrible the worst Jerome 14 and three coach Salah oh my God sign me up sign me up David says Jake you’re a star don’t leave us not going anywhere man this YouTube show is here to St you guys make it possible to do it fulltime you know I’m doing a bunch of radio stuff that will continue but the YouTube shows the job ladies and gentlemen King and dreams writes in pause lawren you wild in B that’s from King of Dreams ladies and gentlemen it is the morning in Australia good morning USA says Craig ladies and gentlemen I keep my Boomerang at my desk at all time know when you need to go when the NFL comes to Australia they should have Aaron Rogers throw a boomerang iconical wear has become an AS Maniac let’s go baby boom another step closer to the as Maniac Emoji being live Salem says no NFL team has the YouTube Community the Jets have it’s true it’s so unique it is so unique there the amount of quality jet content creators out there is outrageous Craig says Jake Sarah almost at the office and we’ll call if you’re still on oh baby please call Craig maybe I will be George says happy birthday to Jake’s dad my dad tried to call me in the middle of the show let’s call him let’s call him on his birthday spoke to him earlier see if you guys can hear this sorry Buzz I I’m still on right now so you’re on the air I just wanted to call and wish you a happy birthday I’m not celebrating my birthday we don’t have birthdays anymore how old are you now 40 55 yeah I’m younger than your mother what would you like to say to all the as Maniacs out there well the only gift I want is the Jets to win the Super Bowl how’s that well if you can’t get that gift Bobby and tell Bobby thank you I the the extra hands in the birthday song was a masterpiece yeah I I I uh I told him earlier that that you were a big fan of it yes I’m sorry I’m tired we had no air conditioning in the office so I’m hot that sounds terrible well for you yeah because you need things below zero was only 78 degrees in there that’s horrible what are you doing what are you doing tonight I’m going home because I’m hot and tired your Stepmother’s working till 8 ah so she wanted to go out and I refuse because we’re not celebrating my birthday I I don’t know why you don’t like to celebrate your birthday because I don’t age that way all right well happy birthday and uh everyone in the chat is Wishing you happy birthday as well they can all have a drink with me at your listening party how’s that there you go when is that August what August 17th you’ll be there t squared social t squared yep yes I will be there all right bells on you can bring a cake then you know who’s you know who’s also be there you know who’s doing the halftime show fireman no halftime show you got to think big performer we got vman doing it oh he’s gonna sing Puerto Rican Love Song yes exactly or is he going as uh what’s the guy does Fel naid with the oh my God I can’t believe I can’t think guitar guy croi oh I’ll put in the request for you one of you as Maniacs will know who it who it is that sounds good so I can’t remember the guy’s name you see that Jose celebrate my birthday Jose Jose Feliciano yeah there we go that’s the guy Jose Feliciano there you go I want him to imitate his his repertoire well we’ll make it happen you’ll be there bman will be there it’s gonna be wonderful we just have to have wins that’s what we need yes big wins no injuries all Buzz I I’ll call you later I’m finishing the show Happy Birthday everyone says happy birthday thank you all right farewell ladies and gentlemen Steve asmin there you go bman halftime show what’s better than that um Chris says really vman is GNA take a dump during the performance no come on now could he fart during it I suppose that could happen but he’ll be fine come on sicko all right I think we’re done here folks what a show thanks to everyone who tuned in thanks to Andrew fialco who did a great great job with the Rogers film breakdown for the first first hour and change of the show thanks to all the callers could not have done it without you everyone who sent in a super chat or gifted a membership thank you thank you thank you cannot say that enough you guys are the best we’re back tomorrow I got a big Time guest Ying us tomorrow I was going to post it in the Discord which I still probably will but I also will share it right now if you’re still watching at the end of the show joining us tomorrow for the first time in a couple months is one of our favorites Le doible former New York Jet defensive lineman an analyst for CBS Sports HQ he’s back from his vacation in Europe and he’s joining us tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern time and then Brandon pacus from Jets xfactor will join us in the afternoon tomorrow around 3 pm eastern time so Big Time guest slated dues will be great and I’m certainly working looking forward to that thanks again to everyone who watched hit the like button go jets please subscribe to the channel and do me a favor if you’re not on patreon yet what are you waiting for man what are you waiting for it’s the place to to connect with your fellow as Maniacs find out about exclusive information bonus shows and the best perk of all Discord access thanks again everyone go Jets happy birthday to my dad JS Jets Jets Jets we go Gary you need to stop yelling at all your friends about Joe Douglas and all of the jet stuff I mean I am going to leave you for Bobby wiggle beagle Bel be be just let your corn rolls down and just stop it already with all of the fighting it’s just it’s not worth it I love Bobby Wile deagle deagle deagle deagle ladies and gentlemen he’s flailing his arms like this off air only I’m the one who could see it there could be only one man who’s flailing his arms like that and that man is Bobby midnight well you know I’ve grown to Love My Buddy Alan but has to go I threw him off my show I forgot to wish your dad a happy birthday to him would you like me to sing a happy Birthday song to him actually I would this is a great idea yes you gotta put me in the Square what’s his name again Steve okay happy birthday to you happy birthday to to you happy birthday to Steve happy birthday to you and you’re awesome man how’s that that was tremendous we’re back I didn’t see this we had more memberships being gifted iconical we it’s our guy dirty in the truck I didn’t see this WOW sound of the alarm I got to find his memberships this slipped through the uh the cracks at the end here Uno Chets Andrew Bach Shan Conroy Jose Lopez most high Mansa dasan wow at the buzzer for real thank you iconical rare I missed that that’s our guy dirty tremendous tremendous all right I think I’m caught up now f alarm on the end of the show because the show never really ends thanks again to everyone for real this time I will talk to you guys soon go Jets J TS Jets Jets Jets flight boss up next what’s up flight boss hey what’s up Jake I love your show man you know I’ve been watching you for a while that can’t be your real voice yeah you you sound like Darth Vader oh wait a minute man I’m new to this stuff let me see my my voice changer I don’t want to sound like a female or nothing wait a minute say Luke I am your father Luke I am your we’ll let you go flight boss we couldn’t understand anything at all there this show never ceases to amaz me man no seriously what is that [ __ ] behind you it’s all boxes and all that I only have a small apartment is it all worth saving or is there like Jimmy haa back there what are you storing all it’s all stuff that I need oh don’t say stuff you need I’ve been watching you for a year now and that stuff hasn’t moved don’t say it’s stuff you need there’s a ham sandwich on the back over to the left I don’t like ham well that’s why you haven’t touched it maybe you should put baloney or something you don’t like ham then get rid of the ham sandwich I love boney hey man man about dip out I got hey don’t leave You’re Gonna Miss Bobby’s next topic hour two is when all of the real substance stuff starts where he really gets into the Nitty Gritty of the jet season

What are the expectations for NY Jets QB Aaron Rodgers in 2024? NY Jets film analyst Andrew Fialkow joins Jake Asman to break down Rodgers film from recent years and show how it translates to the Jets offense this season!

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  1. I’m sure I’m just a grumpy old guy but I tune out whenever Lane or Bobby call in. Just don’t have the patience for the nonsense. Otherwise I love the show

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