[Music] welcome to the winged wheel podcast here to talk all things hockey are your hosts Brad krisco Ryan Hannah and Evan lobsinger even though we knew it was coming it took like 30 minutes after cat friendly went down today for me to realize how much it actually sucks just because of the muscle memory in the force of habit to going to you know Detroit’s C page or checking the contract details on someone I saw the news went to the homepage and saw their you know whole farewell post registered it was like yep we knew this was coming within the hour I had just tried to look up a contract on cap friendly I went man and there’s puckpedia and there’s cap space and there’s other tools being built which is the same way cap friendly came about but it is a little sad and pathetic on my part that it it didn’t take no time at all to see just how profoundly dependent we were on it well it’s probably not that different from what you were doing on free agency day where you’d open up Twitter to see what was going on then you’d close Twitter to use another app just to open Twitter again immediately to see what was going on yeah pretty much same same kind of Vibes hockey was better when we weren’t so all online and it was just the like the clips that you were watching before we recorded Evan of Koval intentionally given away the puck to run Darcy Tucker over with an elbow those are simpler times where skill met brutal it head on that was that that era of hockey had its time and it was good and it it definitely isn’t for this era of the world but it does genuinely feel like we grew up in the best ERA of hockey we we right at the intersection of when the Goon ISM was starting to be a race from hockey but we started to see the guys who had pure skill like kovalev like paval Beret it it was the greatest time and to cap it off we got to watch pavl datu’s whole career and you got some like mini moments of that I think about when he ran over sha Weber and the the Cory Perry fight but after that it’s it really does feel like a different game now wow we’re old oh God we are reminiscing about hockey era’s past and how much better oh it must be the off season we are old folks welcome to the wind wheel podcast here to talk to you about all things Detroit Red Wings hockey in this era the world of the NHL and more I’m one of your hosts Ryan Hannah I’m Brad Chrisco and I’m Evan on this episode of the wind wheel podcast we’re going to be talking to you about Patrick Kane Vladimir tereno and what they had to say about signing in Detroit and how they influenced one another we’ll also talk about Detroit Red Wings and their roster you know what are we looking at at this upcoming point for next season and how has the the roster kind of settled into place for now there have been a couple interesting articles that have been put out that has inspired a lot of discussion so we’re going to dive into that and then we’ll get into some NHL news including the Arizona Coyotes officially being dead but now potentially being alive again Rucker mcgi hasn’t been dealt and that’s a frustrating situation for both the Jets mcor’s camp and other teams apparently and then some other news before we jump into overtime before all that we want to let you know that the winded wheel podcast is primarily supported by our patreon supporters wheel podcast if you want to join the show and support the dubdub club you get access to some really great benefits like our bonus overtime episodes which record and post right after these main ones apologies to the inboxes of all of our patrons yesterday as we caught up on the bonus content that had been a little bit delayed because of the rush of the last four weeks so thank you and and sorry about that you also get access to our patreon exclusive Discord which is a fantastic community and you can go on there and yell at me when I blow up your inboxes additionally you’re automatically entered into all of our giveaways for example we give away two tickets to every Detroit Red Wings home game the vast majority going directly to our patreon supporters wheel podcast if you want to join the dubdub club and support the show Christian fiser joining his presser from a boat in Italy is just I never really understood why you know the youth the kids these days have been saying Aura but you looked at that you’re like that’s Aura right there that is first that’s a big Evan lob singer move as someone who spent time on a boat in Italy it is the best for for new listeners who don’t know you a lot that is a that’s a little bit of Evan lore it’s pretty generic but that your impression of Evan based on what he just said it’s accurate I promise you I hate that we’re talking about Italy because it just makes me sad that I’m not there why this is practically like Italy this my home studio is not like Italy to you this doesn’t have like Como Vibes no yeah didn’t think so Christian fer press other than being hysterical that he was joining from vacation you know not much of note to say but it was it’s cool to hear him and others Echo this chorus of my heart was set on Detroit and you know he acknowledged that you can’t really say that as a free agent without a lot of demand but still it’s we’ve been talking about this for the past couple offseasons it’s nice to see players want to play in Detroit again so that was cool let’s jump into Patrick kan’s presser though because he said some stuff that I thought was really fun and you know one of the things that he said was talking about the moments from last season and he much like us also goes back and watches Ken Daniels and Mickey Redmond’s goal calls on his you know overtime winner at the United Center for example so he’s he’s the exact same as us Patrick Kane and enjoys those moments and talked about how special it was for Ken to call the goal in that kind of way and and how important and special it made those moments and he wanted to kind of continue that so Ken and Mick and the entire crew there they they play a small part part in in Kane’s decision to come back and also him recognizing like how incredible those moments were it was it was cool to hear him say that yeah he’s absolutely right but I can’t get the image out of my head of Patrick Kane sitting at his laptop watching that Chicago overtime go back and just Whispering quietly to himself sh as he’s celebrating the OT win yeah I bet there’s not even a laugh I bet he just nods like oh hell yeah I I rocked that yeah I that so hard do you think it’s oh there a few people made this joke actually but when he hit that overtime winner like put it top Corner went around to do his celebration he knew what he was doing right away had to push Jake wman out of the way that’s why he got traded he pushed him all the way to San Jose you feel bad because we love Jake wman and that was still a shocking trade for all of us but it was like oh the imagery there is a little bit a little bit poignant but Kane talked a lot like you know when we said where does he want to go markets he wants to play in we talked a lot about he wants to go to a true hockey Market he loves the original six teams he loves the spotlight he loves a fan base that Embraces him which the LCA and hockey town did last year and when we sit here and say imagine how insane it’ll be at the LCA when the playoffs return that’s evidence that the players think the exact same way like that atmosphere at the LCA was a reason why Patrick Kane wanted to return to Detroit you know when he first came to Detroit he was you know interested in going there but I do think there was interest maybe more so in going to the Rangers ended up in Detroit because that’s just where it worked with the contract but this time around I believe him and and based on how we know those negotiations went that his season in Detroit made it so this was his preferred destination he settled on a one-year deal which sounds like the one thing he didn’t want to do but because it was with Detroit he was willing to accept it and he’s right I I don’t think the Red Wings the first time they get in the playoffs in the next few years are going to be any good but I can almost guarantee they’re going to win at least one game one of those games at the LCA the crowd is going to will they could be playing the 1985 Oilers they’ll get a win on home ice in that series Patrick Kan talked about his contract and talked about how he thought it was a you know pretty fair deal works both ways taking advantage of the bonuses it’s nothing too Earth shattering there he did kind of reaffirm what a lot of us suspected which is with a full season of Patrick Kane who has a training camp and time to not just come back from the hip surgery which he did very well last season but actually rehabilitate the rest of his body for anyone who has been in shape and then been injured in a serious way you know that muscle atrophy loss of kind of those nerve firings you get a lot weaker and it’s not easy to build on in the middle of an 82 game NHL season so for him to have an offseason to work in a training camp he’s 35 like let’s let’s be serious about this he’s not going to come out and play like he did when he was 24 but I actually do believe him when he says he thinks there’s another level to him coming back from this hip procedure 35 he’s a young man he’s got his entire life ahead of him completely unbiased opinion Brad absolutely unbiased opinion if your indication of what your mid-30s are like for everyone else we are screwed because I’ve never met anyone more dead inside than you are and I know Evan what what are you talking about I’m almost dead on the outside too I almost went to the ER last night cuz of neck spasms tell me I feel young oh God you’re old did you go no this actually a little bit of War about Brad he constantly has serious injuries that need medical attention and I feel like his mother like hey if you can’t feel your hand you need to go to the doctor what was it your elbow your hand last time I was get it was everything below my injured shoulder would go numb a lot but I knew what the injury was there nor normal good yeah and you just wed it back to it’s fine now I I actually feel I feel like I’m ready for Parenthood because of this podcast yeah I think so Brad looked at me like I dare you now I think the most Patrick Kan had a lot of great things to say about Detroit but the most interesting part of this was he was part of the reason that ter senko came over he sold him on it talked about you know Detroit as not just a market to play in but somewhere to settle down with your family and how great it it was for your your kids especially in schools and programs you can put them in and you know Detroit and the surrounding areas what there was to offer and that was really cool it’s not like a unique thing that doesn’t happen everywhere else in the NHL but again going back to what we said last episode it reads a little bit of like a a fanfiction of someone who’s building their ideal Red Wings team from like 10 12 years ago like oh Patrick Kane’s going to come over and then he’s gonna convince teras senko to come over it’s many years later but it still was cool yeah we’ve talked about it at length and I know some people get mad at us with how pessimistic we are about the city of Detroit being able to lure big free agents because they don’t have the tax advantage in Michigan they don’t have the weather advantage in Michigan and they don’t have the advantage of being a good team for the last little while so the logic always is why would anybody sign here and the easiest way to overcome that is when the guys on the team are going no no no this rocks you should come honestly credit to the fans fans convinced Kane after he came here Kane convinced Terra Sano ipof facto dry cdle and Marner are going to come to Detroit and the the fans will have a direct line to say this is why we won the Stanley Cup again it’s logical and this isn’t mid offseason hairbrain talk and I won’t hear anything otherwise yeah it’s just the number things going to be sticky for a lot of these FR agans teraso can’t wear 91 Marner won’t be able to wear number 16 danielson’s got 29 and he outranks D idle so there there’s going to have to be some decisions made going to get some unique numbers here I thought that it was very old school where teraso was like Detroit’s one of the most famous if not the most famous team in the world when you talk about hockey history he talked about when he grew up in Russia a lot of people follow Detroit obviously the Russian five and then the it’s very like tarz in the Le pajamas but he talked about on his first PlayStation he played as Detroit when he played NHL and that’s what you’re talking about Brad like yeah you don’t have the weather Advantage you don’t have the tax advantage and when the team’s not good it’s hard to say yeah come over and win a cup but you have the history you have the Legacy you have hockey town you have original six and you have arguably in our books the best fan base the most knowledgeable fan base in hockey very Feelgood stuff a lot of fun now let’s get into what these guys add to the roster and where the Red Wings roster is today so there was an article in the athletic from Dom Lucian and it it was ranking the improvements or lack thereof of all 32 teams in the NHL so from the team that improved the most in terms of the net ad and it doesn’t mean that it’s going to be the best team because number one was Chicago it’s just who net improved the most and Detroit came in pretty low on that list they were 23rd with the key editions listed as terao M Guston cam talbat key departures as David Pandi Daniel sprung Robbie Fab Shane gosses bear Jake wman so this doesn’t take cap space into account and it doesn’t really take you know a lot of what potential future moves might come into play into account but it is just a very simple overview of what happened and there was a lot of debate over this and I I can see the the fine lines in the argument but to me nothing that was said in here wasn’t also said by Steve Eiserman am I crazy for thinking that no it’s basically the same sentiment he gave at his pressor and in terms of we tried to make a bigger move it didn’t work out for us we couldn’t afford certain players so we went and got cheaper versions and of course I’m really paraphrasing this and we’re hoping for a lot of internal growth so it is what it is with with where the Red Wings are at first off Steve Eisman said like he feels like they’re in the same position they are last year which again yeah Health especially Dylan Lin and good goal tending which they the Red Wings got good goal tending last year but they also got very bad goal tending last year if they can get you know fewer than 15 stinker games from their goalies that’s a big difference you don’t need massive improvements from lens’s point total you don’t even need massive improvements from cider and Raymond’s Point totals you just need a better back stop unfortunately in the modern NHL that’s a big ass right goenda istically more and more at a disadvantage every year right now that’s the way it’s trending and that’s by Design and the league promotes offense because that’s exciting but overall if you can get doesn’t need to be World beating go tending but gending that’s not going to beat yourself you’re going to do a little bit better Dylan Lin that’s you talk about internal Improvement you’re right Brad what was the biggest Catalyst to the backslide that put Detroit out of a playoff spot Dylan Lin injury and goal tending and goal tending because the goal tending didn’t come in when Lin’s injury came into play the defense was atrocious but they were kind of atrocious all year they weren’t that much worse than they usually were yeah wman got hurt and that put things at a disadvantage but you also added Edinson a little bit later on like like the one game I can’t get out of my head is was it the second last week of the Season it was it had to have been one of the last five games against Pittsburgh Lucas Raymond’s hattrick the Red Wings dropped four or five goals in an absolutely crucial game still lost you can’t be giving up five or six in a must-win game and it felt like down the stretch the Red Wings were giving up three four five every game now they won some of them because you know Raymond and lurin and Kane went insane but yeah like getting back to the point of the article there’s no debating it you look at the Players the Red Wings lost and you look at the Red Wings what the Red Wings gained it’s a net loss like there’s no way around that and any sane person can see that but it doesn’t mean the team is worse what Dom’s article showed was yes they lost more than they gained correct because he was only looking at NHL players Eisman himself said the hope for improvement is internal if Lucas Raymond plays the full season like he played in March and April that alone is probably worth a couple wins most Sider you hope takes another step this year berren or Danielson or Casper if one of those guys cracks the lineup and turns into a player that’s Improvement a full season of Simon Edinson is probably an upgrade on every defenseman on this roster not named mider assuming he plays like he did last season and any progression beyond that fantastic that’s where the Improvement on this team is going to come but not a single one of those things is a guarantee and I think that’s what gets lost in this conversation some of those things I laid out will happen some of them will not that’s the way hockey works you never bat a th% so when Eiserman says I think we’re probably in the same place that’s probably the most accurate statement because your NHL player swaps was a downgrade but you can expect some internal progression but not all the internal regression that you want yeah it’s very interesting testing how this team is constructed right now and then what our expectations should be and I was just pulling up Dylan Lin stats he hasn’t played 82 games since the 2017 season so I’m not expecting him to play a full season once again I would love that obviously but yeah you guys nailed nailed it on the head like the growth has to come from internal Jonathan Barren basically has to outperform Robbie fabri which I think would be quite possible if he’s given the opportunity and a full year of Simon Edinson is better than what we had last year yeah really if you if you think about it it doesn’t feel like it doesn’t feel vapid it doesn’t feel like a fake rally and cry for a team that’s about to have a guaranteed terrible year to say the Improvement has to come from within and that’s where we’re going to make our leap like nobody in their right Minds even the most optimistic Red Wings fan is going to sit here tell you yes this team is going to be challenging for the Atlantic division title or they’re going to be the favorites to you know make the Conference Finals or anything but the optimistic view is with enough good luck because the roster does still need good luck you have to be honest about that and improvements from players who are already good and have higher ceilings above them it’s not crazy to think that they make the playoffs what’s the objective view of that though summarized that this still isn’t a guaranteed playoff team and that’s okay like it’s not an insult that’s really what Steve Eisman is saying he says playoffs are possible but based on the moves you could make or or what was available or you know what was reasonable to sign in free agency during all that Mayhem this is just what you end up with I’ll say this and I don’t want this to happen for the Red Wings next season and Brad you’ve talked about this to give you credit it’s not a bad thing if the Red Wings Things don’t shake out their way if they get hit by an injury bug or or goal tending goes south for them and then they get a top 10 pick next year like I I know we I’ve said a lot like I’m tired of the tank and I want to see this team win and I mean that that’s what I want but it’s really like if if you talk about team building and what is the sensible thing to do there really isn’t much else to do besides the position the Red Wings are in right now you you try to get your young guys in that’s a part to me that’s non-negotiable you you see what you have in Casper Maser Danielson to some degree as long as they they put up efforts to make it worthwhile to have him on the NHL roster but other than that like you gave yourself the best position you reasonably could with this team and it might go your way it might not and it’s kind of okay either way I think I prefer this position than what the Red Wings were last year right we knew there weren’t many spots for rookies to make the team out of training camp and there was a chance for the team to be a playoff team and that was exciting well now I think I would prefer it how it is this way there’s room for the rookies we don’t know what their ceiling is and if they have a great year this team could be a playoff team I would much prefer this than what happened last year and we talked about this a bit last off season because the same reality exists for the Red Wings it didn’t work out this way in the standings last year which was to the benefit of Detroit but you look around them and if you want to go look at Dom’s article it it lays it out really well where a lot of the teams around Detroit got better they improved from what they were last year and if the Red Wings are still hovering around 88 to 92 points theoretically they could end up close to a top 10 pick with that just because you know if Buffalo this is the year they take a step we saw what New Jersey did they are definitely going to Leap Frog all of these teams and that knocks Detroit down a spot the the Islanders are probably still going to be competitive Washington loaded up Ottawa the model says improved I’m a little skeptical on that but either way it wouldn’t be crazy if Ottawa finished at 90 91 points and D finishes at 8089 now all of a sudden the Red Wings are sitting there 89 points we’re relatively happy with how the season played out but they’re picking 11th overall like and if they are out of the race realistically mid-march you do get the added benefit of hey here’s your chance to give merer Danielson whoever a run who hasn’t been up yet so I’m not saying that’s the path I want to happen but everybody needs to be ready that’s very much in the cards there is a reality where we’re sitting here looking at the Red Wings in a bubble going their performance this year was acceptable to good they fell four spots in the standings and Montreal’s made huge improvements as well like there’s no free wins in the Atlantic anymore like last year you’d look to Montreal and say okay that should be the game they absolutely win well now I don’t see any team in the Atlantic so it the path has gotten even more difficult this year and there’s there’s a few ways this could shake out right like I like what you said Brad about if things aren’t going your way and it’s it’s not going to get fixed midseason which is a real possibility because unlike years past I think Detroit is in a position to make midseason moves or moves that are more of needle movers to try to have a more direct impact but let’s say that doesn’t happen then yeah later in the season is when you say okay merer Danielson Casper have had 10 games between the three of them to this point in the year here’s where we put him in and you know we can scream and cry and he about oh they haven’t been in all season to the state which I’m sure we will to some degree but if then they get 25 30 games something like that even a little bit less than that that’s something that you’ve done that is a positive outcome from the season even though it’s not like fans are going to be pissed we’re going to be pissed we would love to see the Red Wings back in the playoffs we we want to see hockey town you know we want to see the the the Jersey on the Spirit of Detroit again like all of that of course but in terms of what’s pragmatic yeah that that’s that would be a good outcome from this and also like you know if you look at a roster projection and maybe we’ll have Max on soon to to talk about this he put his out today and I’ll link it in the description as well as Dom’s article but it doesn’t leave a lot of room for for rookies as of right now especially in the forward group but if that group is staying in there and earning their spots and they’re holding merer and Casper and Danielson out who would otherwise be in then that means Detroit is succeeding and they’re holding their own in the Atlantic in the Eastern Conference so it’s easy to make projections there’s a wide margin here and the one thing that really want to pin on and make sure we Circle back to a lot is what you said Brad we talk a lot about the optimistic View and it’s real that’s the path to making the playoffs arguably just as likely that it goes the other way and they are a low 80s team in terms of points one luren injury bad goal tending that alone is enough to send them into a high 70s low 80s points team like that’s the reality of it this is true for everybody like right now if you told me tomorrow Jeremy Swan blew it his ACL his season’s over yeah my projection of what I think Boston’s going to be changes dramatically from what it is today that’s hockey so every conversation we have comes with the giant asteris of hockey’s weird stuff’s going to happen that’s going to sewer your entire team and you can’t do a thing about it we’re all making these assumptions on what the roster is right now assuming no cataclysmic trades the rest of the offseason reason able health and the players were talking about perform reasonably close to their expectation we know guys are going to overperform their expectation how many is it going to be we know guys are going to underperform the expectation how many is it going to be if that ledger is four in the negative two in the positive that nukes your season a little bit right depending on who it is or it could be Lin and Raymond underperform cop you know rasm and Fisher overperform well those guys don’t impact the lineup as much as the other two so that probably tanks your season right it’s it’s a million different things but as they sit now with what reasonable expectations can be you know and reasonable doesn’t mean oh I think Simon edson’s gonna put up 50 points that’s not reasonable I think this team is probably going to be within five points of where they were last year you just hope it’s in the positive direction and there’s going to be questions of all right why are they the same team is it because player in player out and pan and teraso are the exact same and Guston and Walmer are the exact same and tablet and rhyme are the exact same the answer is no there are like marginal similarities but there’s a really good chance you have some pretty different outcomes because they’re not the exact same player types you can probably guess a little bit of net production but it’s a Fool’s errand to say that with any certainty for me is look at this lineup and I say yeah they’re they’re a Dylan Lin injury away from having no good second line Center option and absolutely nothing at first line Center and they need guys to create Lucas Raymond has grown into a line driver but you know if you want to put someone with Patrick Kane who can work with his talent and his his the way he sees the game and and who he needs that Center JT Comer is your best option and still not an ideal fit we saw at points last season that that didn’t work too well for Kane so then you’re really relying on on power play production so the it’s been the story of the Red Wings for as long as we’ve been doing this podcast which is like nine and a half years or however much now but behind Dylan Lin there’s not a lot at Center so they it’s fine you know Dylan Lin’s a number one Center in the NHL it’s no secret I’m a big fan of what JT Comer brings to the game and maybe comert with Kane and tereno for example like that’s enough offense where it works but it’s it’s a risk I think depth Detroit has a lot of options I really like what they can do with their depth and you know if someone’s not working I there has to be at least one of the kids who was knocking on defense it’s it’s a few things if you’re deploying Jeff Petri as your second pair right d you have to hope that it’s going with insane chemistry with Edinson for example because otherwise at points last year that looked terrible you you want to hope that Eric Guston can at least net replace what Shane gopar was doing in Big Picture morce cider needs a break he needs to be allowed to be the star player that he is but he is shouldering pretty much the entire defensive load for the Detroit Red Wings he needs help he needs an offensive zone start he needs to not be the only guy who can go out there it’s limiting what he can actually do for the Red Wings on the ice because he’s basically out there trying to save their skin night in and night out you know five on five there need to be other Defenders who can be relied on especially on the right side and that to me is even bigger than the center issue up at forward I have some real bad news for you I hope you’re sitting down for this we’re allowed to stand up you are not you’re too vigy there is no solution there it’s going to be the same for moider this year and arguably he’s going to have less help when he’s on the ice that’s where I think it is maybe going to be the case but I actually disagree with you I think the net addition of a full year Simon Edinson the the guson thing is I’m more inspired by his offense than his defense but again yeah he’s bottom pair Power Play One sure gosis bear is a black hole defensively so it’s not like you’re missing a lot there and you don’t know like if Albert Johansson plays his way onto this team then that’s an answer right at least to some degree I don’t think this is going to be a above average League defense as it’s composed right now and my preference is that a move is made somehow but I do think the net ition of Edinson Johanson and I mean I imagine we’re going to end the year if I had to make a wild guess that Edinson Insider are the top pair I think that could make things at least not as bad as they were last year I think that’s equally as possible the thing is though I know he’s not technically called or eligible but Simon evanson’s a rookie you’re not putting him out against Crosby McDavid Matthews pan Aon why not because he’ll get killed he will get caped I understand and I agree with you that he is probably the second best option out there as unfair as that is to put on a player in his situation but if the second pair is him and Petri you given them the other team’s Top Line any game on purpose no chance absolutely none by the end of the year when he’s got some reps under his belt and you can see him starting to get more comfortable in defensive situations sure I could absolutely see them putting cider and Edinson together to go shut down the mcdavid’s and Matthews of the world that doesn’t solve The Cider problem that’s just probably means they’re riding that pairing heavier so you’re objectively right in your train of thought but there isn’t a solution to fix it available right now at least not in any sort of adequate way they need another decent Year from Ben shro which you don’t want to overplay Ben shro or or have him play out of position or things like that but they’re going to need to lean on him more than maybe they would have liked again I I think shro had a plus season last year compared to the year prior but maybe that’s your solution in the inim until Edinson can earn those bigger reps if Albert Johanson cannot beat out Justin hall or olim ma then we know everything we need to know about Albert Johansson by the end of the season I’ll say not to start the year I think it’s perfectly fair for a rookie to come in and and not be able to beat Bonafide nhlers who have been in the league for a while he’s not Simon Edinson it’s Albert Johansson he is already better than Justin Hall yeah but there’s there’s a difference between being better and knowing night in and night out what it takes to play that sounds like stupid coach speak but there’s some I know what you’re saying and we talked about it how why is it so hard to beat out these NHL guys at training camp it’s because they can do these drills in their sleep and the rookies are some of them are shaking in their boots and the way the Red Wings have been talking about Albert Johansson’s game it seems like they want him in the lineup for the majority of the games I think that’s what their want is I think he still H like just knowing the way the Red Wings operate and looking at the depth chart like he will have to earn it he will have to beat out multiple nhlers to get that spot so well let me tell you some of them eat glue so I don’t think that should be too hard but getting back to Ryan’s original point if Johansson plays great and earns a regular spot which means he’s not in the regular rotation of healthy scratches you now have a rookie on the second pair and a rookie on the third pair and I know a lot of people are yelling at me right now why can’t you play him more why can’t you try this XY and Z because we have a hundred years of NHL coaches proving to us they don’t do that like news is no different in that he’s not going to go throw a rookie out for 25 minutes a game against other team’s top pairs so you want to alleviate the pressure on moider having rookies on your second and third pair isn’t going to help now for the betterman of the team I think that’s what they should do and I’m I would want Edinson to play 82 games and Johansson to get very close to 82 games it’s not going to happen and if that does happen cider’s playing 28 minutes a night with 100% dzone starts I I disagree though I think they I think cider is an extreme example but I think they will do it if the player earns it and they’ve had an extended did long time frame look at Simon Edinson now I don’t think they’re going to be as scared to play him I I understand with Johanson but with Edinson I don’t think they’ll view him as a rookie I think there’s more to that in terms of what they’re they’ll be willing to do with him well let me put it this way then I’ll give an example I know and you know this organization has a lot of faith in Ben shro as a defenseman despite what the fan base thinks of Ben shat they did not trust him to play any important minutes last year and he was better for it that was I I agree but I’m saying they’re going to treat Simon Edmonson probably the same way this year they treated Ben shot last year which is they’re not going to shelter him but they’re not giving him the tough minutes they’re not giving him the tough matchups and will Edinson do well in that role I’m not saying he’s going to challenge for rookie of the year if he were eligible but I think he’s going to do well in it and I think that’s how they have to handle it but it’s going to then likely be more of the same this year as what we saw last year I agree with you I think Gus s an upgrade on gosis bear defensively but it’s not by much I would hope edin sends a bit of an upgrade on what shro brought last year and shro was decent last year I don’t think shot’s going to play wallman’s role as well which is what he’s going to have to do again if Johanson comes in and he’s better than Ma and he’s better than Hull great that is better for the long-term future of the Detroit Red Wings but I don’t foresee Albert Johanson coming in and being so good it changes the entire landscape of this defense for this season well the problem is is the Red Wings need to do this and I agree with what both of you guys are saying the Red Wings need to do this so they can make a determination on what these prospects are because if you play Albert yans in 20 games this year oh yeah what is he what is he we don’t know he’s a guy who played just a handful of minutes and a handful of games and we’re just kicking the can down the road one more year which might be good because some contracts begin to expire and then you’re forced to but Hain and other players in the draft yeah yeah and then we’re we’re sitting here in the end of June being grumpy that the NHL season’s not over and we’re picking in the top 10 again sorry did I say that out loud wait you filter anything yeah that’s right so the Red Wings have to play these guys whether they like it or not and standings be damned because they got to start to figure out what is what is a a Marco Casper what is a Carter merer what is an Albert Johansson because if they don’t we’re just going to end up with a team of guys we don’t really know what their potential or their Bonafide spot is at the NHL level So based on what we’ve talked about it it really kind of lends to the larger point that we were making earlier despite small disagreements about the how much and who specifically where Detroit is most lacking is their defense any optimism on what this defense can be is limited like we are hoping Beyond hope that this defense can be average and that cider can you know go to sleep a little easier every night that is the best we can hope for this defense as it’s constructed right now we’re essentially praying that you don’t have to roll Jeff Petri out on second pair right d for his sake and the teams but where this team I think has headro and could overperform is go because you have a good go tender in lion and you have a good gender in talbat and you have someone who when healthy can be a good gender Ando can the combination of those three give you 82 or let’s call it 70 solid games where you’re not beating yourself not guaranteed because being a good gender is one thing but being a consistently good gender is actually the name of the game in the NHL it’s why delovic didn’t work out in Detroit but it’s a possibility the forwards Kane for a full season teras senko that’s more offense coming in Lucas Raymond who’s on a stratospheric rise yeah debret has a better shooting season all that can lend to yeah there is much more Headroom to overperform there you’re trying to paper over the defense essentially for this season and again the culmination of that in in all reality even the most optimistic view it’s not likely to be much more than a playoff birth and everything else on top of that is gravy but that’s the optimistic View and if the Red Wings are successful that way unless Eisman makes a move it’s not going to be from the blue line out and I can’t help to shake the feeling there is still a move coming because I have a hard time seeing the opening night roster be 12 forwards eight defenseman and three goalies yeah fully agree that does not make any sense when you’re planning for an 82 Game season yeah there’s the Red Wings have the flexibility they have the assets and they have moves that need to be made there’s not necessarily a rush to do so anymore but there’s there’s options and you have all offseason and we know the way Steve irman works there have been a lot of Rumblings and there’s been noise you know people talking about trade rumors and stuff you know you chase this stuff down and you’re careful not to talk about things that aren’t just you know routine gmms talking to each other which is what I think most of it is right now with Detroit but I agree I think Eiserman has the the want probably someone of the need and is trying something but whether that’s going to come to fruition what do you always say about trade spread takes two to tango takes two to tango you need the trade partner and that’s for like the most mid trade you’ve ever heard of that is for depth player for a fourth round pick level trade big needle moving trades like the ones people love to mock like zis everything else those ones are a diamond in the rough they almost never happen and when they do it’s not your favorite team doing it so it’s hard to pin down exactly if or when that’ll happen and I don’t think that type of trade’s coming I think it’s an addition by subtraction trade is what’s in the works I again I I love the guy and I understand what he’s healthy he’s great but I just I keep looking at whoo on this roster going that makes no damn sense he’s almost $5 million when you have two goalies who are arguably better than him and they’re healthy way more often than he is I don’t know if that’s a a cap dump trade Leno’s arbitration may lead to a potential buyout there I I don’t know what it is but that’s the one that I I see as the one he probably wants to resolve the most I think if he can trade away either hos or Hall’s contracts that’s a that’s a massive net win for him yeah we haven’t even talked about how the Red Wings were on an absolute pedo Bender for like a third of the season last year at the highest of highs they were on a PDO Bender and I mean that obviously fell off a cliff after a while so it all sort of regressed back to the mean but if the Red Wings don’t continue to have a strong shooting percentage and a strong goal tending performance playoffs are definitely much more difficult to achieve this season I’m glad you said that I get yelled at every time I bring it up I don’t look at the mentions so that’s good for me I pay people to yell at you online it’s a hobby of mine this is getting into you know future conversations you’re right about the Pender in the shooting percentage and you need to be again you need to be pragmatic you need to look at that and say that’s not going to be sustained in all likelihood to that degree I also think if you look at the redings last season when things went South for them yeah scoring was an issue when you know the depth scoring went away and you really just had to rely on your stars each and every night but I still think they had the juice to win the games if their goal tending showed up on on a certain given game or if the the defense didn’t completely you know crap the bed that night which you’re asking a lot for them to not do that this year but the Red Wings are in the playoffs with like one more game where the gending didn’t beat themselves and not just like Lion too I’m not just saying Rhymer like either one of them would randomly they would they’d be gassed and they didn’t have the the juice to do it when even the the rest of the lineup PD Bender or not they gave him enough Brad talked about the 65 overtime loss to Pittsburgh like that was I don’t know I I think this lineup is better than just being lucky I think they were actually not Florida Panthers level but they were good at points believe it or not even though they have one now in teraso so that is true okay there’s going to be a lot of conversation about the Red Wings in the lineup and the projections and I think all you can hope for is that the conversations that we have about this Inspire Steve Eisman to make a trade immediately after we hit post on an episode so that way there’s a little bit more clarity about what the opening night roster will look like why why don’t we switch to some NHL news the Arizona Coyotes are no more well I should say Alex MLL is no more as an owner in the NHL the long National nightmare is over he didn’t the land auction that he was supposed to have won didn’t come to fruition surprise surprise and he is no longer the holder of the rights the the trademarks or anything else to do with the Arizona Coyotes good riddens to bad rubbish how did he get rich because he had a 5-year plan and didn’t make it to month three I don’t understand I don’t know and you know what he actually lost his Sportsbook license in this as well which that was a big money maker for him but he also got a billion dooll buyou yeah I don’t feel bad for him at all he doesn’t look at gift horse in the mouth which good for him and like he was a such a terrible owner that it makes people actually forget how terrible all the other owners were in Coyote’s history before that including the NHL yeah like the the immense failure that he was pains me to say because I think the NHL was complicit in letting this go for too long and and letting the wrong people into ownership who just weren’t serious NHL team owners but the league is now positioned in a space where someone’s going to pay a billion dollars or more for an expansion franchise they have a market that’s a metro area that they know they want to go back to they don’t have to worry about Mel anymore they don’t have to worry about lawsuits they have the coyotes you know team the trademark all the information they have a cookie cutter situation to do this and do it right and there’s no rush to do it either they’ll screw it up it’s the NHL the let’s not forget this is Gary bman the same man who let an actual scam artist buy an NHL team back in the 90s oh I was going to say which time specifically John Spano when he bought the Islanders I think was his name if speaking which anybody listening right now does not know what I’m talking about ESPN I think did a 30 for 30 on it oh my God if you want to know just how truly inept this league can be at times and that’s what I mean like this isn’t the NHL of old where you know the the NHL is the little little little little brother and they can’t have anyone serious or they can’t have you know wealthy enough people to own these teams professional sports franchises are the new focus of the mega Elite Rich you have you have it to the point where if you’re a single billionaire you’re likely not going to get one because you have a conglomerate of billionaires and in funds like who own Liverpool and the Boston Red Sox and the penguins like the FSG the there’s this is big money it’s printing money sports teams are printing money franchise valuations are going through the roof and the NHL is there they are firmly enough established where they are going to be able to charge a billion dollars or more for an expansion team so there’s really no excuse for this to be a repeat of anything in the 90s but even what we’ve seen over the past you know many years with the Arizona Coyotes yeah Seattle’s a success Vegas was a success they’re on a good run right now but if they do decide to go back to Arizona there’s a lot of blood in the water over there and it’ll be hard to win back a lot of fans cuz all they’ve known is losing in failure and headaches and controversies and that one they need to let sit for a while I’m not saying you know Phoenix can’t work metropolitan area of that size of course it can work if done properly but time heals all wounds and a lot of time I think is going to be required on this one if they Rush too quickly to go back there I’d be very skeptical of it succeeding this time around I think for the NHL the key indicator for Success here will be who is the owner because if they get the NHL’s been batting a thousand with their recent owners Jerry brookheimer Ryan Smith like these are guys who want to spend money they want to make a great product and they’re not afraid of making big splashes so if the NHL can vet the next owner of I’ll say the Arizona Phoenix Coyotes then this can be successful regardless of where they put it I just think that they have to get that right and I can’t believe I’m about to say the NHL has been getting that right recently well book’s still out on Ann lower but all by everything I’ve heard he’s an unreal guy and he he made a petty move to piss off the NHL which I love you know what that is worth at least my vote of confidence did I ever tell you guys I don’t even know if this should be patreon exclusive content but someone I know was doing a business dealing with him didn’t know who he was because my friend is an idiot and somehow the Ottawa Senators came up and and my buddy was like oh are you are you into hockey and he’s like well yeah like wait this is post purchase of the Senators he’s like oh yeah recently I purchased the Ottawa Senators my friend was like oh I know the exact friend you’re talking about yes you do and but clearly extremely humble not afraid to piss off the NHL which in my books is an extremely strong quality to have so yeah like I said I think the key success here or on the next franchise team or the next team in Arizona is getting the owner correct that’s so funny that’s hilarious do you like hockey enough where I spent a however like a billion dollars on them oh man all right elsewhere in the NHL Rucker Gordy he we talked around draft time where he was the most recent you know college player who is essentially exercising his agency no pun intended to be able to control where he plays and wasn’t really a fan of how Winnipeg wasn’t integrating him into the roster and asked for trade and and Winnipeg looks like they’re going to ship him out because they just don’t see ey to eye and that process has continued and it’s kind of surprising that a trade hasn’t happened now and it seems that not only are the Jets fr ated with mcy but other teams have been a little bit turned off by what him and his Camp are looking for in terms of guarantees of playtime Etc this is all just you know what’s been reported the actual conversations you don’t know but another twist in The Saga it’s funny too because I remember going into the draft one of the big selling points about mccordi as a top 15 pick was he was a High character guy Mega High character guy so this is a little bit funny to me it could just be people in his Camp pushing him in a Direction we don’t know we’ll never know but I get amused by things like that probably not as amused as I’m going to be when Evan attempts to say ruer mcgi I refuse to say his name to sort of principal well here’s the thing I want the Red Wings to trade for him so you’re going to have to learn get get ready to to learn Rucker mcroy buddy well remember how I was talking about how the Russian factor is this big ominous thing in the NHL well now we’ve got another NCAA Prospect who’s exercising or trying to exercise his right to move to a different team but God forbid we take a risk on Ivan demidov or madve mitkov I think there’s like a balance that needs to be struck in the NHL like the how long they hold a player’s rights for into their contracts seems outdated but how much teams seem to be losing out on Star players even though they drafted them seems outdated like I think there’s a trade-off to be had here and I’m I’m getting hairbrained and I’m going to get a message from someone in League who’s definitely going to call me a complete idiot for saying this but I think there’s a trade-off to be had where you have a little bit more control over a player signing rights even if they go to college or whatever but maybe RFA status doesn’t last as long into their careers and I think that would actually be good for the NHL because when you talk about parody and you want to get good players really right now everyone is horrified of free agency because these players are all you know usually 29 30 31 32 and those are still very good players that can be or often are near their primes but not for long after that right athletic primes start kind of at 24 in terms of overall impact on the ice you’re you’re looking at the I would guess age 26 to 28 if you had to narrow it down but you don’t want to be handing out all those years to a 32y old you end RFA status a little sooner but you guarantee that teams don’t get Adam foxed they don’t get you know Rucker mcgi as often or as easily is that a trade-off that the PA in the league would go for I hope so I think I I wasn’t even planning on talking about this but I’m glad he brought it up because it’s something I’ve been thinking about where the NHL definitely needs to move up the RFA to UFA status because I was even thinking about it you know we’re fans of a team that are coming out of a rebuild that desperately need to get better and have very limited options to get better and we spent a good amount of time looking at this for agent crop going almost every one of these guys is a terrible idea because they’re old and by the time we’re good it doesn’t matter if you don’t want teams to sit in the basement for five six seven years and tank there has to be more opportunity to go out and acquire bigname players because top players don’t get traded all that often those trades are exceptionally rare because they’re good players and the teams that have them go well we want to be good so free agencies the way around that but again it never makes sense because to the point you make they’re all 28 29 30 years old you’re not doing that I’m a huge huge fan of getting more players to UFA around 24 25 years old because it gives the middling and the weak teams an opportunity to turn it around quicker it gets more money in everybody’s pocket because team start spending yeah if the trade-off is more guaranteed signing rights out of the draft hell yeah that seems like a trade-off to me I’d be willing to make now I think it’s a bigger deal to us than it is to NHL teams because the amount of players willing to sit there and go I’m just going to play college hockey for four years is a pretty small minority because they’re losing money while they’re there they’re not getting paid right would you like to make $750,000 or have to go to an English class on Friday at 8: a.m. exactly a lot of players are very motivated to get out of there as early as possible because here’s the thing if mcgi go spends two more years in college yeah then the Jets get screwed but if they trade him now they’re still getting something for him it’s not like they’re just out and out with nothing to show for it it’d be no different if oh we draft him 14th overall we hope he’s going to play on our second line ah he’s a third liner you we lost value it’s the same proposition right it’s luck of the draw the draft is a crapshoot you can’t expect a certain value for every one of your picks that’s just not how it works it is a crappy situation and I would be very in favor of closing this loophole I just don’t think it’s a big enough issue that they’re going to be willing to give up RFA years on these players although we’ve talked about the age of free agency this year is that a symptom of guys originally taking longer term deals and now we have players that are timing the cap so maybe this won’t be as big of an issue going forward like I don’t know if this is truly a problem or the players are changing it with their behavior based on the salary cab so it’s both firstly players structure their contracts because they want to get paid out maximum twice so the only guys who can hit unrestricted for agency at 25 years old are the ones who come into the league at 18 years old so right there that’s a super super small minority you’re talking first overall second overall picks almost exclusively and then you’re under the assumption that whatever team drafts them isn’t just paying them the max to get them well beyond 25 years old you look at McDavid he didn’t hit at 25 Matthews and Martyr got close they structured it carefully but no matter what they did the Leafs were going to have their rights till at least 25 years old because seven years is the minimum so it’s a little bit of both because your average NHL players getting into the league if we’re talking about players who are going to be relevant and unrestricted for agency not you know bums are getting into the league at 20 21 years old so then they start accumulating their time to get to unrestricted for agency and now that puts them 27 28 before they’re even allowed to do it but players are getting smarter agents are getting smarter even if they’re signing that contract at 22 years old or 24 years old they know that contract has to end somewhere between 27 and 29 years old to get that second big pck payday so if you move it up to 25 they’re still going to aim for that Target it’s just moving it up a couple years so it does give the teams a little more incentive to hand out long deals but it gives the player a little more incentive to go you know what I’m 24 a three-year deal sounds great right now because you know you’re getting that second payday and again this wasn’t a fully fleshed out thought so the league would probably look at that and be like what a stupid idea Ryan I can’t believe you dedicated time and energy and air time to that yeah there’s certain things where they’re just like no no and like I hate to say it the players they don’t get rolled in in collective bargaining but it’s a very powerful ownership group in the NHL relative to the to what the players have we’ll see what this new PA does in the next CBA one other point though which is why I think this is important in the NHL going back to the whole parody thing and and teams kind of you know turning over and being able to get better quicker look at the disadvantage of the Red Wings were at they had the worst team setup I think you said this last episode Brad Eiserman came into one of the worst team structures in the modern cap era and they got the pretty much mathematically almost the worst Lottery luck they could have including missing out on first overall picks which they were the favorites or one of the favorites for because of that they are now getting worse players combine that with the fact that if they were in the NFL you would get players who would be starting lineup potential Allstars like this guy will send you to the Super Bowl if he’s good enough the NHL’s on the flip side of that Spectrum players take so long and so you don’t even get an immediate impact from these players so you have no way of getting good players unless you go make some massive ripoff like fantasy football style trade or the waiver pickup of the sentury or the signing of the the the decade like hey Florida did all three of those and they won a cup and they maybe could have won two the year prior and you never know what they’re going to do next year they’ve made some interesting signings recently where they kind of look innocuous but you’re kind of like what are you up to cuz this looks like enough to keep the party going for Florida they’re goingon to make Adam bfist into a Norris candidate defenseman aren’t they they’re going to make Adam bfist into what we thought Adam bfist was when he was drafted mark my words I don’t know what his over under is on the betting lines this year but I’m going to bet the over anyhow that’s just some I I sent some a tangent there but hey it’s the offseason fin last piece of news here before overtime the NHL and New Era have come to a League wide licensing agreement meaning New Era can now make license hats for all 32 teams they had individual deals before but now that they’re League wide we can see New Era hats for for folks who are big into the apparel and the the caps and stuff I know some of the Fanatics designs are like generic Shield team placed in their tiny design whatever A lot of people don’t care about this stuff but for some someone who I like the way the draft hats look for example and things like that it’s good to have a little bit of variety you never want just one company controlling all of it so that that’s a cool little bit of news overtime overtime overtime in this episode of the wind wheel podcast is brought to you by our patreon supporters wheel podcast if you want to support the show again you get access to benefits like the bonus episodes the Discord the giveaways and you allow us to do things like support the Jamie Daniels Foundation through initiatives like Wing wheel podcast nights and part parip with the Detroit Red Wings and the Grand Rapids Griffins you also allow us to continue to produce this show and make it bigger and better hopefully especially through the offseason and you also allow us to produce other excellent content like expected by whom a show hosted by Shan Shapiro and pan a all of that and lots more so again to join the as Steve dangle coined it the dubdub club wied wheel podcast let’s take some questions from our patrons awit says is it a bad thing that Steve has not signed Mo and Raymond to an extension yet what do you think the holdup could be at this point they have had over a year to discuss an extension and still nothing has happened it’s a great Point we’ve seen this happen a lot with the Red Wings where key contracts go into August so again I’m not at the point where I’m worried deadlines Force action and there hasn’t been any deadlines for anything yet for all we know training camp might end up being that deadline isman grinds his big contracts especially his guys who he has under some kind of team control there’s a disparity here based on term Eisman wants the Team friendly longterm which is the best bet you can make for young Stars we know with at least Raymond and and logical leaps we’ll say cider as well shorter term to try to as Brad mentioned before an example game the cap increases and make get yourself paid more than once so there’s really not a lot of incentive for Eiserman to settle early if he’s not getting what he wants that matches his emmo James pridemore says Hey guys are there concerns any of the Red Wings rfas get offer sheets from other teams the delay with them signing contracts has me a little concerned to me not necessarily like cider and Raymond are hockey Town guys like you look at how they talk about it I don’t imagine they want to put themselves in a scenario where unless the money is like stupid like a team is offering them top tier RFA compensation I think their interest is in getting it done in Detroit and offer sheets just don’t happen in the NHL what if it’s San Jose that offer sheets them and you want and then you get San Jose’s next four first round picks look I’d be devastated but that was the future consideration yeah hey make an insane offer sheet please yeah I I’ll take that every day of the week all right next one here Evans RBF says what does job security look like for lone this team in my mind hasn’t gotten that much better than last year if they fail to make the playoffs or a subpar season does lone get fired in your mind or does he get one more season I feel Eisman hasn’t set lone up to succeed depends how the season goes if they stay very healthy and get adequate goal tending and they miss the playoffs by 10 points he’s probably on the hot seek going into next season if lens injured most of the year the goal tending crators and it’d be hard to fault the guy cuz I think he’s done about as good as you could expect given what he has to deal with I don’t even think like I think it would have to be an extreme example for them to be considered on the hot seat L and his staff because I at the end of the day I think the point of Eisman hasn’t set him up to succeed is right and I think Eiserman would even say that like if they come out and they have a bad season like you know the offense is firing but the defense just lets them down every night and they get below average go titing like that’s that’s just what irisman set up I think you’re two seasons away away from considering anything else at least so I don’t I don’t think news is on the the hot seat Stan Olson says hey boys hope all is well all Stevie had to do this offseason was acquire Taylor Hall and then Cory Perry to guarantee a staning cup final appearance and a draft lottery win somehow both I don’t know if that’s worth having Cory Perry in the winged wheel yeah somehow that one feels I I say that and now it’s exactly going to happen but that one feels a little bit I’d rather watch him lose the Cup Final on other teams exactly Matt speed says first as always amazing work pumping out a crazy amount of content I hope you all had many Ginger ales we truly appreciate it definitely did and thank you Matt now that things are a bit settled what do each of you see as The Season’s big surprise I.E Eminem back as the goal song a playoff push SL win a young player breakout a deadline day trade for a big name Etc that’s a really great question and kind of asking for takes here but I’m going to say The Season’s big surprise is that the Red Wings have a 95o player if you want a hot take I don’t no no I said that out loud and I I feel crazy I’m going to call it 90o player and that player Carter merer you’re damn right oh my God does it I have so many hot takes most of them are negative I got to find a positive one yeah it’s it’s too late in the episode to make me and Evan sad don’t do this to us yeah I’ll think of a very optimistic one it’s G to take a minute maybe have Evan go first a hot take but an optimistic one is that what I’m doing you can whatever you want oh I whatever I want you’re not forced into optimism like Brad who needs you know happiness therapy I will say there will be a big trade and not one that the fans will like oh well yeah maybe I should have forc you be positive the big trade one like positive or negative I actually think that is like we talked about earlier that one just makes sense okay hot take it’s not going to sound like an extreme number but given all the context around it it would be extreme because I don’t think my prediction even kicks in probably till November Nate Danielson 30 points for the Red Wings I like it until November my God that’s like the second week of the Season well I don’t think he’s going to I don’t think he’s going to be on the opening night lineup I think there’s going to be an injury I think he’ll be crushing it in Grand Rapids so he gets a call up and then he just runs with it who’s the third line center for the Red Wings next year as of right now it’s Andrew cop it’s and as of the contract it’s three more years of Andrew cop it’s Lin Comer cop valeno okay yeah winging it from Boston says new patreon member welcome to the dubdub club and thank you for your support says I’m a michigander living in Boston with datsuk entering the Hall of Fame this year what does the path look like for Zetterberg also are we just accepting that Osgood will remain forever underappreciated in the eyes of those who control hockey immortality path for I have no damn idea they left a spot open this year players worse than him have got in each of the last like three or four years I know he’s only been eligible for two I don’t know I I there’s not enough time on our podcast for me to express how much I hate the Hall of Fame selection process not that they get it wrong a th% of the time but just stupid awful process and the secret nature of it all only makes it worse I genuinely have no damn idea because ronic has been eligible for what two decades and he just gets in now for whatever re like stupid with with Zetterberg I think detsu getting in I’m hoping that widens a path for him a little bit you think Chris OSG good would be in no doubt because he’s such a hockey guy go back through the Hall of fame’s History they are notoriously stingy with goalies I think ID’s path in if ever is going to be their next wave of oh we need to catch up on goalies we haven’t had goes in a while that’s what Vernon and barasso was really he needs someone with comparable stats who just has had a bigger profile uh Mike Vernon yeah right like they the the prent I’m uh small hul guy like I only want the elite of the elite of the elite in the Hall of Fame I want it to mean something they have proven time and time again that is not true like in my version of the hall OSG Good’s not in Zetterberg and datsuk would be fringy cases at best because they they’re top players but like neither of them you know had the insane numbers of the longevity so you could make arguments against them but the precedent the Hockey Hall of Fame they themselves have set it’s insane that Osgood and Zetterberg are not in last one here from listening to Ryan Hannah in the shower says supposing that Len de Brink it Rayman Kan tereno and confor is our top six next season rank them based on how many points you think each of them will get assuming 82 games from all for instance here’s my prediction Lin Raymond Kan debret teraso comfor in that order stay fresh cheese bags so it’s just the entire top six yeah let’s get the obvious out of the way Lin one I’ll go Lin Raymond Kane de Brink it teras senko Comer okay for me let’s get the obvious one out of the way Raymond first then where was that on the hot takes I don’t think that’s that hot of a take you saw how Raymond was see I absolutely see a path to Raymond leading this team and scoring again but that’s because Larin plays 60 games yeah that’s a really great Point actually we have to assume 82 for this exercise yeah if larin’s playing 82 that’s a good point I’m still going to say Raymond Leeds just to hold my point Raymond Lin Kane de branet ter Sano Comer that was the same order I had my head great minds are either equally stupid or are smarter than Brad that’s what they always say okay let’s wrap up this episode of The Winged wheel podcast thank you all so very much for tuning in to all of our new listeners welcome to the offseason this is kind of what it’s like and to our listeners of old I hope you’re excited for another offseason as we get to speculate not have anything holding us back from Reckless optimism our tinf foil hat theories and more to our patreon supporters we could not do this without you thank you so very much to the sponsors of this episode nobody nobody’s as good as our patrons but if you if you want to sponsor the show Reach Out appreciate you all we’re going to record our patreon exclusive overtime especially our name level supporters we cannot do this without you Argent Shanker e Bartel on behalf of SAR gr Foundation AER Samuel sohome icon Alexander Hansen Victor Zetterberg ghost of osbp Glenn braam coronor’s left knee Ashley vanc conet C lion Matthew M rice Admiral Matt s of the cheese bag Navy be right back collecting goenda liet Carl bruten Nuki Carl provie citizen high five clip clop na Connor scovi Craig kibble Denny’s gimmer girl Derek enam cider K Dickens formerly Marlin Winchester DJ Denton Eric Hill God creatives give blood fight Probert Goose Looney’s drinking Club hockey Town love hockey Town Matt alasm Jay Gollum Jacob Turner Jeff Pridmore Jim colbach brand new name level supporter Jonathan Miller kayin wood Marcus Marty Matt Keeler Matt McKay Michael edland ra R HUD Riley Enright Ryan Britt s Klein Scott Martin Skeletor screan Lube that’s what I appreciates about you the eer type Tyler McDow brand new name level supporter welcome to the dubdub club wallman’s Elite dancing D Eiser plan Stan General Andy Bohan of the cheese bag army Sam bankson a a Ron AB Adam Rose all motor No Hands Axel Sandy pel bellam acid balls Shytown Wings fan Chim Kim Nets Chuck buffest the tarpo scon commander Ben Baron the cheese bag space force Connor Leighton Cory PR Darren Fick datsuk dangleberries DBS Eric Nance Frank Stanley Jean Sullivan griffy boy Ian James Pridmore welcome Ian I think you’re new to the dubdub club Jeremiah Doo JM rapsy Joey Jojo shabadu John Evans derogatory John Engles yelton Keno Don Hugh Brad is wrong and plays like sprong Kevin McCracken quas Les Grossman’s ungodly Firestorm Linda Hull Michigan boy na country O ofilia Steven the Hoag the hat1 123 throw the road puss Trent thorough Wings and Pizza Wings fan and St Louis Scott and your second favorite Patron thank you also very much we’ll talk to you Sunday thanks for tuning in to the winged whe podcast be sure to check out winged wheel where you can subscribe to the show on iTunes Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts you’ll also find links to other ways to support the show such as patreon official podcast apparel and more and don’t forget to follow the show on Twitter at winged wheel pod and of course the hosts Brad Chrisco Ryan Hannah wwp and at hockey Town Evan

Patrick Kane and Vladimir Tarasenko had high praise ofr Hockeytown, and it seems like the Detroit Red Wings fanbase had a lot to do with it.

Tune in as we open by discussing Kane, Tarasenko, and Fischer’s media, Kane’s love for Ken Daniels and Mickey Redmond’s goal calls, how Kane helped convinced Tarasenko to sign in Detroit, and how an Original 6 franchise’s legacy helped Yzerman ink the stars (4:10).

Next, we discuss the overall work that Steve Yzerman did this summer, and where the Detroit Red Wings are left for the upcoming season. How much offense can Dylan Larkin, Lucas Raymond, Patrick Kane, Alex DeBrincat, Vladimir Tarasenko, Jonatan Berggre, & others produce? Can Edvinsson and Johansson provide enough support for Moritz Seider on the blue line? Can Cam Talbot, Alex Lyon, and Ville Husso be enough in net (12:50)?

After that, NHL news including the Arizona Coyotes officially being free from Muruelo’s grasp (43:30), Rutger McGroarty’s trade situation and a broader look at UFA, RFA, and NHL signing rights, and a New Era in NHL hats (49:25).

All of that & lots more before we take your questions and comments during our Overtime segment (1:00:05) – enjoy!

Head over to to find all the ways to listen, how to support the show, and so much more!

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  1. Danielson makes the team as a middle 6 center and the forward group looks like..


    Kasper first call up for any center who gets hurt.
    Mazur first call up for any winger who gets hurt.

  2. CapGeek preceded CapFriendly. Matthew Wuest was a real pioneer and as a Wings fan, we depended on CG for all of our armchair GM debates and pools.
    We miss you so much, Matthew. Rest in peace.

  3. Detroit Red Wings 2025-2026 projected line-up:

    DeBrincat Larkin Raymond
    Taresenko Danielson Kane?
    Mazur Compher Berggren
    Soderblom? Kasper Rasmussen

    Edvidsson Seider
    Gustavsson ASP?
    Johansson Trouba


  4. I think that Dom’s models are crap lol. I say that with the upmost respect, because these things are hard to predict and analyze. That said…wasn’t he one of the ones picking the Wings to finish seventh in the Atlantic last season, and wasn’t he one of the ones saying the Wings rebuild was behind the Sens and the Sabers ? I also won’t buy into the Sabers until they get actual defensemen and not just forwards that line up on defense.

  5. The guys say it's a net loss but I'm not so sure, Tarasenko is a marked improvement over Perron, Gus will put up a similar point total as Gostisbhere with more balanced play defensively and Berggren has proven he is just as good of an O zone playmaker as Sprong. Not to mention Rass was having a career year before getting injured and goalie health is back at full strength.

  6. I think Edvinsson will prove himself worthy of playing bigger minutes, not sure about the top pairing yet but I think he'll make his mark.
    Johansson will hopefully prove himself as well but will be held back.
    I think they need to start planting rookies in the lineup here and there to give them a taste and make them hungry to succeed.
    I still wonder about Berggren, not sure what will go down with him, I still think he may be traded.
    Great podcast, interesting analysis.

  7. It's easy to sit and there and be negative about the teams current roster and say we are going to regress but players like Taresenko and Kane didnt sign with us to be content with mediocrity and regression. Also Edvinson is a top 10 draft pick and has the talent to shoulder big minutes and play with the best so while he may not be Seider and have the experience, he is good enough to be a top pair. So yes Brad he's playing against those top players; he is that talented.

  8. Walman being traded because he got in the way of showtime, is what i have been telling the boys for these last couple weeks. Tin foil hat is never wrong. Walman being a "top pairing guy" while Holl and Jeff are still on the team, doesn't add up. I know right shot guys.

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