Will Saints Sign Former ALL-PRO DB?! | How Patrick Peterson Fits In New Orleans!

Will Saints Sign Former ALL-PRO DB?! | How Patrick Peterson Fits In New Orleans!

what up T-Bob here and Jake as well and look at you you done stumbled upon little OTB Saints where we bring you all the latest black and gold coverage who are the Saints going to draft who’s going to be their quarterback what does the salary cap look like all that information and more hope you enjoy it like subscribe hey so in uh there there’s a pretty fun New Orleans Saints rumor going around right now and it has to do with a former LSU great and future Hall of Famer I think right Patrick Peterson did you say future Hall of Famer I guess I guess that’s actually maybe a bit say certainly a conversation yeah I guess it’s actually a bit more up for grabs than I’m painting as but look the point being um Patrick Peterson still a free agent uh on his podcast he says he will definitely be ready when he eventually lands with a team and I got to say now that Sean Payton out the New Orleans Saints continue to explore LSU players of course tyon Matthew’s already there we know about tyon Matthew and Patrick Peterson’s relationship um there’s there’s some talk out there that both the Chiefs and the Saints are interested uh what do you what do you think about Patrick Peterson’s fit on the New Orleans St I love it from a I’m an LSU fan standpoint and I love the Tyrant and Patrick relationship and I would love for them to get to play together and have this guy who was such a hero around these parts come back and Dawn a Louisiana base uniform once again I just don’t know know how realistic it is if he wants to only play Corner which he said he would prefer a quarterback and he can’t play Corner in safety he played Safety last year yeah and and I mean safety maybe starts to make sense quarter I don’t see where there would be a role for him here no that was going to be my my thought was he can probably still give you something to an NFL team I don’t think there’s any question about that but how much can he give to the Saints knowing where they’re already at where they’ve got three corners that they feel really good about you draft koola mckinstry who can play both he can play safety he can play Corner they they love their safeties in Tyron and Jordan Howden so I don’t really know where Pat Pete would fit in on this Saints roster maybe Hound be safety depth take that um unfortunately it does feel like the Chiefs kind of make more sense in more ways than one right yeah uh with the exit of leria sne uh they can use some additional depth there also uh pat p played for a Super Bowl with Arizona correct has he won a Super he wasn’t on the Arizona Super Bowl team oh he was on the one that lost to the same no the Arizona team that lost to the Steelers that was my rookie year yeah that was 08 with Warner okay so the Steelers in the second round and they went and won it so he’s so he doesn’t have a ring no so he’s probably going to go to the Chiefs I mean that that that that would make they seem to have more of a need of him and and if you want to win a ring you go team up with Patrick Mahomes and do everything you can to try to help lead in that way but again if you are a Saints fan out there you’re an LSU fan you love both teams you love Patrick Peterson you love tyon Matthew there is some scuttlebutt out there that Pat PE could end up in New Orleans I it’s just hard to exactly see what the vision would be it would probably just like simply be safety death though with a young guy like Jordan Howen a young Corner coming in the league like Kool-Aid mckinstry um I I think there there’s some value there as well from a leadership standpoint development that pat p could bring uh M Lindsay says I need pat p to come here and wear 28 so I can wear my Adrien Peterson jersey you have a Saints Adrien Peterson jersey that’s some real sicko stuff M Lindsay that’s uh that’s that’s that’s excellent um Joe Leon what’s the deal with Shawn pyton and LSU why the allege dislike for LSU I don’t really think he had any dislike I’m I’m I’m just joking I think I think a lot I think there was there was not dislike I think sometimes he maybe felt that like taking shots on guys like in a udfa role was maybe not worth it because I don’t think he wants to be answering questions by guys who probably aren’t going to be on the team anyway um but yeah I don’t know ever since Al woods they just did not ever out Woods wow remember they out Woods at camp with the Saints cut him uh he played like 15 years yeah he’s still in the league yeah um so yeah outside like after Al woods they just never really did it again so I don’t know I don’t know but again I I think it was mainly I I don’t think there’s really any animus there wow just amazing black and gold takes right there Jake I don’t think I’ve ever heard any takes that are better than the two guys that just gave you that take and you can keep getting them by going ahead and liking subscribing ringing the bell to get notifications when we post have a great day we’ll see you on the next OTB saint for

On Off The Bench, T-Bob Hebert and Jacob Hester talk about the possibility of the Saints signing DB Patrick Peterson.

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  1. My favorite corner!…..10 years ago. Pat Pete is waaaaaay too old to be an effective man coverage guy anymore. He does not fit what the Saints do.

  2. LMFAO….Patrick Peterson is absolutely NOT going to the Pro Football HoF unless he buys a ticket to enter like the rest of us.

    He's 34 years old. His best days are WAY behind him. He isn't anything worth having on roster as a Safety and there is no spot for him as CB.

    Who gives a fuck that he went to LSU….

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