Grading The Chicago Bulls 2024 Offseason | Have The Bulls Done Enough FOr A Chance At Cooper Flagg?

Grading The Chicago Bulls 2024 Offseason | Have The Bulls Done Enough FOr A Chance At Cooper Flagg?

one thing that the Chicago Bulls president said at this season ending press conference was that changes were coming and this offseason has brought changes how well have those changes worked out for the Chicago Bulls me and Pat are going to discuss them on today’s episode as we’re going to grade the Bulls offseason thus far all that and more on today’s locked on [Music] bulls you are locked on bulls your daily Chicago Bulls podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thank you for tuning in lock on bulls member of the locked on podcast Network where your team every single day that’s Pat the designer host and creator of the windy city Breeze and host of the Chicago Bears podcast over at ESPN 1000 I’m Hayes also the creator of Chicago Bull Central and Chicago Bear Central YouTube pages and podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms do apply Pat it’s that time has come in seems like the Bulls have maybe settled in on their offseason moves it doesn’t seem like anything’s coming we’ve heard some rumors things like that but nothing really um you know it’s too strong but it seems like the Bulls off season may be done so what a better time than not to grade the Bulls offseason let’s start off with the first deal that’s that kicked all this off that was a trade of Alice kuso that sent him to the OKC Thunder for skidy reportedly the Bulls could have gotten multiple first round picks back had they moved him at the trade deadline at that time you know some rumors that the ownership mandated pushing for the playoffs Casey Johnson has come out and kind of said that he hasn’t heard anything like that and a lot of bulls fans also look at this deal by more so what they did not get and that’s any draft Capital back but for the deal itself Josh giddy Alice cruzo straight up how do you feel about the deal pack listen I think it’s a C+ deal right now right because it’s a wait and see approach now can the grade go up sure but at the end of the day the the getting back of a a n-year younger player in Josh giddy is not a bad thing is it the best case scenario for you for what you thought you were going to be moving on from Alex kuso for no it’s just not and so like I think that you also you while I think that it can work out while you feel like it can have some really good things and that Josh giddy with the ball in his hand can be a player who can make this a b to an a level trade I don’t think it’s there right now because you thought that you were going to have an ability to get back multiple first round picks you thought you were going to have an ability to get back maybe uh maybe a player and some possible picks you thought that Alex Caruso was your best piece to trade and while I do think that you got a deal the best case scenario deal for you that best case scenario deal is not the best deal that you wanted to get back and so for me I give it a C+ it’s a solid deal has a ton of opportunity to have up side on it but right now I just don’t feel like I can definitively say it’s a B+ or it’s an a because Josh giddy’s coming off of a very down moment in his career in that playoff run where he was basically unusable and had some of his worst shooting numbers that we’ve seen yeah and I and I I agree with you right and and that that’s the objective view if you’re just looking at the numbers for what they are Josh gidd is coming off of a very down season like there’s no way around around that now here’s the thing that I tried to look at it with myself and maybe this is how the view Bulls are viewing it as well had this trade happened let’s say that the Bulls at this time last year right made that same trade with Josh giddy coming off at 16 eight and six season had made that trade I think a lot of more Bulls fans would have been more positive towards that trade but they still asked about the draft Capital yes but when you see a player perform the way that Josh Diddy get in Josh giddy did I think I did I confuse the words there for a second it sounded like maybe it felt felt a little wrong I said Josh Diddy did I I gotta watch yourself out here Drake is a big supporter of Diddy so is that a a diddy GID you know what I mean is that what that is I I don’t know but even looking at Josh giddy season much better post allar break than than than than prior to the allstar break we know how the playoffs ended for Josh Giddy and the Bulls I have rationalized this in my mind just say as thinking that they looked at the Josh at Josh giddy they looked at what where the picks they would have got at would reportedly would have only been in this year’s draft they probably looked at what came after number 15 and was just like Josh GID has the higher potential this and if you’re going younger you want to bet off the higher potential because he does have some NBA time behind him while still being young I can understand why the Bulls went into that still the deal gets a c minus for me it could turn into a much better deal if Josh gidy comes here and flourishes the we you know you always want to look at trades and Deals want to look at them initially for what you graded for and then maybe two three years down the road the one thing that is a big concern for me in this move Pat is the fact that now the Bulls have to pay Josh giddy based off one season with the Chicago Bulls and I don’t like putting your team in there regardless of what Josh gidy is or not I don’t like being put in a position where you’re going to have to make a decision on Josh giddy one way or another after just one year and who’s to say that whatever you see in that one year is what you’re going to get like you could very well just get he can come here and play great in his first year then you’re gonna have to pay him at least the full years on on five years and lock yourself into that or let’s say that josh Diddy does come in and and and has a bit of a of a Down year then what if he does flourish the year uh years prior to that you just got to make a decision based off a very short amount of data and the Bulls hav’t always made the best decisions we put in that situation and that’s a little bit of a fear there I I I don’t think you’re wrong in that I think it it would be interesting to see the the if he does what we saw him do do we feel differently about that but we’ll see yeah yeah we’ll see um but overall like I said c minus we’ll see where that where that leads us uh let’s get into the next uh deal that happened and this one is in the draft uh Mattis busis uh very much in a lot of mocks looked at as the top five Talent he falls to the Bulls here at number 11 looked at as a HomeTown kid how do you grade this deal P I think this is the best thing that uh the Chicago Bulls have done being able to draft m billis to me is is you get the hometown kid you get a young man who legitimately could have gone top five I don’t think you could have been in a better situation for somebody who’s falling into your lap and I think it was a tough uh it would have been tough to say don’t go out and get the Chicago Kid don’t go get the guy who not only Chicago kid but right like the guy who many believe that he could have been and was expected to be a top five pick it’s not like I think that there was shock around Modis musil’s name when he ended up falling in the draft and maybe he can use a little bit of that to propel himself forward and I hope that he does and it’s for me I think that this is the best move they made like I said and so give me a give me a a B+ to a type of move on this one it’s the only thing that’s getting an a for me I think when you look at the upside when you look at um the a position of need especially now that we’ve officially moved on from dear which will great here in a second the getting madis billis in here um is the is the one deal that’s offseason that gets to a for me I I love uh his upside he was one of three players that I had Peg to come to the Chicago Bulls that I had high on my list was him tan salon and khil W those are the three players I had at the top three of my board and the Bulls were able to walk away from uh this draft with him and I think that’s a great value now not not not a Surefire thing nobody in this in this draft especially is right that’s why this draft was looked at as a weaker draft but when you look at Players especially again we I’m talking about this from the framework of you’re going younger as a team you if you can walk away from the draft one of the players with the highest upside in that draft that still have some things that can contribute now that guy has to get a a for me still some questions around Cooper flag for sure right like um if that three three-point shot does not work out for him how effective can he be in the other things yeah what I who did I say what I say Cooper flag I said Cooper flag see I’m already in you just went white guy you just went white listen but U Millis how much of his game can translate and will work in the NBA if that three-point shot doesn’t come and I look at what he does in transition how intelligent he is as a basketball player what he brings off ball how he moves without the ball all those things to me um make it a good pick and if you can pair it with the Cooper flag later down the road he we’ll have that conversation we’ll have that conversation on a second but UMC one question before we move into the next still though Pat what do you think bus’s role is going to be this first year with the Chicago Bulls find find a way to stay on the floor and so for me defense defense defense step your defensive game up become a better one-on-one Defender I love the way that he he he protects the rim I don’t know I I think you said it really well yesterday I don’t know if I’d call him a rim protector but he does a good job of chasing down shots he does a good job of making sure that guys aren’t getting easy shots and he makes guys adjust his shots um but be able to add in at 610 right be able to add in that you know just go straight up and make a guy have to adjust on the Fly Right like become a phenomenal Defender because that’s the one role that we know this Bulls team needs right now yeah there’s we need guys who can get to the bucket we need guys who can shoot yes but there you traded away Alice cruo there’s not a lot of Defenders on this team so use that to your advantage that’s a fact that’s a fact and and talking about using things to your advantage of the Bulls use the rest of their assets to their advantage we’re going to grading the offseason moves by the Chicago Bulls uh going forward but before we get into that we got to talk to you guys about a message from game time game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it 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the Chicago Bulls made this was signing Jaylen Smith with a portion of their mid-level exception for an average salary of $9 million uh annually it SL it goes up uh so it starts off a little bit lower than that how do you grade the acquisition of Jaylen Smith he lost Andre Drummond in free agency how do you grade this deal uh this is a B minus move for me right now again you went with an upside not a bad player um but somebody who I mean you got to see more from right you you want to see the upside be achieved like I think that you’re going the theme of this offseason was going out and getting players who when given time had potential and Jaylen Smith is one of those guys there’s no doubt about it right when he when he played more minutes on the court his game picked up when you saw him playing 24 minutes per game he was able to score 13 plus points per game right he was able to get you almost eight rebounds a game those are good things blocking shots also came you know he was somebody who being able to block a shot came natural to the more he was in the game um when the minutes went down you saw that drop off but still being able to be a guy who could be nine to 10 points per game Off the Bench six re bounds that’s not a bad thing either so I think this is a good move it’s a solid move it’s not a a massive needle mover for me but for the Chicago Bulls this was a really good pickup to me and that’s why I give this a B minus yeah I mean it’s it’s a solid deal and um I think when you look at still getting somebody at that Center position that is very productive per their minutes much like Andre Drummond in in different ways right not the rebounder that Andre Drummond is but he’s still a really good rebounder per the minute um and then on top of that he offers an offensive upside that Andre Drummond just didn’t really offer as far as actually shot creation as far as in the three-point line and more of a mid-range shot there uh uh as well we talk a lot about his three-point shooting but Jaylen Smith brings a lot and I love the fact that she went out and got a guy who was a former top 10 pick um in his draft still extremely young and again if we’re going younger you get get yourself kind of more bites at the apples organically at that point in time for somebody who could maybe still extend their game there’s a lot to uncover the one time he did average over 20 minutes those stats really look good at over 13 points per game solid rebounding numbers there as well so I really really like this pick I think for the money for the player of who he is solid B minus here for me and there’s not really much you’re going to get more than that now they did they did hard cap themselves with the using that mid-level exception but we we were hard listen so many people bring this up I know Zack low brought it up in things as well people that complain about the Bulls hard capping themselves so they could go into the luxury tax you do going there anyway we weren’t going there anyway so like they just do it so they can just remove the option so people get shut up like we weren’t going into the luxury tax anyway like you hard capped yourself no we we hard capped oursel before we got anywhere near the luxury tax listen harda before before we we’re hard CA guess what y’all so anybody’s not surprised we’re hard ca for 2025 too we’re going to be hard ca for 2026 we’re going to be hard C for 2027 been hard for 10 years do I mean like what are we talking about we’ve been hardc since 2001 yeah I mean like what are we talking about right now dog it’s not a deal there man I like the deal overall bro yeah and the one thing that I’ll say is the the part that excites me is again when you talk about potential when you talk about the upside right you’re paying him with a guy like Josh giddy what is that pick and roll gonna look like how’s he G to be able to utilize that Kobe white kind of the same thing how are right does that elevate jayen Smith’s game being able to play with guys like that we saw even even last season when when he was able to get in the game and and be a part of that starting lineup a little bit when Hy was in there having Hy on the team is going to improve you right like and so when he was getting th those role playing minutes with those guys you saw the game uptick a lot that’s a fact that’s a fact and then the last deal Pat demard Rosen uh unrestricted free agent um could have signed anywhere he ran into what he ran into in that free agent Market ended up did needing a a sign and trade to be able to get the money that close to the money that he wanted the Bulls offered him reportedly a two-year $80 million deal ends up getting a little bit over 25 million per um with the Sacramento Kings the Bulls get Chris Duarte two second round picks and rayquan gray who he immediately waves so that’s a non-factor in that one how do you grade this deal Pat um this one is is a little bit tougher because I I I want to give the I’m going just give it I’m going to give it a high grade this is a B+ deal mhm I know that you didn’t get a lot back but you got no you were getting nothing back so like I think that they you did a good job getting some and you got what you wanted back now did you want players did you want right like maybe you wanteded uh uh Kevin herder and stuff like that and because of the Jaylen Smith signing you weren’t able to do that but realistically speaking Demar R Roa was leaving and you were going to be left with nothing and now you got more draft C capital in your on your team you’ve got a guy in Chris dwarte who we’re going to talk about who maybe there’s more upside to dwarte than we initially thought maybe there’s you know maybe a little more game that he’s been able to show now these guys when they play for their country they play very differently that always doesn’t translate to the NBA but we’ll kind of see if gave him more opportunity is he somebody who’s able to flourish at a minimum we know with the Kings he was able to knock down the three ball he was able to play some solid defense right like being able to get things like that back in a situation that and even uh being able to get the cash considerations back which I think has been you know very under talked basically it pays for Chris duarte’s deal in a lot of way if you want to kind of look at it that way and I mean it the doing that deal increased your trade exception now to 17.6 million I believe it it increased it too so if you want to do something if moves can be made you still got to move LaVine you got to move Vu before any of that gets there but if you can get to the point where you’re able to do that I think that that opens things up for you as well where now you got that trade exception working in your favor now of course the Bulls have had trade exceptions before that they’ve let 100% I mean so like there there are going to be Bulls fans that are very pessimistic on the chances of that but here here’s you guys know I I I understand what you where you everybody sits at with that no matter how your feeling is on what the uh the situation is with that but I do want to give this is that the Bulls next season depending and if they can move Zack LaVine and not take back salary that is going to be on on the C next season they’ll be about $40 million beneath the luxury tax which means that keep in mind that’s not true salary cap space so they can’t just go out and use that to sign people but they then can use that trade exception to absorb some salary with only sending a pick back or something like that so it does give them a little bit more flexibility future– wise I doubt that they use it this season and and when you judge a deal whether you think they’re going to use it or not you do have to tr judge it based off the assets they got back and I’m sorry $17 million trade exception is a really good asset that can great great to have yeah and it’s been very under talked about like so I I’m not mad at the deal I think this was a very good deal for the for the Chicago Bulls yeah I agree with you there I uh especially consider he a unrestricted free agent you could have signed elsewhere you’re able to get some assets back and we’ll see how they use them um so overall Pat Uh grades for the offseason you had to grade the Bulls offseason overall as of right now January of January J July 11th because I don’t want to date this if anybody listens back because they could make a move tomorrow they change it what grade do you give it man um I’m trying to think of of what I what I gave like the grades that I gave I guess it would work out to like a B minus right like a B minus off season so not a bad offseason not a failure of an offseason but I mean you know like like I said uh uh when I did the the episode over on the breeze right like you’re you’re having a it’s like getting a B in the second semester when you got a f in the first semester it’s going to grade out to a d so the Bulls got an A F for all the moves that they missed yeah but now I’m giving him a B minus type of grade A B type of grade that’s not gonna you know it doesn’t sit there and tell you that you had a great Collective but you had a solid offseason yeah I agree with that as well so we’ll see what that means overall for the Chicago Bulls man um yeah but uh next up we’re going to be uh talking about have the Bulls gotten enough done enough to get Cooper flag and is Chris Duarte going to be a un uh damn what’s the word you okay you all right you had a little stroke there little stroke there late uh is Chris Duarte gonna be underrated acquisition by the Chicago Bulls all right Pat so uh Cooper flat question here real quick simple question have the Bulls done enough to put themselves in the Cooper flag swoop Stakes I think they have and this is this is maybe a little bit of a hard take for some people but 10th is in the Cooper flag sweep States we just saw that ninth is in the Cooper flag sweep States 11th is in the Cooper flag sweep Stakes that’s where the Bulls are right right now like so like the Bulls can do exactly what AK wants to do the Bulls can go out and win 36 games this year and you’ve got a young team that maybe you feel better about because 36 games for this team would be impressive right and and you see in the second half of the season they bring it together and they’re figuring it out and giddy looks good and Kobe looks good and they’re winning more games than they’re losing and they finish 10th and they make the play in and they lose and you can be in the Cooper flag sweep Stakes yep and I think people are so trained to think that you have to be a bottom four team like I he so many people like who we’re we’re not going to be worse than XYZ there’s going to be five teams worse than the Bulls we didn’t do enough and it’s like well go back and look like the teams that have gotten the number one overall pick the last couple years haven’t been necessarily the teams that have had the best odds to get them you’re just putting yourself to be in a to be in the in the area to get them and here’s what I tell people as well even if the Bulls do miss out on Cooper flag this is the TP type of draft that hey if you can if you can be in that bottom 10 keep that lottery pick you have the chance to walk away with a great asset period And I think that’s the that’s the real question right like because the is the pick is not just Lottery protector right it’s just top 10 protector so are you in a position right now with the team that you’ve built to keep your top 10 pick yes and the only way that you won’t be in that position to me is if the play players that you picked up and the players that you already had on your team prove that they’re good enough and maybe it takes you out of that sweep States and if that’s the case not to say I don’t want Cooper flag I would love to have Cooper flag but I can stomach going into the offseason a lot more knowing Kobe White’s an answer Josh giddy’s an answer Patrick Williams started to figure something out because that’s the only way that you’re going to be out of the Cooper flag sweep stakes in my mind that’s a fact that’s a fact I age age with that 100% um yeah the Bulls have put themselves in a position and they put themselves in in a position to optimize potentially keeping their pick now like you said there’s they haven’t made it clear because it’s very if Josh gidy comes back and he’s more like what he was Kobe white takes another step and averaging 26 points instead of 19 uh if Patrick Williams comes in and ask Zack l f I thought it was so funny in Zack L’s podcast he was like well if Patrick Williams can do something it’s like damn just that’s now just do something that’s crazy if he could do something he just doesn’t do anything I feel that so much Zack L you have no idea bro so many times where I watch Patrick Williams on the court and I’m just like bro like do something do something like run to the board try and grab a rebound like something anything that’s hilarious bro that is funny when he said that I was just like that’s all right yeah that’s going to be a sound I’m sure people use that um but yeah you put yourself in that in that situation um but anything left on Cooper flag Pat before we uh get into the last topic for today he was cooking Team USA hey bro Cooper flag was cooking he is legit you know what I like about Cooper flag too it’s not just all like so many times with young players you just talk about offensively in a lot of ways his defense is right up there with his offense and you don’t see that from players his age a lot of times bro that dude he’s locked in defensively I think he takes Pride as well as locking down uh the opposing team team of whoever he’s guarding and that’s the type of upside that you look at and you just say hey if you’re able to score at that level and you you not just you’re not just a solid Defender you take pride in defense yeah man yeah Cooper flag a dog bro I ain’t gonna let that’s crazy and and and I don’t know if y’all saw the video or not but the hype up song being fito and him saying the goat is Michael Jordan it’s Destiny bro hey NBA do job bro was like all right man okay NBA do your job but um I’m not saying it’s rigged but uh as I stare into the camera do your job but with that said a lot of a player that a lot of bulls fans have been bringing up and and saying that could be a still here for the Bulls has been Chris Duarte that we did get in that DeMar rosen trade uh especially with a lot of this uh this tournament over in Greece the qualifying tournament uh through those three games he averaged 19 points per game four rebounds almost three assists had almost a 20 efficiency rating as well he was cooking over there and there was a game where he was going back and forth with Giannis scoring wise it was Giannis outscored or make no mistake about it um also I don’t know if you saw the clip or not there was a time where Giannis after dunk fell down and one of his teammates went over to help Giannis up and he stopped his teammate from helping Giannis up little pettiness there we like players with a little pettiness here in Chicago Pat what chances are you giving it that Chris Duarte ends up an underrating underrated acquisition for the Bulls listen if if Patrick Williams isn’t ready to go Chris dwarte might be a piece that we have to rely upon heavy and I’m telling you right now like if you can show that you’re useful on the court you’re GNA play this is not the Bulls of old if you can show that there is somewhere that they can put you on the court knocking down the three Duarte is a solid 3 and D player the problem with Chris dwarte has always been Health he’s not been a healthy player um I don’t even think I have to look I don’t believe he’s played above 60 games in his career yet yet no um so like that that’s that’s your biggest issue with him but on the court he’s fine on the court you know what you’re getting he’s he’s a solid uh above 38% three-point shooter I believe yeah I mean like that’s what you want so it’s it’s a nice pickup apparently AK really is like man we missed a lot of talent in that 21 draft we got to go try and find all of it we have we have three fifths of the all rookie second team from that from that year hey you know all the guys that weren’t good let’s get all of them on the team and see if they are good let’s see if we can figure that out uh but no I just I I I want to see what he can be and I think there’s an opportunity for him here and again same thing as Matas buas the the the one thing uh um that’s going to get you on the court for this team is defense there’s a void with Alex Caruso not being out there so if you can come out and you can be a legitimate three andd player that’s going to get you on the court yeah for sure for sure um so yeah we’ll see we we have IO Chris duartte and Josh giddy the 2021-22 all rookie second Team all those guys are here the only ones that we don’t have are bones Highland and Herb Jones so there you go and we’ll get them don’t you worry we’ll get them in like 10 years no but I do think that Chris Dart here’s the thing like we we have had a lot of players that come here played one year with the Chicago Bulls end up giving something now I don’t want like they gota they got to be careful that I don’t want to see them give them give him a John salmon deal after one season and we’re like hey man what we doing um but yeah Chris De shows some promise I’m not too so I’m not going to be too high on it until I see it but I would be remiss to deny that Chris Duarte doesn’t have some upside especially on that Bulls bench that we can use and uh at 65 he’s definitely getting some of those power four minutes so watch out oh man he’s playing Center come on now yeah I mean he’s got he’s got 38 minutes to log at Center for sure the second we trade V that is hilarious man we gonna be like The Logical options to put Jaylen Smith there might I sell you on Chris oh man any last thoughts Pat before we get up out of here man ah man I got nothing man follow us on everything at lockon blls you can follow me on everything at path the designer appreciate y’all for tuning in and showing love absolutely you guys can follow me at CEO hay want to thank you guys for tuning in to another episode of Locked on bulls we are free and available on every podcasting app and platform of your choice as well as YouTube for path the designer I’m Hayes we out here peace y’all peace [Music] [Applause] [Music]

Haize & Pat The Designer give their grades for the Bulls offseason. The guys also ask of the Bulls have done enough to get Cooper Flagg and the chances Chris Duarte ends up and underrated acquisition for the team

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  1. All praises to the most high just did makes the boys 10 times better because of his length his skills his ball plan IQ willing to share the ball. We make a tough team beat.

  2. They deserve a D+, When y'all gone realize that the Nokic and Murrey picks in Denver were luck. Say what you want but GarPax are way better than what we got now. AK is basically drafting and putting any slow foreign unathletic white player that he can find on the team in hopes of finding the next Joker!!!!! The Carusso trade was criminal!!!! He could have done the same trade last year before the trade deadline and still got Giddy plus 2 picks from the Thunder. The Demar Derozan signing actually was a bad signing. Actually, it only just stunted the growth of Zack, Coby and P.Will. Just as many games as Derozen won, I seen games where he refused to pass the ball and Coby and Zack would just be looking pissed watching this dude play hero ball. The Vooch trade set the franchise back 15yrs!!!, also why would you trade for Giddy and Lonzo is saying that he is heathy. Imagine if Lonzo came back and avg 19pts, 8rebs, 7ast and played 85% of the games before the trade deadline. Bull's fans would lose their mind if they trade him then but AK is such a bad president, I bet he never even gave that any thought!! Why sign PWill for 5yrs, when you could have given him a 2 for 40 similar to the Jabarri Parker "prove it deal". Ayo and Justin Phillips played great last year but what does he do. He drafts and trades for their replacements. I dare anybody to say that Phillips and Ayo not better than Giddy and new draft pick. I would love to hear yall take on that!!!!!

  3. Have you watched Josh Giddey outside of the playoffs this season? He is a great facilitator, is good on the dribble drive and still has room to improve. It was a great trade for Chicago.

  4. The Bulls don't have to necessarily pay Josh Giddey. If this upcoming season doesn't work out they can let him go. I don't want the Bulls feel obligated to sign him to an extension like they did with Vooch. Hell naw.

  5. I’m sorry the draft selection is at best a b- and the Giddey trade at worst an a. You are signing Giddey based on what he has done 2 out of the 3 years at OKC and what he does this year. And the draft pick you all you did was pick the guy everyone expected you to pick.

  6. He will be the lead guard for Australia in the Olympic. You will get to see him with the ball in his hand. They are in a really tough group with Canada,Spain and Greece

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