Last Day of OnIce Activities for Canes | Carolina Hurricanes Podcast #carolinahurricanes #causechaos

Last Day of OnIce Activities for Canes | Carolina Hurricanes Podcast #carolinahurricanes #causechaos

as Kane’s development Camp almost is BU to wrap up we get to hear from Rod bamore Peter Harold and Jane Pon on the latest edition of lock on hurricanes your locked on hurricanes your daily podcast on the Carolina hurricane part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome to a Thursday edition of locked on hurricanes your team everyday part of the locked on podcast Network thank you to the everyday for making this your first listen five days a week Monday through Friday talking everything about your Carolina Hurricanes I am your host Zack Martin I am the Carolina Hurricanes beat writer over at the hockey writers I do some Asel coverage over at the cter times I’m the co-host of the search cast which is a weekly Carolina Hurricanes podcast along with my duties over here at locked on hurricanes got a very exciting Thursday episode for you all as we get to look at the last you know on Ice activity day at the Carolina Hurricanes development camp and we get to hear from head coach Rod bremore hurricanes development coach Pierre Harold and also get to go over the interview that Jaden pan one of the prospects did with King’s beat writer Walt Ru but before we get into all of that today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app cre an account and use code locked on HL for $20 off your first purchase terms apply so like I said it on Wednesday the Hurricanes had their you know three 3v3 scrimmage game team red and against team one of course you guys your goalies as well just you know one last final day of on a activities for the guys before they go to Thursday and just do some educational stuff before they wrap up the really shortened four five day K development camp and there’s a lot of cool stuff that went on over the last week but it was cool that the fact you got to see Rod brendam Moore kind of take time out of the day to talk to media and just go over things of know over the past week and then you know what’s to come and all that good stuff so you know without further Ado let’s not even wait to get there let’s just automatically move it over to rod bmore and get his thoughts over the last week and everything else is going around the surrounding the Carolina Hurricanes you just want to talk about the new look of the team obviously some guys you’ve been around a long time leaving and some new faces yeah well it’s going to be interesting I mean it’s going to be exciting too to get to know some new faces and uh you know bring them into the group and um and that’s part of it unfortunate part of business in in Pro Sports is you do have turnover um but uh I think it’ll be uh good opportunity for a lot of other guys to toay step up a little more maybe than they have in the past and um you know exciting to see how it all comes together ready when you think about some of the recent additions in recent years Brent burs Demitri orav some of them have been open about discussing how challenging it can be to fit in right away and their games grown in recent years with a couple of new guys coming in on the back end I know you’ve had ghost before what is it that giv you the optimism as the coach that you know things will settle in yeah there is familiarity with with ghost like you said uh I think you know with with Walker coming in he’s excited to I think play the way we play I think most players like the way we play and they want to do it because we are um I think Up Tempo and it’s it’s a fun way to play and um you know there’s a learning curve on any team anywhere you go there’s going to be different go different way we describes things um but end of the day these guys are good hockey players and um if they have a willingness to get it they will get it have you talked to any of them or I guess you have but have you had any specific discussions where you can maybe tell them hey enjoy it while you can or maybe Savor this moment that kind of stuff for what do you mean like in terms of the prospects like telling them to kind of like not not rush I guess to get to where they want to be yeah I mean they all want to be here today um but it is a process and I think you know especially for me now been through this for a long time with the process I get there is a learning curve and it takes a few years so you don’t get too you know overly excited and um you know we do have a lot of good talent and I think they’ll we’ll see them sooner than later but they won’t be the players at the top of their game for a few years yet so um we do have to kind of give him a little time how excited are you to work with Cam about with the wolves and your relationship with the team and kind of get your guy style of play in at the HL level yeah well it’s important for him I think you know I like the fact that he’s really willing to you know learn what we’re doing and he wants to implement exactly how we play and likes the style of play that we have so it’s an easy sell to him and um I think he’s going to do a great job youall see you Donell leaves as president NGM y re is it reassuring to you as a as a coach in the organization know that you that you know you know Doug War coming in and obviously with yeah I think you know like I said and I’ve been asked but we we definitely lost some real important people and not just hockey players so he brought up Donnie was just a great great guy to have around for all of us and he was a good people person and that’s what this sport is and it’s it’s not just it’s not ex andos I mean it is but it’s about people you know you you lose good ones you want to make sure you you bring in someone that’s good and you just mentioned Doug and you know Doug or we known because he’s been a hurricane for before and bringing him in is just a great move by the organization quality people and that’s what we got to have around here you mentioned on the Joe’s podcast the other day um you talk to a Duke head coach about the cycle of losing people and having to rebuild teams is that was that a first time thing that you’ve ever kind of thought about and how has it kind of helped you mature in a way of well it was hard for me I’ll be honest and so uh you know it’s it’s it’s just a natural conversation with a college coach that goes through it all the time you get attached to the guys and or ladies whatever you’re your sport you know whoever you’re coaching and especially when we’ve had them longer than four years and so um it uh it was hard I I’m be honest it was hard to watch guys walk out of here I understand it you know they’re I mean it’s a business and they got to do what they got to do so um but then it’s also exciting you get a whole new group of guys coming in and maybe some of these young guys that do crack the lineup and get to work with and um you know watch them grow and so that’s just the evolution of it you said it was tough calling me tell he was leaving just I imagine tough I had a lot of tough calls this summer um I haven’t really had too many of those uh you know it’s happened we Bloss some guys to three agency and you know we have good players and teams will pay them and we can’t pay everybody and it’s just how goes unfortunately so um yeah that was tough call uh you know love those guys and wish them the best and um like I said just excited now for the new guys coming that are excited to be here and and get their uh you know get their game going you know you mentioned uh Doug warp but with with tski too I mean if you brought in a new GM from outside he might have his own ideas but yeah it’s familiarity is good and I love that we’re giving our guys opportunities you know like again they he’s earned it and from what I’ve seen so far been around we were free agency and the draft and all that’s the most busy time that you’re going to have and you know he’s certainly working his butt off and obviously you know it’s a tough job at this time of year and he’s done a great job so far so I think uh I think he will he’ll be fine do you find that you know where Don had a lot of experience do you find you’re maybe having more ation are more input withell kind of working together I think he’s been real smart about it like you know he wants to get up to speed on how things work and you got to ask people you know you got to ask people that are in the fight and um that’s how he learns too so I think it’s been a real good relationship but I hadn’t talked to him you know he’d been here a long time there wasn’t a lot of communication because it just you know it just didn’t need to be really and now I feel like there is and we we spend more time this last month together than we had for 10 years you know so um it’s uh it it’s a good I think it’s going to be a real good relationship and does Darren being here still kind of add some more comfort knowing that you know you got Doug you got Eric and Darren still in his place it’s again good people and you know Darren’s been here forever too and um you know running all this stuff and you know his role the most part’s been getting us these young kids and done a hell of a good job so uh yeah we we you know again I just keep going back to we lose a good person in in Dawn we replace him with douge and kept the rest up top so I think that was that was real vital I’ve been having Ally out here helping with she’s been great like I think I heard her talk about it it’s it’s good to get other coaches around and hear how they do things and you pick up from everybody like you know she’s good on the skills and the skating stuff and you know maybe I don’t use it with my NHL guys because I’m hoping they are pretty good skaters but you know I got a 12-year old I got there just you’re learning you’re learning I don’t know where I can implement it what can I Implement some of that stuff in a NHL practice maybe you know but it’s all about trying to get better and um the only way to do that is to bring in other people that have expertise and um you know she does so sure and the Kraken all have a female coach this year so yeah I mean I think we get hopefully at some point we just in general we stop talking talking about you know how they look in general and just they’re they’re there on their merits you know we you know what I mean so all right thanks thanks apprciate awesome to hear from head coach Ro Brandon Moore and just you know talking about how hard of a summer it’s been for him just you know losing guys like Bray Shay Steph n t Terra vinan you know Brett pesi it’s one of those things where it’s kind of tough of course you lose as well so it’s a big change going from you know you’re coming into the offseason think okay you know maybe you could you know bring some guys back and you know maybe the front offices do a lot of changes and you kind of you know build it off with this past season and go into the 24 25 season unfortunately you know that’s not the case you have Eric tski now as your general manager which he’s been doing a good job so far I believe bring in some guys like Shan Walker Shane gosip Spar comes back again you add William Kier Jack rosic you know you’re also adding some death pieces Eric Robinson Tyson Jo you know it’s is one of those things where it’s it’s definitely upheaval in terms of what’s going on of course you know they’re talking about possibly you know maybe bringing some younger guys up you know are we looking at it Bradley Theo Felix hunger shorum Scott Morrow it all really depends on what’s going on in terms of the Carolina Hurricanes I like at the the you know at the end you know the fact that you know talk about you know Jessica Campbell and the Seattle Kraken how she’s the assistant coach there and it’s good to see it’s like it’s good the fact that yeah we finally got our first female assistant coach in the NHL but it’s also like you know it we’re it’s going to be a we’re g to get to a point where it’s just you know it’s not the first of this it’s not the first of that it’s just oh yeah that’s Jessica Campbell she’s the assistant coach of the seatt Kraken or there’s someone else who’s an assistant coach based on what their merits are and stuff like that so it’s good to see that yeah it’s awesome that the fact that r acknowledges that the know the Kraken did something really you know historic but it’s also going to be like you know it’ll be we going to get to a point where it’s yeah that person is an assistant coach because of what what their credentials are and you know they did a good job so but really good to hear from Rod you know even in the offseason the fact that you’re at the rookie development camp and just everything that’s going on especially with the fact that you’re talking about you know all the upheaval in the off season and of course trying to get ready for the 24 25 season as well with a whole bunch of new faces one returning face and all that good stuff so we got the here from Rod bmore now in the next segment we’re get to hear from Peter Harold who is one of the Carolina Hurricanes development coaches and get to hear his thoughts on everything that’s going on a development cap we’ll get to that here in a second on a Thursday edition of lock on hurricanes passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your Rider dial alive aay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and leveled up to Peak Performance superchargers roof rack exhaust kits LED headlights and more rather into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you always find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back because with eBay Motors you’re burning rubber not cash with all the parts you need at the prices you want is easy to make your card the MVP and bring him huge wins keep your writer di live at eBay eligible items only welcome back to your segment two of locked on hurricanes your team every day so like I said the end of segment one we’re going to go and listen to pieter Harold as he talks in media as well on Wednesday you know the one of the Hurricanes development coaches you get to hear his side things of what’s going on with Camp so far and everything that’s been surrounding that and also some of the prospects so without further Ado we’re going to move on to uh Peter and listen to what him uh he had to go over with the media getting these kids out here and getting a good assessment of them and kind of teaching them how to be a pro I think is probably your main focus yeah that’s one of them uh I think biggest the biggest thing for us is getting to know them a bit right um we got to develop relationships with them and they got to be able to trust us obviously you can buy some credibility on the ice by knowing what you’re talking about but you know they don’t know us and a lot of these kids are 18 years old so there’s some things that yes we got to talk to them about as far as life goes but our biggest job is to develop relationships and help them progress as players but uh as men too how beneficient is a camp like this to the kids cuz they’re young and and and obviously growing into the game but how how important is as a camp like this uh I think it’s pretty important obviously I’m biased but uh for some some of them it’s their first time over in the US um some of them they just we can give them some pointers things to work on some of them you know it’s just good to get meet each other right so a lot of this is getting used to the stff but some of it is getting used to each other learning to meet each other and then uh yeah just have some fun I think that’s uh that’s a huge part of this and you know that’s that that’s what this week is about I think just overall is the biggest diff what’s the biggest difference you see between kids that are coming back a second time I think they’re just a little more comfortable right some of them like I said first time over in the US there’s a lot of new things and maybe a little nervous a little hesitant I think they’re just more comfortable they know more guys so there’s just that level of comfort for them uh but yeah we we got a great group here honestly like all of these guys were pretty outgoing which is great you don’t have to pull many of them out of their shell obviously we got some uh some language issues with a couple of them but uh honestly this this has been a great group so how many languages do you speak now uh one and a little a little bit of Spanish that doesn’t do you any good no no it turns out French where probably or Russian would have been more appropriate choice so what’s it what’s it look like for these kids down the road after they finish with this Camp well a lot of them are going to go back and play with their clubs in uh Sweden Finland Russia some of them are going back to college junior so some of it is just these are the things you can work on WE introduced them to some of our systems they’re not going to play those systems when they get there but I think it’s just trying to build that familiarity with the way we comport ourselves the way we play that kind of stuff and then for them it’s just about doing what the coaches ask them where they are we’ll follow up with them we do video work with them throughout the year and uh yeah just trying to help them progress on the ice off the ice but really kind of being a sounding board for them sometimes is uh is the best we can do and I think it’s it’s beneficial to them to have resources to ask questions that as a head coach you it’s hard to have a lot of one-on-one time with 23 guys so we can give them that oneon-one time and I think it’s uh that’s that’s beneficial to them both on and off the ice will they have exit interviews and then and if so what will that be like yeah most of them will just will kind of pull aside a lot of it is just things that they need to work on the the Improvement that we’ve seen since last year and then uh yeah just making sure that if they have questions we can answer them and making sure that they leave here knowing exactly what they need to work on what they need to do and what the year is going to look like what’s the most common question from the players yeah um I don’t know if there’s just one common one I think a lot of them want to know okay when are we going to start doing video work and that kind of stuff um they don’t some of their seasons start pretty soon here so into August we get started and and then we’re at it so for me it’s fun because we get to start earlier we don’t have to wait for training camp but uh yeah most of it is on Ice questions some of them is what should we be looking for what do we need to work on to make it to the NH sh and a lot of it is just they’re pretty simple answers for depending on what the position is there’s a handful of things that everyone can get better at and the better they are at those fundamentals the the better their chances are in the long term did you know cam Abbot at all before coming here and and then also just getting him here in time for something like this I’m assuming is is really important cuz he’s going to be working with a handful of these guys at least IM immediately yes it was super important to have him here actually um I played against him I want to I want to say he was he might have been a year above me but he played at Cornell and uh I played at BC so they knocked us out of the playoffs or out of the NCA tournament first uh my first year but uh we have a lot of friends hockey’s a small community so we’re one or two degrees away from each other for a long time uh he was overseas for a long time so I didn’t get interact with him much but this week’s been great um he’s going to bring the exact kind of personality we need uh he’s a lot like Rody which is really beneficial for the players on all fronts so uh I think him coming here getting to know the players but also the staff he’s going to be working with so again I think it’s huge for him to be here and we were pumped to have him what kind of player was he he was a grinder I think some skill some skill for sure but uh he he he worked his tail off and uh he does the uh the bike test we do and he’s he’s a workout afficianado so a lot like a lot like Rody so it’s again great personality fits right in I think the Hurricanes organization suits him very very well how was your experience working at valy this week it was great um she knows her stuff let her run those sessions uh everything that she did was was very very good took the boys through it really good at explaining drills really touching on things that are important to the game and uh we were I mean we’re all thankful that she was here it was a great experience and happy to have her back whenever all right thanks Peter really awesome to hear from P Harold just talking about ali lome and how they let her kind of run her setups and stuff like that because the fact of what she’s good at and you know just giving her the opportunities to run her thing and you know watch and listen and just observe so that’s really cool and then also talking about you know the different aspects of you know trying to help develop the guys and help them become Pros especially the fact that some they’re going back to their you know countries you know are you going back to Europe are you going to Junior how how is that going to work out too and of course you’re going have some of the guys are going to come over and stay in North America you know like Felix under shorum and you know what’s kind of next to help them build the rest of their summer and get ready for the season that’s coming up whether it’s in for some guys maybe it’s going be the AHL with Chicago Wolves could be going back to Junior also could be go like I said could back to Europe as well so a lot going on but really awesome to hear from one of the development coaches in P Herold and just kind of get the Insight of what you know goes on development camps and like what their goals are as development coaches especially on a week like this where you’re going from like Sunday to Thursday where it’s it book ends with off ice stuff and then in the middle you got like three days of on Ice activities and stuff like that so really awesome to see really awesome to hear just from a different aspect of the hurricanes and it’s more not so much like the coaching staff but more of like the coaches that are behind the scenes with their prospects so really awesome to hear from Peter Harold and talking about prospects Jaden Pan actually did get to sit down with Walt rough of the Caroline hurricanes beat rer and you know answer some questions and all that which we will get to and review here in a second on a Thursday edition of locked on hurricanes all right guys we got to talk about game time and with game time they are the authorized ticket Marketplace for 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AHL for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create an account in redeem code locked on NHL that’s l c k e d o n NHL for $20 off downal game time today last minute tickets lowest prices guarant teed welcome back to a segment three of locked on Hurricane J Team every day so like I said at the end of segment two uh we get to you know kind of dive into the re you know the Q&A session that jam Pon did with W rough the Carolina Hurricanes as the beat Rider and you know talked to the 19-year-old from Winnipeg who was you know the 2023 third round pick and the fact that you know he got to play at North Dakota and all that stuff so we’re going to jump in look at some of the questions that we’re kind of you know kind of get an idea of who J and pan is and just over just talk about over the last year and everything that’s just adjusting to USHL to college and all that good stuff so the first question that Walt did ask him was you know how was your first year in North Dakota because you know Jackson Blake was there there’s a lot of other stuff going on going you know growing from USA to college and you know Jane said it was good it was fun it’s a pretty crazy playing in front of those fans every single night it didn’t matter who we were playing against it was basically sold out or was sold out that made the environment a lot of fun for those you know everyone who does watch college hockey you know the North Dakota formerly the fighting Sue now it’s the fighting Hawks they former players like John the has been there as well is it it’s still a good program but back in like the early to mid 2000s like that was a perennial power in NCA hockey especially for the men’s side of things that when you say oh I’m going to North Dakota you know it’s like okay yeah it’s a pretty prestigious School talking like other schools like Minnesota bu Boston College stuff like that you’re you’re looking at a it was one it was one of those other teams where it’s like if you say I went to this school to play hockey you knew you were like the cream of the crappie War the dude to be able to go there so the fact that he was able to go play North Dakota and of course you know if you know anything about North Dakota hockey the fans are always there they’re always loud is a really hard place to play so yeah being able to be in front of a sold out crowds like that is gotta be definitely an experience for a guy like jam Pon who’s only 19 years old and being a and from you know Canada you know seeing going from you know what it’s like a one peg you’re going to North Dakota which is like you don’t think there’s a lot going on there but that’s when you see the fan base that is for the the hockey program at North Dakota yeah it gets pretty loud and pretty Ruckus and you know the follow-up question was what were some of the biggest adjustments where you go from playing in the United States Hockey League or the USHL to the college game and Jane said I learned that there are no easy games in college and that was something you have to get used to you can’t take a game off it was a good challenge it helped make things fun but at the same time that was probably the biggest thing and yeah that was and that’s the really big thing too because you look at the HL you’re talking like teams like the Youngtown Phantom the us know the US development team Green Bay Ramblers it’s it’s one of those things where it’s like it’s almost like a juniores league where it you’re trying to you know there’s be a lot of guys who are going to be you know going to college and you see like if you watch any of those USHL teams you’re going to see a lot of logos next to lineup cards of like okay there’s a there’s this college there’s this team that drafted and stuff like that it’s it’s one of those Le it’s one of those junior is leagues where it’s like you’re it’s under the NCAA so it’s like a lot of players use USHL to Leap Frog them into college or go to CHL or however however you want to do it so it’s one of those things where you’re taking there’s only so many games you have in the US HL and of course you know it’s prolonged for a normal season as well but then you go to college you’re talking less than 35 games less than 40 games and you got to be on it every night CU just like college football where you kind of have to be you have to win almost every night hockey is not so much of the same thing you have to win every night but you have to make sure that you’re winning games consistently to make sure you put yourself in a good spot for like your conference tournament games then you got to go on conference you know tournament runs like in college basketball and baseball all that to be make sure that you’re able to get ready and go find a way to get into the you know tournament as well and then get into the Frozen four so yeah it’s it’s a grueling SE are foraa hockey so that’s a huge thing as well and talking about you know like I said early about Jackson Blake you know Walt did ask J prawn what it was like to be able to have a close-up view of Jackson Blake’s season and because he was nominated was a Hobie Baker finalist how special was that for Jaden to see a teammate like Jackson Blake be able to have you know be a finalist for the Hobie Baker which is hockey’s equivalent of the Heisman Trophy if there’s if you or the lacrosse’s the the Taron trophy stuff like that basically uh Jan pron said it was electric getting to watch him every night that there was definitely fun everyone sees all the highlights but all the guys on our team see how hard he works and how hard he practices that carries over to the game and it’s just fun to watch and that’s one of the things where it’s you know it’s really cool to see that you get to see the how the fact that you got two guys who are part of the hurricanes organiz ganization their prospects they were just at Prospect camp together and the fact that they were also you know college teammates which is really fun to see so that’s awesome the fact you get to get to see like the Insight of what J P Jane pan saw with a guy like Jackson Blake now Jackson Blake you know is with the Carolina Hurricanes not so much a prospect anymore uh for that correction but just the fact that you have two guys in the same organization one had his AHL debut one’s in Prospect camp and hopefully you get to see them back together eventually soon and to wrap up there’s a lot of like fire you know uh quick answer qu you know qu questions and answers too and I like this like this little segment of like you know funniest guys favorite restaurants foods and stuff like that so for the quick rapid fire Walt asked you know favorite food you know J PR said french fries he didn’t say really matter where it’s from favorite song right now is Sleeve by Nate Smith so go check it out if you no one has checked it out yet and he said the funniest guy in the in the locker room this weekend jayen prawn said I’ve been able to room with Blaker Jackson Blake so I guess I’ll go with him he’s always fun to hang around so just going back to them being together in North Dakota funniest guy in the room and I think K’s prospects even said it to on social media that Jackson Blake is a really funny guy and a lot of a lot of the other prospects like him so it’s cool to see you guys kind of get that interaction with j pan just kind of get to know him as a player on and off the ice you know being able to develop himself you go through development camp and just being able to see you know interacting with guys like you know Jackson Blake kind of seeing his regression from the USHL you know going from Winnipeg to the US Hockey League now going to the of L for North Dakota and you know does he go back to college or does he try to make the AHL next year with the chicag wol so who knows but it’s definitely exciting and you know great way to wrap up a day three which was their last on Ice activities now on today on Thursday it’s just going to be a lot of Education stuff and then you know them you know getting ready to go off and enjoy the rest of their summer but that will wrap up the Thursday edition of locked on hurricanes if you want to keep up with me anything I’m doing covering the Carolina Hurricanes you can follow me once your Zack podcast is _ hurricanes if you click the link my bi you can find out where to find all my newsletters and articles that I do with the hockey writers you can also go check out my work at the cter times for anything AHL related there’s a link to where to listen and watch my other podcast the search cast and there’s a link to where to listen to this podcast and all podcast platforms make sure to leave a festar ring review because it’ll help grow the Pod to get more exposure out there uh if you do it on the if you’re on the YouTube side things make sure to subscribe hit the Bell notifications so you don’t miss the show hit the Thumbs Up Button let me know if you like the show as well because that also helps the algorithm getting the show out more as well and make sure to share the podcast with other caniacs so they become every dayers just like you because we are over 910 subscribers on YouTube we’re on the road to 1,000 and if we get to 1,000 I might just do something special for you guys but I hope everyone enjoyed the Thursday episode of Locked on hurricanes hope everyone enjoys their Thursday and until next time as always let’s go KES

It’s a Thursday Edition of Locked On Hurricanes as we jump into the final day of the Carolina Hurricanes Development Camp on-ice activities. We hear from head coach Rod Brind’Amour and Hurricanes Development Coach Peter Harrold. What did they say after Day 3 of camp in Raleigh? Also, what did prospect Jayden Perron say during a Q&A with Canes Beat Writer Walt Ruff?

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