New York Giants TOP 100 PLAYERS | 90-81 Announced!

New York Giants TOP 100 PLAYERS | 90-81 Announced!

welcome to another edition of giants the top 100 players brought to you by Bud Light I’m Bob Papa along with Paul Schwarz who was one of the 13 Blue Ribbon panel members we have with us uh a man who finished 87th Cory Webster and 89th Jason seahorn as part of this top 100 and uh here’s how we got to the top 100 Giants players what we did was we looked at the over 5,000 men that wore a Giant’s uniform dating back to 1925 we called that list down and came up with the top 100 players in the history of the franchise and Paul it was an exhilarating interesting exercise obviously it was a difficult exercise as well but very enlightening I math has never been my strong suit okay but 5,100 that’s a really big number and that’s a pretty small number so it was it was very difficult I learned a lot along the process of guys who I never saw play guys like these two gentlemen who I did see play and now where am I going to put them where are they going to fit I think we came up with 100 great players and there’s other great players who didn’t make it you know 100 years is a long time and 100 players is not that many for 100 years Cory I’ll start with you your first reaction when you found out of all those people that have played this game for the Giants with all the Hall of Famers and everything else that you’re inside that top 100 um just a crazy feeling you know just blessed because um you know the tradition is so rich right um like you talked about having 5,000 players and being one of those go top 100 is just like no other than winning the Super Bowl or you know it goes right up there with that so to be able to represent for the guys that came before me and to leave a legacy for the guys that come behind us so this you know tradition could keep going and you can still make a great legacy for this um you know beautiful organization Jason for you leaving your mark as you did when you put it in perspective now it was more of a wow moment of like wow okay that’s cool you know what I mean like you don’t expect that that’s not why you play um it’s more or less um something that you can look back on and just go huh and you start doing the math and you go wow okay I think it’s that sums it up it’s like more a surprise you know this is an organization started you know 100 years ago so the amount of people you’ve got to go through to whittle it down to 100 is pretty impressive so to be a part of that is is is unique you know obviously Cory you won two Super Bowls Jason you won an NFC championship and played in a Super Bowl um just talk a little bit about that Journey that you went on with your teammates in order to get get to that point and listen the last pass that Brett fa of ever threw as a Green Bay Packer was intercepted by you in the NFC Championship Game far back to pass takes a deep drop steps up looking to his right and the pass intercepted by the Giants at the 40 yd line Cory Webster got the pick but when you think about that whole journey in the two rings what are some of the things that jump out at you I’m just the process how you know um Everybody in the locker room buying in being on one ACC um putting all of the selflessness out out of the way so we can go out and compete at the highest level and you know do something and accomplish something great like that Jason when you came to the Giants the team was kind of going through that mid90s malaise but you had a young group as a defense and you won the division in 97 but then that 2000 season it kind of all came together what are your Reflections on all of that as a team we were all together so there was not like in years prior was the defense was really good and our offense was struggling and there was this division in the locker room and we didn’t have that we had everybody just on the same page doing exactly what they needed to do for us to win and as we got to the playoffs you know once it was the offense and it was the defense it was like everybody was picking up their end of the slack and like the success model is can you get everybody on the same page CU they’re all talented but can you get everybody on the same page and we were on the same page and that’s that’s that’s all winning is I mentioned Cory’s iconic play against uh Brett Favre you had what was voted on uh the greatest play in the history of giant Stadium your interception an interception return for a touchdown in the playoffs against the Philadelphia Eagles McNab again over Center drops straight back Giants on a blitz McNab hit as he throws swings it right and the pass nearly it is intercepted by seahorn he’s got it on the run down the left side legine cuts it at the 10 five touchdown how many times have you watched it whenever someone sends it to me I mean I don’t go back to relive it but after that happened I promise you for that week I was on Sports Center going is it coming on again cuz we didn’t have DVR back then so I was like is it coming on again great thing about that play is that it was in the playoffs week three it’s just yeah it’s a cool play but it happened in the playoffs well you told me a story last year that you really kind of broke a lot of rules that you as a corner you oh you’re not supposed to undercut a receiver and you’re not supposed to leave your feet like those are two negatives do not come in front of the receiver and do not leave your feet because if those two things don’t work you’re a on the ground and B you know he’s behind you like go he’s gone do you die for every ball in in during the regular season no you don’t cuz you’re not really supposed to like when a Ball’s thrown outside like that you’re supposed to just be like okay where’s he he’s your main responsibility right there I was like I think I can get to that um so yeah there was two two no NOS broken on that play that get washed away when it works no one says a word a coach normally say no no yes yes yes the coach Fox on the side and he’s like yeah yeah I would say this though for that play he answered beautifully but to add to that it took a lot of wear with all it took a lot of body control balance to be able to um keep your presence of mind on the ball spin around tip it up get back up he was able to stand up without balancing himself on the ground and run it in down the field that’s huge that’s says a lot about strength the conditioning balance and body control that he done off the field outside the football I don’t know if you know this but your former teammate and his warmer teammate Michael Strahan says the greatest athlete he’s ever played with of any teammate is that guy right there it’s a pretty good compliment we’re sitting with these two guys and you know you know my business we do lists a lot of lists right so if you want to do lists of best postseason plays ever your interception is on it your interception is on it you know what I mean and and and so you know that that’s such a cool Synergy between you two and I always want to ask you Corey the last play of the Super Bowl right how many yards was Tom Brady’s pass up in the air 50 60 uh no no less than 60 what do you think are you thinking anything there um I’ll be honest before the play I said I was going to intercept it all right and I misjudged the ball to be perfectly honest not the time to misjudge not the time to misjudge and when I mean about misjudge I still hit it I got a finger on it but I didn’t get further enough back to get two hands on to make the catch and how many seconds after that the confetti starts falling right oh yeah yeah yeah that’s a beautiful that’s a beautiful the New York Giants have won Super Bowl 42 so there’s uh in this grouping uh there’s a bunch of your former teammates so I’m going to ask you about number 82 Kareem McKenzie might be the greatest free agent signing in Ernie ACC Cory’s career because he signed a seven-year contract and he basically played every game every year for all seven years talk about getting your money’s worth He was The Quiet One of that group some of the other ones knew where the camera was what was Kareem like as a teammate what made him such a great player um just a guy that led by example he was a guy that had books by his locker he was always reading and I think now he Dr Kareem McKenzie if I’m not mistaken so it was a guy that had a a plethora of knowledge and was willing to sit down with a young guy and um share some of that knowledge so um outside of everything that he did great you know protecting and being the leader as far as on the football field and holding down um Eli’s you know right side as far as being the pass protector but off the field tremendous guy um always was learning always was reading and never was afraid to share the knowledge and pass it on I I just look at people like that though the durability Factor someone just shows up every single week at that position there’s something to be said about that alone to just show up at that position every week because they’re they’re always dinged linemen they’re they’re never healthy and it’s easy for them to take a week or two off I me if they want to but just to show up and post every single week is pretty impressive So speaking of longevity his teammate longevity I want to ask you about the guy who finished 88th on this list Howard cross who played the most games in the history of the Giants until strayan broke his record but you know was part of the 1990 giant Super Bowl team played with Bavaro um and lasted through your group and getting to another Super Bowl in 2000 um your thoughts on Howard as a player first of all is cheerleader um positivity that like I don’t think he spoke a bad word about anyone he was always always positive he was always uplifting he was always raw raw for everybody all the time it was really one of those rare Moments in Sports where someone just thinks positive for everyone he was just a very motivational individual like he was fun and he’s a big man like when he would shake your hand like it engulfed you like he had the biggest hands I’ve ever it just engulfed your whole hand you’re like good Lord if I mean if you’re a defensive end he gets those mugs on you you’re done yeah he was fun I remember you know you you’re in a lock room there you offensive lineman defensive they’re big dudes but he was a tight end but he was big right I mean when you shook his hand his shoulders you know really he’s a throwback I mean you know the tight ends now they get the glory a lot of him there were blockers too but he was a block first block second block third catch a few passes I mean you know he’s like an offensive lineman in the Run game I mean no question about it and you’re right just you looked at him and you say he is a blocker man he was big yeah big I’m going to go to another name on this list it’s great because there’s um a bunch of guys that you both played with um at 84 is Ahad Bradshaw who you know was a seventh round pick in 2007 injured not really doing a lot but down the stretch turned out to be one of the ultimate Gamers and one of the ultimate teammates yeah um Amad is a guy I was always call him big back now I know that was hard because who he played with and who he shared the back field with but he played that way he played like um a huge guy he could do pass protect he can block um he can catch out the back field it was nothing that he couldn’t do and he wasn’t a guy that couldn’t play on the you know the goal line he can get in there and you know and be very physical just with any other big Brack so always call him big back he always was tenacious as far as how he played the game and um you know he never let his size hold him back and he was able to work through those injuries and have you know a successful career and now he’s two Super Bowl and he’s on the list but you you know now it’s very popular to say he runs angry I mean if you have a guy who runs angry and then it was Ahad Bradshaw he ran unbelievably ticked off every single second didn’t he Cory right he just looked like he was it took offence that anyone would dare to try to tackle him an angry Runner is someone who doesn’t want to make you miss they want to run through you oh yeah and he was that I mean I didn’t play against him but I watched him and he was one of those guys that he wasn’t trying to make you miss he was trying to make you feel him I mean do you want to do this in the buffalo in the Buffalo game with you guys clinched in in the rain and the snow and the sleep and that was basically his coming out with an 84 yd run remember that it seemed like he’s ranning through the sleep and the snow and the rain Bradshaw up the middle finds a creas up to the 20 2530 it’s a foot race brat out to the 40 to Midfield no one’s going to get the rookie out of Marshall 30 20 15 10 5 touchdown brw but then in 11 when you guys were not that good running at as a team but a mod kind of set the tone that the Giants running game was back when he runs over the jet safety to kind of ice the game he set the tone being able to um break through the hole I think he got to the second level quickly and like you talked about he wasn’t trying to go around or making Miss uh he went right over him he set the tone right there and we played physical throughout that game the other thing um the other play that a mod made that maybe people forget but in Super Bowl 42 um you guys are driving and there’s a fumble and there’s two patriots on the ball and somehow he Dives in there and digs that ball out and Saves The Possession near the end of the first half or maybe Brady goes down the field and but that that kind of sums up a mod yeah that’s who he is in a loose ball or in a fight I want him on my side okay that’s all the is him first yeah right all right so number 83 on the list is someone that you could speak to because uh he’s like one of my favorites Carrie Collins yeah um you know Ernie of Coursey had the wherewithal to bring Carrie in and you know had a rehab from the Carolina situation and that short time in New Orleans what was it like when he first walked in the locker room so he was my roommate that first year in training camp and uh he was hilarious he’s quiet um he came in Humble he came in with that idea that I need to prove myself to this team obviously he knew he was talented everyone knew was talented but he he came in with the idea that I’ve got to perform first before I can lead and that 2000 season it’s kind of like the light went off right i’ I’ve had two stops this is like the last resort and you know the the NFC championship game and the Vikings are supposed to come in and and handle you guys and 41 to nothing and he throw lasers on seam routes like right through DBS yeah when he played when he was on when he knew what he was doing and died in man he can throw it like nobody else like he could throw the best ball cuz we saw him in practice all the time you’d have somebody covered and the ball be like right there and you’re like right there I mean all the time like it’s just one of those things where was he dialed in when he was he was Paul another name on this list at number 85 is Dave megot who was part of the Giants Super Bowl winning team in 1990 Super Bowl 25 he was Brad Shaw before brought you yes I was going to say he was versatile a guy who helps you win right they always say to you guys the coach says tell me why I should give you a uniform on Game Day right are you going to play special teams you’re going to return kicks what are you going to do that you deserve to be one of the guys out there I mean megot had how many things he could do the other thing about megot and Bradshaw that commonality was they might have been as Fierce a running backs as the Giants have had as far as pass protection like they did not blink they him back down no mm and because they’re third down backs so for the most part and so you’re going to be in there when they’re they’re bringing pressure so you’ve got to know where to go and then you’ve got to man up like as a running back when linebackers are running full speed you can’t Olay them I mean you’ve got to like but because they run angry they’re going to block angry number 81 on this list is Frank cop it’s he’s before all of our time but he played for the Giants and won a championship in 1938 he was voted to the all decade team in the 1930s having come into the league in 1938 but he was that good and then uh was a first team All Pro in the 40s played with a bunch of Hall of Famers and was one of these guys that was really um part of the foundation of what the Giants were to become as far as strong offensive lines and running attacks and a very important figure in Giants history in the early years of this franchise right look I saw you play your whole career I saw you play your whole career I can have an assessment um a lot of these guys I could Frank cope obviously I could not nobody on the committee could see them play but you have to look at some things is he in the Hall of Fame did he make you know awards did he win championships all decade team is is you know it’s the 30s I mean I can’t tell you what it was like in the 30s but if he was voted an all decade offensive lineman in the 30s then I have to put weight on that that somebody thought he was the best of his era and so that’s why um you know you can’t can’t you can’t throw those guys out because they didn’t you know they didn’t play when ESPN was on or when you know you just can’t do it it’s not fair to them you know right and he help the Giants get to five Title Games yeah uh in the span of that time and was an anchor that then he was first team All Pro a couple times and a bunch of pro bowls so another guy that we should talk about from the past he recently passed away um Aaron Thomas uh tight end for the Giants in the early 60s played one year with San Francisco was drafted by the 49ers but the Giants acquired him in his second season and till this day he has the most receiving touchdowns by a Giants tied end in franchise history with 35 but they went to the NFL Championship in his first three years 61 62 63 well that’s when things stick out at you you say well why does he still have the record for touchdowns for tight ends right I mean we talked about Howard cross there was Jeremy shaki there was um you know there’s a bunch Mark B yeah Mark Bavaro yeah he’s not a bad player yeah and you know why does he have the record well in an era where maybe they didn’t throw as much well that elevates him at our mind he was a great player for the short period of time it’s interesting because in the early 60s the Giants were believe it or not a passing team in fact ya titles numbers from 1963 his touchdown passes 36 in one season that record stood until Marino broke it in 84 you know the numbers stick out they they definitely do but he was a basically like a receiver so um you know if his record standing all these years then you know there’s something there the other person in this group is another Corner ER Barnes he’s another guy played for the franchise for four years but he went to three title games and in three of the four years he was named All Pro so again when you’re talking about the history of the Giants and greatness um er Barn certainly belongs in that top 100 moments for you Jason obviously we talked about the interception against Philadelphia but when you kind of look back at in to it being a New York Giant um you played for a couple different coaches uh you had John Fox as a defensive coordinator which I know is very influential to that entire group what are some of the things that you remember most about being a giant and that famous phrase once a giant always a giant um probably the stadium understanding that they’re going to show up whether you’re good or bad but they’re going to show up um a lot of places you go around the league they don’t show it’s empty this place was full here um you just realize everybody was passionate about your team um which made it so much more fun to be a part of when I first came to New York I learned to really love playing here I appreciate the fact that I was drafted by the Giants when you walk around the streets people are passionate about you and their team for me looking back on everything it’s just being here getting to do what I got to do in New York instead of someplace else about for you Cory yeah I would agree um this is a great City to be in the position to compete and when you have success they’re going to celebrate you having success here in New York is like no other so I enjoyed being a giant only a giant I don’t you know I didn’t even think about playing anywhere else Paul it’s been fun yeah no it’s it’s look I said I covered both these guys and um they were um a little quieter a little less quiet but they both you know I mean most of the interviews I did with these guys was asking them about why were you successful against this why are you successful against that so you know instead of why did you give up a touchdown why did you not do this I mean 20 interceptions and 19 is that right okay almost 40 interceptions sitting here not bad gentlemen success we appreciate you congratulations on being the top 100 for Paul Schwarz Jason Sehorn and Cory Webster I’m Bob POA make sure you check out all the Giants media platforms as we continue our countdown to number one and uh bring you these wonderful sitd downs and conversations here on Giants top 100 players brought to you by Bud Light

In celebration of the Giants’ 100th season, an independent committee ranked the Giants’ Top 100 Players. The countdown continues with 90 through 81. Presented by Bud Light.

The “Top 100 Players” Committee: Bob Papa (Chair), Pete Abitante, Ernie Accorsi, Judy Battista, John Berti, Linda Cohn, Vinny DiTrani, Bob Glauber, Joe Horrigan, Jay Horwitz, Peter King, Gary Myers, Paul Schwartz, George Willis.

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