Miami Dolphins Training Camp Preview With Jason Sarney!

Miami Dolphins Training Camp Preview With Jason Sarney!

another day another collab we are getting very close to the start of training camp I got a few more collabs in the books for you [Music] guys why is up Finn fans you see by the title I have another collab this time with my buddy Jason sarney if you don’t know who Jason sarne is go follow him he does a fantastic amount of great art articles breakdowns he’s a very big stat guy and you’ll see when we talk he’s really funny and a good friend of mine so I had him on we’re talking Miami Dolphins football I also have a special guest that we are going to be recording Friday and that episode will be out Saturday and uh a good portion I’m not going to tell you who but a very big portion you guys have been wanting me and this person to do a collab for a long time we finally got together and it’s gonna happen so hopefully you guys like it hopefully you guys watch it give it a thumbs up all that good stuff before we jump into what me and Jason have to talk about I have to shout out today’s sponsor that sponsor is clean the world clean the world is a company organization put together by Sean cyer doing fantastic things for people in need essentially what he did was he realized a lot of soap was being wasted in hotels so he went to the hotels and he was like Hey listen let me take this soap take it melt it Down clean it repurpose it into these bars of soap and give them to people of need third world countries natural disaster victims the homeless and he started putting these kits together you got the soap you got shampoo you got a toothbrush you got socks you got toothpaste on the bottom does fantastic things my friend love him to death go check them out clean the link is in the description um yeah go support he also has really nice soft Market I have two clean the it’s called clean your hands wash your hands got two shirts soft as can be so go check them out support if you can but than that let’s get into what me and Jason have to talk about and I will see you guys tomorrow like usual Stay classy f up we are doing collab three weeks and you know I had to get my guy Jason sney on me and Jason go way back had to get him on how you doing Jason doing well my friend uh enjoying the hot summer months but uh can’t complain better than winter here up in the Northeast right I I I want the winter how hot is it by you because up here in North Jersey I think today was like 97 we’re in that range sir we’re right there we’re about like 95 96 I missed the 70s give me 70s with a cool breeze so I could sit on my porch you know give me something nice um but yeah we’re going to I brought Jason on we’re going to I’m going to pick his brain if you want so we’re not talking about to it because me and Jason are part of a great podcast Francis Corner that’s already out we’ve given our full in-depth analysis on Tua we’re not talk about Tua talked about Tua too much we’re gonna talk about other things and I’m gonna pick your brain because Jason stne is very databased and that’s also why I brought him on so he’s going to give us some insight there and I want to talk to you about first kind of the team and your thought process because I did a video a while back where I looked at who departed and who came in and I said that the team got better but there’s still like the loss of Wilkins and and um hunt are huge but I think we kind of equaled out or maybe got a little bit better what is your thoughts on who left in free agency and who came in do you think this team is better the is this team better is such a tough question when you just initially have to answer it when you dissect it different doesn’t necessarily mean better or worse I think they’re going to be a little bit of a different look both maybe offensively a little bit mainly defensively but when you look at who we are saying goodbye to Robert hunt Christian Wilkins Andrew van GLE rayquan Davis Brandon Jones collectively they’re worth more than some countries in what they got for free agent dollars so ultimately I think that while it’s tough to say goodbye it’s also like you know what we drafted we developed they got paid we’re getting comp piics what are you guys gonna do front office Brandon Shaw Chris Greer with the importing we saw the exporting what’s going to be with the importing and we look at a making up in aggregate so to speak of the loss of Christian wilin from a defensive tackle standpoint there’s a lot of Jags on the interior defensive line now Doug folks out there a lot of Jags is someone going to step up and be a guy like a real guy in this interior remains to be seen the Kus Campbell Edition is terrific um and you know what I’m really interested in matching up Jordan Brooks with David long Jr David Long’s at a contract year you know he’s only been in Miami a hot minute was one of the best if not the best I believe run coverage linebacker last year so you bring in another Thumper like Brooks I’m excited to see and Kendall Fuller lock down cover corner on the outside terrific in really tight Windows one of the tops in the league as per one of those next gen stats so uh those just really the tip of the iceberg of the new folks and I’m very very excited to easy of a word I’m eager to see what Anthony Weaver does with the defensive guys and uh you know Edge Rush Edge Rush Edge rush we need that pass rush back you know yeah 100% looking at the the DTs that we brought in all 4,000 of them um who jumps out to you cuz like to me I’m very intrigued by Bonito Jones coming back because I like what he did uh with Detroit you know but we have tar gallamore we have all these guys who out of that group that we brought in do you think could be a nice one-w punch with uh seeler you know I’m I’m rooting for Bonito Jones because he’s coming back after he was an undrafted free agent guy who we all wanted to root for and then he went to Detroit but he’s a guy who’s at like six one lower center of gravity big guy look he’s not Vince Wilfork but if you need a guy like that he’s a candidate in my mind that could really steal some snaps so I’m going to circle him and agree with you there uh the other guys I’m literally just goingon to go with what I said they’re Jags let’s see what happens uh when the Pats come up yeah and you know I I talked to a few people and they did bring up how the Baltimore Ravens kind of had that one guy that was the guy and then they had like that rotation around them which Anthony Weaver is probably going to do uh I’ve asked a ton of people this and I really want to get your opinion on it uh a lot of times to me it takes about four weeks whether it’s a new offense whether it’s a new defense to really gel and see how they are going to be for the rest of the season but being that Anthony Weaver kind of is inheriting a defense with players that fit his scheme and then he goes out and he gets players like Kus Campbell like Brooks like all these guys that also fit his style do you think it’s going to take four weeks for us to really see what this defense is going to be or do you think it’s going to be the norm and being that he’s you know first time in Miami it’s going to take a hot minute I’m gonna give you the best uh kind of metaphor and comparison and analogy I can think of uh imagine you have last year before going into school your teacher was the rough teacher in vic fangio you knew it you knew going into camp this is going to be a tough start of the school year uh you know maybe he knows what he’s talking about but the I don’t know go through that tough and then this year you look at your schedule and you’re like we got the cool teacher this might be calculus might be fun and I think that when that happens it doesn’t take a middle of the Season it could take a week two or three to jail especially the biggest X Factor in the world is I’m stealing something from you Doug I’m knocking on everything I can you know Jaylen Ramsey man starting the season if if he could be used as that wherever you need me coach I’m there if you need me to guard the running back I’ll line up and guard the running back that was not the case last year uh almost like a professor that didn’t let you use the calculator you had to figure it out your old school way Anthony Weaver is gonna say I don’t give a crap what you use just get me the results dude let’s go out let’s B yeah and and that you saw frustration from Jaylen Ramsey because Jaylen Ramsey was doing really well you know he had the two interception game and then he had the another interception game um and then you saw against the Jets when they let him move and follow Wilson and go now he’s got a defensive coordinator where you know you might have different play he might be dropped back into safety at some point like the the amalgamation and all the stuff that he’s Anthony Weaver is going to bring to this defense is going to be crazy because he’s learned from three different styles coaches who also kind of have the same style Rex Ryan Blitz wink marale Blitz and then McDonald Blitz but the way McDonald blitzed was different than Rex so it’s like it’s he’s learning all these different things and the thing I I like the most about Anthony Weaver and I want your opinion on this is that he’s done this before everyone looks at his time in Houston and says oh he was garbage he was garbage but he’s done it before kind of like a Spagnola type where he was a head coach before and sucked and now all a sudden he’s fantastic back with the Kansas City Chiefs do you think he’s going to learn from that do you think that or am I being too optimistic not with the trajectory that he’s created for himself there have been coordinators that were rumored to be in Miami who were great regressed good regressed you know but I think Weaver you know say what you want about a year in Houston or whatever but he coached up terrific players good players to be great great players to be phenomenal you know on the line so I do think that he his progression says that your optimism is warranted and mine is matched hopefully because hopefully I mean with with this it’s such an antithesis of Vick fangio uh it’s almost like the Seinfeld if the oppos if what you’re doing is wrong then the opposite must be right so and he fits he kind of fits what’s going on with the team with you know the people that are brought in we have a good linebacker coach now was the defensive coordinator for the Green Bay Packers but when he was a linebacker coach he was really good um we seem to set oursel up for success but we’re dolphin fans so we’re expecting you know someone to pull the rug out from under us at some point um but for me I like when I look at this team the defense scares me because of the offense has been together for so long do you feel the same way do you feel that at some point the defense is going to cost us you know it’s a great question and I’ll start with up front which is I know you know what the importance of the trenches and you lose Christian Wilkins you lose van GLE you’re not necessarily starting full-fledged with Jaylen Phillips and Bradley chub so where and who are the sacks coming from and don’t tell me it’s gonna be only Zack sealer I would love for him to continue that but remember 10 that he got last year was the first time an interior lineman got 10 in Miami Dolphins history Christian Wilkins had nine and a half so I already sliced that in half and then you’re also looking at 35 sacks that you have to make up from who you’re saying goodbye to so there’s a lot of pressure on who’s getting to the quarterback I’m not concerned until I have to be concerned about the secondary I’m enamored with this 335 kind of mechanism that I’ve seen you know I love the three safety potential you have three guys who I think could be extreme chess piece including Jaylen Ramsey throw Nick him in there it’s safety and I’m really intrigued more so on the inside and outside of a cornerback role cam Smith those are my three guys who I’m looking to see what Anthony Weaver can do that Vic fangio frankly sorry missed the ball on you think it was because of his stubbornness uh ding ding ding if we’re watching T Herman from back of the day my house is blowing up going crazy that’s the word of the day it’s stubbornness kids yeah he he was set in his way he didn’t like blitzing and I’m not going to Blitz and I know better than you so I’m not going to do it and you know some some to me some games were lost because of that and you know we like to talk about the Tennessee Titan game and I think the Tennessee Titan game had kind of a domino effect when it came to that loss because a lot of people want to pinpoint it defense or this or that I think it was like one thing after another after another is what caused us because people forget about the Bradley chub throwing his helmet giving him a first down ended up giving him that you know that first touchdown there’s the first Domino then we can’t get a first down there’s the second Domino and then it was just boom boom boom boom boom um do you think it was fangio with that game going back in time a little bit I it was a team lost the team lost that game 100% so his hands are dirty yes for sure uh how so if I wanted to kind of go back in the fake time machine that we’ll never get a chance to use um I would have wish he would have taken a different approach with rotating different guys in uh yes I think I believe Eli Apple Got A Gifted interception or something or was that the Buffalo game talking about I didn’t love the way Eli Apple played in Tennessee and buffalo at the end of the season and he just kept them in why because he was the guy that he saw replace Jaylen Ramsey who was injured and he didn’t want to give anybody else a shot like all right I know him bring him in sure whatever great he’s my guy I don’t have to look at any of these other guys and I think he was stubborn too long particularly with apple and if Apple was a terrific player he’d be coming at the camp this year that’s true and he didn’t want to give Cam Smith a shot and you know the rumor is and coming out of Camp is the other Corners loved cam Smith and loved what they saw at cam Smith and now you know this is what we’re going to see and being that training camp is coming up now the Vets are are reporting next Tuesday uh rookies next Tuesday vets Tuesday after and then open to the public on the 28th my two guys that I’m intrigued to watch in Camp is um Brewer and cam Smith because these are guys that if they take that next step are really going to help this team who are guys that you’re looking forward to watching in cam I cannot wait to watch Mohamed Kamar I can’t wait and I’m I was extremely thrilled when they drafted him in fact you know during the draft I was actually a little remorseful when we drafted chop Robinson cuz I publicly said goodbye to him that’s like winning the lottery and throwing away the ticket uh we still drafted him I said all right we drafted chop we’re not going to see him anymore so when we got him it was almost like you know repasting together that lottery ticket uh if you merge together like a cam W and a Brian Cox I think that’s the potential of what you could see eventually for Kamar and if we see little bits of flurries and throw in sha Barrett with toage you got that that similarity with Colorado State uh I think going to be a trip to watch and I would love if I had one question that I could ask one player if I was ever so lucky I’d asked Muhammad Kamar if there’s a reason why he chose number 50 because he was a fifth rounder oh that’s a that that I need confirmation on that like I need to know what Joe Rose did with the first touchdown ball Marino threw I think he threw it away and no one even knew what happened with it so that’s my unsolved mystery yeah that’s a that’s a good question because I feel like the moamar pick is was an Anthony Weaver running in kicking the door down being like he’s there you got to get him I’m surprised he’s there and he was surprised he was there and that’s the other thing he’s pissed yeah when you have these draft picks most I wouldn’t say most of the time because there’s you got you know the Rosen who are like I should have been number one and then you’re like well you suck and then now he’s not in the NFL anymore so it’s like sometimes being pissed doesn’t benefit you but these later round players when they’re like oh yeah they show up and I would love for him you know a lot of people want to talk about his height and everything and he he might be that guy he might be that little Speedster that’s gonna get after we need we need him and chop and Phillips those are future to get after these quarterbacks and Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen that’s that’s what they’re there for the speed and contain and that’s what we need last question I got for you is an important one we’re talking trenches offensive line talk about you know Brewer on the inside he still makes me a little uneasy that’s why I’m interested to see what he’s going to do I want to see if the sacks given up was an amalgamation of tanah Hill and Levis not more him because you watch him against the Dolphins he actually did really well against Christian Wilkins um what’s your thoughts on the interior of the offensive line are you as uneasy as I am I’m uneasy uh I I if I’m going ultimate Optimist here I’m in Butch Barry We Trust in McDaniel we trust to figure it out meaning number one figure out Right Guard because at this point and I think we joked around about this last night on on cr’s Corner that you know you put a gun to our heads I I don’t want to tell you who I think is gonna play Right Guard because I’m either gonna be wrong or it’s not the right guy or we’re gonna probably see three people play it so Right Guard figure it out make sure it’s solid consistent stay healthy of course and the Brewer uh waiting for a center since Mike poundy and we’ve had little sprinkles with Connor Williams uh but you know what it would be really nice to find that guy for at least a couple of years to Anchor it in the pivot uh I’m still waiting for that homegrown again the Tim ruddies of the world the pounces like I mentioned and uh yeah that offensive line is a concern if for some reason they’re able to pick up that third and one fourth and one dog 15 Rush attempts entire freaking year in 2023 in those short yarded situations it doesn’t necessarily scream confidence in your Five Guys up front so until we see that my guys will beat your guys to pick up the yard when we need the most that’s when it’s like let’s go and you know a lot of us wanted jpj but obviously he fell and fell and fell and fell so you know there was some concerns there but you know we don’t have we haven’t had a legit Center on our team for like four years it’s been this Crush training like it was cool to begin with wow he could play three positions on the line he’s a swing guard you know okay but you know give me the give me the kid right give me the kid who dad taught him how to snap as a center and said this is what you’re GNA be in life it’s like the Blake Ferguson method you know I’m gonna teach you boys to be long Snappers L behold two Ferguson boys long Snappers there you go give me a pure they should take Ferguson put him at Snapper put him at Center wow I don’t know if he could I don’t know yeah that’s I feel like that’s taking first base and saying go play second base right now oh but all do respect ofely thanks for stopping by where could people find your beautiful stuff uh Jason sney at Twitter uh Dolphins talk of course with you on cran corner and uh here and there on Dolphins wire and all dolphins give you get I’m GNA give the people a little spoiler me and Jason got something in the works for the season that’s all I’m gonna say you might see Jason on this channel every Wednesday I don’t know we’ll see but Jason thank you so much for stopping by I will talk to you very soon love it brother have a great one see you soon for




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  1. Douglie do you think the Dolphins are waiting to see what they have to work with on the O-Line before making a decision to get a right guard or backup center?, if so i hope someone like Greg Van Rotan is still available.

  2. Hey Doug, thanks for the video. I was wondering if you think doing a video on Hard Knocks and how it may have impacted the team last year. Would be cool to look back at the previous Miami Hard Knocks as well. Also, adding on your thoughts regarding the new off season with the Giants and the upcoming Hard Knocks Training Camp with the Bears and in Season with the AFC North.

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