Cardinals Get Swept In Doubleheader — Kind Of A Bizarre Series, Right?

Cardinals Get Swept In Doubleheader — Kind Of A Bizarre Series, Right?

now be honest Cardinals fans did you realize before somebody told you that Wednesday night was actually Michael waka’s first time back at Bush Stadium since he left the Cardinals what’s going on everyone and welcome in to this edition of be sha daily Brendan Schaefer here with you the early morning hours now since we’re after midnight of July 11th 2024 it’s a Thursday it’s my Grandpa’s birthday what’s going on Grandpa love you miss you wish you could be here to see all of this I cover the Cardinals now been doing it for a little while I know you know that you’re watching and you’re probably listening it took you a while to find YouTube I imagine up in heaven but I know that you figured it out because you would have got a kick out of all of this but tonight we’re talking Cardinals baseball as we always do here on bsha daily and the Brendan schaer St Louis Cardinal riter YouTube channel uh this was not a great day for the Cardinals they lose two you played two you lose two to the Kansas City Royals and former Cardinal Michael Waka started the night cap and I asked at the beginning did y’all know because I I didn’t even really necessarily realize it until Andy and I were talking about it on the Big Show this afternoon and he said I I wonder if it’s his first time back and I said no way he’s been gone for 5 years surely he’s pitched at Bush and I just like don’t remember it but nope this was his first time back had faced the Cardinals a couple of times but it was a couple Road games for the Cardinals and Michael wak has been on five different teams in the 5 years since he left St Louis this year he’s on the Royals and he’s pitching pretty well didn’t pitch that great tonight but the Cardinals could not take advantage as walk ends up winning his sixth game of the season and the Cardinals lose the night cap 8 to5 they lost the Day game to the Royals 6 to four and all that really good warm fuzzy momentum that they had coming off the Washington Series yeah that kind of got put on Hiatus for a day you know it happens uh we’ll talk about the series loss because the series is over just one day but two games and that’s all she wrote for this addition of the I70 series between the Cardinals and Royals we’ll talk about the series loss for the Cardinals we will discuss the start for Andre Palante this afternoon as he was pushed maybe a little farther than we thought he would be as that game was developing and then we’ll talk about the Gordon Gro start this evening which really cannot be qualified as anything more than a bullpen game that he just happened to pitch first in which maybe was not what we were expecting but was exactly what the Cardinals were planning to do as it turns out and it just didn’t go their way is this one that you have a lot of angst about or is this a series where you look at the way that it played out and you go ah is what it is go get the Cubs let me know your demeanor Cardinal fans your thoughts about the way things unfolded we will talk about all of that tonight on the show we will also go down on the farm that segment returns was some potentially Grim news about Tommy Edmond uh This Ain’t Good folks I don’t know how not good it is as of yet but it it potentially could be very unfortunate and we’ll explain all of that later on in the show when we go down on the farm for which I still have not quite yet recorded the new Imaging the new Sounder for our sponsor that has sponsored the down on the farm segment but I I plan to get that done on Thursday that’s the goal so by saying it at the top of the podcast today hopefully that becomes reality uh the Discord is popping folks if you haven’t joined the Discord yet the link is in the description it literally says join the free Discord and it’s a link click it join the Discord and you can basically if you’ve been on Twitter live tweeting Cardinals games it’s pretty fun this literally consolidates it all to you as a Cardinals fan talking with other Cardinal fans live as the game unfolds we’ve got lots of channels within the Discord we’ve got trade polls going we’ve got a Stadium pcks section going where everybody’s posting their pcks from the various stadiums that they’ve been to I threw a few pictures from bush in there tonight a lot of fun click the Discord Link in the description to this video and join it it’s free uh and you also if you’re a channel member on this channel of the bsha daily Lounge here you do get to join a special private chat with me if you’d like to do so I believe miles and shy Lou like Chicago Lou those two are actually already paying for that membership tier so send me a DM on Twitter or something so I can get you guys into uh the the be shave daily Lounge on Discord but having a lot of fun over there so check it out that’s my preamble let’s get into the show though this afternoon Cardinals lose 6 to4 I didn’t cover the Day game I covered the night game it’s just a little bit difficult to hit both sides of a double header when I live 40 minutes away and I do a radio show from 4 to 6 it just makes it tough so watch the first game on TV my son Gabe woke up from his nap with two oce in the ninth as I think Goldie had just homered and I thought H you know maybe they can mount a charge here but as he kind of came out into the living room and saw there was Bas on he calls it bass sometimes baseball but usually base uh I said buddy you’re not going to be able to watch much of this game it’s almost over and then as it ended he sort of can tell like the vibe of the B Sports Broadcast the Cardinal game’s over he can tell he honestly can tell better than my wife can because there’ll be times where and she just is not locked in on Sports uh just all these years with me she just hasn’t picked it up and that’s okay but she’ll ask me like the post game will be going on and she’ll be like is the game over I said well yeah it’s over the the big loud music and everything didn’t quue you but anyway Gabe goes Cardinals win yay and I had to break it to him like no buddy Royals won Cardinals lose Cardinals lose oh so anyway he was kind of bummed out by that but uh they lose the Day game I didn’t cover it but watching from afar as Andre Palante pitched into the seventh inning and he actually had samura to him as I put out there on Twitter earlier in the game was looking pretty good and then ran into a big time brick wall in that that fifth inning where the fast ball command and just left him it just wasn’t there some of the pitches uh the the Sinker to Garrett hamson yeah it was down in the zone but it was basically right where you would want a sinker to be if you’re the batter looking for a sinker like you expect a sinker to land at the bottom of the zone and that one did it was down but it was down the middle down and Garett hamson drove it into the the Gap scored a couple of runs that tied the game just three doubles in that fifth inning and then they bring Palante back out for the sixth which is not totally surprising to me I maybe didn’t expect it but the more I thought about it it’s like okay you do have to play two games today uh you did get Tuesday off so you should have a rested Bullpen but you’re trying to cover both games you do a little bit have to think about the double header coming on Saturday so Allie takes Palante into the sixth inning he gives up the solo Homer there to Salvador Perez who had a huge day for the Royals two home runs um one in each game for salvi he is just still so damn good he is so good but Palante then gets one out in the seven which made sense it was a lefty before you go to Chris Roy Croft but Roy Croft doesn’t have his best outing and gives up a couple of runs there it was just not the Cardinals day and in game one you got some offensive contributions with homers from arado from Burley from Goldie late but that’s all the Cardinals really did offensively in the first game uh I I think they went like 15 batters in a row retired until pz got a hit later on and and I think it was the eighth inning so credit to Alec Marsh of the Royals like you have two number five starters going at it and Palante starts really strong Fades Alec Marsh has some hiccups early but keeps the Royals in it and then the bullpen did a nice enough job for KC gave up just the goldie Homer late and that was really that was really it you know the Cardinals just were out they were outplayed I guess but it was a weird type of way for them to lose we’re not really used to seeing this year the Cardinals come out hot and then basically fizzle it’s kind of been the opposite at s where they’ve had to either come from behind or have a scoreless or or a one- nothing game early and then maybe they turn it on for something late with a clutch hit or two to be able to win some of those low-scoring games but they lose the first game Palante gave them a chance like I’m not freaking out about the Palante outing you pitch into the seventh on a day that that the teams are playing a double header and you only give up four runs it’s just you wish he would have had some better fast ball location there in the fifth inning and in the sixth inning the the pitch to Salvador Perez was not particularly good so he ends up taking the L for the Cardinals in game one game two all right you figure hey if you can just split the thing then it’s good enough and that’s where we’ll spend most of our time here since this is the game that I did Cover today and it’s the most recent game that was played we talked about game one on the Big Show uh in in the middle of the afternoon and I put that video up on our Channel last night so you can go ahead and check that out if you want more insight into our thoughts about game one but game two is Jordon Gro he’s going to make his first Major League start that’s pretty exciting and that before I get into that I want to address a comment from John moock that I mentioned a couple of days ago and I think I need to issue a correction about it because I don’t think this was a recent comment the more I did some digging into it and it pertains to graa which is why I thought to bring it up now but I mentioned that somewhere on Twitter I had seen and I think it was either when I was recording the show or maybe even doing the live stream the other day that John mosac had told the athletic this was what the the Tweet said and I can’t even find the Tweet anymore I know I didn’t make up the Tweet but the Tweet made up that this was something that happened recently I’m pretty sure the Tweet said you know John mosac recently told the athletic that they’re not going to be pursuing starting pitching at the deadline because they have guys like McGreevy and grapha waiting in the wings that did not happen as far as I can tell at least not recently like if I think I if I had to guess on what this was is that someone took a comment that was made in spring or even back back over the winter and then attributed it to the Cardinal deadline approach and then tweeted it out and I happened to see it as I was doing the show and just talked about it then and forgot I ever did it ended up tracing back though and I think I got Biff buffers on this one I just wanted to own that because I know I mentioned it on the show and Hunter in the Discord was talking about it today and he said well I got it from you you are my source on that I said well I think I got that wrong so uh I was asking him like give me the source on this where you coming up with this Mo comment well I think it maybe it was me and so I do apologize for just kind of throwing that out there I don’t think that was a thing like Cardinal should be looking for starting pitching at the deadline my opinion I don’t know whether they will be but I am now ruling out that any recent comment by Mo cited well we’ve got grao and mcgrey waiting in the wings as the reason they won’t be pursuing starting pitching if in fact they aren’t doing that so just wanted to get that out of the way but then we can talk about grao first of all I want to talk about why grao was pitching to because that was another question I got in the Discord earlier this evening the off day on Thursday basically allows the Cardinals to use their fully rested rotation for the Cub series even though you have a double header on Saturday if it would have been a day tomorrow where the Cardinals had to play on Thursday like you you rain out Tuesday you play Wednesday you play Thursday the pitching plan would have been Palante Wednesday Sunny gry Thursday Lynn Friday Gibby and Michael is splitting the double header on Saturday because that is coming against the Cubs they do have that double header and that would have all worked out fine everybody would have had ample rest at a minimum four days rest some would have been on extra rest but then the question would have been who pitches Sunday right so they would have ran out of guys ran out of days if they had played on Thursday because they played Wednesday they said let’s you know either way you’re talking about having a a bullpen start or a spot start rather than doing it against the Cubs they do it today against the Roy and it’s Gordon Gro that gets the chance look he looked pretty good in his first appearance for his big league career when they played the Reds a few weeks ago believe it was June 29th four and a third Innings of relief only allowed one run struck out four was solid but that was kind of mop up Duty in a game that was was pretty lopsided so did the Reds really give grao their best shot in that game who knows but this game it’s not that he pitched bad tonight it’s that it was kind of an incomplete grade because he didn’t really get a chance to go very far and I didn’t really expect that this was going to be a bullpen game I guess they should have but after 38 pitches and three and third Innings sacrifice fly that scores the Third Run I guess it would have been the second run at that point Allowed by grao and oi maral is walking out to take him out of the game some hard contact certainly that was was coming off Royals bats there in that inning I think it was 1091 for Vinnie pasquantino to the base of the the right center field wall and that was like okay you’re kind of seeing that these hit bats aren’t going as good but Cristo had a really solid first couple of innings ultimately I think it was just the Cardinals plan though to take him out as early as they did um OE marmal talked about it after the game we’re going to play a little bit of audio of this to kind of give you an idea of why because I understand when you look at the way the first game was handled with Palante it’s like he’s really going to pitch into the seventh after giving up that many runs are you sure that makes any sense and then you turn around and grao doesn’t doesn’t get to throw 40 pitches when he was I would say pitching at a similar caliber of what you saw from Palante earlier today like REO you know got a double play to get out of an inning he was was you know hanging in there against against the Royals lineup early I thought he had pretty good stuff first couple of things tailed off from there a little bit but not to any extent that I was necessarily thinking oh that the hook is coming in the fourth but it was evidently the way that the Cardinals planned it from before the game and I know there are going to be people who say I don’t like that I don’t like the you’re trying to script that out like watch the game develop but if you were taking the watch the game develop angle on grao you were seeing 109 off the bat of Vinnie p and the Homer by Melendez in the third and and you know hard contact was starting to mount a little bit against gfo so I was understanding of where the Cardinals were going with that but it it took a little bit of a of an explainer and I thought oie marmel explained it well so if you didn’t hear it I’m going to play it for you with this audio from the post game and we’ll talk about a little bit of our thoughts on the way that this played out but here’s an answer from Alie marmal answering a question about what they saw with grao and what the plan was there for taking him out as early as they did basically our thinking was we’re going to see one time through knowing that Libby last time out gave us about 50 pitches and you could take him a little further than that today with four days down um we knew a lot of their lefties would be in this lineup which was more favorable for Libby so uh we took him through um Perez there uh if you’re going to do Libby I kind of wanted to see Libby just one time through Perez I didn’t love that at bat um so you let grao go through uh the first baseman then uh Perez and go from there so the thought process explained there by Alie marmal was basically one time through with grao and then get him through Salvador Perez the second time through because they don’t like that matchup of salvi against Liberator so that was kind of the thought process now if grao comes out and he’s just nails do they probably change that yeah I could imagine that they would have they wouldn’t have necessarily taken grao out if he was throwing up zeros every time and getting through you know but by then it might have been you know fourth inning that you’re through instead of fourth inning you know you face Salvador Perez for the second time and you’re getting taken out of the game because a couple of runs have already scored and you’ve still got another duck on the pond so I guess with that being the predestined plan to take him through salvi the second time he wasn’t quite efficient enough enough to get through four Innings or into the fifth and the Lefty heavy lineup the idea was they’re going to load up lefties against grao and then the Cardinals are basically going to parachute Liberator into the game and have the matchup and the platoon advantage against a lot of the guys in that lineup and then you at least Force Matt cartaro to use his bench earlier than he wants to if he doesn’t want to have those Lefty matchups and basically have Libby be the bulk reliever you heard all these say 50 pitches last time from from Libby when we used him in an extended role can probably use him for even more than that because he’s been down for 4 days and you’ve got the day off tomorrow and know that there’s going to be a little bit of of of wiggle room so they were planning on Libby to go and Libby just didn’t pitch well today is really all that it boils down to for game two there was just some locations on some of those pitches from Libby that weren’t particularly sharp and when you think about oie marmal saying didn’t doesn’t love the Libby versus salvi at bat in the way that they were plotting out to maybe just have okay if Libby’s going to stay in for a bulk outing let salvi probably be the the book ends to that you bring him into the game right after salvi bats and then you probably are going to end up even if it’s going well taking Libby out right before salvi bats the next time you can let him face him once but if you bookend on either side of it you can ultimately have him face like 17 guys but only have to have one of them be Salvador Perez was basically what Olie was describing and when you saw the B that salvi had against lior you might understand why that would have been the thought process Libby threw a pitch at 90 mph that he could not have let it be more middle middle if he put it directly on a batting te and raised the height to just so and maybe put like a little pillow mint on top of the ball as he did it gently dropping it into the middle of the strike zone it could not have been any more of a hitter’s pitch at 90 for Salvador Perez he hit it onto the concour course okay over the bullpen and over the bleachers it was a bomb I think they said like 438 ft you could have told me 538 and I would have believed you it was just just a a massive home run like if you look and you pause it on the replay as I’ve just done here you can’t see because this is a audio podcast but I’ve paused the moment where the the TV broadcast gives the Little Dot in the strike zone of where the ball was and it you you almost have to laugh it just was not a good pitch so Libby didn’t have his best stuff today Alie marmal basically said look I mean Libby’s pitched really well for us recently that’s a bad day but it’s just one of those things that happens like yes he said that this game got under his skin the way they lost it because you did have some good swings from the offense you didn’t necessarily have enough of them but you also hit into some bad luck and that’s not just Allie maral saying it like it was noticeable how many balls the card were hitting to the track in game two that were getting caught it happened like a couple times an inning it was seeming like and then eventually you know they had a couple of of doubles that that hit the track or hit the wall and nobody nobody caught them and so maybe your Luck’s starting to turn a little bit there but a number of of well struck balls just found gloves in this game too and that was part of what kind of put the Cardinal behind the eightball and the other part was like you know lior not pitching well and the the bullpen guys that they brought in they bring in four Believers in game two and three of them allowed at least one run Libby was the guy who allowed three runs plus the inherited Runner that he picked up from Gro when he came into the game in the fourth so you have the Cardinals like taking some pretty good ABS it’s not out of this world outlandishly good but they’re they’re hanging in there despite the deficit in the game and they they’ll score a run or two but then they give him right back three of the four innings in which the Cardinal scored on the night they gave it back the next inning with the Royals scoring one or two runs in the the inning immediately following and then when the Cardinal scored one I think it was in the seventh inning the Royals didn’t immediately come back and score but you waited to the following inning and they still ended up getting that run back so it was just like constant that the Cardinals were chasing this game you get the large Nar home run in the second to take the lead you give one right back in the top of the third with the Melendez home run Royals add a couple more in the fourth Cardinals get one in the bottom half Royals get two in the top half Cardinals get two in the bottom half they they’re they’re trailing this entire way Royals scor in the six in the seventh the Royals scored runs at least one in every inning between the third and the seventh inning the Cardinals just kept chasing the game and they couldn’t ever stop chasing their tail and find a way to get ahead I think if they would have been able to get ahead or at least get it tied maybe even within one run you would have seen oie marmel a little bit more aggressive in who he would bring in but they needed one reliever that wasn’t one of your top guys to kind of hold the game there for just a little bit to be able to give the offense time to catch back up and find a way to make it happen and John King was the only guy that that really did that ending in twoth thirds for King allowed just one hit didn’t give up any runs but I mean it’s not even only marmal like I can’t P that on marmal when you do bring in Ryan Fernandez like that’s quasi aggressive even in a losing effort Fernandez to me is a guy that they seemingly don’t have it couched this way but I would have him leverage wise above Andrew krid at this point just personally and they bring in Fernandez after Liberator maybe you could argue they left Libyan too long but I I just don’t think you were going to be able to cover any more Innings than you did without then having to dip into JoJo or Hesley when you you just don’t want to do that right they use two relievers in game one grao doesn’t count as a reliever because sometimes they’ve had the 27th man for these double headers and that’s a reliever do that when he’s your starter so you use Roy Croft and Gio in game one that means you have six more to use in game two Libby Fernandez King kit were used the only other two guys that you could have gone to were Hesley and Jojo and when you’re down by multiple runs it doesn’t make any sense to pitch those guys with how hard they’ve already been been ridden this season as it was you still had to throw fernandz in krid in a in an effort that seemed all the way through that it was going to be a losing effort you’ve already given given up six runs before Fernandez comes into the game but it was problematic that he gave up a run and then that K gave up a run because you even in having to use those guys you’d like them to be able to throw up a zero because maybe that’s the way you can fight your way back into the game and then if you get the thing tied then all bets are off you’re going to be willing to use JoJo you’re going to be willing and eager to use kitridge a little sooner than you did you’d be willing to go with Hesley in a situation where you’re in the ninth inning or later and the game’s tied like they they would have used those guys the game situation just never quite dictated it it was a very weird feeling because of that like this was neither game that the Cardinals lost today felt like Cardinals losses in 2024 but after the end of the day both of them were so I OE kind of answered some questions about that and I asked him a question later on about this being uncharacteristic as a loss I don’t know if he totally took the question in the manner it was intended but you can listen I’ll play from Jeff Jones question that was kind of asking that same gist where Allie basically highlights why they weren’t a little bit more aggressive in terms of Bullpen usage but then as I just outlined how much more aggressive are you going to be unless you’re blowing the the the eighth inning guys and Hesley in a game that you know you’re down by multiple runs in I I honestly kind of think looking back he did just about everything that he possibly could have done but you just had a situation where the guys that you normally are a little bit more Reliant upon didn’t pan out for you and the offense definitely left a little bit of meat on the bone there um gold smi’s H bad in the seven sth inning was not strong they started with second and third nobody out in that inning and they ended up with just one run on an infield ground out so like those types of things honestly and clearly hurt you but overall I just it’s hard for me to get too fired up about oh they should have been a little bit more aggressive or done this or that with with Bullpen Management in a game where yeah you pretty much used all your dudes and a lot of them are pretty good and have been pretty good for you and tonight they just weren’t so here’s that little sequence from the post game and then and we’ll try to see if we have anything else to wrap up before we get into down on the farm here’s OE Marl actually Jeff Jones first uh Cardinal post game on Wednesday night when you look at what didn’t land on you the right way is if the offense may be being resilient and kind of hav been able to come back but not being able to get over that hump just the pitch and wouldn’t let you get where you needed to go from that no I mean you look at one of Goldie swings I wrote down here natto I mean Burley I mean a lot of those guys took some really good swings and just right at people man um couple of those land for doubles it’s a different game uh allows you to be a little bit more aggressive if you’re tied or have the lead and and being able to go to Kit earlier and Jojo and then Hells if you’re down we thrown a lot of innings on those guys so as much as you want to be aggressive and and take this one if you’re down it’s hard to Chase and throw Extra Innings on guys that have worked really hard so yeah it’s just not one I can get too fired up about when the argument would be well you could have if you wanted to really be aggressive and and honor that you’ve got an off day Thursday so just go nuts with it that you could have gone to kitridge sooner or you could have gone to Jojo in the game because really that’s just John King pitched really well like the guy they did bring in instead of using those other guys earlier got out the guy that didn’t get out is Libby and I guess you can make the case that they could have pulled him more quickly if they had realized it you know by the point that you’re giving up a home run to salvi if they knew they didn’t like that AB maybe you don’t let him face salvi and you just bring in Fernandez a little bit sooner but you know I think that’s nitpicking on a day where the Cardinals just didn’t quite seemingly have what it would take to get over the hump for me so that was you know I saw some sentiment of people saying this is totally on Oly marmal and I just think and maybe I’m spending too much time talking to the select few that that are going to say that no matter what happens in a game but I this one I just for for losing two games in a row which is only the third time they’ve done this since Mother’s Day that they’ve lost consecutive games knowing that that’s been a rarity and that it happened and very disappointing I’m just having a hard time getting really fired up about it because it was a weird way that it took place you get the off day on Thursday and if they come back and play great baseball against the Cubs whereas I mentioned they’re going to have their starters lined up the way that they want them every nonp Palante starter is going to get to face the Cubs on at least regular rest and I think all of them are going to have extra rest with the way that they’ve lined it up so you can’t really ask for much better than that and hopefully they’ll play really well against the Cubs in this series that happened in a day will end up as kind of feeling like a fever dream that you hardly even remember but you know if they do end up losing to the Cubs or only splitting with the Cubs then you can maybe look back and see ah that last week before the All-Star break doesn’t go that well but because of the way that it happened on Wednesday I’m having a hard time getting super fired up about it that was sort of the gist of my question Dolly marmal here and uh you can hear that and then his answer where he was a little bit defensive of the bullpen group that has done so well which was kind of the point that I was trying to make anyway but I I understand feeling a little bit wanting to have those guys backs basically so I feel like that was the spirit of his answer but here’s my question and the answer as we wrap up talking about the Cardinals double header loss to the Royals on Wednesday in a game where the offense does stick with it and take those types of swings you probably expect to win a game like that with how good your bull fend has been throughout the years it’s just kind of uncharacteristic way to to go down you do um guys have been really good you’re allowed to have a day in that pen where you give up a couple runs it doesn’t happen very often they’ve been uh the reason we’ve been able to get back to where we’re at today so another reason why you don’t want to be ultra aggressive with getting both kit Jojo and Hy in a game that you’re down just because of the workload leading into today so um happens we’ll move on they’ll be all right it’s honestly kind of kind of funny that Oli answers the question by the question I asked by saying you’re allowed to allow a couple of runs out there every now and again as as a bullpen which has been my whole thing I keep repeating all year all relievers heck no relievers are going to end the season with a 00 Z ER they’re all going to give up runs unfortunately Libby gave some up today on the same day that you had krid give one up yet had Fernandez give one up and only record four routs so that’s not it’s just atypical he’s got like a two .1 ra and you had Fernandez give one up it’s just one of those games and I think you had two examples of just one of those games on the same day which makes it feel a little bit yuckier but I honestly I don’t know let me know in the comments if I’m off base is anybody freaking out about this one or is it sort of just you could kind of just see the way that it played out the Royals the thing that they do really well is they hit with runners in scoring position the Cardinals don’t and we know that but the Royals are better at it than anybody in baseball they have a 289 average with risp this year just incredible what they’ve been able to do in game two three for six with risp they also hit three home runs that’s a pretty good recipe to beat a team and they were able to do it they they got to some pitchers that for the Cardinals have been pretty solid this year I mean the bullpen had crept up to like a top five ER in baseball I don’t know that it’s going to still be at that point after tonight but you you get the gist of what I’m saying the Cardinals have been really good a night where the bullpen gives it up when that just has not been the case with much frequency this year for me is not a night where you’re freaking out but it just feels yucky to lose twice in one day it’s a Vibes thing and The Vibes aren’t strong for that so I think that maybe is the reason that people would be upset um because they lost twice that sucks but you know what they haven’t done it very much in the last two months I mean Mother’s day was May the 12th today’s July the 11th that’s two months of basically having only three times where you lost consecutive games and I don’t think there’s been one that they’ve lost three in a row in two months so that’s pretty good you can’t make a habit of this and if if look if the Cub series comes along and it’s more the same we’re going to have a vastly different conversation but for right now I’m going to say this was a bummer but if the Cardinals can come back and continue to just act like this one day never happened and you can play the game you played against the Washington Nationals and against the Pirates and so on then I think everybody’s going to be comfortable with where they’re at going into the break but I mean it’s four game series where it could certainly swing the season in in in a Direction that’s going to propel It Forward if you lose three of four to the Cubs we’re suddenly talking about dropping five of six going into the break if you if you beat the Cubs three or four you say you know what they split the home stand and that’s about the best you could hope to do after losing the first two so you take it that’s going to determine the Vibes of of how everybody feels about this Cardinal team going into the break which means going into the last Sprint before the trade deadline but for now I’m I’m in wait and see mode and I’m I’m ready and willing to was this one away as long as the Cardinals are right I’m not going to have any Grand statement about where this team is because they lost a two- game series to the Royals it happens Royals are a pretty good team I mean they’ve got 51 wins now they’ve got a better record than the Cardinals they’re in a tougher AL Wild Card mix than the Cardinals are in the NL Wild Card mix I think there’s more quality teams over there trying to VI for spots that aren’t going to get him you know that the Royals are on the brink of not being in a wild card spot whereas the Cardinals still kind of comfortably in one despite not having as strong of a record so those are some of my thoughts let me know yours Cardinals fans about the way the today went Wednesday they lose two games I didn’t even do the sweeps aren’t that hard just play the Cardinals because that just no not for this one just didn’t feel didn’t feel right on a two game series that was played on one day but let me know your thought in the comments below and then let’s go ahead and get to America’s favorite segment down on the farm it’s time to go down on the farm so the Memphis red birds got a nice win tonight that’s not going to be the biggest takeaway from down on the farm but that’s what we’re going to start with because we’re going to go good news first and then absolute despair after that uh 7 to2 winner for the Memphis red birds as Michael mcgrey had a nice start improved to 5- seven he’s he’s got a 470 ER that’s not great but again the AAA thing is a little tricky I I have not totally lost Hope on McGreevy um I’m not sure he’s a big league starter but could he fill in to be a reliever at some point maybe that’s a better fit for him but tonight he did he did a nice job five and two3 gave up two solo homers and that was all the runs that they uh they got against him six hits did walk Three had 5Ks in the five and two3 so that’s not a high strikeout guy mcgrey so to get five strikeouts in in not quite six Innings you take that 101 pitches uh he looked good and Andre greno man continues to just light it up in Memphis he’s basically been their their ninth inning guy and he pitches a clean ninth tonight one strikeout no base runners 0.61 ER for greno uh I don’t know if there’s a point at which the Cardinals say like does he does he answer some Bullpen questions for this team in the here and now they’re pretty well set with with guys ahead of him in the pecking order simply because Croft has done largely a pretty good job um Kyle Ley is still not back with the Cardinals and they’d like to get him back we’ll see you know if guyos is able to hold on to his spot but that’s that’s kind of an interesting name to keep an eye on as greno continues to do a really nice job down there for Memphis okay let’s talk about the sad thing Springfield Cardinals lose seven to3 that’s not the sad thing Matt Lloyd goes two for four as the DH couple of RB for Lloyd hit a homer that’s not the the sad thing the sad thing is that he really wasn’t supposed to be in the lineup from what I understand he was a DH and originally I believe Tommy Edmond was supposed to be the center fielder but then they said he was going to be the DH and then they said he’s not playing Tommy Edan scratched late like real late I saw a tweet from one of the reporters I think a TV reporter down in Springfield and now I feel compelled to look at up so I can give the guy credit the Tweet came from markx Spain down in Springfield and he said Tommy Edmond was a late scratch for the Cardinals lineup tonight such a late scratch that play-by-play man Alex Jensen didn’t even realize Edmond wasn’t in the lineup until Mike antio stepped to the plate for the Springfield birds in the first inning no word yet on why that was the report from marks Blain Rob Reigns then added to the discourse and said yeah Tommy edin was a late scratch tonight I think Rob’s tweet actually came before Mark’s tweet for the record just so very clear like four minutes before was supposed to be in the second game of his rehab assignment he did play Tuesday night and had a hit as well in that game on Tuesday reason was originally not known and then Rob Reigns tweeted later on that he was told the reason was quote General soreness for Tommy Edmond oh boy folks that’s not good like I’m not saying it’s it’s definitely Defcon one which as we have gone over before on the Pod it’s the bad Defcon DEFCON 5 if you’re going to say Defcon five no that’s like nothing Defcon one is the one that’s like nuclear attack is imminent that’s the Baddie all right I’m Defcon one and a half I’m not defc con one because we don’t have confirmation that it was his wrist that was generally sore if I did know for sure that it was his wrist Defcon won because there is that margin for error I’ll go one and a half but I’m not even going to go Defcon 2 because I think here’s the thing if the if I’m the Cardinals and I am asked by Rob Reigns or you know whoever this was that told Rob the reason for the scratch was General soreness General soreness is what I would call it if he was just a little laggy because he had played Tuesday and was his you know first time playing in a game I’d call it General soreness if he was just you know just needed a little bit more time but it’s also exactly what I would call it if the wrist was barking right if the wrist is still barking after one game following in October surgery surgery happened in October we found out about it in January yeah that surgery if that’s what’s going on here that’s curtains guys like if this was risk related I just don’t have an ounce of faith that you’ll see Tommy had been back this year again they said General soreness they didn’t say Wrist soreness but if if I’m the Cardinals I don’t admit that it is rist soreness if it is until I absolutely have to because maybe tomorrow it’s not a sore wrist and they don’t ever have to talk about it again he could just continue to play they don’t have to do the same song and dance again about the injury that originally was so not even on John maac’s radar that he didn’t think to mention that Tommy Edmond had offseason surgery when he was asked about it in December I digress let’s hope for the best here but man you could kind of see this coming or you can at least feel it coming a little bit like I thought I was conservative with my comment saying hey anything you get from Tommy in the first half of this season before the All-Star break consider it a bonus that’s what I that’s what I been saying since March well he’s not going to be here for the first half he’s not going to be here before the All-Star break and he was scratched a handful of days before the All-Star game from his second rehab game so yeah I wasn’t conserv a enough with that hopefully this is some other explanation but is if you ask my percentage at this moment and by the time you listen to it we may know the answer somebody just tomorrow morning could report what it is and in more detail but as of now at 10:3 a.m. on July 11th I’m like I was going to say 65% that it’s probably the RIS but I guess that’s being intellectually dishonest because probably it feels like a even higher percentage chance than that not because of anything tangible I guess just because of the Vibes but if you wanted to think about it from something tangible he’s had so many setbacks already what why would this one be different you know they just took more time with him but were they delaying the inevitable I don’t know until we know I’m shutting up about Tommy Edmond in the wrist but if it is the wrist curtains I just don’t I know to this point it’s like oh no there’s all these reasons it’s not that the surgery didn’t take it’s whatever if he’s having his wrist bark at him after two games that the surgery didn’t take but we don’t know that for sure so I’ll shut up as I said I would I promised 30 seconds ago I would now I really will let me know are you doomsday on Tommy Edmond what’s your Defcon rating we’ll probably have to talk about that more later in the week no game on Thursday maybe a live stream Thursday I don’t know it feels like a little bit too early because there’s no trade stuff really happening yet and I just don’t know what we’d necessarily talk about for an hour on Thursday night if we did it but if you want it demand it in the comments send me a message join the Discord for crying out loud we have a lot of fun out there especially during a game they’re also they’re starting to blame me for doing the Discord now that the Cardinals are 0 and2 since I started the Discord so maybe that’s something I start this Discord and you have a rain out and two losses in a row I don’t know but it is actually a good time and eventually the Cardinals will win another game and I’ll stop getting blamed for things but that’s going to do it for this edition of the show I appreciate you guys as always as always the support has been incredible and we’ll talk to you next time on bsha daily peace


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Brenden Schaeffer discusses a bitter pill for the Cardinals to swallow as they were swept Wednesday at Busch in the two-game series and doubleheader against the Royals.

The pitching plan for the Cards honestly made sense on paper, but they just did not quite get enough from their bullpen, or really their offense, to make it sing like they wanted.

The STL bullpen that has been so good had a bumpier day than usual. Neither starter for the Cardinals was amazing, though both kept the team in the ballgame.

It was kind of a weird series loss, and one that feels uncharacteristic to the way the 2024 Cardinals have played for the most part this year. So we did our best to unpack and explain some of what we saw Wednesday.

Plus, Down on the Farm returns with some potential heinous news regarding Tommy Edman… Ugh.

SUBSCRIBE to this channel for St. Louis Cardinals coverage all year long!

  1. Pallante had a melt down in the 5th after an incredible 4 innings. Not pitching Gray in game 2 felt like a punt. I get the Cubs thing and the rest, but damn.

  2. Both of our lower tier starters, offense tried fighting, team with similar record. Not gonna sound the alarm, just a good set of games out of KC.

  3. The Cardinals put it together, but the staff is pitching like their are tongues hanging out. They need a trade for more than #5 starters. Unfortunately, fans dont want to trade stars or prospects for anyone. So, unless we can package Carlson, Gallegos, Matz for Ohtani we're in trouble. Boy, glad I'm not the GM, because I might trade good guys for more needed studs. Oli made these moves after Mo told him what to do or he might have "professional differences" develope.

  4. As soon as all the “this team is good” stuff started I KNEW they were going to get dunked.

    They have to play perfect baseball, with near perfect execution.

    Yeah, they need a replacement arm for Middleton, no? I mean, if u thought u needed a back end RP to start the season do you think you have enough NOW, 60% into the season?


  5. Yesterday was unacceptable. You cannot blow a 3-0 lead. Just completely awful by Poopy Pallante. He’s not a starter long term. Guarantee that.

    Did Marmol lose the second game on purpose? They had all of the good relievers available, and he kept putting Stinkeratore out there to give up runs.

  6. First off B-Scaef love the intro about your grandfather👏🏾🕵🏾 as he's shaking his head with Whitey😁😉.
    That said, I question our pitching farming system. Why is it when the Cardinals go up against new pitching they seem to get carved up or struggle a bit but when we introduce new pitching to opposing teams they ding us up?? I believe Oli wanted to experiment if he had a future ace starter or reliever with Graceffo. Hopefully this allowed Mo to see we need another quality starter. You only experiment when you know your season is basically done! Libby's good but too consistent with not being good. Hell if anything Oli should have let his bullpen session start vs the struggling Cubs! Aces like Gray are meant mainly for the tougher competition!! 🤦🏾🤦🏾🕵🏾

  7. I do think the cards are heading in the right direction most of the team seem to get hits, it's just Royals were a better team at the moment, Cards actually looked a bit beat especially Winn hasn't been hitting his best, their fielding wasn't as good either which didn't help. Still looking optimistic in series vs cubs. You could tell the team really had a fire under them trying for these wins, just couldn't work it out.

  8. Graceffo wasn’t as bad as the numbers look. If Winn was at short instead of Crawford I think that little blooper would have been caught. If that happened the second run would not have scored because the fly ball to right would have been the third out. We didn’t play Tuesday and Thursday is a day off so I don’t see why Winn and Sinai who are very young couldn’t have played both games. One or two wins will probably make a big difference by seasons end.

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