Cavs vs Pacers this Sat @5pm Eastern

Posting this early bc i'll be out of wi-fi range this wknd

Pacers SL Team

The Pacers have gone 1 – 3 (same as us) so far in SL

They have a few pros on the team

  • Johnny Furphy, was likely in consideration around our pick, has played well in summer league and is looking like he might have been a steal in the 2nd round
  • Ben Sheppard, 1st rounder (#26) last year out of Belmont (D Windler shoutout)
  • Tristan Newton and Enrique Freeman, 2nd rounders this year

The Jaylon Tyson show

Jaylon has looked (by far) like the best player on the team.

When asked to run the offense as a point forward last night he went off, carrying the team to within a possession of the win despite off nights for our other prospects.

21 PTS, 9 ASTS, 9 REBS, 6-8 from the floor

You see the Josh Hart comps, floor-burn effort, crashes the offensive boards, .and lesser explosion that is made up for with strength and IQ are core traits the two share as prospects

Could the rookie crack the 10 man rotation early in the season?

Hunter Cattoor played as well as anyone not named Jaylon Tyson yesterday. Interesting sniper combo guard who is more athletic than you would think in 1:1 defense and transition. Unfortunately, I think he's missing this game bc he's getting married.

Maybe we'll see him on the Charge

If nothing else, watch Pete Nance try to play center and appreciate having two on the team.

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