The NHL is releasing a behind the scenes video of the draft. Here’s Michael Hage’s reaction on hearing his name selected by his favourite team, the Montreal Canadiens

The NHL is releasing a behind the scenes video of the draft. Here’s Michael Hage’s reaction on hearing his name selected by his favourite team, the Montreal Canadiens

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  2. what a great picture of a great moment in a great young man’s life. Best case scenario for him: lower pressure from being the second first round pick, his favorite team, coming in at the right time for a lot of space in the lineup, and a perfect fit in terms of personality/team/market.

    I hope he pans out, I’d love to one day scream:

    Score! On l’a tabarnac!!! Ah-hihiiiiiii! Heille, Hage câlisse! Tabarnac! Tabarnac, on l’a! Yiyiyiyiyi! CÂ-lisse de calvaire de tabarnac de câlisse! On l’a, cibouère! Hein? Hein Mary, câlisse? Ta lasagne éta bonne en tabarnac! Ciboire de tabarnac! On–heille, Hage, calvaire, ça c’est mon joueûr en ostie! Câlisse de crisse! Tabarnac! Câlisse! Y’a mis ça 2-2, calvaire, pis y câlisse ça 3-2 en supplémentaire! Heille–sti–on va les–r–ah–heille, ma, ma chaise, m’a y’a l’amener, s’a rue Sainte-Catherine, câlisse. Tabarnac! Tabarna–heille, crisse ça d’da–heille–y’a–ah y’a–as-tu v–as–as-tu vu ça? As-tu vu ca? As-tu vu ça? Ciboire! Orgore ça tabarnac! arGARGARGARGARGÔRE! Gâ si c’est facile! Gâ si c’est facile! Gâ si c’est facile… Ciboire! S’est fait… Gâ si c’est facile! Ost–tabarnac! Gâ si c’est facile! Gargargargar-GÔRE, tabarnac! C’est facile!! Ça rentre comme du beurre, comme popa dans moman. Maudit côlisse! … Tabarnac! Tabarnac! Heille, un aut’ fort, côlisse! … On en vire une tabarnac!

  3. You love to see it; makes all the difference on the ice when a player actually wants to be here. Great selection can’t wait to follow his progress in the upcoming year

  4. as a lebanese canadian, i’m happy to see a guy from the same roots being picked by the habs

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