Summer League Game Thread: New York Knicks (1-2) vs Detroit Pistons (2-1); July 19, 7:00 PM Eastern

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Box Score

  1. Kolek with another amazing dime. Him and Dillingham best passers in the draft.

  2. If Kolek is a JB fan he needs to get that middy and the over the top paint control

  3. Damn that kolek spin and pass was straight outta Nash’s playbook. 😂

  4. I was skeptical at first but let Skap come to training camp and fight for a spot.

  5. Watching all these Kolek passes and literally laughing out loud. Give thibs some time to mold him on defense and he’ll end up a really good player in this league

  6. I see Kolek as a Ricky Rubio type and I wanted Rubio when we signed Kemba.

    It’s so obvious that in 4 games Kolek has actually taken control of how these guys play the game and it’s evident when he’s on/off the court. Dude is making the strongest case I’ve ever seen of a rookie running the bench

  7. Kolek could probably have 12 assists right now if guys were hitting their shots. I can think of at least 4 passes that led directly to foul shots too. He might be legit

  8. Kolek is annihilating the pistons just with passing. He could legit have 15+ assists already

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