PGT: Hit the ground slumping. [F: 1-6]

PGT: Hit the ground slumping. [F: 1-6]

  1. Not much to say about this one. Turn the page and hope that Yandy is back soon.

  2. We’re a true .500 team, for every great win there’s always another terrible loss around the corner

  3. This was a tough watch. Errors, walks, and only 1 run on a solo shot… some small positives that aren’t reaches, but all of it overshadowed by Yandy not being with the team indefinitely.

  4. If there’s a silver lining, it’s that we lost by more than 3 runs so that the 3rd inning ump BS leading to the bases-clearing double wasn’t what cost us the game.

  5. Yankees runs:

    Our LL defense – 2

    Yanks – 1

    Ump – 3

    Our runs:

    Us – 1

    Ump – (minus 3)

    Unfortunately NY didn’t have a LL defense today. But you don’t have to play defense if the other team isn’t allowed to swing the ball.

  6. I’m getting real sick of Randy’s attitude. It’s one thing to not give it 100% on a play and that leads to a run. But when he started talking to Siri for him “stealing the ball” (Siri didn’t look like he was having a pleasant convo with Randy), maybe you should hustle more and give a shit more Randy! You’re batting .200 and you’re on the trade block already! Siri’s single handedly kept us around .500 this season with his defense and timely hitting.

  7. At least junior camerino is about to be back he has hit 3 hr in 4 hits lol. We need him trade paredes

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