Yesterday’s umpiring 95% accurate, higher than average game

Just FYI.

129 of 136 pitches called correctly. (And at least three of those misses were in the Tigers' favor.)

Someone with a twitter account can post the zone picture.

  1. Ump scorecard is a great resource that I love looking at, but it is certainly not the be all end all. But even if their methodology was flawless, you cherry pick the pieces of information. You ignored which misses were most impactful and the egregiousness of the misses. 

    Even a cursory glance suggests that Cleveland received a .6 run benefit. For anything unaware, that is substantial. I’m personally fine with the loss and fans should understand that these games will happen over 162, but you picked a piss poor example to claim fans are barking over nothing.

  2. Easy to get heated in the moment when the game is on the line. The truth is that MLB’s umpires are beyond incredible, most people wouldn’t even be able to see the pitch before it snaps the glove, these guys call balls and strikes (among a hundred other things) with incredible accuracy. Yeah, it hurts when they miss the big calls, but that’s baseball, what’s more, that’s life.

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